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    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Fire Emblem Made myself a Claude reference sheet

    Fire Emblem Made myself a Claude reference sheet

    Made myself a Claude reference sheet

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    The master tactician

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Is three houses a good starting point?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    I've been interested in the series since Smash 4 came out and I've always wanted to play them but the franchise is really big and I don't want to have to buy a new console to start so would Three Houses work as a starting point; do I need any prior knowledge?

    submitted by /u/IrishPotatoFamine2
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    They deserve respect (...someday)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    [OC] Say'ri Pocky

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    I, L’Arachel, grant you release from your wretched existence!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Belated Byleth birthday art (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem- Styled Six Fanarts (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    "The Book of Naga...has always seemed both familiar and mysterious." The Book of Naga from Heroes, painted as a fake book by myself.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Painted a chibi Sothe to celebrate my +10 in heroes!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths - chapters 17x-18 [The Port of Badon + Pirate Ship]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Which FE characters have grown on you overtime?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Whether you were originally indifferent, kinda liked, or used to dislike which FE characters have you managed to find a new appreciation for over time?

    This can be from how they are in the narrative, a new apperication for them as a unit, or just whatever reason you have to like someone.

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    I drew Edelgard! (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    The Literal Biggest Map in Fire Emblem

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Dorothea! (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday, Dorothea! (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    The girls of Gerik’s mercenaries! [oc]

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Would Thracia 776 (FE5) have sold better had it been released on the N64 instead of the Super Famicom?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    I'm often a sucker for learning behind-the-scenes history of video games, so I want to discuss Thracia 776's development with people who know more about this subject than I do (since my Thracia 776 knowledge is minimal).

    As most of us in the FE fandom know, Thracia 776 is the lowest-selling FE game of all time (158,000 units sold), and a major reason for that was because it released on the Super Famicom in 1999, which was WAY too late for a Super Famicom game and was already well into the N64's lifespan. From what I've researched, Thracia 776 didn't really begin development until 1998, which was two years after Genealogy of the Holy War came out. In those two years, Shouzou Kaga had been working on two simultaneous projects: an Archanea game that never fully materialized (and became BS Fire Emblem instead) and the Fire Emblem 64 game that eventually got scrapped.

    While we don't know much about the development of FE64, we do know that it went through years of development hell due to the complications of making a 3D FE game that the N64's hardware could properly handle. From what I can gather, the N64 probably could not handle enough memory and storage for the fully realized 3D FE game Intelligent Systems was trying to make; however, would it have been possible for the FE5 we know today (a normal 2D FE game) to be released on the N64?

    Nintendo's Philosophy with the N64

    As a disclaimer, my first video games as a kid were from the PS2 and GBA, so forgive me if I get some things wrong since I'm not familiar with the PS1/N64 era of gaming. Considering the 5th generation of consoles made the first big step into 3D gaming, every game developer was trying to make 3D games since that was the trendy thing at the time. With that in mind, making a 2D FE game for the N64 probably would've been seen as a bad move since every other popular series was jumping to 3D (Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc.); however, it's not as if 2D games just suddenly didn't exist anymore.

    One could argue that making a 2D game for the N64 probably wasn't considered a viable option for Nintendo at the time, but then why did IS and/or Kaga believe in 1998 that a 2D FE game would do any better on what was essentially a dead system in the Super Famicom? FE5 took only about a year to make since they already had the assets from FE4, but the N64 definitely had the technology to play 8-bit and 16-bit games if it wanted to, so development for FE5 probably wouldn't have taken very long had it been transferred to the N64.

    While 2D gaming may have been seen as "old news" by the mid-to-late '90s, why would developers make a 2D game for a console that was no longer popular? It's not going to encourage people to buy that old console, and the people who already own that console have moved on to the newer one. That would be like if IS released Radiant Dawn for the GameCube in 2007 because it "didn't have motion controls." Sure, it doesn't have the new trendy gimmicks, but at least release it on the current console so that the game has a remote chance of success.

    I don't mind releasing games for an older system if it's maybe a year into the new system's lifespan (backwards compatibility helps), but FE5 came out 3 years after the N64 launched. Regardless of the Super Famicom's popularity and legacy, FE5 was unfortunately doomed to sell poorly. Even if Kaga was dead set on making that game for the Super Famicom, IS and Nintendo could've at least made it a dual release and included an N64 port.

