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    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Bernadetta03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Dumb_Bernadetta03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Dumb_Bernadetta03.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    Accept my friendship! [please]

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Brave Lucina with Falchion (OC)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    Leonie Fanart

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Summer Shamir

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Edelgard & Dimitri [Demon Slayer x FE3H]

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    My friend drew Sothis

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    Petra ~ Shes smiling at you

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    The Cannon Pairing

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Laslow/Inigo in the 3H Dancer Outfit

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Sculpey figure of Claude

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    I drew Marianne with glasses

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    an earnest proposal with fishy timing (oc)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:23 AM PDT

    Theory about Glenn Fraldarius

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    So something that's been on my mind for a little while regarding Glenn. Glenn is pretty interesting to think about, as he's mentioned quite often in the Blue Lions route being a posthumous character and all, but this is especially in regards to his position and whether or not he had a Crest.

    The wiki says that he was heir to House Fraldarius before his death, but that's conjecture and an assumption based on the fact that he's the eldest son of Rodrigue, based on typical medieval noble inheritance (eldest becomes heir): it's never stated in-game that he was ever the heir. But based on what we do hear of him, perhaps it's reasonable to believe, based on what I've pieced together, that Glenn had no Crest, and that despite being the eldest son, that he was never the heir and that Felix was always the intended son to inherit the House and the title of Duke Fraldarius, especially since Felix has a Major Crest.

    I say this because when you piece together what is known of him, it's pretty reasonable to infer this based especially on two things: he was appointed a knight at the age of 15, and he was engaged to Ingrid from a young age. The former wouldn't make sense if Glenn was set to be the heir to House Fraldarius: why send your heir to serve as the royal guard to the king if they already are set to inherit the House? The arranged engagement with Ingrid also further points to this, as the arrangement was designed to benefit House Galatea and their struggling financial situation. It would make sense in that case for the non-heir son of a prestigious house to establish connections with Galatea through marriage with the crest-bearing daughter of that family, especially since Ingrid would logically be set to inherit her family's territory, so that would give Glenn a position of some sort in spite of not having the inheritance of House Fraldarius in the cards for him. If Glenn was already heir to the House, this arrangement and its reasons wouldn't make sense, as it would mean Ingrid being sent off to House Fraldarius which wouldn't be of much benefit to Galatea and its territory.

    So given the above two facts, it probably makes sense that Glenn, despite being the eldest son of Duke Fraldarius (aka Rodrigue), lacked a Crest and therefore was passed over as heir in favor of Felix. Yet despite this, Rodrigue despite passing over Glenn as heir still tried to give his son a purposeful life and give him an opportunity to have worth, which is why he agreed to the arrangement of engaging him to the Crest-bearing daughter of Galatea, and also had him appointed as a knight of the royal guard. Whereas he didn't need to do any of that with Felix because Felix was already set to become the next head of House Fraldarius. So perhaps the way Glenn's life was planned out was part of an inherent bias because of the Crest system, and that he lost the position of heir because of a lack of a crest, but Rodrigue still tried to set up a purposeful life for Glenn in spite of that.

    I don't really explain myself well and this is a bit jumbled (I'm bad with words tbh), but this is just an interesting theory to think about piecing together everything that's mentioned about Glenn in-game.

    submitted by /u/ScraftyIsBest
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - Feh Channel (Aug. 13, 2020)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Sophia ������ [Commission]

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Its my first attempt at making the sword of the creator and my first time using Clay. Hope you like it and ill try making another one but with more details!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Just finished Verdant Wind. I love it

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    This more than a rant than anything but I really want to share the love for this game. I had played Awakening and Fates but Three Houses was different. Post time skip I got completely addicted. I wanted to find it all out. I just coudlnt put it down. I love my students dearly and they were so beautifully written. Claude was handsome, flirty and kept me on edge. I am just so thankful to this game. It showed me again why I love fantasy and worlds and dragons. It helped me cope with life better and go back to my own stories. It opened my creativity and made me start writing again 💓 so I am really happy and can't wait to play the other routes

    submitted by /u/linamatthias
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    Brigid x Holyn/Chulainn - After battle drinks.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    I made fan art of Tibarn! Was challenging, but a lot of fun.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    A Look at what a Potential TWISTD Route could have been, PT. 1

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    To begin with, we'll fix the setting of the game since having a lot of interaction with the TWISTD in the Monastery would be pretty difficult to write convincingly. So, for starters, here is how the route would work:

    Requirement 1: It can only be accessed by playing an NG+ game.

