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    Friday, August 7, 2020

    Fire Emblem Lucina - Three Houses ver. [ OC Fanart ]

    Fire Emblem Lucina - Three Houses ver. [ OC Fanart ]

    Lucina - Three Houses ver. [ OC Fanart ]

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Summer Claudeleth ��

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    I made Bernie Fanart!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    The Dimitri Documentary: A 1.5 hour critical analysis of Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Something Me and an Artist are working on. (WIP commission)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    A Yuri x Bernadetta comic

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Bernadetta von Varley in Yuzuki Yukari's (Vocaloid) attire

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Lucina Fanart

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Edelgard visiting Rhea in the dungeons of Enbarr in SS [OC]

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:34 PM PDT

    Fire emblem Ace attorney parody part II to celebrate anniversary :D i did this just for fun thanks for the people in the comments for the ideas xp

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    Summer Mia and Lucina

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Ljósálfar/Resplandent Eirika!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    When your drill sergeant catches you sleeping on duty

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Daggers are definitely the best gift!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Every damn time. Every DAMN time. (Meme)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I drew Eliwood for Anna’s Roundtable, the Fire Emblem board game

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Some art of Three Houses characters on the beach I made to ease my suffering due to complete inability to pull them in the recent banner. Hope you all enjoy!

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    Yune’s Chosen Warriors: An Analysis of Low Tier Radiant Dawn

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Hello r/FireEmblem, I made a dumb decision. I saw the sub's latest Radiant Dawn tier list we got what many would consider a pretty good tier list. We had a few upsets throughout, but overall yeah I think this is about as good as a large group consensus could hit. This wasn't enough for me; science needed an important answer. Can you just use the garbage of Radiant Dawn and win? It's an important question that created the foundation of the Radiant Dawn Low Tier run!

    Part 1: The Rules

    Before I can get into the details of my run though, I need to go through the rules and define "Low Tier".

    1) Low Tier will be D Tier units and below. Everyone from Leonardo to Lyre and between are usable.

    Now this creates some obvious problems. First off, this ranking was based off what a small group of friends and I agreed on for the run, no large-scale consensus. Should we have gone up to C or down to E? There's an argument for either, but for the sake of me being able to play through each part with a solid roster we agreed on D. RD's structure makes it too weird for me to do something like Spoon's FE7 low tier run where I can only use the bottom of the barrel. This brings up another question, what do I do about forced deploys? Radiant Dawn has a lot of moments where you must deploy someone, so starting off with the lords we made a solution.

    2) Ike, Michaiah, and Elincia count as lords. Elincia cannot be brought to the tower though, but she is usable throughout Parts 2 and 4.

    This one was a bit weird, but we had to draw the line somewhere. Michaiah isn't highly usable and Ike is a bit of a crux, but they are the definitive lord characters and essential to play the game so we decided I would be allowed to use these two at least. Elincia is the special case in that her lord designation doesn't carry over to endgame, but if she wasn't defined as lord for Hawk Army I'd have to use the real lord of Hawk Army and he's far too good. Beyond lords being the only forced deploys we have units like the aforementioned Tibarn and Sothe until Endgame. We instated another rule for these characters.

    3) Any character that isn't defined as a lord character in Rule 2 and is forced to be deployed from the preparations screen cannot be used or equipped. Laguz must be untransformed if able and avoid combat, shove, or manipulate enemy movements if possible.

    This one is self-explanatory, don't use S-C tier units. Inevitably though something like 2-2 gave so little manueverability that it was difficult to force Brom to not see combat due to how slow the chapter is with Lucia and the Laguz not exactly moving at a reasonable pace alongside reinforcements rolling up. You may have noticed there was one stipulation in Rule 3. The section "is forced to be deployed from the preparations screen" is an important distinction because RD has a few chapters where they do expect you to use your entire roster in order to win and you get no deployment screen to remove units. For these chapters I had to use everyone to avoid rigging every hit which kinda defeats the purpose of a low tier run. Rule 4 was created to combat this issue of forced rigging.

