• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    Fire Emblem This is still my favorite support interaction in the entire series

    Fire Emblem This is still my favorite support interaction in the entire series

    This is still my favorite support interaction in the entire series

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    the war room

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I was commissioned to draw Sylvain x Ingrid Art Nouveau!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I Drew Seteth

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    Bridal Eir

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    The 3DS is no longer in production, but we should take a moment to acknowledge what the platform did for Fire Emblem

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    As reported in a few places, the 3DS is no longer in production. The online store is still going and there are absolutely loads of consoles still in the wild so its not going away completely but we should at least take a moment to salute the 3DS family.

    Its hard not to respect to what Awakening did for the Fire Emblem series, but all the 3DS Fire Emblem games as a whole helped move Fire Emblem from being a niche title, to being something a little more central in the Nintendo family of franchises. Fire Emblem is never going to be doing Mario or Zelda levels of business, but its done pretty well over the past decade, and the 3DS is a big part of that.

    Its also amazing to see how the fanbase has grown over that time, to everyone who has joined us over the past decade because of a 3DS title, I hope you have enjoyed your stay so far :)

    So thank you 3DS. I know I'll be keeping mine in good condition as long as possible to allow me to occasionally revisit Ylisse, Nohr, Hoshido, Valla and Valentia (and Magvel technically for some people).

    submitted by /u/AgrippAA
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    Ashesithea doodles [oc]

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    Hi, i draw post-war Setleth ����

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Brigid's pirate costume from FEH (commission)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    OC Art Sothis

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    [Original Art] Maiden of Divine Blood, Deirdre

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Byleth Teaching Corrin (i guess. idk what she teaching him)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:48 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:10 PM PDT


    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:03 PM PDT









    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    Fire Emblem OC: Phaedra |By Scalvy

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    After 6 months (and a lot of pauses because XC:DE) I completed FE3H only with lysithea without ng+.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    So I started this challenge way back on April this year because of lockdown. I thought: it's just a Solo run on FE, how hard can it be? The answer: a lot, but only in early game. The struggles that I had in part 2 were protecting my under leveled Claude and Byleth, which in certain maps could turn out to be very difficult. I haven't seen anywhere a solo Lysithea run without ng+ so I'm very proud of this achievement. If somebody knows someone that has done this please let me know.

    And to the people that told me 6 months ago that this was a bad idea here are the pictures (you can see a little bit of the final Golden Deer map in the 1st picture so spoiler warning)

    Also forgot to mention that I'm Chilean so the images are in spanish lmao


    submitted by /u/Americio95
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    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Python: Apathetic Archer

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Python.

    Python is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia.

    Born in a local town, he is the son of a carpenter. Due to his father's alcholism, Python fled his house in disgust and live a hand-to-mouth life, only to drop that lifestyle when encouraged by his childhood friend Forsyth to join the army. As a member of the Deliverance he guards the Deliverance camp headquarters, and works directly under Clive.

    After the war, he became the leader of a vigilante group and protected villages from bandits. If Forsyth dies, Python serves as a royal knight with the same fervor his friend had, only to die while fighting to suppress a rebellion.

    Python is supported by:

    He has the following quotes.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Attempted to make a Crest from Three Houses

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Latest ink project! [oc]

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Flayn you’re fired.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    3H: Recruitment is a Stupid Mechanic and I Hate It

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    I can't beat the final map of Azure Moon in Three Houses on Maddening, so rather than "getting good" and beating it like a mature person, I'm going to rant angrily on the internet.

    I decided to play Azure Moon blind on Maddening Mode (because Hard Mode was easier than Sacred Stones), and decided to make it a no-recruitment run. I don't know why I made my blind playthrough no-recruitment, and ever since I reached the final map, I've intensely regretted doing so.

    Now I love Fire Emblem Three Houses. The first half is like the perfect teenage escape fantasy, much like the Harry Potter books, while the second half develops the characters you've come to know and love to create the perfect bittersweet conclusion. However, the game's recruitment mechanic is way too powerful to the point of being pretty much mandatory, and absolutely mutilates the game's story and characters.


    Playing Maddening for the first time, it became abundantly clear there's not enough experience to go around. When I reached Ingrid and Dorothea's paralogue in Chapter 7, I realized that Dorothea was 10 levels higher than the vast majority of my team. The reason this is the case is because Maddening mode halves the amount of experience your characters get, meaning most of your team is going to be underleveled for pretty much every map.

    To make up for this, the game lets you recruit other houses' characters to let you replace team members that might have fallen behind. These characters usually come at a higher level too. This lets you use those characters for the rest of the game. Awesome right?

    No. It's a poorly balanced mechanic that wasn't well thought out.

    Problem I: Recruitment is Too Easy

    Here's my problem with recruitment. From a gameplay perspective there's no reason NOT to recruit characters to your house. The game showers you with gifts: flowers from the garden, rewards for quests, etc.

    So, what can you do with gifts? You can give them to the members of your house to boost their motivation, but there's hardly any reason to when dining with them boosts their motivation to full. Alternatively, you can just shower whoever you want with gifts until they reach B-support, at which point they're automatically recruited to your house. What's better, 50% motivation for a character you already own which caps at 100%, or 2-4 gifts, per week, or ~5% progress towards recruiting someone with no week-based limit whatsoever?

    And unlike every other item in the game (tea leaves, bait, fish, seeds, cooking ingredients, battle items) you can't sell gifts. There's no reason not to use gifts, and the best way to use gifts is to give them to members of other houses.