    Requirement 2: During the prologue where Claude, Dimitri, and Edelgard are done explaining their situation, there will be an additional dialogue option for Byleth to ask if anyone intends to pay them or remain silent. The player must ask the question to gain access to Requirement 3.

    Requirement 3: During the prologue battle, the player must have Byleth Talk to Kostas, where Kostas will realize who he's fighting and ask what Byleth is being paid. Once again, the player must choose the dialogue option of speaking (something along the lines of 'Not enough.') instead of remaining silent, which ends the chapter and puts the player on the TWISTD route.

    The cutscene of saving Edelgard never happens, and instead, a cutscene plays where Byleth and Kostas fake fight for a bit while ironing out the details (i.e. it might start with a few clashes and Kostas asking 50-50 before he gets pressured and lowers the offer to 70-30) before coming to an agreement. Afterwards, Edelgard approaches them to try and help Byleth, only for both of them to try and attack her. Alois and a few Knights of Seiros manage to bail her out, with Alois going after Byleth pretty seriously until Jeralt shows up and the fighting stops.

    After Jeralt manages to distract Alois and the Knights of Seiros, Kostas and his gang sneak away. When Alois catches on and asks Jeralt what he's doing, Byleth signals Jeralt to leave. Jeralt gives Alois a quick ultimatum about who he sides with, him or the Church, before leaving. After thinking it over, Alois reluctantly orders his men to search for other bandits before sneaking off after Jeralt. The three escape and meet up with Kostas. On the way there, Alois asks what Jeralt's gotten them into, something he doesn't answer. After a somewhat hesitant alliance and an angry rant from Kostas (who gets silenced by Jeralt), the Flame Emperor shows up and speaks with everyone.

    After essentially being told to remain on standby in the mountains, the game starts properly. Unlike the original game which includes roaming the Monastery, this one has condensed local towns similar to the camp-like area used in Crimson Flower's post holy tomb fight, and introduces the 'teaching' mechanic as combat drills. The starter units the player has at this point are Byleth, Jeralt, Alois, and Kostas, who serve as the introductory team for Chapter 1.

    The first activity introduced for the month is the Raid Mission, an Auxiliary battle where the player can acquire what would essentially be their monthly gold supply from the Church. It would function as an Escape map with multiple villages you could visit and infinitely spawning, progressively stronger reinforcements. The player gets more gold per village they visit (they blackmail/loot places, but not outright destroy), but they have a time limit if they want to survive.

    The second kind of mission the player is introduced to in this month is the Contract Mission, where the player typically has access to a very small force and has to supplement an allied force (i.e. they do actual mercenary work). These function much more like traditional Auxiliary battles, with the catch being that there are bonus rewards based on how many allied forces survive and how many enemies the player's units defeat. This is also the main Renown gaining system, as the Monastery style quests would be much rarer in this route.

    The actual first chapter would be a survival map, where one of the classes (potentially the class of which Lord Byleth considered first) ambushes the camp. Here, the Divine Pulse is introduced when Byleth takes an arrow meant for Jeralt, and it is immediately usable when the map begins as unlike the normal version of the mission, the hunting class (the Golden Deer) is being supplemented by Knights of Seiros since Jeralt is one of the targets. One extra objective on this map is to have Jeralt speak with Leonie, who will join the player during the battle after the Talk conversation occurs.

    After surviving for long enough, the force from Garreg Mach is harrowed by Demonic Beasts, creating an opening for Byleth and Kostas' forces to escape. They are once again contacted by the Flame Emperor after settling down around Magdred Way, who informs them that they will have an upcoming mission against Garreg Mach's forces again when a rebellion begins.

    The second chapter has the town the player can explore be near Gaspard territory, and gives the player insight into what's happening (though they would already know Lonato's rebellion is going to happen). The second month introduces the third unique mission type, the V Mission, wherein after doing a mandatory exploration and speaking to a hooded figure who goes by the name V, you unlock both the character 'V' and their missions, which are basically special paralogues.