    4) In any chapter where you get no deployment screen you can use every character at your disposal. This includes 1-P through 1-3, 2-P through 2-1, and 3-P through 3-1.

    The big thing about this was 3-1 which I genuinely believe is impossible to play through with only Ike, Mist, and Rolf while everyone else avoids combat. We installed these rules out of necessity which shows the inherent flaws of a low tier run of Radiant Dawn. It's physically impossible to do a low tier run of Radiant Dawn because 2-1 only has 3 C tier units. With all the rules out of the way and foundation laid out, we can finally get into it!

    Part 2: The Run

    Now to get into the juicy bits, how the hell does one even play this game with only low tier units? The units that are D-H tier are spread all throughout the army and are only in the game between certain points so first we needed to break down which army has which units.

    The Dawn Brigade has Leonardo, Laura, Ilyana, Aran, Meg, and Fiona (The Tormod Squad will be addressed later during the Part 4 section, just know they're the best units in Part 1 when they arrive and are essential). Now this squad is absolute trash, but hey you gotta live with the hand Yune deals. To really just sum up how Part 1 went the MVPs were Aran, Leonardo, and Ilyana. Part of this was because Ilyana with Rexbolt was going to be my Dheginsea killer and was used in Part 3. Ilyana has the highest availability and Thunder magic so she had a lot of time to function even though her speed was in the dumpster for most of the game. The last time she doubled was 1-6-2 where I had to promote her to get her just barely in the doubling range of cavaliers. Aran was just a monster because of his defense. His HP was garbage, his speed was nothing, but my god he stood tall when nobody else could. He had a defense stat and could kill enemies occasionally which was more than enough for a low tier run. Leonardo had chip. I can't say much more because he wasn't solo killing and his strength wasn't great, but he had enough defense to not die and could hit enemies from 2 range so I at least appreciated his hustle. Laura healed, about what you expect. Meg did nothing. She capped speed so fast and had less bulk than Aran that she was just pointless even when she was there. I gave her a Wind Edge and she occasionally whacked something. Fiona was a weird one, she's got a horse in the game that hates horses and she's usable in low tier. She comes with Imbue and Savior so she's got utility, but that statline gives her nothing else. What's incredible though is her Defense, Resistance, Magic, and HP growth. All of these combine to make the dumbest build outside of a Laguz unit. Give her Renewal, get her a few levels, and get her on the frontlines. She will always get doubled, she will not kill, but she can survive. She would heal about 12-13 HP during 1-E per turn and she'd survive most attacks which meant she was self-sustaining and allowed me as much time as I needed. Fiona is the reason low tier units in any run are so fun to utilize for how niche of a build they can fulfill. After Part 1 all these units shift in power and purpose, but more for that later. When talking about Part 3 and the Tower I can get more in depth with this squad.

    The Crimean Knights included Nealuchi, Lucia, Mordecai, Lethe, Calill, Makalov, Danved, and Astrid. With the introduction of our first H tier unit lets get on with how the cast went during Part 2 and their purpose. The Laguz I can sum up as kinda pointless. Sure, I used them and they slapped, but their gains suck and they're essentially just their bases for the entire time. They're good enough to be used yet I just had no feelings towards them. They're simply good enough when transformed but half my time was spent getting their gauges back in 2-2 so I could use anyone that wasn't just Lucia. Calill was good, she had 2 range and attacked units that were beneath her in 2-E which honestly got some mileage out of her, but that chapter didn't involve much killing, so she didn't serve a purpose besides body blocking. Makalov and Astrid can be summed up together, they're cavs on big maps with yellow units. They were essentially the same as yellow units and just swung at what they could. The issue was XP gains, but thankfully you can remove Geoffrey's Paragon and give it to Makalov so the two got some XP during the chapter. Devdan got the short end of the stick and really didn't see as much combat as I would've liked, but he's serviceable. Maps are too big for him sadly, so he wasn't doing much. More on all these units in Part 4 though because with the little use they see in Part 3 gets them close to Tier 3 and being usable.

