• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 27, 2020

    Fire Emblem Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Fire Emblem Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Hello, readers of /r/fireemblem! It has been a long time since Three Houses was released last year, and a lot of things have happened since then, for better or worse. One thing that hasn't really changed in all this time though… has been our subreddit banner. Some people have asked us about it, others have poked fun over it, and some people probably don't care because they have custom CSS disabled. In any case, the current banner's a bit old and can be replaced now, so we'd like to hold a little competition!

    How it will work:

    • Submissions will be open until October 31st, so a little more than a month from now.
    • Submissions will need to follow the guidelines listed below, or else they will not be considered.
    • Once we've closed submissions, we will select a short list of our favourite submissions and set up a new thread open for public voting to let users determine the winner.
    • The four submissions with the most votes will receive prizes, listed below.


    • First-place will receive one month of Discord Nitro as a gift, a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the subreddit banner one week after the results are announced.
    • Second-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the banner for that week before the first-place submission is put up.
    • Third-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.
    • Fourth-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.

    Submission guidelines:

    • All submissions must be 1920 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall.
    • The content of the banner must be FE-themed or related in some easily identifiable way (for example, by featuring characters or a prominent item/location from the series). Submissions that do not directly or easily relate to Fire Emblem will not be considered.
    • Please, no spoilers, NSFW, or gore/violence of any kind, even if it's within the rules of the subreddit. We can mark posts for those things, but not the subreddit banner.
    • Assets used in a submission must either be from official FE material (for example, OA/portraits from the games, Cipher art, FEH art, any series fonts, etc.) or original material created by the person making the submission.
    • Do not use artwork or other assets created by other fanartists, even if you obtain their permission. Doing so is grounds for immediate disqualification.
    • Trying to pass off artwork from other fanartists as your own is plagiarism (this includes tracing and "referencing" someone else's art). Plagiarising or tracing someone else's art will lead to both an immediate disqualification and a ban from the subreddit. Please do not do this.

    We hope everyone interested does their best!

    Click here to submit your creation!

    P.S. We are also holding a competition on our Discord server to design a new banner there as well! Check the Announcements channel there for more details!

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
    [link] [comments]

    Lady of Hresvelg. (OC)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    [OC] Lucina's judgment

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    [OC] Professor :)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    Just got into fire emblem and fell in love, what you guys think of my switch?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    |COMMISSION| ByMir (By: @Maymo.art on Twitter)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Small Azura fanart~ ����

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Miriel WIP �� ( Twi: jxh_soda )

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    Better picture of my Summer Dorothea cosplay!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    So, my try using the Yune Randomiser; and of course Seth is...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Three Houses wins Award for Excellence at Japan Game Awards 2020

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Tobin: The Clueless One

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Tobin.

    Tobin is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia.

    One of the Ram Villagers, Tobin joined the Deliverance to travel the continent and gain money to support his large family.

    After the war, Tobin joined the knighthood of Valentia and sought Clair's hand in marriage, only to lose to his best friend, Gray. However, he continued to serve Alm regardless. Eventually, the king granted him a title and castle of his own as a reward for his loyalty and friendship. If Gray dies in the war, though, Tobin suffers a strong bout of depression and while he joins the military and excels in it, he never fully recovers.

    Tobin is supported by:

    He has the following quotes.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
    [link] [comments]

    I draw a Good Girl~

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Well just beat Genealogy and all I can say is that ending was perfection.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    What a fucked up Endgame that was. I don't think I've had so much anxiety playing Fire Emblem since Elicina's Gambit in RD. This Endgame made CH 10 which IMO was a huge bump in difficulty, look like pansy work. Besides sacrificing Oiffey to Julius in 10 and losing the footie Axe Bro earlier on I was doing very good keeping everyone alive.

    Well this Endgame changed that. Fee dead. Those Southwest Arch Knights got her and I was pissed cause I thought I had everything set but Fee's position. And I literally saved constantly all game, but didn't have any earlier saves to save her. So Fee you were an absolutely queen during Gen 2. And you'll have a special place with me now. Those Arches also killed Lester to Patty's horror but sorry Lester after Fee bit it I was numb to you dying.

