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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Fire Emblem I drew Tharja and Robin

    Fire Emblem I drew Tharja and Robin

    I drew Tharja and Robin

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:50 AM PST

    Lily of the Valley Dance (Byleth x Marianne)[Commission]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I did a Minecraft Skin of Joshua from FE8, I tried my best.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:56 AM PST

    A friend got me this shirt for my birthday!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Magic Deer

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 10:24 AM PST

    I made an FE6 hack where everyone is Sophia. Then I beat it on Hard Mode.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Hi everyone! A few of you may remember me as the guy who got into FE by ironmanning FE6 earlier this year. Since then, I've played through FE6 several more times, and continued to look for ways to make it more challenging and keep it fresh and fun.

    I recently started playing around with FEBuilder, and for my first project, I was inspired by Xetetic's Oops! All Amelias series to create Oops! All Sophias, an FE6 hack where every playable character is a Shaman/Druid with Sophia's portrait, a Sophia-like name, Sophia's growths and Sophia's bases autolevelled to whatever level they join at. Their weapon ranks are also converted into dark magic and staff ranks, and all weapons in villages, chests, and player character inventories are converted into equivalent rank dark tomes (chest keys all become lockpicks and promo items all become guiding rings).

    Since Sophia is a strong contender for the worst character in Binding Blade (only real competition is Wendy), I figured that this might be so hard that it just reduced to a bunch of rigging, but to my surprise, while it was challenging it was for the most part pretty fair and pretty fun. Even when they're all the same class, your Sophia's still find ways to distinguish themselves based on the particular stats they excel in (e.g skill-blessed Sophia vs. Speed-blessed Sophia vs. bulk-blessed Sophia) and based on their staff ranks.

    Earlygame was by far the hardest part of the run. I couldn't even beat the first chapter without losing a Sophia. You might think that the problem with Sophia is her bad availability. She normally joins in chapter 14 as a level 1 unit, and training her against the strong enemies in that chapter is difficult. But it turns out that even if she joined in chapter 1, Sophia would still be ORKO'd by every enemy on the map (unless some of the archers roll poorly on their speed from HMB).

    For the first 5 chapters or so, Marphia (Marcus!Sophia), despite being only a 10/1 Sophia, is by far your best unit, because she is the only one who can tank a hit, so you have to carefully bait enemies with her and then swarm them with other Sophias (the advantage of having a healer Jeigan who is a healer is completely negated by having nobody to heal).

    Soy (Roy!Sophia) and Merphia (Merlinus!Sophia) seemed like they would be worth training, since, unlike Roy, Soy can promote as soon as you get a guiding ring, and unlike Merlinus, Merphia can actually fight, while still reviving next chapter whenever she dies. Unfortunately, it took a long time for either of them to really go anywhere for me, because it was hard to give Soy XP while keeping her safe and there were too many times where I had to sacrifice Merphia early in the chapter to protect someone else.

    After Marphia, Sophger (Rutger!Sophia) was the first really good unit. She still gets hard mode bonuses, which make her much less of a pain to train and much stronger when she is trained. She also comes with a nosferatu tome, which is an essential resource in this hack. Despite the fact that chapter 7 is one of the hardest chapters in the original game, it was actually pretty easy in this version, because Marphia was able to just charge into a forest and Nos-tank everything.

    Jerphia (Jerrot/Zealot!Sophia) was a useful unit because she had the tankiness of a druid and also joined with C staves at a time where there were finally people who could use healing. I took every opportunity to raise that staff rank so that we would have a warper ready for 14x.

    Suphia was dead by chapter 9 so I couldn't get Shinphia, but Sophir ended up becoming one of my best unit. Like Sophger, she joins relatively early and gets HMB, which is all you really need to be strong when everyone has the same stats. She also got a bit speed blessed, which is immensely helpful, since on average Sophia only has 18 speed at 20/20 and gets weighed down by every weapon she can use.

    11A was one of the trickiest chapters. You really have to go fast her to get everything, and with only foot units it's hard to go fast. My army was also definitely not capable of taking on the turn 14 reinforcements. To top it all off, the boss here is a bishop, which means he has WTA on every unit in our army, and is very difficult to hit. Fortunately, 8x gave us our first Apocalypse tome, and Apocalypse has more hit and more might than any other dark tome. By rushing through the north wall, Sophger and Marphia were able to use Apocalypse to take out the boss before the reinforcements from the south could kill everyone else. We missed out on a good bit of treasure, though.

    Chapter 13 was also rough because of the cav reinforcements from behind. I was also incredibly low on weapons at this point (you can't buy dark tomes until chapter 13 in FE6) so I couldn't even afford to arm a full deployment of Sophias. We rushed everyone to the north, and fortunately, Apoc could oneshot the boss before the cavs from behind could catch up.