    Out of the Greil Mercenaries we have Mist and Rolf. Yes, that's correct, I get two units from the Greil Mercs. There's a reason I said 3-1 would be physically impossible if I couldn't use the rest of the gang. To be fair though I got Ilyana back in 3-2 so there was some hope and Laguz on the horizon, but I'll get to them later. What this meant was that 3-2 through 3-5 were actual hell and I had to use 100% of my brain to win. 3-2 became difficult because Ike was the only unit that could take a hit and survive, Ilyana could barely kill the wyverns, Rolf sat in the back and took pot shots, and Mist had a couple of mend staves to burn through. I got through 3-2 by the skin of my teeth. 3-3 is where this gets tricky because I will admit to something here. I cheated. I had to use a unit that wasn't D tier or below or a lord unit. River Crossing is quite possibly the true stopping point for a low tier run because with only 4 units you physically don't have the manpower to hit all the boxes to burn them in time. I brought an unequipped Haar to fly to the Northwest supplies behind the Wind Sage to burn them. You may be thinking it was technically possible to do this without Haar and it is. The issue is you had to do 1 of 2 things. You either had to rig Shade procs on Ilyana to get through OR rig crits with Elthunder to punch through the General in front of that set of boxes. I could reliably get Ilyana there on turn 10, but she didn't have the power to punch through while Ike was dealing with the other half of the map. Instead of rigging, I saved my sanity and used Haar with nothing on him to leap forward and win on Turn 15 in case I couldn't reach it. Again, you might ask where Ike was during this? Ike was on an adventure here as I gave him the Pass and Counter skills so he could walk through the enemy lines, damage enemies that threatened him, and push forward to get to the box behind the halberdier on the Northeast side and the box behind the boss. River Crossing was not easy, and I had to analyze every option to plow through it.

    3-4 wasn't bad, just a slog since I now had the new Laguz, Kyza and Lyre, to function. Shortly put, just worse than Mordecai and Lethe except funnier to use so I trained them anyway. 3-5 was another strange chapter in Part 3. So you lose the Laguz here and are back down to Ike and the 3 amigos on a defense map. This one I decided to just throw my hands up and tank because my god there was no way I would legit play this with all the defensive points and whatnot. I put Ilyana on the capture point and on the frontlines was Ike, Crossbow Rolf, and Mend Staff Mist between the two. Mist kept healing herself every turn with the Mend staff and I just turtled. It was ridiculous and stupid, but I held the point like a champ.

    Part 3 continues with other groups rotating in and out, but they aren't very interesting. 3-6 is Fiona and Meg holding their ground, Aran lunging forward through the swamps, Leonardo taking pot shots at furries, and Laura being Laura. The map just took a while & was predicated on me holding the line with Yellow Halberdiers being inspired by Aran's courageous charge. I relied on the Yellow units more than I should have, but really that's just how you play Dawn Brigade in Part 3. We're back to Ike and the squad with 3-7 and we get a bunch of recruits that sit in the corner all map. Really this map was just baiting out enemies for easy experience, I couldn't do any dumb fun things like get the Ike BK conversation so there isn't much need to go into detail here. On to 3-8, Radiant Dawn's obligatory lava map. Generally uninteresting, just more training for Rolf, Mist, Illyana, and a little bit of Lyre experience. The most interesting part about this chapter was seeing Druids honestly, it plays similarly slowly to the usual run of 3-8. 3-9 was back to Crimea and again it wasn't very interesting. I just played it slower than normal was the only real difference, otherwise it was gains for Astrid, Makalov, and Devdan. Since I have the opportunity, I'm going to talk about what makes Makalov a monster in Low Tier RD here. Makalov and Renning have access to S Rank Axes and are both in D tier and below which makes Makalov one of the best performing units throughout Part 3 & 4 just due to the sheer power he offers. Makalov gaining axes and immediately becoming one of the best units goes to show just how good Tellius made Axes and it's stunning to see the lad's turnaround.

