• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 15, 2020

    Fire Emblem Edelgard, CEO of Adrestia Inc.

    Fire Emblem Edelgard, CEO of Adrestia Inc.

    Edelgard, CEO of Adrestia Inc.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    The duke and duchess of Fraldarius (oc)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    Witness Brigid pride! Time-skip Petra GBA styled portrait

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    I painted the Love Abounds FE7 Lords (and Ninian)!!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    dancing dragon (oc gouache)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday to Yuri - yuridetta version

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    I made some tikis!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    The Winners of CYL 4!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    FE8 Prologue [OC]

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Confrontation at Belhalla (fe4 painting)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    That wasn't flour, Celica (Seizure Warning)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    Brigid and Eyvel - Reminiscence

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:36 PM PDT

    I drew Lucina!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    FE12 New Mystery REWRITE: Chapter 5.5

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Summary of the 8/14 FE 30th Anniversary Casual Livestream

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT



    As you may be aware, this year strikes the 30th anniversary for the release of the OG JPN Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (Apr. 1990). A casual livestream was held in its honer. Since I've long wanted to make something for the big 30th birthday of my favorite series (but I simply can't draw), I decided to to make a brief translated summary with time-stamped highlights of this event with my lousy Japanese, to help anyone who might be interested.

    The livestream video can be watched on the Nintendo Mobile channel. Though it provided a few time stamps in its description, it's simply not enough for a 2 hours video. With the comments disabled, I'd like to share in this post with you some time-stamped sections/moments I personally found cute/interesting.


    A) I've never formally studied Japanese. So despite my best effort, mistakes are most likely to happen. Please feel free to correct me in the comments.

    B) As covered by Serenes Forest, no game-related news came out of this livestream. So please simply regarded it as a celebration of FE turning 30, and don't fixate on the materials shown in the event as some sort of indications for the future direction of the series.

    C) Part 3 (including the livestream video) contains minor spoilers of Three Houses. Though most of them were shown in pre-release trailers, I'll indicate them in text just in case.

    The summary of the livestream starts here

    Again, the link to livestream video


    The event was hosted by Takehito Koyasu, a well-respected Japanese voice actor and long-time FE fan. He's most known for the role of Dio Brando in JJBA in the west, but FE fans may know him as Lon'qu/Niles/Saber/Seteth as well. He rarely appears in front of the camera these days, so it's ony natural that he took the avatar of "Chief Fennix" (a male version of the FE:Hereos mascot "Feh") on screen when hosting this event.

    The three guests are representatives of the three generations of FE fans: Mr Toshiyuki Toyonaga who played Claude is a long-time FE fan like Mr Koyasu; Mr Taito Ban who played Ferdinand is a fan since the Awakening; and Ms Ayumi Tsuji who played Bernadetta in 3H and Nina in Fates is a newly converted fan.

    Due to reasons everyone can understand, only one guest was brought on stream and interviewed in a time. So my notes will be divided by the guests into three parts.

    Part 1: Claude's VA (Mr Toyonaga) - 14:55

    Probably the most "informative" part of the livestream. They talked a lot about the series history, especially their mutual love for Genealogy of the Holy War. Being the most established VA within the guests, he's most known for playing the protagonist in Yuri on Ice for western fans. if there were anything hinted in the entire event, it was that more characters from Mystery of the Emblem might be added to FE:Heroes roster.

