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    Friday, August 14, 2020

    Fire Emblem Modern Lucina

    Fire Emblem Modern Lucina

    Modern Lucina

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:01 AM PDT

    Claude and Zorua because they’re both mischievous in a way xD (And imagine Zorua disguises itself as another Claude ����

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Selfie with Hilda

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    this is my first serious digital art piece, it took a few days but i’m really proud of it!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    [Original Art] The Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    |OC| Camilla!Kana Noms a Cookie

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Living in 2013 w/FEA rarepair art [OC]

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Did the Choose Your Legends 4 alts

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    [Blue Skies and a Battle - Black Eagle] My fanart of Edelgard xD I was putting that soundtrack on replay while drawing her hahaha

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Piece #2 of my August Hinoka series.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    All the GBA lords' mini-mug illustrations! Plus Lilina, because Roy needs a friend.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I drew Lucina

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Who loves Bernadetta?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:17 PM PDT

    I beat my second Fire Emblem game of all time!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I am new to the Fire Emblem franchise. And I beat all 4 routes in my first FE game which was three houses, I loved the game so much that I decided to dust off my 3DS and buy Awakening in the eshop as my second FE game! I just beat it and oh my God I love it! Three houses is still my favourite but this game was good! I am really liking this franchise a lot! So glad I gave FE3H a try!

    submitted by /u/GD_Studio
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    [OC] Great Lord Dimitri

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    [OC] Accidentally stayed up all night drawing Brave Lysithea and Claude, I have no regrets

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Smol Caspar (My Art)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    fangs of the lion

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Retrospective: Shadows of Valentia

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    Hey all, previous post on revelation and for good measure, my Gaiden post from two months ago. Time flies, huh?

    This was my first time playing SoV. In fact, when it came out, it went so under the radar for me (didn't make waves in the broader gaming world, wasn't following FE at the time) that when I played Three Houses, I was taken aback by people mentioning like... It existing, at all. It just completely slipped by me.

    I did hard classic this time, and full disclaimer, I used a couple of guides on forging and routing to make it as painless an experience as possible. I don't think I would have enjoyed its gameplay as much without using them. Let's get into it, then.


    I'm not going to make any waves here by saying that it's good. It's widely regarded as being a pretty good story. Honestly I could just end it at that, because if you can't tell by now, I'm not the guy that makes deep story analysis, I'm more the gameplay guy. That said, I liked it. The cast is excellent, and the voice acting really added to the characters. I can't really think of a voice that was unfitting, or that wasn't cast properly, and even within this great cast I can think of stand-out voices like Clair's, Celica's, Saber's, or Lukas. Apart from that, the art (both CGs and portraits) have a very homely, comfortable, warm feeling that combined with the voice acting gives the entire experience a bit of a storybook feel. It's comfy as hell.

    The plot of FE2 was pretty good already by NES standards, and I'm happy to say it's still good here, but there's a couple of changes that I want to mention that bother me. Not because the changes are bad in the sense that they make the story awful, but rather because I think I like the original concept a little better in a few places. The first change I don't like is Celica in act V being separated from her group rather than suffering with them while waiting to be sacrificed. The original Duma temple was pretty tense, because Celica's group lost hp every now and then and you had to hustle. Further, this translated into her party joining with less hp and Alm actually properly rescuing them. I'm also not a big fan of Conrad. I was expecting there to be like... A pay-off? But he's so minor. He damsels Celica twice, which bugged me a little since there are better ways to make a male character seem cool than to rescue the otherwise competent female MC, then brings her the crown for her promotion, and lastly shows up to guide her to the sage's hamlet. He's so minor, yet his interactions don't really do much good either, so I'm not sure why he's here. Was it so bad for Celica to be a sole survivor?

    That said, it's not like all of these changes are bad. Fernand is kinda whatever, but I actually kinda like Berkut. He's carried hardcore by a solid voice performance, but seeing him falter from Alm constantly beating him is a pretty entertaining story beat, and it went somewhere pretty dark in act 5. It also adds context to certain maps like the random three paladin map next to Luthier's village. The added prologue to expand on Celica and Alm's backstory together was also pretty nice, and I love the memory prisms.

    I don't really have much else to say here. It's good, I don't have a lot to criticize asides from what I mentioned. Good story. Moving on.