    3-10 is a deceptively hard map when you only have 4 beorc and a bunch of Laguz to work with unsurprisingly. You're relying on two different parts of this map to work at correctly for a good chance at clearing. First you need to clear the bottom side because if you don't you'll get sandwiched between the middle units and bottom lads alongside eating artillery tomes which does not work when Mist is really your only healer. The second issue is how Elincia's squad acts. Being some of the few green units in the game, they will act entirely independently of your directions and their AI does not have a good plan. Elincia holds true to her word and will sit herself between the two armies and her guard will form a diamond around her as best they can. The issue comes to light in that the nonplayable cavaliers are not good in any light alongside the boss, Sergei, will ride up with his squad of bow knights and usually kill Elincia with one shot. You do not have time to dawdle on this map and you've gotta put pedal to the metal to make this work. The timing is tight, but after a few tries I got it down. 3-11 we get bridge redux from PoR so again kinda just a slog, but there are two notes from this chapter. First, I "benched" Tibarn. Since he's a Yellow Unit I just directed his target to the corner of the map and he never got to see combat. This was also the map that Makalov reached Gold Knight and he finally reached the top of the mountain. Makalov with axes was actually far better than I expected and I genuinely enjoyed using him throughout just because move + axes was a blessing amongst the squalor I've lived in before.

    The final two Daein Chapters, 3-12 and 3-13, had to be two of my favorites just because I had to do more than just tactically move my small group of crappy units, but I got an army to command with wyvern riders. I cannot express the joy I felt upon seeing the wyvern bases on a yellow unit in 3-12. In short, both chapters relied on the yellow units to clash while my units were used for tactical support and key kills. This was the least Fire Emblem the series has ever felt and I kinda enjoyed the switch in ideology from directly controlling an army to being a part of a larger conflict. Just for some specifics on each chapter now, 3-12 mainly revolved around Tauroneo hiding in a square of yellow units unequipped while Aran, Fiora, and Leonardo all helped the main force push out into the valley with the yellow units. 3-13 was a bit trickier, but I got a neat setup that somehow worked. I had Aran and two adjacent Halberdiers standing at the stairway just below Michaiah's zone, Leonardo would rotate between the two front entrance points that would go behind Aran to block Laguz charging, and Fiora would rotate between those same points and the left side when 3-13 archer couldn't handle the Laguz that approached. Michaiah sadly can't leave her platform so I couldn't Purge too much, but she definitely functioned throughout with Physic & her Purge tome. 3-E was kinda uninteresting, I had the best units in the run so far and a bunch of green units running around, we hit the limit quickly.

    Oh boy Part 4, here we go. Many (including myself) believed that Part 4 would not be feasible without using the Royals & C tier units like Skrimir. To start, my distribution for Part 4 was irregular. I kept most of Ike's squad together in his army while adding in some of the Laguz from Part 3 and Devdan just because I needed a solid team to save the Tormod Squad later. Hawk Army was again a lot of Crimean units because this was the best route for cavs, having all outdoor chapters and swamps impacting everyone equally meant there was no reason to take units out, but Fiona was added in here because cav again. Lastly Silver Army got every mage and Nealuchi to make the desert possible alongside Leonardo and Aran to make 4-P possible really. None of this was easy, but I'll talk about each chapter by their respective leaders.

