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    Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem Delicate Dancer Hilda

    Fire Emblem Delicate Dancer Hilda

    Delicate Dancer Hilda

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    (OC Art) Mermaid Flayn

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    I tried making an Autumn Sothis

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    marianne with long hair (this was requested)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    short-haired Flayn

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:28 AM PDT

    Going back to my roots and making one of my favorite lord's GBA Compatable. Lord Sigurd of Chalphy GBA Portrait.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    My OC / EDIT

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    |OC| Resident Evil x Fire Emblem

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    (OC) Took a wack at breathing some life into our favorite axe wielding house leader

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    For New players too FE 3 planning to play it on switch I made a little reference guide to help with the Menus

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Zeus: the little known but most chad Emperor in Fire Emblem

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    If you played through lategame FE4, you might remember an enemy in the arena called Zeus. Generally arena enemies aren't especially notable, but Zeus has one very interesting thing about him: his class, Emperor. Very few individuals in FE have this class, and it tends to only be given to very important characters (Edelgard, Hardin and Arvis). In contrast to these characters, who are so vital to the games they are apart of... Zeus is a generic enemy you fight in an arena. An emperor, the leader of an empire, dicking around in the arena on another godamn continent. What a chad.

    But this brings up a good question: where did Zeus originally come from? According to the official playing guide, "the era of Genealogy of the Holy War occurs long before the continent of Akaneia. Jugdral was an advanced country, whereas Akaneia barely held any level of civilisation. At this time, the dragon tribes of Akaneia were deciding on how to handle the human race."

    No other continent is mentioned, so as far as we know, the only continents with some human presence on it, with knowledge that we have are Jugdral and Archanea (possibly Valentia as well). With that information known, it could be inferred that Zeus was the emperor of Archanea during the events of Geneaology of the Holy War.

    But wait, let's get back to that quote for a few moments. According to the guide, during the events of Geneaology, Archanea "barely held any level of civilisation." That means that while his nation was still fledgling, Zeus decided to take a ship to Jugdral, potentially taking weeks or months to arrive, and his order of business... is to fight in the arena. Not trying to potentially foster better relations with another continent, of course not. Instead, he decides that he wants to participate in some good old blood sport in an arena. Now, if that isn't a chad, I don't know what could be considered one.

    TL;DR: Leader of a developing nation decides to dick around in the arena on an entirely different continent.

    Translated source for the playing guide: https://serenesforest.net/general/designers-notes/holy-war/playing-guide/

    submitted by /u/Zoruad
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    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Palla: Eldest Whitewing

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Palla.

    Palla is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia, and is the older sister of Catria and Est.

    After Est is kidnapped, Palla and Catria chase after her. Soon, they request Celica's army to help them rescue her, and permantely stick with the army after their sister is rescused.

    Palla is supported by:

    She has the following quotes.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Here you see the other sides of Hanneman and Manuela

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Bernie's Hairstyle

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths - chapter 15 [Talons Alight]

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Sophia Dab [commission]

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Just had a weird dream that Fates will get a remake and they decide to introduce the forbidden weapon to FE: Gun.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    That's right Gun, what i saw is there were 6 type of guns.

    They were classified as bow weapon.

    They had very low might, the lowest is 1 and the highest is 6.

    But they can attack from 1-3 rng and they are effective against flier and calvary.

    When combat against mount units that are not Mechanist or artificial mounts, they will always hit and ignore foes' defensive stats.

    The Hoshidan also has a new Engineer classline. Almost anyone from Hoshido have this class as secondary class sets.

    First tier is Engineer, they use Bow and they are known for riding a small robot to combat. When equips gun, they can attack twice and double the weapon's MT. They have high attack, defense but slow speed and res

    When promoted, they can become Mechanist or Magitek.

    Mechanist is the same as the original game. But they are now have special effect when equip gun.

    Magitek has very slow speed and low movement, res but also has extremely high HP, Attack, Magic, Defense. They are treated as Armor units. They use bow, axe and tome.

    Their special ability is created a small flying robot that similiar to a bird and they can gain Exp from that. The bird have higher movement than any flier units and they can pair up with the user to bring the user to certain places on the map. The user can only summon 1 bird, they can summon another when that bird is destroyed.

    The birds are immune to bow but since their defensive stats are so bad, they are going down very easy anyway. The birds using bow and tome.

    Whenever the birds defeat an enemy, the user gains EXP.

    The bird can also self-destruct to weaken the enemies.

    There are also more classes but i don't remember much about them.

    There are some new characters.

    Some old characters are also got buff in their growth and stats.

    submitted by /u/huflit1997
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    3H Character-Specific Reddit Subs Compendium

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    I made this just for fun and to help people find Reddit subs of their favorite characters. If I'm missing any of them, please let me know! Also, I didn't count Anna because she's more of a series-wide character.

