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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    Fire Emblem Pass the brush Fire Emblem edition

    Fire Emblem Pass the brush Fire Emblem edition

    Pass the brush Fire Emblem edition

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:06 AM PST

    My Manuela Cosplay

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:47 PM PST

    i've made a lucina fanart

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:35 PM PST

    My take on Tharja

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    Marianne with her hair down. [Commission]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:41 AM PST

    The old marketplace -- Claude fan art :)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:14 AM PST

    Byleth's True Form

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:13 PM PST

    My summer Dorothea cosplay with editing!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    (OC) I drew Oboro for her birthday

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:14 PM PST

    My fan art of Gatrie

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 12:27 PM PST

    My first playthrough partner, dear Claude (couldn't resist drawing his gentle smile)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Keaton's Pointy Fangs ��✨

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:46 AM PST

    Edelgard and her knife

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    I did this draw of Freyja, the spikes in her neck are references to Plumeria, the rose to Tiandra and the skull to her brother Freyr, I hope you like it!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:56 AM PST

    I did a Minecraft skin of Ross from FE8

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Doodling Mercedes & Sylvain to procrastinate from actual work.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:30 PM PST

    I beat Crimson Flower Maddening because it's poorly-designed to the point of not functioning correctly - a rant.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:07 AM PST

    For the incident mentioned in the title, scroll down a bit to the bolded text. The first part is just my rant about Maddening in general, and honestly probably adds nothing new to the discussion at this point, but just... sometimes you gotta rant, y'know?

    I actually finished Maddening (NG, Crimson Flower) on Thanksgiving, after having previously deleted the game after a string of frustrating ambush spawns. I got restless having not finished the run, though, so after a few months I re-installed it, booted up my cloud save and forced myself to finish it. My opinion didn't really change for the better.

    A big part of it is that I feel the game is more of a stat-check than a test of using resources. Combat arts, sure. Enemies are too stupid fast in this mode and so there's no reason not to use arts much of the time on Maddening. I see this more as a condemnation of how dumb the "no doubling" limitation on arts is, and/or commentary on how busted the speed stat is, but I can't deny I use more combat arts on Maddening.

    Gambits are the fucking worst though. You'll use them on Monsters the same as on any other difficulty, and rarely on anything else. The problem is the raw, dumb stat inflation. Outside of a Byleth who was stat-inflated to hell with boosters, and rarely Edelgard, nobody else on my team could ever land a fucking gambit because the enemies had massive amounts of Charm and so my odds to hit were like, 15%. Once or twice I was backed into a corner, took a wild chance, and it actually worked – but on the whole, I felt entirely discouraged from using any offensive gambits to my advantage proactively, because they're so unlikely to land outside of a tiny handful of characters with massive charisma.

    This theme of increasing of difficulty by making a majority of your options insanely impractical is probably the part that pisses me off the most about Maddening, other than the ambush spawns. I feel like I'm being discouraged from strategizing here, like they present me with an obstacle and then even if I want to use some of my limited tools to get past it, the game says "Actually fuck you". So many bosses and encounters feel like raw stat checks that are deliberately and meticulously crafted to remove any way to creatively get around it.

    This is a problem on lower difficulties too but it's exacerbated on Maddening. Take the final boss of CF for instance. The boss has an attack range of like, 5 or 6, something you'll only ever outrange with a freaking Bolting tome or something. But don't you DARE think you'll be able to deal that 6-7 chip damage to this 584 health motherfucker, who takes at least 1/2 damage and as little as 1/4 when shields are up, because even if you think to try your super long-range attacks on the boss, the devs made sure to give the boss DISTANT COUNTER in addition to having huge range already.

    Just, why the fuck? Are my frailer magic users not allowed to contribute at all? Even the once or twice I'd be able to use Bolting, assuming I'd managed to save it that far? You're really gonna make me take Byleth, who does like 3*2 damage with shields up, and just sloooooowly whittle the boss down while chugging elixirs because nobody, not even Edelgard, can guarantee survival with this boss? Distant Counter's on a lot of enemies, not just the final boss, and I think it's generally pretty garbage that your frail mage/archers, already at a disadvantage from getting ganked by randomly-placed ambush spawns, also aren't allowed to contribute to boss fights because their range advantage is negated. If the designers are worried about cheesing a boss from out of their range – maybe just have bosses move? Then long-range attackers can contribute, but the player still needs to strategize how to protect them when the enemy moves. But oops, I said the s-word again.

    And when it's not distant counter, it's a combination of skills that ensures ranged attacks will have a single-digit hit rate at best, on an enemy with 80 damage, 40+ attack speed, and a fucking brave weapon. Looking at you, Cyril.