    Starting with the Silver Army in 4-P and 4-2 we have a map with an annoying amount of reinforcements from behind you, bulky foes, a lack of good choke points, and to cap it off 4-2 gets the extra bonus of being a desert! Silver Army probably had the hardest time throughout Part 4. My main saving graces throughout these chapters were a crit forged Thunder Tome for Illyana so she could heavily chunk units, Aran being a wall and tanking harder than most units could, and Leonardo being able to rotate in for mages attacking so he could buy me time to heal people. It took a few attempts to find a solid strategy amongst these runs, but 4-P was really the point where the game ratcheted up the difficulty with more aggressive enemies & aggressive spawns for reinforcements. 4-2 was actually easier because I could manage the enemies far better than I usually could since many just didn't like moving. I even tried to block Burger King from killing too much, but sadly he got a few kills, but hey when BK stealing kills is the hardest part of the chapter it wasn't so bad, just tedious. We also got Stefan here and just to sum up the late game RD beorc recruits, they're all amazing. Better than what I currently have usually, great to fill in the lines and were overall fantastic. Volke, Bastian, and Stefan all top tier in the low tier run (Tormod Squad excluded due to circumstances).

    Greil Army was a bit trickier because 4-1 reflects 4-P in a lot of ways but now featuring Fog of War! I essentially just tanked around the sand bags and continued my unit rotation. Mist with a horse helped here, but she still wasn't excelling in any particular area. I had to constantly rotate out my Laguz formations because they kept untransforming, Ike and Rolf each held their sides bravely, and Mist was on heal duty, but faster now. I don't have much else to say other than there is one specific tile I despise that Peg Knights can hide on in the lower left corner of your camp that isn't illuminated by your central fire. That tile puts the Peg Knight within range of most units, so they'd keep killing someone from out of nowhere. I absolutely hate that spot after failing far too many times to a sneaky Pegasus. 4-3 on the other hand contained 4 new recruits, brilliant! Now I'll admit, I do some dumb things, but 4-3 was up there with some of what this run held. This was my last chance though, so I used Vika & Tormod enough to get them up to tower ready levels. This chapter took far longer than it needed to, but I trained hard and got results with Tormod at SS Fire by the end and Vika capping stats. Muarim just felt too good to use tbh, but if I were taking this seriously, I'd be 100% using him. Oliver is our last recruit of this chapter and man that's a unit. High Strength for all the staff bonking is really all I can say. The chapter itself is just not interesting, the mages that spawn in the bottom right corner are the only tricky part of this map and this is one of the few chapters where ledges matter. Having Tormod attack down at all the reinforcements from spawn that just bunch up trying to move up the ledge was the longest grind strategy, but it got him to endgame ready. I also want to give a mention to Devdan who held the left side reinforcements near the chests by himself. Once he has the speed to not be doubled he's a surprisingly solid unit, but his bases are not suitable for most cases at all he just managed to work out here due to lack of units in Part 2. Overall just a turtley map where I grinded for some good levels.

    Hawk Army might be the least interesting overall just due to 4-2 and 4-5 playing out like regular maps. The enemies weren't overly aggressive, reinforcements weren't as dire as in 4-P or 4-1, and the terrain was just more favorable. Our new recruits though vary in usage. Pelleas has Dark Magic, wow cool! I got him to Archsage and used him a lot just for fun and he's not bad, but wow he has some real bad bases rolling into Part 4. His placement is certainly warranted, but a fun unit to use, nonetheless. Bastian is a mage in RD they're all not good. Magic in RD just has the issue of tome might is so bad and no mages are great at base besides maybe Soren. You're really just struggling to find where they fit in outside of early/mid game and Bastian falls into that. He's good otherwise, but wow he gets no favors going into Part 4. Volke is a Baselard bot. Honestly this makes him amongst the best of the cast because Baselard isn't exactly a joke and his bases are pretty tower viable compared to what I'm working with. For the chapters themselves, 4-2 is the most boring map due to not having anything of note happening. Not as hard as 4-P or 4-1, just existing. 4-5 was more annoying than anything because I just formed a line until Izuka approached me and I used cavs set up at each of his spots to just beat the old man up. Just a lot of Laguz Slayers being used and my last chance for the Beastfoe skill to be relevant.

