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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Fire Emblem i made fanart of lucina!

    Fire Emblem i made fanart of lucina!

    i made fanart of lucina!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Post-timeskip Dimitri and Suicune - I've always wanted to draw Dimitri in snow xD

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Mercedes cosplay made by me!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    I was commissioned to draw our girl Marianne!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    (OC) Spoiling yourself

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    i was commissioned to draw edelgard!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    A painting I did of Ike, Dimitri, Anna and Camilla!! [Illustration for Anna's Roundtable]

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    [OC] Blue Lions Boys Cuddle Puddle

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Probably the best Rinkah cosplay I’d seen in person (AB 2016)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Been playing Echoes and really love it, so I drew Celica!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    A simple lady Rhea drawing!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Tattoo of timeskip Edelgard I got!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    sylvain and felix drawing :]

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    dondon plays FE: The Blazing Blade HHM 0% growths - introduction

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Libra's Lesson

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:08 PM PDT

    Drawing of M!Morgan and F!Morgan I made

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    "How do I look, Teach? Cute right?"

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Demon King's Masterful Manipulation of Eirika

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT


    The FE fandom is constantly talking about how dumb/naive Eirika is while ignoring just how cunning this demon truly is. Truly a shame. In this thread, I will analyse his manipulation of Eirika in particular. The hope is that people appreciate his manipulation skills making Eirika's foolish decision more justified.

    Chapter 14Eir

    Right when L'Arachel and Innes leave Eirika, Lyon teleported to chat with Eirika and right before L'Arachel came back, Lyon warped away. It's not a mere coincidence that Lyon has a private chat with Eirika unlike with Ephraim where Seth is watching. These moments alone are supposed to make Eirika complacent without her getting support from her allies to thwart any attempt at manipulation. Anyway, Lyon shows his kind nature while also being very apologetic. He also says she's grown more beautiful which can be a ploy to flirt with Eirika. He also says he will always be her friend to reassure her. All this is done to make Eirika upset at Lyon's plight while wanting him to survive due to mutual friendship and love.

    Innes and L'arachel walk away. Eirika is about to leave when Lyon warps in

    Lyon: Ah...

    Eirika: Lyon!

    Lyon: Eirika...

    Eirika: Wait, Lyon! Don't run away! My brother and I have been so worried about you... We know more then anyone the gentleness of your spirit. Your father is deranged, isn't he? That's why Grado invaded Renais, right? Tell me, Lyon... Please... Tell me what has happened.

    Lyon: I'm sorry, Eirika. I've wanted to see you and Ephraim for so long now... I wanted to see you so that I could apologize. The invasion of Renais... I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry, but I still cannot talk to you. Not yet...

    Eirika: You... You have a reson, don't you?

    Lyon: Mm... I can't talk about it now, but... I promise I will tell you everything someday.

    Eirika: I see... I believe you, Lyon. I must tell you, I'm a little relieved. I was afraid you'd changed as much as your poor father has. I'm so glad.

    Lyon: Me, too, Eirika... No, you have changed. You're even more beautiful than you were before.

    Eirika: L-Lyon...

    Lyon: I'm sorry, I have to go. But please remember this. This war started because I was too weak to stop it, but... I'll always be your friend.

    Eirika: Lyon...

    Lyon warps away. A second later, L'arachel walks in

    Chapter 16Eir

    Behind the scenes, Lyon has shown his evil side towards the more aggressive Ephraim to enrage him. This also allows him to sow divisions between the siblings.

    Lyon: …

    Ephraim: Lyon!

    Lyon: Eirika… Ephraim…

    Eirika: Lyon… where have you been all this time?

    Ephraim: Eirika, stop!

    Eirika: Brother?

    Ephraim: Lyon… we met recently in Grado Keep, right? Do you remember what you told me then? You told me this was all your doing, that you had started this war.

    Lyon: What? Ephraim… Why are you so angry? We haven't seen each other in so long… What's happened?

    Eirika: Lyon…

    Ephraim: Wait, Eirika! You said it yourself. Lyon must be under the control of someone or something else.

    Eirika: Don't be ridiculous! There must be something wrong with you, Ephraim! Lyon is one of our dearest and closest friends, remember? He told me that, no matter what happened, he was still on our side. Isn't that right, Lyon?