    Golden Deer:

    r/templeofmarianne (6484 members)

    r/lysithea (4755 members)

    r/hildalore (3433 members)

    r/leonieleague (1242 members)

    r/lorenzpostemblem (1167 members)

    r/churchofclaude (317 members)

    r/ignatz (121 members)

    r/churchofraphael (47 members)

    Blue Lions:

    r/annette (1318 members)

    r/churchofmercedes (652 members)

    r/dimitriablaiddyd (591 members)

    r/churchofingrid (538 members)

    r/menofduscur (192 members)

    r/churchofashe (119 members)

    r/felixfraldarius (106 members)

    r/sylvainjosegautier (29 members)

    Black Eagles:

    r/edelgard (6810 members)

    r/bernadetta (4918 members)

    r/houseofpetra (1181 members)

    r/churchofdorothea (1116 members)

    r/ferdinandvonaegir (330 members)

    r/hubert_irl (130 members)

    r/linhardt (42 members)

    r/houseofcaspar (25 members)

    Church of Seiros:

    r/byleth (6392 members)

    r/shamirsquad (1886 members)

    r/flayn (753 members)

    r/archbishoprhea (501 members)

    r/seteth (355 members)

    r/sothis (296 members)

    r/bylethm (175 members)

    r/ourgatekeepergod (23 members)

    Ashen Wolves:

    r/hapife (286 members)

    r/constancevonnuvelle (103 members)

    r/yurileclerc (3 members)

    Playable Character Subs I couldn't find:

    Manuela, Hanneman, Alois, Catherine, Balthus, Gilbert, Jeritza

    submitted by /u/Mijumaru1
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    I made a Thracia 776 randomiser

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I've been working on a Thracia randomiser on-and-off since last December, and have finally hit the right combination of "it works" and "I'm sick of working on this" to call it finished. It should work with Lil' Manster, and also an untranslated copy of the game if that's to your fancy.

    To start with the bad, it doesn't have a proper interface because I didn't know how to write one, so instead the settings consist of a command prompt text interface asking you questions one at a time for the settings. It's a little cumbersome compared to a nice interface with buttons and text entry boxes and whatnot, and offers very limited ability to go back and change settings without restarting the process.
    It also uses old names for things all over the place, which isn't anywhere near as easy a fix as it should be if the program were laid out sensibly, but this is mostly only relevant for reading through the spoilers document it produces, it won't affect the names of things in-game.

    Anyways, as for features, you can randomise classes/base stats/growths/movement stars/leadership stars/promotions/skills/scrolls/prf locks/fog of war/supports/enemies/items from chests, villages etc, as well as increasing stat caps and enemy growths, and a few minor related settings.
    I'd like to claim it's bug free, but given I considered it 'finished' last week and have made ten minor version updates since then, that's probably not true. Still, if you run into an issue, let me know and I'll try and fix it. (If the randomiser closes on its own that means it crashed - it displays the error for a split second then closes - there'll be a 'press enter to close' prompt when it finishes normally.)

    It's written in Python 2, so if you have that installed and set as the default, you can run it by either double clicking the script with a Thracia rom named FE5.sfc in the same directory, or drag and drop your rom onto it. If you don't have Python, there's an executable (generated with py2exe 0.6.9), which functions in the same way.

    Download is https://www.dropbox.com/s/sq2hy96b7jyfaug/Thracia%20776%20Randomiser.zip?dl=0

    With thanks to:

    Miacis and Ultimage, for some invaluable help with events and more.
    Anyone on the FE5 Hacking discord who tried the randomiser and found a whole bunch of stupid errors I'd missed.
    The other Thracia randomiser and its creators, for inspiration.
    Zane's Thracia 776 Documentation page, for helping figure out how to events that move characters and where name data is stored.
    Zane's Fire Emblem 5 Disassembly, for more information.
    r/fireemblem discord, for inspiration (forklauncher, Miacis for help re ch9 ai).
    Whoever made Nightmare and its Thracia modules, for getting me into editing Thracia, and containing so much data - lists of values for everything, addresses for everything it has a module for - without which I'd probably have never got started. Also it makes it so much easier to test anything that there's a module for.
    fireemblemwod.com for its maps, including which tiles enemies reinforce from so I didn't have to spend ages getting coordinates for every flier on a flier-only tile.

    submitted by /u/ruuldrruululdrrurdrd
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    Forrest by Me~

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Despair and Hope)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    "What If?" Wednesday, Chapter 9: It's a Long Way to Vulnerary

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Chapter 8

    Welcome back to the third day of the week... or is it the fourth? I hope you're not being pummeled by storms, and if you are, that you're able to keep safe and dry regardless. And not having your movement cut in half. In any case, it's the time to ask "What If?" about gameplay possibilities within the Fire Emblem series.

    Hit Points, or HP, are an important element to unit performance in Fire Emblem gameplay. A unit loses HP upon taking damage, and when it reaches 0, the unit in question dies, or flees from the field of battle. But there are ways to prevent this from happening - healers can use staves to restore the target's HP, and certain terrain tiles restore HP each turn. But among the most fundamental tools to restore HP, common to almost all titles in the series, is the Vulnerary. This item can be consumed on player phase, to restore 10 HP. Other healing items work similarly, such as the Concoction (20 HP) and Elixir (full HP). This can be useful, life-saving even - but it comes at the cost of a player-phase action.

    But what if this weren't necessarily the case? What if consumable healing items, such as the Vulnerary, could activate passively, rather than requiring a player-phase action? Assume that, like healing adjutants, the item in question activates at the start of the turn, when the unit's HP is at 50% or below. If multiple healing items are in one's inventory, the one higher in order activates. Healing items can still be consumed on player phase, if the player wishes. In either case, a single use is exhausted. Would such a change affect the way you play the game? Would you buy more healing items, and keep them in more inventories, or would you not change your habits? Would healers and healing tiles be less useful, or do you still envision a place for them in your army? Feel free to consider any relevant game in your answer.

    Anyway, let me know what you think, when you get the chance. I'll be posting my own answer below shortly. And if you wish to pose your own questions, you are welcome to do so.

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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