    I went up to Freege. Ced and Tine made work of Hilda's army. And Tine checked off her final person on her Kill Bill list and killed Hilda. YASSSSS my Tinny Tine. Then I had to deal with Ishtar and those awful Falcon sisters. With this encounter, Shannan died. No idea how he avoid tanked all of Gen 2 to die to a generic mage that activated continue. RNG BULLCRAP at its finest.

    And then came the weirdest part of the endgame. Trying to kill Manfroy while avoiding a brainwashed Julia who can pretty much kill my whole army if she hits. Damn you Return spamming on her. But Manfroy died after what I like to call Sleep-a-geddon. Ares, and Seliph went into the Dark Mage zone. Totally blanked Seliph had a javelin equipped. And his ass along with Tine, Ced, and pretty much everyone else fell asleep.

    This literally left Ares to solo Manfroy and those dark bishops all the while Febail and Larcei are keeping Julia busy over near Freege. But thank god Hel has a horrible hit rate. And no one died on this crazy ass quest to re-recruit Julia. Julia then got the Naga tome. And left the Deadlords and Julius shaking.

    Then we had the ending. Where all my emotions went. Seeing everyone go off to restore their former lands was very nice. And for such an old game to see such depth in the variations on how the endings can go. Seliph became king and Judgral prospered.

    Though was Lewyn giving some hints to players about Thracia. Saying "there's a hard journey a head of you" when they left. I did laugh cause we all know Thracia is home to 776. Which I'm probably gonna start after stopping it sometime ago. Goodness I hope when it comes to 776, even though it's different coming off of Genealogy will have me prepared for the difficulty bump.

    And when it comes to units:

    Seliph: a true king once he promotes. It's a lifesaver having Sigurd pass down the Paragon Ring to him. Faster on a horse the better. IMO I thought he held his own sometimes better then Sigurd once promoted.

    Azel!Tine: my head canon female lead of Gen 2. She paired with Seliph. And she was a wrecking ball against enemies. Her storyline is one of the most tragic stories in FE. She got her revenge on both Bloom and Hilda killing them both on their death battles.

    Lex!Ulster and Larcei: Paragon made these two killed it very early. And they stayed awesome throughout Gen 2. Being foot-locked did hinder them at points. But overall when needed they killed things good.

    Ares: Holy Weapon user. Check. Eldigan clone. Check. Resistance Bae. Triple Check. Ares was a force and helped me through some times. Also really like his relationship with Lene, who survived thankfully.

    Lewyn!Fee: even though Fee died early into the Endgame. There's no denying she helped a lot during her time in the game. She had like 45 kills by her death, and out of all of them this one hurt the most. But I wasn't resetting all the way back to the beginning so my heart had to go on.

    Azel!Arthur: now Azel was a pain in the ass to try to level up and I kinda gave up and just made him a dad to Tailtu. And what Azel lacked Arthur had. His stats were solid, he could Arena abuse, and he actually got a horse. Overall Azel would be proud.

    Beowulf!Dermott and Nanna: Nanna was a healer. She was more durable then Ethlyn and could dish some damage. And Dermott was a better Beowulf, and was constantly a force. But for me what these two had that I needed was Charisma. This helped me in so my stitches it wasn't even funny.

    Altena: a very late recruit. But had crazy STR and then some. Really like her arc in CH 9, and she was a wrecking ball as long as you kept her out of mage range.

    Julia: this was what Deirdre should've been in the 1st Gen. an active unit for most of the story but is kidnapped later on. And Julia mostly served as a healer but when she needed to she fished damage. And Nosferatu was a great choice. By the time she got Naga at the Endgame she was a FORCE.