    And at the intersection of "Discouraging strategy" and "ambush reinforcements" we have Chapter 16, where Flayn and a dozen of her friends will ambush spawn you from different directions, no matter which way you go. This wasnt' the hardest to get past - although it took several rewinds to figure out where it was safe to stand, and I had to methodically tiptoe around until I found her invisible spawn triggers and where I could get hit by the fewest number of them. But something about this mechanic is just exhausting. I can't even use divine pulse to learn a map anymore, the map will just arbitrarily change itself to fuck me even when I try to make a strategy around what I know to try and win. Keep in mind, this is the strategy I made AFTER learning there's an invisible trigger that spawns reinforcements in the middle of the map out of nowhere, and now I have to rethink even THAT strategy because actually there's another invisible trigger that spawns the same units elsewhere.

    I love having to adapt my strategy on the fly when reinforcements appear. That's not sarcasm, I like thinking on my feet like that. But that's not what happens with same-turn reinforcements. I just get sent all the way back to the drawing board because the game was withholding information. So this map, where I found out that even after learning an ambush spawn, I could be screwed over when that same spawn appears in a different location – it just kinda cemented that I'm not supposed to have fun with this game, and that I shouldn't even bother thinking too hard. I'm gonna get ambush-ganked no matter what I do or how I try to adapt, so might as well just charge the fuck forward and let it happen. Get it over with.

    OK, now for the juice. I haven't seen anyone talk about this glitch, but basically I managed to beat Rhea largely thanks to how poorly playtested this game was. So yes, Maddening being so awful is what made me quit it, but also what allowed me to beat it. The poetry, it rhymes.

    So basically, I wanted to avoid the falcon knights that spawn when you kill Ashe or Gilbert. So I took the left side of the map, as that was the side that let me engage Cyril on better terms, and Annette seemed less scary than Catherine. Well, when I got around to fighting Rhea, the 3 named enemies on the map I'd left alive – again, that's Ashe, Gilbert, and Catherine – all moved in to attack, which I suspected might happen. Actually, Gilbert on his own started chasing me a few turns ago, once I was on the top-left of the map. I have no idea why, and he almost killed himself with fire damage, but running off on his own and dying is such a fucking Gilbert move.

    Anyway, Ashe and Catherine joined Gilbert on his pilgrimage once I started killing Rhea. They got up to Rhea, and then … stopped moving. They would not pursue me. I could put fliers in Ashe's range, and he wouldn't move to shoot them. The three of them would only attack me if I was in their attack range without them having to move, and seeing as Rhea is 3x3, they didn't do a good job of covering the tiles I could hit her from or anything either.

    So they just - They literally just stood around and watched from up-close as I killed their goddess over the course of some 20-30 turns or some shit. I don't understand this. Even an enemy healer with long-range healing started healing Rhea, and then charged me, and that guy never got stuck to stop around Rhea. And to be clear, I don't recall the exact positions, but they weren't huddled up right next to Rhea, Gilbert and Catherine were a few spaces separated from Rhea before they stopped moving.

    My best guess is they were for whatever reason programmed to stand on some tile inside Rhea, and only once they got within 1 movement range of that tile does their AI realize they can't stand there, and so instead of moving elsewhere for the turn, they just attack if possible, and then continue to stand still.

    The golems don't charge you either, which means you really only ever need to defeat one of them, and then Rhea's roaring to make the others stronger doesn't mean anything since they're all perfectly out of your way. So the level's attempt at incentivizing you to split up and hurry up totally fails, too. And I'm glad for that, or else I'd probably never have won, but I can't help but think how much more fun it would've been if we reduced all the enemy stats by like, 5 points or so, maybe toned down the ridiculous falcon knights a bit more, and focused on making the player actually take out all of the golems and minibosses quickly instead.

    So basically, the final boss showed me what I really should've known from the outset – that this game wasn't play-tested at all.

    submitted by /u/IAmBLD
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    Tonight, I have completed fe3 book 2 as well marking tonight as the night I have completed Every Fire Emblem game. Including all routes & spinoffs.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Featured Charms of the Day! Ferdinand and Pelleas! https://heartandsoulfe.company.site

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Timeskip Hilda

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Thoughts on 3H maddening

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Hey all, just got done replaying 3H maddening (Golden Deer this time) so I guess it's time to make that post I never made back when I cleared Azure Moon maddening back in like January.

    • The early game hate is honestly overstated. If anything, I like it better than the lategame. If you properly prepare for chapter 2 and 4, they're actually quite fun, I find. It's pretty basic bait and pile on, but it's made a little more fun by the fact that you actually have to use all of your tools, which is a lot more than I can say for hard mode 3H. Chapters 1 legitimately sucks, but like honestly that's about it. C3 has 3H fog, and 3H fog is pretty bad, but your units are already getting strong enough by then relative to the enemies in the fog that it's not that much of a problem, and while C5 is a slog, this is not exclusive to maddening. It's a slog no matter what difficulty you're on, the only really exclusively bullshit part is the ambush assassins. But if you early recruited Catherine or have a decent defensive unit by then you can probably handle them anyways. I would still have liked a "proper" jagen, whether that means having Jeralt playable or just making Byleth slightly stronger than they already are to make them able to properly... You know, lead their students as a jagen. Maybe autolevel them to like lvl 5 or something to make them be significantly stronger than the students.

