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    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Fire Emblem A Question of Faith (OC Comic)

    Fire Emblem A Question of Faith (OC Comic)

    A Question of Faith (OC Comic)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:44 PM PST

    (OC) Watched my other favorite team lose so I commissioned more art. Enjoy!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:12 AM PST

    Meme template I made with Tharja, Takumi, and Annette

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Summer Ingrid (twitter:jxh_soda)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:23 AM PST

    Camilla Fire Emblem (twitter: @MS9_Art)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:42 PM PST

    [OC] Fomortiis

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:42 AM PST

    Dancer Sophia [commission]

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:55 AM PST

    What if we didn't count availability in Tier Lists?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:47 AM PST

    edeleth S support fanart

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Gimme your top ten FE3H characters.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Already did this on the Three houses sub and it was a really fun thread, so I thought I would bring it to the main sub.

    submitted by /u/Intelligent_Neat6590
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    Fan and Developer Reactions to Women in FE

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Hello! I'm doing an English final on women in FE and part of it is addressing what kind of reactions the fanbase and developers have to female characters. I'd love it if you could share some of your reactions (if any) to ANY type of female character. What do you think of their designs? Is there a game that does exceptionally well at female representation? Poor? Any and all thoughts are welcome. I'm also open to thoughts on FEH and TMS #FE reactions to women as well.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MeloMarianne
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    Berwick Saga Ranked - Chapter 9: Breaking Bridges

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 08:23 PM PST

    Finally beat Byleth/Claude solo NG maddening run!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 02:34 PM PST

    This was my first maddening run in any fire emblem game. I was going to do NG+ but I decided against it because I wanted the homescreen color change. I decided to just use byleth and claude. Here are their statsI also had the dlc installed so I had the chalice of beginnings item and the extra mov +2 item. The chalice item was a blessing. The hardest chapters were definitely the first couple. The absolute hardest chapter that made me almost quit was Ch. 14 Defending garrag mach. It is almost impossible to push forward while defending the exits. It wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the Pegasus reinforcements every 2 turns. Once I finally got past that chapter it wasn't too bad. I don't think I had to start over any chapter after that because of divine pulses. All in all it was a very rewarding a fun experience. I honestly don't think I will ever do it again though because of how challenging it was. I don't regret doing it though.

    submitted by /u/Huntress215
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    Are there turn costs that are worth it

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:27 PM PST

    In a ltc there are many units that cost turns. Most of the time there not worth it. but in some cases I can come up with are in 1 Reverse recruitment. fe7 Reverse recruitment has 2. 1 is precila, precila replaces guy so she is a massive turn cost. However you get 2 fliers to start. 1 is your lord heath and the rebecca replacement is fiora. so you can still get her in less turns. and last but not least is her staff rank at c at base as it copies guys weapon rank. and last is ninian in crazed beast as farina. ninian is a dancer end of story

    submitted by /u/ResponsibleDog2739
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    Some theories about Sothis and Naga?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 05:43 PM PST

    So are there some more in depth theories about the relationship between Naga and Sothis?

    I've had some thoughts about this subject, so you know what if they're both aliens from the same planet, or if they're the same person, what are some of your thoughts and theories about this subject?

    submitted by /u/HaribansG
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    [Spoilers regarding Byleth] So I recently learned that the timing of Chapter 4 wasn't actually foreshadowing anything.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 03:46 PM PST

    My birthday is on July 25, meaning that it's the day before the Goddess's Rite of Rebirth. On my first playthrough, I interpreted that juxtaposition as foreshadowing that Byleth was an incarnation of Sothis , and Flayn's and Seteth's birthdays helped solidify that for me. On all consecutive playthroughs, I simply assumed that the calendar adjusted itself depending on your birthday. Then, on my most recent playthrough, I decided to not bother with inputting my birthday, but found that the calendar didn't change. I may not like the whole "You're the smartest and strongest and everyone loves you and also you're literally a god" routine that Fire Emblem's been doing, but I thought that bit of supposed foreshadowing was fun.

    submitted by /u/i-am-actually-baby
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    Probably a slightly contreversial FE7 tier list

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Probably a slightly contreversial FE7 tier list


    Hello and welcome back to anotherFire Emblem tier list. FE7 is a bit weird to rate as Lyn mode makes some characters much better than they would be without it so that it basically demands its own tier list. I have decided to rate the units without taking into account Lyn mode too much, but if a unit can be trained up in Lyn mode they will get some additional credit. Like in my FE6 tier list I'm rating units based on an efficency tier list, which means we're completing maps somewhat quickly without things like support or arena grinding, but also not doing an LTC, so that means no rigging the RNG. Also, all the units are rated based on Hector harm mode as it's the only remotely challenging mode in FE7 and thus makes the tiers between units most apparent. With all that out of the way, let us finally start.


