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    Wednesday, August 12, 2020

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Ace Attorney Parody gifs thanks again to the poeple in the comments for the ideas :) i'll make others xd

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Ace Attorney Parody gifs thanks again to the poeple in the comments for the ideas :) i'll make others xd

    Fire Emblem Ace Attorney Parody gifs thanks again to the poeple in the comments for the ideas :) i'll make others xd

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Going for the kill! Shamir GBA Styled Portrait

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    The Kickstarter for Dark Deity just launched! Fire Emblem inspired me to make this game, and I've spent the last two years of my life pouring work into it. This community was one of the ones I had most hoped to share it with. Help it be seen!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    [OC] Long Distance Claudeleth

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    [OC] "I'll Be With The Goddess Soon." Marianne Fan Art

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Happy Late Birthday to Yuri

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    [OC] Ayra! No running while holding swords!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Wait, she isn't like this in the game?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Yuri-bird bday !

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Diadora ( OC from 2018)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Bernie said ������

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Let's come up with some missed Support chain opportunities for Yuri, Balthus, Constance and Hapi

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    Because they kinda got the short end of the stick when it came to number of supports, and there were plenty of missed opportunities. Sure, Anna got it worse, but that's for another topic.

    Here are a few examples:

    Constance/Petra: Constance would understandably be distrustful of Petra due to her Brigid origins. She softens up, however, after learning that Petra's father died in the same war that destroyed House Nuvelle.

    Constance/Shamir: Again, Constance distrusts Shamir because of her Dagdan origins and the role of Dagda in the downfall of House Nuvelle. Shamir hits Constance with a dose of "don't get prejudiced" reality.

    Balthus/Catherine: Due to their age ranges, they could've been in the same year when they were students. As such, they could arguably be semi-rivals.

    Balthus/Manuela: Obviously, both spend a lot of time drinking, and Balthus considers himself a ladies' man. Plus it wouldn't be considered too awkward because Balthus starts in his late-20's while Manuela is in her mid-30's.

    Balthus/Raphael: What else? Contests of strength!

    Yuri/Ashe: Both were adopted sons of Faerghus noble families. Obviously they'd need to connect over that. There's also the fact that Ashe was a former thief.

    Hapi/Hanneman: Hanneman is interested in how Hapi can summon monsters by sighing, and wishes to study her. Hapi thinks he's crazy, and eventually starts comparing him to Cornelia.

    Hapi/Alois: Alois keeps trying to tell Hapi his bad jokes. Hapi is struggling HARD not to sigh.

    You get the idea.

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    Brigid (Genealogy of the Holy War)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Mocking bird with a mocking bird (Happy Birthday, Yuri!)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    I made Camilla in code vein. Props to u/juggernaut0129 for assisting me with the hair

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    I miss Mangs

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    I understand why he had to go, and he definitely should have had to go, but it still sucks not having his videos. For me, there is a massive hole within the fire emblem youtubers. I wish there was somebody like him who didn't sexually harass people. Fuck you, Mangs. I'll probably delete this soon I just had to say it.

    submitted by /u/LazerKrypt
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    Can you beat Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones with an army of Amelias?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Finale part 1

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    What Three Houses Mechanics would you like to see in the next FE?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    As most of you probably know, for a very long time now, new (non-remake) Fire Emblem games have followed a pattern. 2 or 3 games will have very similar mechanics before the series radically shifts and tries something new. We saw this in Binding Blade-Blazing Blade-Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance-Radiant Dawn, and then most recently Awakening-Fates. In each of these groups, the first game introduces new ideas which the later games try to improve upon.

    For some examples, the pair up system was introduced in Awakening, but was wildly broken and only usable by the players. Fates took that and kept the basic concept while changing up the details so it was much more balanced, and enemies could do it too. The GBA games all had slight variations on the same class change system, with Sacred Stones experimenting the most with class-specific abilities and branching promotion trees. Radiant Dawn tweeked the skill system of Path of Radiance so that everyone could get access to the highest tier skills, but it was still the same basic "you have a maximum number of skill points" system, etc. etc.

    So, considering that this trend is likely to continue, which of Three Houses new mechanics do you think should be kept? Which ones need reworking and improvement?

    Personally, I think the no-weapon-restriction system is really cool, but I feel like the classes available would need to be tweeked to make it really shine. Maybe some more classes who can be good at X OR Y, give lances a little more love than just every cavalry unit needing to be ok at them, AND FOR GODS SAKE GIVE ME A FEMALE BRAWLER CLASS and I personally believe that the gender restrictions are flawed. In terms of other mechanics, I really like the idea of the calendar system, but I think the game would be better if they streamlined it down to like 2 free days and a lecture, so there isn't as much filler time between missions.