    Everyone else kinda did their thing but not as holy shit. Lana healed just like Aideen. Febail was good. But I kept forgetting he was there. Caipre what the hell kinda level is that on CH 9. Patty was Patty. And Lief kinda sat around until promotion at the Endgame. And he did work for that last bit. Can't wait to wanna kill you during Thracia Lief 😂👌

    Overall I had a great time this play through with Genealogy. While it looks all scary af once you kinda dive into the sitches and know how to tackle them it's a lot easier. Now IS let's get this remade over the others PLEASE!

    submitted by /u/zazild92
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    Claude! (By me)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Petra! I tried a new coloring process!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Tried doing Marth in another "style"

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    FE3H Students Height Chart

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    2020 Shipping Survey- Fire Emblem Three Houses

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    I tried drawing Larcei!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    (In)famous maps: Conquest Chapter 10 - Unhappy Reunion

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Welcome to the first post of a weekly series designed to reignite some discussion around map design in this community. We'll be looking into a single map every week, and simply talk about it. We can discuss its strengths and weaknesses, give opinions on what the map could do better or even just tell a little fun story of something that happened to us while playing this map. For ease of discussion I'll be linking relevant resources in the post. Of course I'll be joining in on the discussion in the comments myself, but I'll be keeping the map part of this post very descriptive and neutral, as to not shape discussion around my opinion.

    That being said, Conquest Chapter 10 has garnered quite the reputation over the last few years, from some claiming it to be one of the best chapters in FE History, to some others calling it a frustrating mess, with a few players even quitting because of this map's difficulty. It represents the first major difficulty spike in Conquest, with enemies being much more numerous than in the previous chapters. It's also Conquest's first map with a more unique objective: Prevent enemies from reaching an area in the top middle of the map for 11 turns. This is made a lot harder by Pegasus Knights trying to bolt right past you, and a nasty surprise halfway through the map: Takumi, the boss, activates a Dragon Vein below him, draining almost all of the water on the map, destroying your natural defenses.


    FEWiki page

    FEWoD page

    Lunatic Enemy Stats by u/TheHelpfulMercenary

    Joining Characters' wiki pages: Camilla, Selena, Beruka

    Don't be afraid to point out sources that should be added here if i missed one!

    If you've got some more Ideas for Chapters to be covered in this series throw them into your Comment. Next week we'll be looking at Chapter 26/28 of FE7: Battle Before Dawn.

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    Piano Arrangement of "A Promise" from Three Houses

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    r/Fireemblem plays and discusses Hacks & Fangames #11: General Discussion & FEE3 Plans

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Jo, everyone!

    Welcome to the 11th thread of this small community project, where we play, discuss, shill and promote Hacks & Fangames.

    For this week we have another General Discussion. Here you can talk about any fanproject you want, what you played, what you liked and disliked, suggest and ask for suggestions, shill and selfpromote, and even theorycraft if you want to!

    You can find a spreadsheet with time plan for discussions here!

    As for me, this week i played/tried the following:

    • The Nameless Heroes: A New version got released this week, and it's as fun as ever. I last played the version from last year's FEE3, and it became one of my favourites. This hack reminds me alot of Thracia, without alot of the cryptic/surprise stuff Kaga so much loves. The early game is being remade atm though, so some untranslated stuff/bugs might be there.

    • Nocturne of the Seraphim: A 1 Chapter SRPG studio game that's really fun! The Map is big and there's alot to do, and i found myself quite liking it. The only complaint i have about it is that the Boss has a crit weapon and the ability to cut your ATK in half, which only the MC can nullify. Sadly MC got critted by said crit weapon, and i had to attack the boss due to turn limit...

    What Hacks/Fangames have you been playing? What do you think of them? Are you searching for a certain Hack or Fangame? Want to share a work you like or your own work?

    Feel free to talk about all that here!

    Next week is FEE3! Hopefully some of you are hyped for it! As i said last week, i changed my plans and moved back project specific discussions until after FEE3. Instead we will have special FEE3 discussions! You can check the spreadsheet for the exact dates.

    submitted by /u/Shrimperor
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