    Marcus tier

    • Marcus - Easely the best unit in the game. Fantastic bases and weapon ranks basically make him relevant the entire game with just a few statboosters. Comes prepromoted in the best class in the game, has complete control over the weapon triangle, has decent enough aid to be able to ferry most units around, etc. His only real "flaw" is his poor growths, but in a game like FE7 where the enemy quality is as low as it is that only really becomes a problem in some of the endgame chapters.

    Really strong

    • Ninian/Nils - I count them as the same unit. Dancers/10. Provide a lot of utility thanks to being able to give your units another turn and also come with dance rings which usually aren't as useful as normal dancing is, but still have some uses. If they had slightly better availability I'd put them a tier higher.
    • Heath - Now this placing is probably gonna make some people question my sanity, but I swear to you that I'm not completely insane. Sure he joins with just 9 speed and at level 7 when mst units are ready to promote, but if you get him to level 10 an promote him ASAP he will gain +2 speed and with 10 constitution he will be able to wield things like silver lances without losing speed. He also has very nice growths in speed and strength which allow him to start doubling most generic enemies fairly quickly and unlike the pegasus knights Heath has a god strength base and growth which allow him to one round fairly consistently. He also doesn't fear arrows that much as they only deal *2 damage in FE7 and is one of the few units able to carry promoted Hector and can even carry Hawkeye while unpromoted. I consider Heath to be the best flyier in the game besides Lyn mode Florina.
    • Florina - This is also probably gonna be quite contreversial as I'm mostly rating non Lyn mode Florina and her bases leave a lot to be desired, however I consider her to be in the same tier as Fiora who does have better bases, base level and weapon ranks, but even on HHM Florina desn't really have that hard of a time catching up. You do need to feed her some kills, but I think it's worthwile overall as it gives you another strong flyer and Florina does other useful things with her flying utlity like rescuing Marcus and dropping him over the mountains. She also has nice growths which let her outgrow her somewhat limiting constitution and she is able to carry promoted Hector and even Hawkeye while unpromoted.
    • Lowen - Earlygame cav. Comes with solid bases and while he does have some mediocre offensive growths will still usually be able to double most generic enemies after promotion. Other than that he is a solid earlygame unit with access to the best class in the game and is generally tanky enough to be able to handle most enemies without too much risk.
    • Priscilla - Clarine if all of Clarines flaws were removed. Excellent availability, mounted staff utility, good magic base and growth and also C staves at base. Fairly frail and won't be an amazing combat unit upon promotion due to only having E rank in anime, but those are minor nitpicks overall.
    • Sain - If this was a tier list that fully accounted Lyn mode Sain would easely be a tier higher. Even so he still has excellent offensive growths which let him outgrow his somewhat meh bases and is still a cavalier who can carry around the two beffy boys I keep mentioning.
    • Kent - Pretty much Sain if he had a worse strength growth, but aside from that their differences are so minor that they're mostly the same unit.
    • Fiora - Now why am I putting Fiora s low. Well as I mentioned Fiora's bases aren't that great as Florina can usually catch up to them even without Lyn mode, her growths are solid but not great and her 5 consitution stops her from carrying around promoted Hector unless she stays unpromoted.
    • Pent - His only flaws are coming fairly late and not having a mount. Aside from that Pent is pretty much perfect with his excellent bases and being able to one round the large majority of enemies while also having A rank staves at base.