    So, I suppose the first thing to do would be go through my laundry list of Gaiden complaints and see if it addressed them. If the game is just Gaiden but better, then that would be pretty good, right?

    EXP gain has not only been raised across the board, but healers now gain experience, making them a lot more usable. I actually had a fully promoted team into the end-game instead of having a bunch of shit units + alm + the pegasus trio. Not only that, but growths were also raised to the point where you're not going to get blank (Well, +1 luck since you can't get blank levels in Gaiden) all the time, which is a pretty good thing. Although this also leads to promotion feeling a little underwhelming sometimes since your units might be above their class bases from their natural growths. I get that they gain skills, but it'd be nice if they gained more. It also incentivizes hoarding stat boosters until after promotion.

    I love the emphasis on exp management in this game compared to other games. In like, Shadow Dragon, I don't really think about who's getting kills most of the time. It's more like "Who is convenient to throw at these enemies?" but here, with the importance of reaching promotion for abilities, movement, or in the case of mages for better spells, it feels like there's a good incentive to try really hard to have your characters hit certain benchmarks, and that's a pretty good feeling when it happens. Getting all villagers to promotion before the first shrine is a microcosm of this concept.

    Accuracy was also fixed, sort of. It's not quite as accurate as say, Tellius or FE7/8, but it's a lot more accurate than OG Gaiden. Hit rates above 50 are higher thanks to Fates RN, and hit rates across the board feel higher between the better growths of units, and the forging system. Combat arts also help a lot with accuracy, more on them later. Tile tiles are a little extra, still, but they're a lot more manageable.

    I'd say even the maps are better. "But wait, they're the same!" yeah but they're the same with increased accuracy and better player units, and arguably more tools at your disposal thanks to forging and the better exp gain. Genny didn't have physic when I did the desert fort in FE2. I timed out the 40 turn limit of Grieth's fortress. In SoV, I did both maps relatively fast and had a really good time, killing Wolf on turn 2 with a promoted Palla.

    Forging is neat, in theory, but in practice you don't have enough resources without grinding to forge everything and there's some things that are just better than the rest like the ridersbane and killer bows, so it's not a "real" choice in a way. There's a right choice, and there's a wrong choice, in terms of what is efficient. I'm not saying you can't meme with the saunion, just that it's so costly that if you're trying to make the correct choice you'll often end up doing the same thing a bunch.

    Combat arts are neat. I like that they're learned by using weapons, but they're kind of poorly balanced (Hunter's volley, Roundhouse). They're powerful tools and fun to use.

    Turnwheel is good. I think there are perhaps too many charges in the context of a single battle, but keep in mind that charges remain the same within a dungeon, meaning that it's a lot more possible for you to run out of them. Being able to re-roll certain hits, or not having to reset after having made a relatively minor mistake is a pretty great addition. I prefer mid-point saves like DSFE, but they wouldn't have really worked as well for SOV due to the tiny maps.

    And now for the complaints.

    Gaiden had a lot of really cool broken shit that was nerfed. Some more directly than others. The speed ring went from setting your speed to 40 and 5 movement to giving you +10 speed and 1 movement. The mage ring went from 5 range to 2 range. The angel ring went from doubling gained stats on level up to just giving the luck and regen effect. It's kinda lame. Part of the fun of old games is the really, really broken shit, that's why I'm glad that FE11 kept all of its warp shenanigans. SoV kept the maps the same, and even map ambushes, but didn't keep this broken stuff and that's kinda disappointing. It's not... Game ruining, I just wish it was there. Things like the speed ring were also made kinda worse for physical units by the existence of forges since going from not doubling to doubling is probably not as big a damage gain as equipping a forge in most cases.

    The dungeons are okay for the most part, but I don't think I'd ever want them to return in a future entry. They tend to have good atmosphere, but it's frustrating that you're not able to pull out a map once you've actually mapped it, instead needing to rely on the minimap (unless I missed a button prompt somewhere and I'm just dumb). Encounters being avoidable is pretty good, although Alm/Celica handle like shit so it's not a super fun thing for me.