    Now we're at the tower. Now since there are a considerable amount of units in the lower tiers I decided to go for 2 runs just because I gotta prove all low tiers matter. Here's the two runs I did, both were pretty similar in that the units were garbage, but just a new look between the two. In short, the tower was not the worst part of the run. I'll go over each piece of endgame, but it plays a lot like Part 4 just because my units are getting closer to caps and I don't have to worry much about terrain, the only obstacle being the bosses. E-1 was fine overall, the main problem was rotating between pushing forward and dealing with reinforcements from behind. Ike was mainly there to bait and mages there to burn the Generals down behind me with the few other front-line units being usable to combat the flanks. Overall it played out exactly as expected, just a little slower. E-2 is just bonk city. That's it, I used a hammer. I used Siege tomes to kill Levail so I could get Wishblade, but otherwise I 2 turned it like everyone else. E-3 may be the hardest chapter of the tower though. The dragons aren't even the major issue, my units rarely would get 1-2 shot by any of them. The dragons were an issue don't get me wrong, but I had some enough units that they weren't an issue for most of my forces. The issue was Dheginsea. He was a giant stat check that required a few good hits and units to start chunking down alongside his 30 HP Renewal per turn. I went very conservative and just used Ike for heavy hitting and my other physical hitters like Fiona, Aran, Danved, Makalov, Astrid etc to plink away slowly to start chipping him down. I kept Illyana in the wings until she was in for the finisher while my second run had some interesting tactics that could've been handily done with regular units, but I had more fun this way. This chapter's close brings us to our last two recruits, Nasir and Gareth. Tide bots are the best description I can give, Nasir chips the auras around Ashera just due to his sheer bulk, but Gareth just doesn't last and I don't have the capability to kill spirits fast enough to save him. E-4 was again a slower way to play with very little interesting going on, Sephiran really isn't difficult here and spirits are just a stat check that Gareth doesn't pass. Finally on to E-5, Ashera and her wards. Actually not that bad, I still think Dheginsea was a harder stat check, but this fight provided more obstacles we'll say. First are hit rates, they've never been good and never will be very good that's just a problem with the auras. Issue now is that there are no crutches besides Ike, every hit counts now and no royals can bail me out. The other major issue were the area attacks Ashera may make each turn. I would have to ensure a use of Fortify & heal them after every one because most units would be down to around single digit or teens HP after every one and I couldn't manage on that HP with the constant spirit spawning. Once the auras were down and Ashera was open it was a done deal. She's no pushover but wow I did not struggle nearly as much here on both runs compared to Dheginsea. The 15 less defense and lack of Ire certainly made the Ashera fight more reliable at the very least compared to Dheginsea. With the tower wrapped up, this concludes the gameplay portion of the Low Tier Run. Now for some more analysis.

    Part 3: Analysis

    So I stated before near the beginning that the tier list we made was generally competent and I won't deny that, but when analyzing Radiant Dawn there's more to look in a tier list than just a unit on the box. I think we did a good job with scaling Sothe & Nolan high up because they are essential for their parts of the game (I tried clearing 1-3 without them and it was just far too much, you need them up until the desert chapter). Looking over our tier list though, I want to go a little bit more into detail on my views on what separates a low tier specifically in Radiant Dawn, bring up a few examples, and point to a few outliers in the low tier that are generally fine units, but aren't useful when playing normally.

    To start with we must look at the trends of the low tier units. We have every mage that isn't named Soren, Rhys, or Michaiah down in the low tiers which I think speaks more to how bad magic and magic class stat caps are in Radiant Dawn rather than how bad mage characters are specifically. The highest might tome you can use in Radiant Dawn is 12 might and that's only available at tier 3. All of them also have high availability issues, Illyana being the most available throughout most of Part 1, Part 3 from Chapter 2 in the Greil Mercs, and throughout Part 4 however you like. Laura, Tormod, Calill, Pelleas, Bastian, and Oliver all being stuck as mages intermittently in a game that does them no favors makes a solid case that warrants them being in these bottom tiers.