    So yeah! If you were designing the next FE, what would you keep and what would you rework from Three Houses?

    submitted by /u/joepro9950
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    Fire Emblem Three Houses - Characters Total Hitpoints by Level (FE3H)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 06:24 PM PDT

    [OC] My first fan art of a character and it's Nino!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #22 - Tailtiu, Thunder Noble

    Posted: 12 Aug 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we analyze the playable characters of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Brigid, Orgahil Pirate; she is a pirate who has to deal with her true heritage of the heir of Jungby. Today we are going to look at Tailtiu, Thunder Noble.


    Tailtiu is a noblewoman from Friege; she is the daughter of Duke Reptor and carries minor Thrud blood. Sometime during the events of FE4, she agreed to accompany Claude (the Duke of Edda) on his pilgrimage to the Tower of Bragi and guard him. Tailtiu does this most likely because she has a little crush on him; we'll see that this trip snowballs into something much more grave.


    Chapter 3 introduction: Claude and Tailtiu arrive at Madino just as Sigurd seizes it; Claude tells Sigurd about his plan to visit the Tower of Bragi and about Kurth's untimely death. Eventually Tailtiu gets bored and bugs Claude to stop talking with Sigurd and hurry up to the Tower. Sigurd asks Tailtiu what she is doing with Claude; Tailtiu tells Sigurd that she is there to protect him. Sigurd points out that she is Reptor's daughter, but Tailtiu says that she doesn't know of her father's schemes and that she loves Claude. Claude then tells Sigurd that they will rejoin Sigurd once he's done at the tower.

    Tailtiu is introduced here as a young girl who clearly is bored of the more complex issues at play. She gets antsy after Sigurd and Claude have a longer conversation about the assassination of Kurth; she doesn't really grasp the gravity of the situation that is being discussed. The other significant thing here is that Tailtiu seems to have distanced herself from the political scheming of her father; this is significant as Tailtiu's relationship to Reptor plays into her character. She is disconnected from what her father is doing yet we will see that his choices still affect her deeply.


    Chapter 3 recruitment: Tailtiu bugs Claude to stop praying at the Tower as pirates are starting to surround them. Claude tells her not only that Bragi had answered his prayers, but that he had found the Valkyrie Staff which he then shows off to Tailtiu. Tailtiu calls it a "grubby little cane;" Claude admonishes her for this and says that it can be used to resurrect people from the dead. Tailtiu asks Claude if he could bring her grandmother back to life; Claude tries to explain why he cannot do so but is interrupted by Tailtiu yawning and getting distracted. She then warns Claude that they have to flee to safety.

    Once again, Tailtiu gets bored during an exposition dump which expands on her being a young girl that is easily bored. The only time she is interested in what Claude is saying is when she asks him if he can use the Valkyrie Staff to resurrect her grandmother; of course, when Claude is about to begin a longwinded explanation as to why this is not possible, she interrupts him because she's bored. Maybe she's bored for a good reason because they need to fight off the pirates around them, but still.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Azelle: Tailtiu asks Azelle if he can answer a question of hers seeing that they have been friends for years. Azelle notes that she looks uncharacteristically serious and asks her about what the problem is. Tailtiu responds by saying that she is only with Sigurd's army because she was following Claude but that she regrets being there because of how careful people seem to be around her, especially with them not talking about her father Reptor when she is present. Azelle then consoles Tailtiu and says that people aren't doing that because they dislike her; rather, they are afraid of causing her grief and that they will be better when they get to know her more. Afterwards Tailtiu thanks Azelle for helping her work through her problem, to which Azelle offers to help her again if she asks.

    As stated in the Azelle episode, we learn from here that Tailtiu and Azelle have been friends for quite some time at this point. Tailtiu trusts Azelle to confide in him her anxiety about people avoiding her due to her relation with Reptor, the person who declared Sigurd a traitor. We saw earlier that Tailtiu was fairly disconnected with what her father was doing, yet here she's still suffering from the consequences of her father's actions as people avoid her as if she is a black sheep. It's kind of out of character for her to go from being the playful girl she was earlier to being "grim and serious" here but warranted as she is anxious about how others are treating her; of course, she won't get too many lighthearted moments later on in her life. We'll also see later on Tailtiu's relationship with her family become a central part of her character arc.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Azelle: Tailtiu begs Azelle not to go fight without her. Azelle reminds her that she promised to go leave for Silesse with the children and promises to go back to her as soon as he can. Tailtiu tries to protest but Azelle asks her if she really wants to kill her own father. When she replies that she does not think she can Azelle is relieved; he says that he does not want to think about Tailtiu or anyone else killing their own father and asks her to look after the children (Arthur and Tinny) for him.