    Even if you don't try to build supports with other characters, the developers added a mechanic where you could increase your stats and weapon ranks to recruit characters without any supports. On my first playthrough I recruited Lorenz completely by accident because I happened to meet his weapon rank threshhold and accidentally hit the recruit button while talking to him. Additionally, the weapon rank thressholds are pretty generous. It's probably not unrealistic to assume you could recruit half the cast without even trying.

    Think of the cost-benefit analysis to recruiting characters. Almost every other mechanic in every other Fire Emblem game has some sort of cost to its use. Should I recruit Arran or Samson? Should I risk this 64% hit rate if it means beating the map? Who would benefit most from getting the Boots? Should I Warp skip this map, or save my Warp staff uses for a later map? Should I train Lilina for high damage Boltings in the lategame, or train an easier to use unit with more immediate results?

    In Three Houses, what is the cost to recruiting characters? There's literally nothing better you can do with your gifts. Even if you don't want to build supports, you can just hit weapon rank threshholds to recruit people. And your reward for doing so? A new character, who's likely a higher level than most of your party with better weapon ranks, class certifications, and access to a paralogue, which are pretty much mandatory for beating the game.

    Problem II: No Recruitment Makes the Game Unnecessarily Difficult

    The final map of Azure Moon is one of the worst Fire Emblem maps ever designed. The boss can hit everywhere on the map and has a 10% chance of critting and killing whoever she wants. If Divine Pulse didn't exist, this would account for bullshit resets that should've never happened. To make matters worse there are four zone-based ambush spawn Meteor and Bolting Sages that are intentionally put in the level to kill off far away units through no fault of your own.

    It would be nice if I could use adjudants to help me beat this map, but I can't because that means sacrificing a deployment, and I need every last one of my units (even bad ones like Gilbert and Ashe). It would be nice if I could use Warp to make certain parts easier, but I can't because no one in the Blue Lions knows Warp. It would be nice if any of my units could tank two Boltings or two Meteors, but since no one in the Blue Lions has any Resistance, none of them can do that besides Mercedes, who deals about as much damage as a water woggle.

    If you don't recruit any characters with the Blue Lions on Maddening, this terrible map becomes even harder for no good reason.

    Also, not every unit in this game is good. Ashe sucks. His stats are pitiful, his personal skill is pretty much useless since Chest Keys are buyable, and chests themselves rarely contain anything good. I had to keep him a Sniper the entire game for Hunter's Volley because his damage output as a Bow Knight was just that bad. The fact that I literally could not replace him made his suckiness all the more infuriating. The same holds true for Gilbert, whose hitrates suck, damage output is awful as a result of having no speed, and dies to anything using magic (and most physical attackers too).

    Problem III: Ruining the Story

    My favorite Three Houses characters are Ferdinand and Bernadetta. Being forced to kill them at the Great Bridge Coup and Battle of Gronder Field made me feel horrible, and only added to the experience of playing the game. Being forced to kill characters who were once carefree children that wanted nothing more than to sip tea or embroider dolls is a horrible feeling, and elicited a stronger emotional reaction out of me than any of the game's story beats.

    It's a good thing that recruiting these characters means the emotional weight of having to kill them is completely removed!

    If you opt to recruit a character, they are replaced with a nameless, faceless general. They're still "bosses" per say, but they have no personality, no character, and detract from the emotional weight of playing a map. Even if these replacement units had no dialogue, just a name and a face, I would've been satisfied. But no. You're pretty much just killing another generic enemy. No setup. No payoff.

    From a story perspective, what do you even get for recruiting a character? They don't show up for cutscenes, don't say anything of note during the maps, and they don't do meaningful during the monastery. I killed Ingrid with Sylvain in Crimson Flower. He didn't even mention it during the monastery. Occassionally you'll get a boss quote, but that's pretty much it.

    Problem IV: Ruining Characters

    Think about this. Sylvain has been Dimitri's close friend since they were small children. He's developed strong emotional bonds with Felix and Ingrid, swearing to the former that they'd die on the same day. Am I really supposed to believe that Sylvain would betray everyone he's ever known and loved because the other class's teacher was hot? Sylvain's an asshole sure, but he's not supposed to be that deplorable.

    Well, if you're playing Black Eagles or Golden Deer and want the Lance of Ruin, I guess Sylvain needs to betray everyone who's ever cared for him.

    I have similar problems with recruiting most of the game's cast. Felix and Ingrid are also Dimitri's childhood friends. Petra herself admits that betraying Edelgard would inevitably result in the conquest of Brigid, but leaving the Black Eagles house isn't viewed as a slight in any way? And why would Mercedes join Edelgard? Isn't she supposed to be deeply religious?

    TL;DR Recruitment in Three Houses is a stupid mechanic. It's far too easy to recruit everyone, and recruiting everyone gives you far too many benefits, especially on Maddening Mode. However, recruiting everyone is a huge detriment to the game's story, ruins certain characters, and lessens the impact of having to muder your former friends. If there was an actual gameplay cost to recruiting characters, I wouldn't care as much, but the fact that the game showers you with gifts that you pretty much can't do anything with besides recruiting characters makes recruiting characters effectively free. And with how ridiculously hard the game gets on Maddening Mode, it's like the developers knew this and expected you to recruit everyone.

    submitted by /u/Hong-Zhi
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