    Chapter 14 was actually pretty easy. Having none of my units hindered by desert terrain was pretty fun. Once gain, wyverns are pretty easy to nos tank as long as you have enough bulk to tank a hit from them, which Sophger did. I managed to get all of the treasures, and with our newfound silver card we bought as many Nos tomes as we could.

    Jerphia has A staves by now, so we were able to warp Sophger in to kill the 14X boss for us and avoid the annoying terrain. Chapter 15 gave us Perciphia and Garphia, both of whom are pretty good at combat. Perciphia stands out because of A rank staves, though. Lategame she would have capped magic + Apoc, making her our best warp and physic bot.

    From this point on, most of the game was fairly easy, because we had enough Nosferatu tomes to Nostank everything difficult. Sophger also ended up capping skill somewhere along the way, which meant that she could frequently reach 100 hit with Nos for perfect reliability. I boosted this even further by building Sophir and Sophger's support (although it took them until chapter 22 to hit A). By chapter 21, I decided to meme, and gave two speedwings and 5 Nos tomes to our new unit Yophia (A level 19/20 Sophia) which was enough for her to singlehandedly tank the wyvern/paladin reinforcements. We warped Merphia to the secret shop to buy us some more speedwings and boots. 21, 21x, and 22 also involved a bunch of warping Sophias around, which was fun after having to deal with footlocked move for most of the game.

    Thanks to speedwings, Sophir and Yophia could double Zephiel with Apoc, and the poor king got taken down in one turn by the Sophia triangle attack (not an actual thing, I just attacked him with three Apoc Sophias). 23 and 24 were easy but ironically the final chapter was the first chapter of the past dozen or so that almost made me have to restart. Since Apoc isn't effective against Idunn (unlike the binding blade), Soy only had 11 damage (and 62 hit), and after I'd worn Idunn down with my other Sophias it took several sacrificial play to keep Idunn from killing herself long enough for Soy to land the final blow and secure the best ending.

    Overall this was a surprisingly fun run. I enjoyed the challenge of adapting my strategies to an army of all shamans and it was nice to see Sophia finally be the best unit in the army :P

    The only chapters that actually took more than two resets were chapters 1 and 4, and after chapter 14 we pretty much ironmanned the game (as evidenced by the fact that only 12 Sophias survived the run. I kinda didn't care about keeping all the scrubs alive).

    If anyone else wants to torture themselves try the challenge, the hack can be downloaded here.

    submitted by /u/Wezkor
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    [OC] Iuchar, Protector of Love and Justice

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:59 AM PST

    When you only recruited Ashe for the +1 mv item

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Shadow dragon is starting to pre load on consoles now

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST

    Just got out my copy of fea to replay it and now I have more questions than answers

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:16 PM PST

    POV: You attract Karel's attention [FE7: Blazing Sword]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:32 AM PST

    Chibi Ninja Lyn

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:59 PM PST

    What is your favorite looking class?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:55 AM PST

    Pretty self explanatory. For me I'd say awakening/3H dark flier.

    It has a cool design with some armor plates and is a lot less revealing than regular pegasus knights.

    submitted by /u/Elementia7
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    My attempt at drawing TS Dimitri

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:10 PM PST

    A beginner's guide to Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Would you like it if the next Fire Emblem game had a Jagen type unit?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:47 AM PST

    For those who don't know, a Jagen is most often an early prepromoted unit with higher bases abd weapon ranks than most of your other units during the first few maps of the game. The archetype is based on the FE1 unit, Jagen, who was supposed to be used to train up your weaker units as his growths were much lower than those of most unpromoted units. However, Jagen never really dropped off in FE1 and was one of its best units. If you look at most recent Fire Emblem tier lists you'll usually see that Jagens like: Marcus, Seth, Titania, Sothe, etc., generally rate very highly as they make the earlygame much easyer and allow you to complete it much faster.

    Storywise, Jagens are older and more experienced members of the army who are usually shown as extremely loyal to the main lord and often times guide them or are their strategical advisors thanks to their experience. A lot of people call them boring, but not every character needs to be an incredebly complex character in order to be interesting or memorable.

    However, the most recent FE game, 3 Houses, didn't have a proper Jagen type unit (no Catherine and Shamir don't count) which many people said made the Maddening difficulty much more tiedious than it would have been if you had a Jagen to help you out. However, I have also seen many people say that they are glad that 3H had no Jagen as it makes the game more challenging and more satisfactory later when your army grows very powerful. This feels like a fairly interesting idea as Jagens can often be seen as a begginners trap which lead to many people considering units like Frederick "EXP thieves" during early unit debates. Though most people nowadays see EXP thieving as a silly part of the past when people still didn't develop optimal strategies.