    • As mentioned above, it's really nice that the game actually makes you use your tools. When I played on hard at launch I very rarely used combat arts and gambits because, what's the point? If the enemy can die from being attacked once, is it really worth locking them down? Not really, and so you end up not using all of your tools a lot of the time. Gambits are relegated to demonic beast breaking duty, but aren't actually used all that much on regular enemies. Combat arts are made less relevant. It's pretty bad, and I'm glad maddening actually makes you use your tools. Personal skills, too. Professor's guidance is so good, and I appreciate Hilda's skill a ton.

    • The exp curve feels kind of unsatisfying after having played hard, since it's just much lower, but I think it's actually a better exp curve when placed next to the skills that you learn through classes. On normal/hard, you'd have to wait until around lvl 13 to promote if you wanted to master your beginner class, and you might be able to master one intermediate before going to advanced but certainly not two, which most units want to ideally master. Personally, it felt super unsatisfying to have to stay in these intermediate classes for so long when advanced classes were available, and I think it's nice that the exp benchmarks to promote actually roughly match up to the class exp, assuming you unlock class exp+1 asap.

    • The monastery in the early game actually feels pretty good. You don't spend too much time in there, and there is meaningful optimization to be done, like getting your rallies early for chapter 2 or training Byleth skill ranks over meals depending on what build you're going for. It could still be better, though, in ways that don't even seem that hard to implement. Why do I need to wait for a bunch of animations to finish before skipping (meals/cooking)? Why are the loading times so bad? Why are the fast travel points so badly placed (well, not all of them, but some)? And why oh why is fishing the best way to get professor experience? Like, the game would honestly be better if fishing were removed and you just got more prof exp from everything else to compensate.

    • Late game monastery is just as bad as last time and is one of the most tedious things in the series. The thing is, it doesn't feel good to skip it, because you know there is a tangible benefit around the corner. Lysithea hitting S reason, snipers/claude hitting bowfaire from S+, Byleth skill training, cooking for stat bonuses, gardening, are so strong that you're going to get through it, but it feels like a massive grind because of how long it takes between each benchmark at that point. This isn't helped by the aforementioned lack of animation skipping. It probably takes less time in real time than the early game monastery, but my god it feels like it drags forever. It also hurts certain story moments in part 2. Shouts out to Nemesis showing up and the game giving me a whoooole month to prepare.

    • Enemy stat inflation is pretty bad if you try to win the stat race, but thankfully you don't need to win the stat race. The problem lies more in that the ways to beat the enemy by bypassing the stat race all feel incredibly similar to one another. There are outlier builds that are pretty fun to use, but wrath vantage feels the same no matter who is using it. Every female physical unit is going to go for the same skills because they're so overcentralizing, and as such will go down the same class path. Most male units will be going down similar class paths with the notable exception of the brave art boys (same goes for Leonie vs other female units), and it just makes everyone feel the same. Like, yeah, you can go outside of the cookie cutter builds, but it doesn't actually feel like you're doing something fun and quirky, at least to me, it feels like you're nerfing yourself. So basically enemy stat inflation is counterable, it's just that the way to counter it isn't particularly fun or unique, you just do cookie cutter builds with skills that are obviously better than everything else, like death/darting/fiendish blow and hit+20. Maybe Quick Riposte.

    • Chapter 13 doesn't get enough hate. "But it gets a lot of hate!" yeah a lot of hate isn't enough. It is potentially the worst chapter in the series. Most bad maps are at least just tedious, annoying, or frustrating to play - so is this one - but they don't usually have the potential to softlock you. I haven't been softlocked in either of my runs so far, but even with flight Claude was a little annoying to keep alive. Like, it's fine that the enemies are strong, but they got so much stronger that it went from Claude doubling enemies pre-time skip, to BEING doubled and one rounded in C13. It's ridiculous, and the starting position doesn't help much. There are ways to prepare for it, like Zoran recently demonstrated with Wrath Vantage Claude, but those aren't accessible on all routes. For instance there is very little time to prepare Seteth outside of giving him a battalion (although he might have his replaced like Claude and Dimitri do? Not sure) since he joins so late, and Dimitri preparing battalion wrath/vantage doesn't work because of him having his battalion replaced and repaired. Spawning in-house units at level 1-4 is also really dumb. Sure, if I wasn't training them, I probably don't care that they died in a gameplay sense, but it still feels like shit. At least being given a chance to rearrange the lord and Byleth's inventory would have been nice.

    tl;dr then. Early game better than late game and gets a little too much hate, monastery good early bad late since optimizing unit progression is fun even if late game builds are homogenous as fuck, enemy inflation is bad because the ways to counter it aren't particularly fun, C13 reallyyyyyyyyyyy bad.

    It's the best way to play 3H for me, but that doesn't actually make it all that fun.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Camilla Redesign Hack by Moonling

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:15 AM PST

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