    Time stamps and notes

    • 20:02 - Toyonaga recalls his first FE game is Shadow Dragon when he was 6. Mr Koyasu doubted if Toyonaga could even comprehend the game at that age. Toyonaga explained he was watching his aunt playing the game and got enthralled by the battle animation.
    • 24:10 - His favorite entry is Genealogy of the Holy War while Echoes is his favorite in recent years for the unit dungeon-crawling mechanics.
    • 24:27 - While Toyonaga was talking about his favorite, a trailer-style VCR of the Genealogy of the Holy War was played in the background. (This game is on the JPN virtual console, so I'm not sure whether this VCR was specially made for the livestream.)
    • 26:20 - He is a hardcore "RNG exploiter" (lol), used to reset the level-up until at least 4 stats went up (4-Pings). Mr Koyasu responded that 3-Pings were good enough for him, but he would reset if none of the str/skl/spd stats went up.
    • 28:21 - Toyonaga likes armor knight units. They spent a long time talking about "the Binding of Arden" with a VCR played in the background, which seems like a Japanese Genealogy meme that I couldn't understand. Mr Koyasu stated he likes cool-looking characters like myrmidons and mages.
    • 30:25 - Toyonaga's favorite character outside of the Genealogy is Lyn. Mr Koyasu responded that by choosing Lyn over Hector, Toyonaga "betrayed" Arden and the Armor Knight community (lol). Toyonaga also considered Roy the first protagonist he truly liked because it's not until the GBA titles, the protagonists became more than simply plot vessels and developed actual character.
    • 33-40 - Answer chat's questions/requests:
      • Where to travel as Claude (Almyra on wyvern back if in FE world, or a hot spring if IRL)
      • Who to give the Forseti tone to (another Genealogy meme I don't understand)
      • Explain PoR & RD using with <= 10 key words (basically a brief promotion of the two entries, though Mr Koyasu did most of the work here).
    • 44:20 - VA interview: Toyonaga talked about the intricacy of playing Claude at different stages of life (before and after the time skip). Those supports and in-game dialogues are can be activated either before or after the skip are the most difficult for him, so he played it like an intermediate stage (i.e. 3 years later). (A VCR showcasing the differences was played at 46:35.)
    • 50:50 - When asked who else he wanted to play, Toyonaga chose Ryan (from Mystery of the Emblem, the younger brother of Gordin). So Mr Koyasu offered him a live audition opportunity, stating if the staff liked his performance, Ryan might appear in FE:Heroes.
    • 53:30 - Live voice acting starts: Toyonaga played both Ryan and Kashim in the support conversation.

    Part 2: Ferdinand's VA (Mr Ban) - 1:11:27

    Mr Ban works as a signed VA in T's Factory, the VA company found and run by Mr Koyasu. This might explain certain shared game-play attribute between Ferdinand and Seteth in 3H. He wore a black T-shirt with the print "Reset is superiority". It was said to be a staff-only T-shirt (for IS employees? I assume).

    Time stamps and notes

    • 1:17:05 - Ban bought Awakening at random when aimlessly wandering across a game shop. Since he was more of an action game fan, FE was his fitst ever SRPG. He got immediately captivated by the game-play and became a fan since, and Awakening remains his favorite. He was especially fond of Donnel due to his insane growth rate, only to realize it's a FE trope much later. Since Donnel can't learn Galeforce, he made sure his child would inherit the skill each time he played (Donnel's daughter gets Pegasus Knight by default, so it shouldn't be a problem) .
    • 1:23:33 - Ban's favorite music track is "I" Because (Awakening's final battle)
    • 1:25:19 - His favorite character is Hinoka from Fates bc of her sisterly personality.
    • 1:29:20 - Answer chat's questions/requests:
      • Just like the western community, Ferdinand's full name seems a meme among Japanese fans as well. A fan asked how long Ban could stretch the "A-" sound when shouting Ferdinand's (last) name. He passed the 15 seconds challenge but failed the 30 seconds one.
      • After playing Ferdinand, does any of his "noble habbits" made their way into your daily life? (Ban stated he would sometimes speaks overly enthusiastically now in daily conversation. In addition, he also spoke about the challenge of playing Ferdinand, who he felt can't be portrayed by noble stereotypes like speaking arrogantly or being pedantic.)
      • The difference between playing Ferdinand and Osian (in Heroes, from Thracia 776). (Ban is currently playing Thracia 776 for the first time, so he asked for tricks to beat the game, which serves as a promotion for Thracia 776 on the JPN virtual console.)
    • 1:46:43 - Showcased Ferdinand's (B?) support conversation with Bernadetta.
    • 1:48:40 - For the live voice acting, Ban was asked to make a love confession to Hinoka in the character of Ferdinand, started at 1:49:17 (my humble Japanese doesn't allow me to put this into a full English sentence...)

