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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Fire Emblem [OC] Gremory Mercedes and Valkyrie Marianne

    Fire Emblem [OC] Gremory Mercedes and Valkyrie Marianne

    [OC] Gremory Mercedes and Valkyrie Marianne

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    [Original Art] Sword of the Lorca, Lyn

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Ryoma & Hubert fan art

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Time skip Dimitri Cosplay

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:06 PM PST

    Plushie Lucina really loves her self portrait �� [OC]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:56 PM PST

    Rhajat, commissioned by me

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    Judith of Daphnel in Christmas Attire (Commission, drawn by u/Mrcr4b)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:37 PM PST

    My friend found some prerelease screenshots of Path of Radiance in Nintendo Power.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:37 PM PST

    Yearbook quotes (excuse the handwriting)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:27 PM PST

    I made Golden Deer Pins! (plus Cyril who is an honorary Deer)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:35 PM PST

    My mom just beat Three Houses! She's 57 and I'm very proud of her. It was also her very first video game ever beaten. Details inside. (Spoilers for all routes obviously)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:44 PM PST

    I'm 29 and a huge Nintendo nerd in general. After playing and beating Three Houses for the first time, with me picking BL and my younger bro (a big FE nut too) picking GD, we used to joke about how my mom should pick CF to get the whole story. Obviously, she wasn't interested, because she didn't see videogames as anything other than bleeps and bloops, like most people in her age range. She knows gaming as a storytelling medium has evolved but she simply never tried to get into it other than ocasionally partaking in some Mario Kart races with us once or twice a year.

    Well, I convinced her to play Fire Emblem around this January, like a week or two before Byleth got revealed for Smash. I thought it would be the perfect entryway to the world of modern gaming to her, given that Three Houses is easy enough on Normal/Casual mode. She's single (Dad abandoned us), so I thought it would be a nice activity both for bonding with her and to help her to pass the time. She's a really big believer of magic, the mystic and the occult: she went through a brief Wiccan phase a few years ago and nowadays she researchs metaphysics as a hobby.

    So basically I went and told her that there was this amazing game where you could be the "teacher of magic and sorcery" in an academy, kinda like Harry Potter but in a medieval setting. Technically I'm not wrong, you know, yet she still was eager to play. Earlier on we played Saturdays and Sundays (with me supervising and helping her), but towards the end of the campaign we only played on Sundays (about 1 hour each session). Today, after 63 hours of gameplay, she finished Azure Moon and cried of happiness, with me grinning like an idiot the whole time. So here are the basics of how it went through:

    > She originally wanted to pick Black Eagles, because "the silver haired lady used magic" in the intro cutscene. By then I already had played both BL and CF, and I knew that while Edelgard's story was really great she ultimately has the wrong picture of the whole plot. Besides, CF has more punch if you play BL first, so I nudged her in that direction (also because most of White Clouds revolves around the BL students) and she ended picking up BL.

    > She showed some issues controlling the camera during the monastery parts. Once she found out about fast travel she never wandered around the monastery again, also missing most of the intermission dialogue for the rest of the game.

    > Until chapter 3, she moved units manually but then started to "get bored of moving each unit one by one". From then on, we switched to let the game auto-battle almost every fight. Turns Three Houses is easy enough that auto battling gets you wins almost all the time.

    > On White Clouds, Seteth, Felix, Dedue and Ashe became her favorite characters. She also loved Shamir and got her in her team as soon as she could.

    > On chapter 5, auto battling went bad. The AI killed every single enemy sans for the one who was protecting the chest on the east of the tower, so when Demonic Beast Miklan showed up the autobattling AI made HER ENTIRE TEAM to go back to kill that lone bandit instead of the goddamn boss in front of them. At that point she got angry and decided to quit the game for that night in frustration. Next week she said she "had a thing to settle with the game" and was eager to play. We still auto battled, albeit we killed that dude first.