    Laguz are also a trend in the low tiers, but that really shouldn't surprise anyone. Laguz are historically bad and Radiant Dawn's low tier run hasn't done them any favors. When consistency and tight strategies are needed Laguz rarely make the cut for being good. Volug comes with makeshift Formshit during Dawn Brigade chapters which really sums up his performance, Janaff and Ulki are fliers with good bases, and then Ranulf works for when he arrives even if he is just a cat Laguz still, and Skrimir is beef for the last leg of the game. Laguz starting with bases and having usually decent availability seems to be a theme for them being good while you have Muarim, Vika, Nealuchi, Lethe, Mordecai, Lyre, and Kyza are all just kind of mediocre in comparison. Janaff and Ulki start out great, but even in Part 1 Vika struggles to damage some enemies when transformed. Lethe is just worse Ranulf except she's around for some of Part 2. You get the idea, these units just don't hold up when Laguz don't really get levels or more stats without BXP investment. The dragons are a different story of just being in the Tower which really comes down to availability. They are all great support bots and deserve to really be used (Kurth's Night Tide is solid and Nasir's White Tide really helped out for E-5).

    To try and keep the last part of unit trends down I'm going to be grouping the last part as "class problems" which is kinda all encompassing of the Archers, Soldiers, and Cavaliers in the bottom tiers. These aren't exclusively class issues, but each has issues that stem from comparing others in their classes or their class stats that are relevant under the one banner. Archers themselves have always had the issue of being 2 range locked and it's usually just a problem for them, but Radiant Dawn opens up a very cool option, the Crossbow! It's a 1 range option for bows with set damage and I really did use them a good amount just for some tanking functionality. When it comes to the archers themselves this flexibility doesn't make them good. Shinon works off his bases no matter the weapon type, he's just a really good above average unit based on his start alone. Rolf and Leonardo just can't compare and have to work to really claim their place next to Shinon in terms of viability in any normal run. Leonardo ended up being more of a tank than someone like Meg because of how oddly he's built. Rolf became Shinon after far too much investment when I was 4 manning Part 3, but even then they're just one kill then they sit there for an enemy phase. They won't be killing with Crossbows due to how they work. It's the constant archer problem and their class hasn't been fixed, but I appreciate the effort they put forth to at least try to help them.

    Cavs are another group with class issues especially with Radiant Dawn's strange treatment of cavalier weapon types. The issues here aren't so much rooted in class though as much as it is in weapon type and individual characters of course, but cavs aren't given many favors throughout Radiant Dawn. In the upper tiers you have Kieran, Geoffrey, Oscar, and Titania. Wow more Greil Mercs are good units, what a surprise, yeah Titania and Oscar just start out ahead and keep going. They also have large maps throughout their availability that let them really use that movement to their advantage. Geoffrey and Kieren also start out ahead, but their availability really isn't fantastic Kieran moreso than Geoffrey's three chapters prior to the tower. Kieran's axes and Geoffrey's substantial bases during his chapters fulfill solid roles. On the other side we have Fiona, Makalov, and Astrid in the low tier. I don't think much needs to be said, Fiona's availability in Part 1 means she's too far behind to make her useful in Part 3, Makalov uses Swords and has to really work for those axes, and Astrid is uhhh just pretty awful in all aspects with bow lock, shaky hit rates on generics, bad speed, and not really any strength to speak of. Furthermore, you have some maps that hinder cavaliers greatly, the bridge pitfalls and lack of maneuverable room provide some issues. Cavs aren't heavily hindered by their class, but needing to wait until T3 for a second weapon type, Silver Knights only having bows and lances, and having more problems provide no favors for cavs, you either start solid or you suffer in the lower tiers.