    Another point worth noting is how Jagens can be overly centralising units. Like how Frederick and Marcus (FE6) are almost mandatory in order to complete the game on harder difficulties. Another issue people bring up is that they ca be too powerful, because units like Seth or Titania can effectively solo the game because of their OP bases and good growths.

    As FE games seem to be moving more into the JRPG focus instead of the traditional SRPG one and are focusing more and more on growth units do you think that there will be a Jagen in FE17? Would you want a Jagen in the next FE game and if yes which class sounds the best for them and how would you balance them?

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    200% growths - a silly theorycraft hypothetical

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:40 PM PST

    Numbers going up is one of the most satisfying parts of fire emblem, especially when it happens with a unit who's numbers normally do not go up so much, so I thought of a silly hypothetical: in every fire emblem game, you can choose one unit to have their growths for each stat set to 200%. Which characters would have the biggest impact in their respective games? For the sake of keeping things simple I'll say that the selected unit will always have 200% in each stat regardless of what class they're in, if in a game with class growth modifiers.

    I'm not an LTCer or an expert theorycrafter or anything, but for the sake of contributing something to this discussion besides "hey wouldn't this be wacky", I made a guess as to which unit might be the best choice for each game. Let me know what your choices would be! (and how wrong you think I am!!!!)

    Shadow Dragon: Jeigan. Maybe an odd choice, but the DSFE games are surprisingly generous with exp for promoted units. He's got a lot of movement, exclusive access to the silver lance for a while, and he can be a dragon once reclassing is a thing. Although a better choice might be someone who can level up fast enough to double/avoid getting doubled by the chapter 2 & 3 bosses...

    Echoes: I'm not sure... I guess each route could count as a separate game? One of Alm's villagers seems like an obvious option, they get a lot of early levels and access to many classes. As for Celica, I'm going to guess Leon? 1-4 range combined with eventual access to a horse seems insane, although I guess he wouldn't cross deserts/swamps as fast as the whitewings could...

    New Mystery: Probably Kris? I haven't played enough of this to have any really informed opinion. But with how quickly they could snowball, it could make pegasus Kris a better option on the higher difficulties...

    Geneaology: Again, I haven't really played enough, but I'm gonna guess Alec. He's got a horse, he's got pursuit, all he's missing is stats. A second Sigurd sounds good!

    Thracia: Your move stat can grow in this game so 200% move growth Leif could exist. Plus he's the only unit to not be affected by stamina...

    Sealed Sword: Shanna! Earlygame fliers seem like the most obvious choice for a lot of games. She's already got rescue drop utility, but what if she had the stats to back it up?

    Blazing Blade: Probably Florina for the same reasons? Although Kent & Sain could snowball a lot faster, and if you promote them at the end of Lyn mode then you have an 8 movement unit who can't die to demolish the rest of the game...

    Sacred Stones: Vanessa, for the same reasons yet again. But Ross or any of the trainees would be hilarious...

    Path of Radiance: Oscar! Because he joins early and moves fast. Maybe there's a pattern here.

    Radiant Dawn: I honestly have no idea. Ilyana has the best availability, but her class and stat caps really hold her back. The Dawn Brigade don't have a lot of chapters, but they do need the help... Maybe Nolan or Jill?

    Awakening: Robin's the obvious choice, but what about Sumia? She can get galeforce, and Robin's already guaranteed to turn out insanely powerful anyway. Although her base stats might make it hard to start snowballing fast...

    Fates: Jakob or Felicia? They can both hop on a promoted wyvern with relative ease if you marry them to Corrin...

    3 Houses: Byleth I guess. Maybe Edelgard if you want to do Raging Storm shenanigans in Crimson Flower...

    submitted by /u/secret_bitch
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    Amazon cancelled my Pre-Order for the 30th Anniversary Edition

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:54 AM PST

    I just received an email from Amazon stating that my pre-order for the 30th anniversary edition had been cancelled. Reason given "We recently learned this item is no longer available from our supplier."

    I placed my pre-order the day the listing went up. I'm curious if this happened to anyone else and if it's still available somewhere.

    submitted by /u/habstraktgatts
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    Chapter 25 of Conquest: I have died to that red bastard too many damn times!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST



    I literally cannot move onto another FE game because of this chapter. I've been stuck on it for half the pandemic.

    Am I really going to have to grind Corrin's Lance E level to something special and skip a bunch of EXP outright by just killing him?

    He probably has lancebreaker or something, idk.

    and that hallway on Saizo's side is a fucking nightmare with the three-range Ninja. Ugh.

    submitted by /u/iamthatguy54
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    fe Awakening chapter 6 ltc

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:08 PM PST

    2-P - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 0% Growths

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 11:05 AM PST

    What if Walhart or Gangrel found Robin instead of Chrom? How much would the story change and what major alternate events would occur? Would Robin be able to cleanse some of their more wicked ways and actions before it's too late? Discuss!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:02 AM PST

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