    Anyone who played as the Black Eagles will quickly recognize 'V' as Hubert, and while they are in the player's army, they cannot be deployed on Main Story missions and are force deployed on V missions. While these missions are technically optional, the player is required to do them in the month they appear, unlike normal paralogues which can be tackled with much more freedom.

    The first V mission is required, as it introduces TWISTD properly and gives a new character. Byleth's forces meet with Thales in the woods and are instructed to assist in clearing out one of the Church's encampments en route to Castle Gaspard. The character Myson joins the group, as he is the one commanding the dark mages who will fight in the rebellion. After the battle, Myson is ordered to remain with Byleth's group, something he thinks is a waste of time but ultimately acquiesces to after Thales threatens him.

    At the end of the month, the Blue Lions and Catherine march on Lord Lonato's forces, which were decimated over the course of the month. Byleth's forces fight alongside Lonato (who joins as a controllable green unit) and the last of his militia, with the map being a Defeat Commander battle with Dimitri as the commander. While Catherine appears on this map, she charges the wrong way like she does in the original game, and so long as the allied TWISTD Dark Mage in the forest lives, she will not go for Lonato.

    After the battle, Lonato remains with Byleth's forces as the Church has received assistance from House Rowe and claimed Castle Gaspard, formally joining as a playable character. Additionally, if the player had Lonato Talk to Ashe (which causes Ashe to withdraw from the battle) AND more than half of the militia survived the fight, Ashe will approach the group on his own after the battle and join.

    The third chapter begins with the Flame Emperor informing Byleth's forces of the plan to infiltrate Garreg Mach during the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth. The V Mission for this chapter is also required, and revolves around finding enough warp powder for Byleth's forces. Byleth is introduced to Solon, who uses a personal stash of warp powder to send their forces on a mission to Morfis, where they raid a Magic Academy (with the help of a disguised Odesse, who helps them get in without issue) and secure enough for future use.

    The mission for the break-in during the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth is a defense map against the Black Eagles with the Death Knight assisting as a non-controllable green unit, where the Dark Mage unsealing the tomb must be protected for 10 turns. Catherine will eventually show up with Church reinforcements (turn dependent on the difficulty) and charge the mage you have to defend (typically has her and the Death Knight fight if she is unimpeded). At the end of the chapter, the mage will be cornered, only for Byleth to try and defend them. When they are disarmed, Byleth takes the Sword of the Creator from the mage and activates it, managing to make an opening for their forces to escape via their warp powder.

    The next chapter begins with Thales and the Flame Emperor examining the Sword of the Creator before ultimately deciding that without its Crest Stone, the weapon isn't that useful. When the Flame Emperor intends to take it, Thales refutes them, pointing out that they are rarely in real fights and it would be a waste for them to keep it. They tell Byleth to take it before introducing them to Kronya, a 'promising soldier that needs more combat experience'. Of course, a later scene has Thales essentially telling Kronya to watch Byleth and kill them if they become a nuisance.

    From this chapter (Chapter 4), V missions become optional (though completing all of them gives the player bonuses). This chapter has the Flame Emperor once again place them on standby. However, Kostas informs the group of a scramble in Gautier territory and points out that the Lance of Ruin was stolen, which catches Myson and Kronya's attention. With those three interested in the relic and Byleth not having anything to do, they move their forces towards the area.

    There is a required exploration of a town where Byleth must make contact with Miklan's second-in-command to trigger a special cutscene meeting with Miklan himself, who, while angry at being called out, is interested in the fact that Byleth has a Hero Relic of their own and isn't tied to any nobles or the Church. Afterwards, the month's V mission is an optional battle against the forces of House Fraldarius, meant to dissuade their intervention in the hunt for Miklan by forcing them to shore up their own defenses.