    Tailtiu here is adamant about staying with Azelle and fighting the Grannvalian forces alongside him despite that she promised to flee to Silesse with her children. Azelle points out that if she does so, she will end up fighting her own father which he doesn't want to see happen. After this Azelle goes off to fight the Grannavalians on his own and the conversation ends with Tailtiu yelling after him; she just does not want to lose her last remaining "family" other than her children which is very understandable.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Lex: Tailtiu asks Lex if he still has to fight on the frontlines. He answers in the affirmative and then asks Tailtiu to return to safety in Silesse where their children (Arthur and Tinny) are waiting. Tailtiu asks why he wants to leave her by herself in Silesse; Lex justifies his request by saying that House Friege is looking to "reclaim" her and the children and that he does not want them to fall into the cruel hands of House Friege or his own House Dozel. Afterwards he expresses regret that they both had the bad luck of being from greedy and malicious families and tells Tailtiu that even though they didn't have that much time together, it still means a lot to him.

    Both Tailtiu and Lex have crappy families led by evil people; Lex does not want to see Tailtiu fall into either one's hands because of this. This conversation is mostly about the tragedy that they are in this situation. Regrettably, they have no other option but to have Tailtiu flee with their children to avoid them being stuck in such a hairy situation; it's hard for both of them that it has to be this way. Lex saying that their "short time together" was meaningful is a signal that he probably will die in the near future; Tailtiu can sense this and is very saddened by it.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Claude: Tailtiu asks Claude what he thinks she should do; he answers that fighting her own father isn't a good idea and that she should flee to Silesse. Tailtiu then asks about what Claude will do, and he responds that he is obligated to see the war until the end. This makes Tailtiu mad as she asks him why he is so cruel to not be with their children (Arthur and Tinny). He asks her to understand why this fate must happen.

    Just like in the other two lover conversations, in this one Tailtiu's lover in Claude advises her to go flee to safety in Silesse; and just like in the other two, Tailtiu here is going to be forced to separate from her husband. Claude doesn't really provide any reasoning though unlike the other two potential lovers, which makes Tailtiu mad at him; this is understandable as she would want some sort of agency, some sort of knowledge as to at least why this is happening. Yet she is denied that agency; such is the tragedy of Tailtiu's life.


    Chapter 5 fighting Reptor: Reptor instead of being angry is saddened that his own daughter is fighting him; Tailtiu says sorry. Reptor quietly curses Claude for getting Tailtiu to become a traitor and then says more loudly that he has to protect the honor of his house by killing Tailtiu.

    Tailtiu has to face her father here; her family issues are coming to a head here. But this confrontation can be contrasted to Lex's fight with his own father earlier in this chapter. Lombard is outright angry at Lex when he comes; here, Reptor is in denial that his own daughter would try to kill him, his anger directed toward Claude instead, and is reluctant to go try to kill her. Tailtiu for her part does not seem 100% confident in fighting Reptor either. This shows that Tailtiu has probably had a good relationship with her father; it's difficult for her to imagine him doing bad things. And of course it's tough for her to try to kill him...but she still makes the difficult decision to do so anyways because she has no choice but to do so. She's forced to hold strong against this challenge as well.


    As anyone who has played through the game knows, sometime after the events of Belhalla Tailtiu was taken by Friege and "reunited" with her family along with her daughter Tinny; Arthur was separated from them somehow. Tailtiu was then beaten by her sister-in-law Hilda while in the custody of Friege until dying directly or indirectly as a result of this sometime before the events of the second generation. It can be learned from Lewyn!Tinny's conversation with her father in Chapter 10 though that Tailtiu tried her best to protect Tinny from Hilda even when the pain brought her to tears. Tailtiu is a good mother even up to the bitter end, and this - even if offscreen - is probably Tailtiu's best moment.


    Final thoughts: Tailtiu's life is just tragic. She goes to the Tower of Bragi with Claude probably thinking that it will just be a short little trip with her crush; instead, she is forced to stick around with Sigurd's army, having to deal with being the daughter of the same person who declared Sigurd and his allies as traitors. Tailtiu can fall in love with someone (possibly her friends Azelle or Lex); regardless of this though, she is forced to get separated from them to try to flee from her horrible family. It's doubly terrible as Tailtiu never really resented her father (and vice versa) the same way Lex did with his father, and it takes a toll if she faces him directly. Then finally, Tailtiu's life ends in quite possibly the saddest way possible: kidnapped and tortured to death. But Tailtiu still held strong until the end to protect her daughter.

    Thanks for reading this episode. Up next will be Claude, Priest of Edda. Until then.

    Previous: Brigid, Orgahil Pirate

    Next: Claude, Priest of Edda

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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