    Anyways, those are just my thoughts on the situation. If I got any information wrong, please let me know. Do you think FE5 could have sold better if the exact same game was released on the N64? Personally, I don't think it would've surpassed FE4's sales (498,000 units sold), it would've at least surpassed 200,000 units sold since an N64 release would've at least caught the attention of some Japanese gamers at the time.

    submitted by /u/Mr96POP
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    Genealogy had some of my favorite villains of the series

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    I'm still reeling over my recent finish of Genealogy. From the maps, difficulty, characters just everything was epic. And for me for this game to have so much depth where later Emblem games kinda lack had me shook. This game was detailed af and even if you think the game is archaic you gotta have respect for that aspect.

    But one thing I loved was the villains of Genealogy. IMO these group of villains were some of the best villains of the franchise. Some were complex, and others were just down right awful. But still they made me feel something about them then you have Kronya and her clown titties flopping around during promotional stuff for her to be a bit part for fan service.

    But just wanna highlight a couple that really stuck with me.

    Manfroy: this man's fucking theme music was just Evil. Anytime you heard they overture you knew Manfroy's smug face was about to pop up to do some wicked thing. Between driving everything behind the scenes. He used Grandaddy Arvis as a pawn. Kidnapped Deirdre and knowingly had her marry her brother. Subjecting innocent Julius to the Lopytr Tome which drove the second generation.

    Manfroy was a dark villain and just plain horrific. Personally during sleep-a-geddon and Ares crit'd him. I screamed a firm YAS cause this dude and his theme music was done. But he had the last laugh cause I had to haul Seliph to Freege to recruit Julia back 😂

    Julius: the main antagonist of Gen 2. And personally a tragic character in himself. Julius was someone that was destined to be the vessel to Lopytr and due to Grandaddy Arvis' negligence Manfroy got Julius possessed. And the caring boy was gone and it drove him to lead a tyrannical empire, and go around abducting kids to kill each other.

    Ishtar: one thing really funny to me about Ishtar is when she joined FEH how many people were quaking she was an NPC. Ishtar had me quaking for a whole other reason. Anytime she was on the field, you needed to be careful af or she would kill you.

    Now when it comes to Ishtar. She really isn't a pure villain. But a decent girl on the side of the antagonist. While some can make arguments to why she can join Seliph's side. Seliph spent almost all of Gen 2 killing off her family so I absolutely get why he's irredeemable at that point. But still it's sad when you have to kill her, she just saved the children from the Child Hunts, but her unwavering loyalties did her in.

    Hag Wrinkly Hilda: before Hilda Valentin Goneril blessed us. There was another. And she was the absolute worst thing ever. The OG Hilda aka HagWrinklyEvil Hilda. Now this Hilda just relished in the evil she made.

    Before Gen 2, she was personally responsible for the death of Tailtu who physically and mentally tortured her. She treated my sweet Tinny Tine like shit, and was the reason Tine was so reserved and meek when recruited. Was trying to sell off Ishtar to a monster, and being all for the Child Hunts. Yeah Hilda was the worst but I LOVED to hate her. And seeing her die at the hands of Tine for revenge of Tailtu was epic Kill Bill fashion.

    And last but not least

    Grandaddy Arvis: Grandaddy Arvis. He just looked like someone who was gonna be a straight up villain with no redeeming factors whatsoever. And after he betrayed Seliph, nuked him, and took his woman I was all types of pissed at Grandaddy Arvis.

    But then came Gen 2, and you see where his vision lead him. Arvis for me is a proto-Edelgard. They both allied with known enemies of their lands to conquer their foes and unifying the land. To build a land that was ruled under one rule. And believed this was the best and only outcome for their land. But for me Arvis goes a step further cause of Gen 2.

    After time passes, Arvis realizes he was only a pawn for the cult in resurrecting Loptyr. And after hooking up with his sister and giving birth to the twins. His negligence led to Julius pretty much becoming the devil incarnate.

    He then does a last ditch to atone for his actions. One by being the reason Seliph obtains Tyrfing. And then had Ishtar escape with the children about to go to Belhalla for the sacrifice. Goodness Grandaddy Arvis why did you have to do that.