    > She picked Sylvain as a dancer albeit never used him as such (he ended up as a Dark Knight)

    > She picked Felix for the Goddess Tower scene, although she ended up dissapointed at him. "I thought he would be more romantic instead of talking about swords and fighting all the time", she said.

    > She was sad after the timeskip, because of what happened to Dimitri and Deude. She cried when all her students showed up, tho (especially Ashe for some reason), always hoping that Dimitri would eventually get better.

    > After using Gilbert for a while, she jumped of joy when Dedue appeared on the great bridge, because besides being glad he was alive "Gilbert was boring" in her book.

    > Oh boy, freaking Gronder Field round two was a mess. That was the last time we used auto-battle, too. AI decides that Sylvain should go alone to fight the Golden Deer (wich is totally in character for him I guess) so he got goddamn slaughtered. Don't get me started on Petra murdering everyone, too. Most of Edelgard's forces went down thanks to the Golden Deer (for christ sake Raphael you didn't need to punch poor Bernie to death) and not thanks to the stupidity of the Blue Lions AI, who died in very foolish ways. Literally all the end all who remained at the battlefield were Edelgard and Byleth. I need to remind you that in this specific battle Edelgard is a complete powerhouse and Byleth barely managed to endure her freaking bombs, resorting to use Elixirs to survive. Kinda undermined what happened afterwards with Rodrige and such. Afterwards I opted for telling mom where to exactly move each unit, with she also giving her insights on the strategy at hand (with my younger bro sometimes joining us)

    > Also she didn't realize she had murdered (for realz) the other students until the very next chapter.

    > After taking back Fhirdiad I got COVID, so we stopped playing for around two months until I got better.

    > Around the last chapter, I told her in advance that some questions of the story would not be resolved at the end and that she must play the other routes to get the whole picture, as to not get as dissapointed as I thought she would. She was fine with it, only that until today she hoped Rhea would appear at the end.

    > It was time to pick a husband. In her own words (no Dimitri because bizarrely she didnt manage to get A Support with him): Felix only liked fighting, Dedue was boring (she started to hate him around Derdriu because he was at a lower level than everyone else and always got himself killed, calling him a waste), Ashe and Cyril were too young for her tastes, and Sylvain was Sylvain. So she only had one choice, really: Seteth.

    > Earlier today we had the last battles. She seemed a little sad on seeing Dorothea there but then kinda shrugged it off, saying "war is war and she's launching purple balls at my Ashe". Her final team was the whole Blue Lions plus Seteth, Cyril and Shamir. Also it surprised me seeing her taking her own choices at the last battle, making sure that Byleth and Dimitri had to finish Hegemon because "it was their story", even moving some units on her own without our advice. I could see the fire on her eyes and noticed she was enyojing every second of the final battle (amusingly enough, she hated the Spirit Dais part of the Apex of the World track, because it reminded her of that "annoying elf-like goddess").

    > She cried at the ending. Not the Edelgard and Dimitri scene, really, but at Seteth's S Support scene. She didn't expect the game to actually have some marriage. Also she jumped out of her seat when she read that Mercedes became Ashe's wife. Until that point she didnt know there would paired endings.

    Well, she really liked the experience and is now eager to go with the Golden Deers this time, just to have her answers of the plot, AND because she thinks Claude is the hottest house leader of the bunch (she's totally marrying him next, I betcha). Here's hoping she enjoys it as well as she did for this year.

    Also, unrelated to Fire Emblem, but me and my bro are already thinking what other Switch games would be simple enough gameplaywise yet excellent storywisefor her to enjoy. We were thinking both Final Fantasy X and Xenoblade 1 would be great choices.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

    submitted by /u/BalartPeru
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    I got commissioned to draw Mia and here is the result!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:30 AM PST

    X should support with Y!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:38 PM PST

    So in 3H there are a lot of characters who arguably should have supports with each other but don't. What are some supports you feel are needed, and what would those conversations entail?

    submitted by /u/Souperplex
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    Anyone else feel like killing Duma with Nosferatu fits the game's themes more?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:40 PM PST

    We all know it was included as an in-joke essentially with Echoes but considering how the theme ends up being a bit about how Valentia is going to stand tall without it's gods anymore, I feel like (Admittingly I could be wrong) killing Duma with the "mankind" Nosferatu spell (Unless it's stated somewhere that mages/clerics get their magic from the gods and I missed that) rather than a Dragon tooth sword passed down from the gods (AKA Mankind managing to defeat god with mankind's own power instead of something a god gave them.) kinda fits it more.