    Lastly are the Beorc Gotohs of Stefan, Renning, and Volke. This'll be somewhat short just because it's a Radiant Dawn issue. These are good units, but you've got royals to bring. Yes Renning is good in 0% growths and has access to S Axes, but there are better units to bring when you're just playing the game as one normally would since these units can get outpaced. Volke and Stefan also suffer a bit due to their weapon types not being the best, Volke really only having Baselard as his main weapon and Stefan with whatever SS Sword you decide to hand over. They are stars in a low tier run, but availability is one of the biggest deciding factors in Radiant Dawn tiering.

    Now for a summary on elements of tiering of Radiant Dawn comes down to "Where are you and how do you perform?" I won't tell others how to tier, but after playing through the game a few times I realize that I really do value a unit being available and having access to the best weapons for their time. Illyana becomes one of the most usable units and a contender for endgame because of her access to good weapon types (or well good enough in Illyana's case) and her availability throughout the game to gain XP up to Archsage without needing to be injected with BXP constantly. Rolf similarly has some of the hardest chapters in the game to grow as him, Ike, and Illyana are your only consistent combat units for a long while in Part 3. On the lower end you have Makalov who by all accounts can become very solid just by virtue of axe access, but the problem comes from him having 2 chapters of availability before becoming a permanent member of Ike's army after you save Elincia, even then he has few chapters before we hit Part 4. He's generally solid after some average levels and will catch up to Kieran and Geoffery, but there's the issue. He's just a worse Gold Knight by starting with worse stats and a worse weapon type. On the bottom rung we have Astrid, a weak unit with weak availability and who's only real saving grace is a Paragon Scroll. I still used her and it's possible to make her solid, but cav bases & promo gains are nothing for Astrid to write home about and if you aren't playing with any level of efficiency she's fine at best.

    The low tiers of RD are really a unique place just because of how xp factoring works and the time you have to use units. RD being more focused on bases rather than growths amplifies the importance of where you are and when you are. Tiering Radiant Dawn posed a unique question to the sub of what we value more in a unit and why. I'm glad we came to our tier list so this run could happen, and I could begin this journey into investigating where our thought processes and beliefs came from on how good units are. Thank you to everyone who read this, this piece has been in the works for months now and I'm glad to finally put all of my thoughts into one not so concise post. If you have any questions for me I'd be more than happy to answer your burning questions in the comments.

    submitted by /u/RodmunchPHD
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    Ethlyn - Princess of Chalphy

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Do people want the weapons triangle to return?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    With three houses being my first game, I didn't know about the weapons triangle initially, but I eventually got around to playing a couple of the 3DS games like conquest. After learning about the weapons triangle, it kinda made me wish that it was in three houses. I think it helps incentivize strategy building more, which is what makes fire emblem so fun. When I was playing on maddening mode in three houses, I would often encounter enemies that were generally pretty tanky and both their res and def stats, while also being relatively fast (I think enemy war masters, warriors and heroes were the best examples of this from what I can remember). It wasn't impossible to defeat enemies like these, but I think personally I would have found it more satisfying defeating these kinds of enemies while utilizing different weapon advantages. I mean, it's not the worst thing to not have the weapons triangle, but I definitely think it helps enhance the gameplay at least for me. Do you all hope to see their return of the weapons triangle and future Fire Emblem games? Do you think it'll make a return?

    Edit: Idk how, but I completely forgot to mention the effects on hit rates, which is the main reason I like the triangle lol. Conquest really had me think about that, especially with the dual weapons on enemies

    submitted by /u/eeyoregod
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    Love yourself or die -chibi naoto and claude

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Commission: Madworld Spirit by RayDango on Twitter

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Geneology Character redesign

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 04:58 PM PDT

    So characters from Shadow Dragon were kept /pretty/ close to their original character designs when it was remade for the DS, however, characters from Gaiden had a petty big face lift for SoV. My question is do you think if Geneology/Thracia were remade for the switch or even future consoles do you think they will update the character's designs? Which characters from the World of Holy Wars would you like to see updated? Are there any characters who you hope do not change?

    submitted by /u/Lunas_Umbreon
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    Dorothea and Marianne Wedding

    Posted: 07 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

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