    • Hawkeye - His 50 base HP might make him seem more fitting for the tier above. While Hawkeye is a really great combat unit he does struggle with his somewhat mediocre speed and his 16 constitution make it impossible for most promoted units to rescue him. If he had 2 more points of speed for two less points of constitution he would easely be a tier higher. Even so, he's still one of the best combat units in the game and and excellent tank.
    • Canas - Came a long way from the days of being trashed by DonDon. Joins at a high enough base level to promote quickly and deals great damage from 2 range. He does get doubled by a few mercenaries, but after his +3 speed upon promotion and +1 con he will be able to use Flux without losing speed and will actually be able to double quite a few enemies as HHM enemies are just that slow. While Luna seems really good, it's only ocassinally good for bosskilling and otherwise is only good in Cog of Destiny and Light. Joins with E rank staves, but because there are so many defense maps in FE7 he can actually reach A rank staves even in LTCs. Might seem kinda meh before promotion, but afterwards becomes very useful.
    • Harken - Comes with godly bases and weapon ranks when there are only a few chapters left. Even so his bases allow him to one round almost anything and makes for a fairly solid bosskiller.
    • Raven - Come early with great bases and growths, but being swordlocked for 5 levels isn't great. Luckely he can gain 5 levels fairly quickly and promote to gain E axes in order to be able to use handaxes. Still, his stats can seem a bit overkill for FE7 and he will still be locked to infantry movement through the entire game despite needing a fair bit of investment.
    • Erk - Solid earlygame mage. Comes at level 1 unless you've played Lyn mode with somewat shaky bases. Needs a few levels to take off, but afterwards becomes a solid enough offensive mage and all of what I said of Canas' staff utility applies to Erk as well.
    • Lucius - Similar to Erk and can be trained up in Lyn mode too, but comes a few chapters after him. Has good growths like Erk, especially the 60% magic growth, and joins at a slightly higher base level, but unfortunately uses light magic which isn't very good. He does get C rank staves upon promotion which is fairly useful.
    • Geitz - Incredebly annoying to recruit, but we won't hold it against him. Joins with nice bases, growths and weapon ranks. Sadly locked to 6 move, but what can you do.
    • Hector - As the main lord he doesn't waste a deployment slot, uses axes, has solid bases and growths and the Wolf Beil which lets him OHKO or deal great damage to armors and cavs. His speed may seem a bit shaky, but HHM enemiess are so slow that he will be able to start doubling with a few levels. His main problem is how long he need to wait for promotion and how his promotion doesn't give him addtional movement, meaning that he's locked to 5 move the entire game. He also becomes hard to carry around after promotion due to 15 con.
    • Oswin - Solid earlygame unit due to excellent bases making him a great tank and can start doubling with a few levels. However, being locked to 4 movement is pretty bad and while the general promotion bonuses are great he gets 16 con and becomes very hard to carry around. 5 movement also isn't great and he does badly against all the mages in Cog of Destiny.
    • Serra - A decent staffbot, but comes with low bases and only D rank in staves, unless you train her up heavely in Lyn mode, along with facing a lot of competition from other staffbots. She doesn't waste deplyoment slots in the first few chapters, is your only healer for 3.5 maps and can be one of the first users of physic if you buy it from the chapter 20 secret shop.
    • Vaida - Arguably belongs a tier lower as she comes very late, but she's still a very solid prepromoted flyer. She has low aid because GBA aid formula hates female characters and thus is mostly used as a combat unit. She isn't great in Light as her speed is a too low for said chapter, but is fairly solid in the other ones she's available in. For comparison, Harken has like 2.5 chapters of availability over Vaida and he isn't a flying unit, so I think they belong in the same tier. Also, wish more female FE character looked as cool as she does.


    • Athos - Wanted to have him exactly in the middle. Only available in one chapter, but he's really good in said chapter so I think this placing fits him.
    • Matthew - First thief with perfect availability and can even get some extra training in Lyn mode. As he's the only thief until Legault joins he has a plethora of chests to himself, stealing the Silver card and combat contributions in some of the early chapters as he doesn't waste deployment slots. He is fairly frail, locked to 1 range and gets outclassed by Legault once he joins, not to mention being replicated by chest and door keys.
    • Legault - Slightly stronger Matthew, but comes a fair bit later in the chapter where you can buy chest keys. Comes ready to promote, but te assassin class is awful and stops him from being able to steal or use lockpicks, so he's best left as a thief.
    • Isadora - Worst paladin in the game is still a free paladin. Comes with decent bases, mediocre growths besides speed, and good weapon ranks. Her low base HP may make her seem a but frail, but she's mostly fine after getting a Seraph robe and her low constitution does make her seem a bit slow, but she can double every enemy in her joining chapter even on HHM, though 1-2 range weapons do prevent her from doubling some of the enemies. Anyway, a free GBA paladin is never a bad thing and neither is Isadora.
    • Farina - The most overrated FE7 character IMO. She comes somewhat late with frankly meh bases for 20000 gold. She does have good growths and comes ready for promotion, but she's still unimpressive. For comparison Isadora who is often criticised for her constitution comes with +1 con over Farina and +2 speed. And Farina doesn't even get additionaly speed from promotion and joins with a worse making her quite underwhelming. She is luckely a flyer which givesher some utility and can be trained up in the three defense maps remaining, but she is still quite underwhelming for coming at such high cost.
    • Rath - Only nomad in the game and a fairly underwhelming one. Comes with fairly meh bases and benefits from not playing Lyn mode as it's unlikely his stats won't improve much unless you focus on him spesifically. Bows are, as stated before, nerfed which makes him not that great against enemy flyers, doesn't have proper 1-2 range weapons which is quite bad in an enemy phase game like FE7. He still joins close to promotion level, with B rank in bows, good growths and with a mount, along wit being the only unit able of carrying Hawkeye around even while promoted.
    • Jaffar - Really wishes that this was FE6 as his bases are amazing, but lock to infantry movement and lack of 1-2 range hold him back immensly. Decent bosskiller and good in Cog of Destiny, but fairly meh aside from that.