    So having some (in the grand scheme of things) lowly cleric defeat the god with their own power they've had from the start I feel fits the theme significantly more (Even if Alm's fatality on Duma is amazing and I'm really glad Kaga decided that for once we actually get a unique finisher animation on the final boss.) as mankind manages to on it's own get the power to challenge their own gods.

    submitted by /u/Samz707
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    Fire Emblem Heroes indeed

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:14 PM PST

    Best Older FE Games to Play?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:19 PM PST

    I'm pretty new to FE. I own the modern ones and also FE: The Blazing Blade. I'm curious about which of the older FE games aside from Blazing Blade fire emblem vets would recommend playing. If they're those that were never officially released in the west I'd also appreciate being told where I can find the fan translations. Finally, is Shadows of Valentia worth buying, or should I just find a fan translation for Gaiden and play that one instead?

    Edit: I forgot to mention, by modern I mean 3ds/switch era stuff. Nothing before then.

    submitted by /u/Pirate_Metal_God
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    Featured Charms of the Day! Takumi and Lorenz! https://heartandsoulfe.company.site

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Gotta tell you I'm annoyed by the classes in 3H, especially with how they shafted Heroes.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Seriously, the physical attackers in each house were geared toward horsemen, knights, brawlers, warriors, assassins, or swordmasters, but not one was intended for the hero class. Considering you can recruit other characters, you'd think they have had more variety. Not to mention some of the classes didn't make sense stat wise. You'd think Mortal Savant would be a better Swordmaster but it loses much of its speed, making it generally inferior by comparison. They could have also had heroes with a riposte skill that inflicts half normal damage with each block

    submitted by /u/Alphablake4
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    r/Fireemblem plays and discusses Hacks & Fangames #19: The Nameless Heroes

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Jo, everyone!

    Welcome to the 19th thread of this small community project, where we play, discuss, shill and promote Hacks & Fangames.

    For this week, we have a specific thread, where we talk about specific Hacks/Fangames instead of general discussion about them.

    You can find a spreadsheet with time plan for discussions here!

    Today we will be discussing The Nameless Heroes by Isaac. I found out about this during FEE3 2019, and have been following and playing it (the translated chapters) since. The Map design is really good, and the character balance is good as well. The hack also features combat Art (with durability cost) and Capture system ala FE5. For me, it's one of my fav. fanprojects out there, and probably my fav. GBA hack.

    There's a japanese (original) and english version of the hack. The english version currently has 9 chapters, however since the early game is being redone, ch3x to 5 aren't translated well. JP version has 19 chapters afaik.

    I fully recommend it!

    Next week we will be discussing The Mechanic Thieves, a 1 chapter fangame by TheRepeat. Check it out!

    submitted by /u/Shrimperor
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    Fire emblem echoes - luthier?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:30 PM PST

    I finally got the game and been playing for 24 hours now, and I just found out about a character named Luthier who meets all my check marks when it comes to looks- anyway, I fought Nuibaba not too long ago and used Google to figure out how to get Luthier, but he isn't where he is supposed to be.. Also, I killed his sister in that one fight--I did not know I could recruit her if she had stayed alive.. Did I miss him because I'm too far into the game, or is he out of option because I killed Delthea? I'm definitely going to play the game again once I'm done because I also missed some guy, an archer who's name I forgot, in Celicas team, so for my next run I'd like to know what I did wrong with Luthier;;

    submitted by /u/cursedsmol
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    Berwick Saga Ranked - Chapter 8 Side Missions

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:45 PM PST

    A beautiful view with Fir [commission]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 09:00 PM PST

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