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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    Fire Emblem Teatime.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Teatime.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Teatime.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    I finally finished my Summer Dorothea Cosplay!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Painted a Modern AU of the Golden Deer Crew!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    3H: The Golden Route [OC]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Summer Shamir

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    [OC] I drew Bernadetta

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    Goddamn These Cyril Tributes Aren't Stopping

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Summer Lucina and Mia

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    [OC] Happy Birthday Dedue!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Felix and Annette Baking

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    [OC] This drawing is kind of simple and maybe not fantastic, but I still kinda like it!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:41 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    How to make the FE1 inventory as painless as possible

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Whenever FE1 is brought up, next to its run speed, this is the biggest barrier to entry for most people. And it's understandable, in fairness. The inventory system can be pretty daunting since it's so archaic and hard to use if you're used to a more modern FE.

    To the uninitiated, here are the main differences between FE1 and a more standard FE inventory.

    1. You cannot trade, but rather only give. The giving unit needs to go into their inventory next to the unit receiving an item, ending their turn after giving it. There must be room in the other unit's inventory, otherwise they cannot receive.

    2. The convoy is not accessible from battle preps, and likewise units that have items cannot give them to another unit without being deployed. Instead, a unit must be on the map to access their inventory, and the convoy must be accessed while on the map, on a special convoy tile. Also, when buying items, you cannot send them to convoy - but you can send items received from chests or dropped to your convoy.

    3. You cannot sell items. This means that when you receive some garbage you'll never use, you should always drop it asap in order to avoid it taking up space.

    4. There are only four inventory slots per units, and the convoy can hold 40 items. You might want to keep a leeway of about 4 free slots in the convoy in order to make it possible to dump a unit's inventory, then withdraw stuff from the convoy when cleaning it out.

    If this sounds janky, that's because it is. But just because something is janky does not mean that you cannot work with it. You must embrace the jank, rather than try to tackle it as though it were a modern era FE (which the game was obviously not meant to be treated as).

    So, what do you do to get around that system? Well, the first thing to consider is that FE1 maps are kinda small in terms of enemy numbers, and so it can actually take a really long time to get through weapons. In my last playthrough, I gave Navarre three silver swords in chapter 12, and it literally lasted him until the end of the game. What this means is that you shouldn't try to keep everyone's inventories topped off 24/7. There's no point. Rather, you should strategically send units to the convoy or shop (as needed) when their inventory starts getting a little low, or when it's convenient. Let's say you're going to seize within two turns and Hardin has two free inventory slots, and is two turns away from the convoy... Why not just send Hardin to the convoy now while you have time?

    Another thing you can do is use the units that the game gives you for free as a way to shop or to act as deliverymen. Are you really going to use Matthis? Not really, but he's a 9 move cavalier, so you could deploy him and just use him to grab items from the convoy in order to delivery them to your units via the give command. You don't need a full team to do combat in this game, because again, the enemies are small in numbers.

    Your thief should always have 4 items on him, probably one lockpick and 3 really cheap weapons like iron swords. That way, what they loot from chests will go straight to convoy since you can't withdraw them from the thief without deploying them.

    Occasionally you'll notice that your convoy has grown a little bloated. It's not a bad idea in those cases to deploy a useless unit to sit on top of the convoy and clean it out (empty 4 items, end turn, drop 4 items, repeat) when you realize that you're running out of space.

    When giving items to other units, it's possible to save turns by setting up a diamond around the unit that will be giving the items. If you set up in a diamond shape at the end of the movement range of the giver, it is possible for the giver to give one item per unit surrounding them in order to fill all of their inventories.

    Certain chapters are particularly good locations to shop. Outside of these, I barely did any shopping in FE1. To be clear, this is not an efficiency LTC guide or anything, just roughly how I shopped to minimize inventory management tedium.

    Chapter 1 sells iron swords and javelins. You're going to want a couple of javelins just for the occasional time where you need to counter someone on enemy phase, otherwise you're going to just take damage for free and there's no point. The iron swords can be nice in order to give something other than a rapier to Marth, and they're just the weapon you're going to use a lot early game since they're powerful enough while being accurate. I usually like making a cav (cain or abel) shop from the armory turn 1, while Jagen gives his silver lance to Caeda turn 1. You can also shop with Jagen turn 2 to fill his inventory with iron swords and pass them around.

    Chapter 5 has the same shop as chapter 1, but this time it's right next to a convoy. If you need to bank some javelins, now is the time. I didn't go through that many javs over the entire game, but 3-4 of them can't really go amiss.

    Chapter 8 sells rapiers, silver lances, door keys, healing staves, vulneraries, and tomes. The game is even nice enough to give you two pretty bad units that start literally on top of the shops, so while you're doing the chapter for realsies, you can start shopping with Radd and Caesar. While one of them visits a shop, the other visits the convoy to dump their inventory. Move onto a free shop, then move the other onto the convoy, and repeat. If you need to restock your units, you could send some of them down with them to access the shops (there are three armories and two shops, so 5 units can shop at once), since the chokepoint up there is a two tile wide clusterfuck anyways. I would recommend stocking up on silver lances and a couple rapiers. Your first silver swords don't come until a little later, so the silver lance is the best big boy weapon for cases where you're short of one rounding with an iron sword, and your christmas cavs + hardin + Caeda should be able to use it by then, giving you some serious power. Door keys can be nice to buy for certain chapters to go faster, such as Chapter 14 so that you can send your thief one way and Marth with a door key the other way, but you need to plan ahead and can usually just deploy a thief anyways. I'd suggest buying like 3-4 healing staves since not all chapters sell them, and you'd hate to be out of them.