    I'm not a big fan of how the new dungeon encounters have changed Duma tower and act 5. As I mentioned in the story segment, Celica's party used to take damage, putting the pressure on. Not only that, but both of these maps used to have unique maps for each of the encounters, for instance the gargoyles/dragons of Celica's side. All of these encounters are still in the act 5/duma tower maps, but they are not played on a generic map used for all dungeon encounters within those areas rather than be unique maps, and that's just kinda lame.

    The last thing is that I feel if I hadn't followed a guide, I wouldn't have enjoyed the game nearly as much. I mentioned that Celica's maps aren't that bad, but I had early promote Palla. I also waited to pick up the steel lance on Zofia castle to get an early silver lance. These strategies would have never occurred to me without the guide, and while it's fine for optimal play to not be obvious, I feel like this would have turned the maps into just as much of a slog as OG Gaiden was, and I wouldn't really enjoy it if it were the case.


    That's about it for the complaints actually, which isn't as much as I thought there would be.


    SOV is good. I had a really good time with it. I wouldn't say it obsoletes Gaiden, because Gaiden has broken shit in it that can be fun to mess around with that was removed for SoV such as zombie silque and infinite warp, or 1-5 range blessed bow alm, but just because a remake doesn't obsolete its earlier incarnation doesn't make it bad. I had a great time with SoV and would probably rate its story like, right behind Path of Radiance and Thracia as my third favorite story, and the cast is giving Tellius a run for its money. It was even fun from a gameplay standpoint, but I was trying to play efficiently, so I'm not sure how much of that fun is due to that.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Lyon... If I could have one wish, I would be with you again, my friend.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    [FE3H] Finished Golden Deer, no recruitment ironman run (Maddening difficulty)

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 04:14 PM PDT


    A few hours ago, I've finished my first Golden Deer, no recruitment iron man run on maddening difficulty (no commentary stream). I started this run without the intention of finishing it. I just wanted to play a run after my CF iron man run. However, this was more fun than I imagined.

    I used the same rules as in my previous iron man runs. However I excluded the online feature. No free experience.

    • Game over ends the run
    • No resetting, the dead stay dead
    • No Divine Pulse.
    • No recruitment and no Mission assistance
    • No DLC missions: E.g. Feeding animals tutorial, Teatime with Rhea etc...
    • No DLC items. E.g Vajra-Mushti, Chalice of Beginnings, DLC Stat boosters, Renown, etc...
    • No DLC Aux battles (yellow aux battles)
    • No DLC classes.
    • No NG+
    • No Anna or Ashen Wolfs recruitment (Anna's secret shop is allowed, Main story mission)
    • Maddening difficulty
    • No online (free exp/weapons)

    Everything went pretty well until I ended my turn by accident and I got Lysithea and Flayn killed in Enbarr. After that, I continued my run but I had to play a bit slower. My nuke was gone and I still had to kill the Death knight.

    Furthermore I had to beat Shambhala and my Warp unit was gone. Luckly, Claude has Pass as his personal abitity, which made Shambhala still easy to beat.

    My final team was

    Unit Class reason to get or stay on the team
    Byleth (M) Wyvern Lord forced
    Claude Wyvern Lord forced, Dodge tank
    Leonie Falcon knight Tanky unit early game and Point-Blank-Volley
    Ignatz Sniper Critnatz build, Hunter's volley
    Raphael Grappler He was great in this run
    Lysithea Germory Warp user, Dark spikes, hits hard, died in Enbarr
    Hilda Wyvern Lord She was mostly a Repositon and Impregnable Wall bot
    Lorenz Dark knight Easy to build
    Marianne Gremory Main Healer and Stride-bot
    Flayn Gremory Rescue bot, died in Enbarr
    Seteth Wyvern Rider/Cavalier Easy to get A authority rank. Retribution-battalion and Reposition-bot

    I picked male Byleth because it makes the early game easier. He can support Leonie, and Hilda can support Byleth. This trio works great together in the early maps.

    At first, I wanted to make Hilda my dodge tank. However, her bane in authority makes it difficult to get a Flier battalion with high avoidance stats. So I decided to make Claude my dodge tank. And he turned out great.

    Here's a list of every map I did. Every link starts at the timestamp where the mission or paralogue starts.

    submitted by /u/Atano_ow
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    Beach Claude

    Posted: 14 Aug 2020 10:36 AM PDT

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