    Part 3: Bernadetta's VA (Ms Tsuji) - 1:58:23

    Among the three Japanase VAs, Ms Tsuji's voice is probably the most different from her English counterpart. Bernadetta in JPN truly sounds like a little child. But when playing Nina (Fates, Niles' daughter), her voice became completely different. This part laid a significant focus on the MC, Mr Koyasu, as well, serving more like a introduction of the series to new players.

    Time stamps and notes

    • 2;00:52 - Ms Tsuji's first FE game was Fates in which she played Mr Koyasu's (Niles') daughter. But her favorite is the newest title, 3H. (SPOILER WARNING: on the overall game structure involving the time skip) She was deeply moved by the inevitability of confronting your former friends, who you spent a significant amount of life with, on the battle field. She's currently on the 4th play-through of the game.
    • 2;04:42 - Her favorite female character is Dorothea (? not sure) and male character is the Gatekeeper (lol). She enjoys the positivity sent out by the gatekeeper no matter what situation the troop's in.
    • 2;08:59 - Answer chat's questions/requests:
      • As the voice actor of both, what do Bernadetta and Nina have in common? (Tsuji thought both characters are very true to their own desires and not afraid to do what hey like. She talked in particular about Nina not afraid of shipping whoever she want even her own father, which got some funny reactions from Mr Koyasu.)
      • What would Bernadetta and Nina talk about if they were to meet? (Not sure about Tsuji's response. The only part I understand is she thought Bernadetta would shut Nina out if it was their first meeting.)
      • Tsuji asked Mr Koyasu where to start if she wanted to get into the series. (Mr Koyasu started by recommending the DS/3DS remakes, but ended up essentially mentioning every entry in the series. He did add new players might have an easier time by starting with the 3DS titles.)
    • 2:16:39 - VA interview: The most difficult part of playing Bernadetta for Tsuji was the amount of screaming and crying in the scripts (SPOILER WARNING: the VCR in the background showed a DLC exclusive support between Bernadetta and the Death Knight). Since her agency gave her full freedom to play the role as she wanted, she felt extreme pressure that her portray of Bernadetta might not be received well by the fan-base before release.
    • 2:19-16 - The first live voice acting part: Tsuji asked Mr Koyasu to play Bernadetta (Hubert's C support?). The live acting part started at 2:21:56.
    • 2:23-30 - The second live voice acting part: Tsuji was asked to play one of her support with Niles along with Mr Koyasu (it's basically a conversation about Niles not wanting Nina to follow his path as a Rogue. Idk which support it is in the English version.) Both actors commented it has been 6 years since they last played said roles. So instead of sticking to the characters, they played the scene more like a comedic skit. The acting part started at 2:26:07.


    Mr Koyasu thanked the viewers and fans on the behalf the all the staff. The ending consisted of messages from all the characters Mr Koyasu played, including Navarre (Shadow Dragon), Saber (Echoes), Levin (Genealogy), Pent (Blazing Blade), Lon'qu (Awakening), Niles (Fates), Seteth (3H) and Chief Fennix (heroes?), starting at 2:32:38.

    Thank you for reading. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Zeldarch
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    (OC) school girl Selkie

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    [OC] Genny ��

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    FE Fan Art - Lysithea!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    "If the goddess wanted you to live, she would not have created ME"

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I drew Byleth!

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Based on a true story

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    [By Luriahirai] Lysithea commission I requested. Dark Spikes + Mega Pout(Artist twitter in the comments)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Shaman in the dark orchestrated

    Posted: 15 Aug 2020 01:23 PM PDT

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