    He then reveals a facade of a conflict going on between the Demon King as well as Lyon's real self. This is done to trick Eirika into thinking that Lyon is fighting against the Demon King and instill in her the drive to prevent Lyon from being completely possessed. After all, the real Lyon persona did end up taking control for a bit to warn Eirika to stay back despite the Demon King originally telling her to come closer which should make Eirika think that the real Lyon actually exists and is actively going against the Demon King's interests. It also serves to show her that the Demon King's personality is vastly different from Lyon's which means when he'll show up with Lyon's personality, she can incorrectly assume that Lyon's the one talking to her.

    Lyon: Yes, Eirika. Of course it is. So please, come here… Closer… Ah! Gah… ahh… Uuuuhhaaah… ga… Eirika: Lyon?! Lyon's speech bubble turns black

    Lyon: Gah… rrrrraaa… Ev… ahh… evil…

    Lyon's speech bubble turns white again

    Lyon: Stay… back… Eirika…

    Eirika: What?

    Lyon: Get away… from me… quickly… If you… don't… I will surely… …destroy you…

    Eirika: What? Lyon…

    Lyon: Flee… qui-quickly… GO! Gah… Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhh!

    Eirika: Ly-Lyon. Hold on! What is it? What's happening?!

    The Demon King ends up revealing to the group that Lyon's heart has been completely destroyed and that he has no chance at coming back. It might seem foolish to tell her the truth but this is him using reverse psychology on Eirika to make her think, "of course he'd say that he's devoured Lyon", which is a reason why she's in denial. He then tells Lyon to come out, which would make Eirika think that Lyon is still deep inside or else why would he talk to Lyon if his soul no longer exists? All of this is also done to completely confuse Eirika, making her even more vulnerable to acts of manipulation.

    Eirika: What?!

    Evil Lyon: I've had my fun pretending to be human, but the need for charades has passed. You are correct. This body no longer belongs to your young Lyon. I devoured his pathetic heart ages ago.

    Ephraim: You monster! Who are you?!

    Evil Lyon: Do you really not know me? What a poorly educated prince. Think about it. Remember the legends of your pitiful kind... What was sealed within the Stone of Grado? What is the name of terror?

    Eirika: No... It can't be!

    L'arachel: It's as we feared after all. That can only be...

    Ephraim: The great adversary of antiquity... The Demon King...

    Evil Lyon: Heh heh… ha ha ha ha ha hah! Lyon… Lyon… O prince of misery… Come out. Be not shy… This body is lost to you… It is mine to compel…

    Eirika: What's going…

    Chapter 17Eir

    The Demon King was able to successfully exploit Eirika's optimism as revealed in the conversation between L'Arachel and Eirika. L'Arachel believes the Demon King has destroyed Lyon's soul while Eirika believes he's still imprisoned.

    L'Arachel: Our oldest legends tell us just this… Only one person has ever been able to shake off the Demon King's domination. Rausten's founder, Saint Latona the sure-hearted, shattered his fetters. If one possesses a strength of will beyond that of normal men… Only then can one throw off the shackles of the Demon King. But you saw it yourself, Eirika, with your own two eyes. Your friend Lyon's body has already been claimed by the Demon King. Once it's gone that far, there's nothing that can be done. When the Demon King takes over someone, he devours his spirit, his very soul. Even if his hold on Lyon's body could be released, that body would have no soul. There is no power in Rausten… not even the Sacred Stone… that can perform so great a miracle as to restore a shattered soul.

    Eirika: But… Lyon…

    Eirika: Thank you, L'Arachel. However, I must stay with the company. I have to believe there's something I can do to help him. Lyon was always so kind. He wanted nothing more than to help people. It's too terrible to picture him imprisoned by the Demon King. Imprisoned… With no hope of salvation.

    When Lyon appears again, he teleports away to force Eirika to rush towards him, luring her away from Ephraim by taking advantage of her superior speed and Eirika's desperate desire to save Lyon.

    Lyon: .....

    Eirika: Wait!

    Ephraim: Hold, Eirika! Don't go anywhere alone!

    Eirika: Lyon's back there! I won't abandon him!