    Arvis for me was a villain that saw the error of his ways, and tried to fix them last minute knowing his time was coming. And his genuine love for Deirdre and Julia was another redeeming quality. And his last convo with Julia showed he really did care for her but DID NOT do anything to protect her. Arvis isn't winning any father of the year awards.

    Goodness these villains (and Ishtar) were awesome and made me fill all types of emotions throughout the game. Going back and playing this game and looking back at other villains from other games and just showed me that these guys are some of my favorite bad guys.

    submitted by /u/zazild92
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    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Forging Bonds: The Musical!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    Just finished Path of Radiance for the first time... and I can't wait to get into Radiant Dawn; holy crap I loved every second of it!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    This post is more of a follow-up and mini-review to my post from a few weeks back asking what the best and worst thing from each game was. After a lot of really great replies, I ended up going with Path of Radiance and I am so so happy I did. It's made me fall in love with Fire Emblem and made me super excited to play the rest of the games.

    I'll do my best to keep this as concise as possible, the things I loved were:

    • The characters were both highly memorable but more than anything incredibly charming. I'm sure this was like 80% to do with the writing (my next point), but god these characters were just so damn endearing. Some of my top favs were Boyd, Kieran, Tormod, Tanith, and pretty much all of the laguz and country leaders. They all had pretty well-defined personalities, and they shone through everywhere possible (which, admittedly, wasn't a lot of situations). Ike was a very likeable protagonist, too. Definitely could have bordered a little bit on an anime protag cliche (all the pieces were there) but he had enough idiosyncrasies, memorable moments/lines, and nuanced interactions with a variety of different "types" of people that ultimately made him very charming.

    • The writing has to be some of the best in the franchise, right? I'm saying this as someone who hasn't played most of the games... but going in my expectations were slightly tempered because people mentioned the allegory to racism, so I thought this would be a ham-fisted journey of cliches and very obvious symbolism / metaphor. But the writers exceeded my expectations. The way they showed the multi-faceted ways in which racist ideas become racist behaviors (for personal benefit, out of turning a blind eye, out of being manipulated to believe in a "common good", whether it's "just following orders" etc. etc.) The dialogue was incredibly top notch just in all instances tbh.

    • The plot/worldbuilding was an absolute joy. I enjoyed the way we got to meet the different figures from the different regions; I thought Ike/Elincia being ignorant of different things and having the appropriate characters explain situations or happenings was really well-executed. The laguz were a strong highlight for me; their slow but sure involvement in the Crimea-Daein war evolved very interestingly and simultaneously shed light on a lot of history/lore. The pacing was overall very fun, Ike's progression and growth into a commander felt earned, and the ending is what solidified it as a "great plot" for me. It didn't seem like there was anything "new" (not that there needs to be," but what was there was executed with a lot of care. And of course this is going to depend on Radiant Dawn, but when (ending spoilers) Sephiran says to Ike in the epilogue that perhaps him becoming the hero of Crimea is still fulfilling Ashnard's plan, and plants the seeds of strife across the land I just thought yup, alright, I'm buckled in, cannot wait to see what the fuck he was referring to.

    • The combat/gameplay was relatively easy (Notably, I played on normal); though the maps that were challenging (or multi-staged) were all a lot of fun. For the most part, though, definitely felt easier than the last few FE games I've played but overall I never got bored - there were situations where I could have lost a few characters; but they were mostly out of my own carelessness or doing something that I knew would potentially bite me in the ass later. The final map was probably the most fun battle in the entire game, really made me feel like I had to "use everything I've got," and if I wasn't "overpowered" for most of the previous maps, idk how I could have gotten through this map (or how anyone could have on a higher difficulty!!)

    But yeah, review aside, really want to say thanks a lot to this sub for taking the time to write out the pros/cons; I ended up making a decision that gave me 2-3 weeks of playing a GREAT game that I absolutely loved every second of. Can't wait to get into the sequel, and then (most likely all) the other games!

    submitted by /u/daniellayne
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    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Yuzu: Travelling Mage

    Posted: 29 Sep 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Yuzu.

    Yuzu is a playable character in Shadows of Valentia.

    Part of a travelling group, which consisted of Randal, Emma and Shade, she and Shade are seperated from the other two. They are soon attacked and are then rescued by Alm and Celica's army, joining the army of who rescues them.

    Yuzu is supported by:

    She has the following quotes.

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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