    Chapter 10 is a repeat of chapter 8's shop. It's not as good for stocking things into the convoy, but if you have a unit near the end of the map with a free inventory slot that could use a silver lance or something like that, there's no reason not to.

    Chapter 11 sells mend staves and tomes. It also has another repeat of 8's armory, but here is a good place to buy mends if you want them (healing staves don't scale with magic in this game so they can be worth), or magic tomes if you're running out

    Chapter 12 is the first shop that sells silver swords, arguably the best weapon in the game. It's also kind of expensive, and you get the silver card a while later, so you can hold off on stocking up if that's something you want to optimize. I should stress that money is not an issue in this game, so buying a bunch now is just fine, but there's only 1 shop and it's at the end of the map so you're delaying seizing to shop. The difference in price and durability with silver lances means the lances are pretty much obsoleted at this point, but you can still buy some if you're worried about money. They have the same might.

    Chapter 14 is the chapter where you get the silver card. You can send it to the convoy with your thief and then start shopping if you want. The only notable items are the knight killer and silver bow, maybe rapier if you've been running through them, but I'd probably rather use a silver sword over a knight killer since in most cases, both will kill, but the silver sword is more accurate.

    Chapter 15 has a fair amount of shops near the end. The most notably things are the recover staves, but usually mend does the trick.

    Chapter 16 If you opted not to stock up on silvers in chapter 12, this is the best place to use your silver card to buy silvers instead since they were available near a convoy, but don't cost you as many turns since the shops are before Marth seizes.

    Chapter 17 has the first secret shop. Notably, you can buy Thoron, Barrier, Physic, swam, and lockpicks, but you shouldn't really need the latter. The secret shop is very far from the convoy, so I would suggest bringing a unit with an empty inventory, having someone kill the VIP card priest, then giving the VIP card to the unit that will do the shopping. Then, that unit can buy three physics easily and pass them out to your healers.

    Chapter 21 sells stat boosters in the secret shop (look for the forest tile in the middle of the mountains). Energy ring, speedwing, secret book, and goddess icon At this point, you have a fuckton of money, and the stat boosters aren't that expensive, so I would recommend you buy them full price just to spend less time buying them (3 at a time instead of 2). Don't buy more than you need to save time - in my case, that was 3 energy rings to get Tiki one rounding Medeus' bodyguard.

    *Chapter 23 sells promotion items. The secret shop is behind the throne. If you have someone unpromoted and want to promote them, here's the time, though there isn't much game left for them to use their promoted stats. If they even gain anything.

    Chapter 24 sells stat boosters again. Boots, talisman, dracoshield, and seraph robes. It is in the bottom left of the map, plain tile in mountains. Same as chapter 21 applies, though you really shouldn't need these stat boosters at this point.

    Endgame has a shop that sells door keys. If for some reason you have no way to open the doors and are not warp skipping the map, or are unable to progress fast enough to deal with the enemies before doors close, you can buy door keys from that map.

    I'm by no means an expert on this game, but I hope this helps you enjoy it if you ever give it a shot. I feel like FE1 is worth experiencing at least once, and the inventory system tends to be the biggest turn off for people, so here's hoping that helped!

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Dimna. Day one of drawing every fe4 sub in one month.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Pilgrimage to the Red Canyon (OC)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    [Self] Anna Cosplay FEA! [I believe that FEA saved the series fight me :p]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    My FE: three houses Custom Razer Panthera EVO Arcade stick [Done with the help of Risingte on fiverr]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Drew FEH's Alfonse in a New Style

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Lysithea von Ordelia����

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    I made a Jeritza/Death Knight Sticker!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    Enjoying the first snow of the Ethereal Moon [OC]

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Intelligent Systems should hire Monolith Soft or another company to help with the next Fire Emblem game

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    I'll preface this by saying I loved Three Houses, and I've been a fan of the series for a while now! But I think it was visually lacking, especially compared to the 3DS Fire Emblem games.

    To give you an example, this is what FE Echoes looked like on the 3DS, and this is what Three Houses looks like in the Monastery. (There isn't even really any lighting in the monastery...)

    Three Houses wasn't made entirely by the FE devs like past games, instead Koei Tecmo, the people behind FE Warriors, helped since they're more familiar with making home console games. While they helped make the game possible, I think the series could improve a lot if another development studio helped or replaced Koei Tecmo.

    I recently played Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, and I was genuinely surprised as to how quality it was. There were constant fully animated cutscenes, character models were beautiful, colorful, detailed and expressive, the game never had any performance issues, and in the new content, there's even a system similar to supports that even has animations in it. Be it polishing cutscenes, character models, upping performance, improving lighting, etc. I feel like a company like Monolith Soft would help immensely to improve from Three Houses.

    Granted, I'm sure a lot of companies could help Intelligent Systems too, and it's possible the FE devs could just hire more experience employees or learn themselves. It doesn't have to be Monolith Soft in specific, but I think their level of polish is what I want to see out of the series one day. What do you think? (At the very least, can the next entry not have backgrounds made up of stitched together images that distort in weird ways? This happens constantly.)

    submitted by /u/Spinjitsuninja
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