    Eirika moves up a screen

    Eirika: Lyon! Lyoooon!

    Lyon: offscreen Ei...Eirika...

    Eirika: Lyon? Where are you?

    Lyon: offscreen I'm...here.

    The Demon King shows her Lyon's personality, which is very distinct from the Demon King's own, while speaking as if he's deathly ill, unlike the Demon King whose speech oozes with might. The Demon King uses the power of the sacred stone as an explanation on how he can be saved, which does make logical sense because of the fact that the stone has the power to destroy the Demon King. He also shows how desperate he is to live longer, making Eirika feel guilty if she were to just let him die. Finally he also wooed her by suggesting that he would live with her, aka get married, playing on her desire to be with him.

    Lyon warps in

    Eirika: Lyon... Hold on. I'll save you!

    Lyon: Forgive me...Eirika... It's over...for me... The Demon King has devoured my soul... I'm mad...and I'm going...to die...

    Eirika: Lyon... What should I do? How can I help you? Tell me! I'll do anything, but you have to tell me!

    Lyon: ...The Sacred Stone... Give me...the stone...

    Eirika: What?

    Lyon: My body...is being ravaged by the Demon King. If it continues unchecked, nothing can save me. But if I had the power of a Sacred Stone... I could save...my soul...

    Eirika: Lyon...

    Lyon: Please...Eirika... I don't want to die yet... I want to live... with you... If I had the Sacred Stone... I could...heal myself... Please...

    Eirika: Could the Sacred Stone really do that? Could it heal you?

    Lyon: Yes... Please...Eirika...

    Eirika: I...trust you, Lyon. I have a stone right here. moves to Lyon

    Of course, Eirika was played like a fiddle the entire time and ended up falling unconscious after the ordeal. The Demon King didn't just take the stone from her, but he essentially knocked her out without a fight.

    Demon King: Ha ha...heh heh heh. How disappointing for you. This body is mine now. Nothing reamins of your dear boy's soul.

    Eirika: You only pretended to be Lyon... You deceived me. Return him! Return Lyon now!

    Demon King: I'm afraid there's no hope of that. You see, I've devoured him. Bite by bite, slowly. How I savored it. Nothing remains but this suit of flesh I wear. There is nothing to heal. Not even the power of a Sacred Stone can craft something from nothing. He cannot be saved.

    Eirika: That...can't...

    Demon King: Haha... Bwah ha ha ha! I love how humans look when they're drowning in despair. Now is the time to be done with this stone.

    Lyon warps out of Eirika's reach

    Sacred Stone breaks

    Ephraim: offscreen Eirika!

    Evil Lyon: Oh...caught up, have you? Hmm, I've changed my mind. I'll leave the girl alive. Take her. There are memories of you in this flesh I wear. And I hunger to see your face bear more suffering and pain.

    Lyon warps away

    Seth, Innes, L'Arachel, Ephraim, and Myrrh run up to where they are

    Eirika: .....

    Ephraim: Eirika! Wake up! Do you know who I am?


    In summary, the Demon King deceived her throughout his encounters with her. First, he showed her hope that the Lyon she knew and loved is still alive while showing Ephraim that he was taken over by the Demon King. Then the Demon King tried to convince her to come closer but feigned an inner conflict between him and Lyon where he made it look like Lyon still had the agency to warn her from getting closer. This moment would instill hope in Eirika that the real Lyon still exists while instilling horror in her at Lyon's plight. Finally, he managed to act like Lyon was dying and made Eirika feel very sorry and empathetic at his pitiable plight while also exploiting Eirika's romantic feelings as well to overwhelm her with all kinds of emotion to ultimately instill a desire to save him at all costs. In the end, Eirika was simply no match for the Demon King's clever tactics.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    A mysterious dark mage (oc)✨(commissions are open)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    After 3 weeks of drawing practice and exercises, decided to recreate this still of Saint Seiros. Thoughts?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    I’ve been teaching myself digital art lately, and I think this Ike came out pretty well

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Just a casual Edelgard I painted :)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Three Houses Green Hair Squad

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    My drawing of Dimitri, Crown Prince of Faerghus! IG @art.by.jenny.w

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:06 AM PDT

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