    Kinda meh

    • Louise - Solid bases, growths, coming prepromoted and A in bows is all nice, but being locked to 2 range is really bad in an enemy phase game like FE7. She can secure a few wyvern kills in her joining chapter, but aside from that is only gonna be deployed to support Pent as she comes with an A rank with Pent at base, but Pent does fairly well even without said support.
    • Dart - Weird unit. Comes with somewhat shaky bases and bad weapons which hold him back a bit. Can't even use a handaxe without drpping to 6 speed, which is embarassing. Does get some nice promotion bonuses, +15% critical boost from the berserker class and has good growths and weapon ranks. Still, needs to wait until chapter 23 in order to get the ocean seal and it's unlikely he's gonna promote there as the ocean seal is hidden in the sand.
    • Dorcas - *Inster Dorcas meme here*. A fairly servicable earlygame unit, 20% speed growth holds him back quitea lot, but his base is good enough to make him last a while. He doesn't waste deployment slots in the first few chapters, can be used in Lyn mode and has some earlygame uses, but drops off afterwards.
    • Guy - Unlike FE6, swordmasters suck in this game. Guy does join with fairly decent bases, growths and a killing edge, but he is mostly gonna be killing one enemy on player phase and the doing nothing on enemy phase. Being locked to swords the entire game is bad as enemies mostly use lances on HHM and throne bonuses are nerfed and general weapon accuracy is good enough that you don't need a very accurate unit in order to kill a boss.
    • Karel - Basically Guy if he came later and prepromoted. Is a bit easyer to recruit than Harken, but not much more notable about him.
    • Bartre - 3 base speed. Why? The worst part is that you have to use him if you wanna unlock all the characters. He at least joins early, has decent growths and uses axes.
    • Eliwood - Fairly unimpressive for the majority of the game, but if you manage to get him to level 10 somehow, he'll get access to lances and a mount. However, I don't see training up a fairly mediocre unit whose locked to 1 range for most of the game and only gets good in the last few chapters of the game as a good investment.
    • Lyn - Arguably the worst lord in the series, with her only competition being Roy and FE11 Marth. Really hope you've played Lyn mode as otherwise Lyn joins with terrible bases and is locked to 1 range for most of the game. The Mani Katti is a good personal weapon, but it only helps so much when her damage is still quite mediocre. Has excellent growths, but those don't matter as she's competing with Eliwood's much better promotion and it's probably more worthwile to just sell the secon heaven seal instead of using it on Lyn. She at most kills one enemy on player phase, has mediocre bulk, lacks proper 1-2 range and has a fairly bad promotion. What else is there to say about her?
    • Renault - Arguably belong a tier lower, but at least he comes with A rank in staves, despite having fairly low magic (story reasons). He can make for decent enough filler for the laste few chapters, but that's about it.

    Pretty bad

    • Wallace - If you played Lyn mode you can take away his knight crest, if you haven't played Lyn mde he has no other meaningful contributions. Sure he has access to 1-2 range and somewhat decent bases, but those don't make up for 5 move.
    • Wil/Rebecca - Pretty much the same unit. Wil can be trained up a bit in Lyn mode and Rebecca has a few more chapter of availability over him so it equals out. They do some chip damage and weaken some pegasus knights, but that's about it.
    • Nino - Est/10. Her growths are great, but coming with such low bases and so late doesn't do her any favours. You've likely trained up Erk who ismuchbetter than her when she joins and have Pent who is also much better than her.
    • Karla - Easely the worst unit in the game. Locked to 1 range, comes late, very hard to recruit (though I'm nt counting it against her), doesn't have a mount and is basically a discount Karel.

    Not tiered

    Merlinus - Not counting him as a unit.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you have any disagreements feel free to say so in the comment.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    drew lyn awhile back

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Camilla: Dokkalfar Resplendent outfit made by me

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:15 PM PST

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