    As for the actual chapter, Byleth's forces work together with Miklan's forces to pincer attack the Blue Lions and Gilbert, who were sent to retrieve the Lance of Ruin. While this will be a rout map, the battle will have a hidden trigger. If Miklan battles more than four times with the Lance of Ruin (which cannot be unequipped), he will transform into a Black Beast and he will have to be killed. If Miklan does not transform during the battle, he will join Byleth's forces after the battle when the Church forces retreat. Additionally, if Miklan Talks to and defeats Sylvain (one of the closest enemies to him by design and will attack, but not move), Sylvain will approach the group on his own and ask to join after the battle. Alternatively, if the player is using Female Byleth, they can speak with Sylvain three times to recruit him during the battle.

    Chapter 5 begins with Thales approaching Byleth's group and asking for the Lance of Ruin. If Byleth agrees to hand it over, Thales gives them a suite of magical weapons (Levin Sword, Arrow of Indra, Bolt Axe, and the Magic Bow) for their trouble, and the weapon is lost (for the time being). If Byleth disagrees, they keep the weapon and Myson is instructed to study the Crest Stone when he can (if Miklan and Sylvain have joined, Myson will note that this is one of the few times he can see the difference between siblings whose major difference is the presence of a Crest).

    The actual mission for this month has Thales inform Byleth that the Death Knight has captured someone, and their forces should remain at the ready to assist him should their lair be discovered. The month's V Mission revolves around eliminating some of the Church forces investigating the Death Knights' recent activities. Additionally, paralogues open up in this chapter, with the first being one tied to Lonato and Ashe where they must rescue Ashe's siblings, who are being used as hostages to try and lure Lonato out as his life constantly inspires small rebellions in Gaspard territory.

    The actual mission is a battle against the Golden Deer who have infiltrated the Death Knight's lair. While Claude is away, Lysithea acts as the boss, being outraged when she realizes what is happening and serving as one of the few units that can defeat the unmoving Death Knight if she manages to reach him with Dark Spikes. After routing the enemy, the Flame Emperor appears and attempts to leave with the Death Knight and Flayn, but they are stopped by Catherine and Shamir leading a force of Knights as back-up and are forced to abandon Flayn.

    This is long enough as is, so LMK if a continuation is desired.

    submitted by /u/XemblemX
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    I made a wallpaper with every playable character in the series (OC) (updated to include hel & new art of old characters because of the pirate banner in feh if you saw the earlier versions)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Sleepy Claude ��

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    New Fire Emblem game concept...

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    On the continent of (insert name), a divine dragon (not Naga) gave guidance and direction to humanity. But over time, the people forgot her, and began relying on their own strengths. Frustrated with their stubbornness, she returned to the heaven and traveled far away, leaving the people without a god. But she did leave them two items. The first one was the remains of an ancient dragon who went mad. This was called the Crown of Flames. Should the land fall into chaos without divine guidance, then a worthy human was to put on the Crown, receive divine power, and restore order. The second item was a sword made from one of her fangs (original, I know). In the event that an unworthy human received the Crown, a hero with divine blood was to take up Godsbane and slay the corrupt human before they destroyed everything.

    Fast forward a few thousand years, and the land is now a unity of dukedoms, led by a number of dukes and a single king. We follow our protagonists who you can choose between to play as: a passionate big hearted brother and an intelligent level-headed sister. They are the children of a certain duke, so they are noble. One day, their dukedom gets attacked by a masked fighter leading some bandits. The invaders find that the Crown of Flames was being hidden in their city, so they steal it and destroy everything else. They kill every witness, but our protagonists survive. They overhear plans of going to the capital and "finishing it", so they set out to warn the king before the villains attack. They are joined by some mercenaries who help them get there faster. After avoiding being stopped by the bad guys, they finally make it to the capital and warn the king. But they find out that the king was actually the one who ordered the masked man, revealed to be the prince, to find the Crown of Flames. He doesn't like that his power is split between a bunch of dukes, and thinks that the only way to "restore order" is to put on the Crown and become a god. The prince then shows up and begins fighting your army in the throne room.

    This is where the game splits. By the end of the fight, the prince will kill either the brother or the sister, depending on which one you are playing as. If you were playing as the boy, then he will go on a path of revenge. If you were playing as the girl, then she will go on a path of justice. Both will wind up finding Godsbane and using it to slay the continually devolving king, but the path to get there will be quite different.

    There's still a lot of things to work out, like names, but I thought this plot feels like it belongs in a Fire Emblem game.

    submitted by /u/KaiJenson
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