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    Saturday, November 7, 2020

    Fire Emblem Petra! (OC)

    Fire Emblem Petra! (OC)

    Petra! (OC)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    I drew Flayn

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 10:36 AM PST

    Spooky Lysithea WIP (twi: jxh_soda) (commissions open)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    I commissioned Sakudrew on Twitter to draw Petra and Byleth a little while back. Isn't it gorgeous?!? ����

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:18 AM PST

    Raging Storm...?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:35 PM PST

    She who stands her ground before kings

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Enlightened One Marianne(Commission I got from u/Rin-Rin_1118)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:56 PM PST

    my timeskip Ignatz cosplay

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:30 AM PST

    Mercedes von Martritz cosplay

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:13 AM PST

    delthea doodle

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 11:50 AM PST

    Huevember - Conrad

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 03:13 PM PST

    Why the AXE is the best weapon in all of Fire Emblem.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Many of you might have your favourites. Swords, lances, bows, magic, whatever. But, all of those are wrong and terrible compared to the AXE! The AXE is the best goddamn thing to ever happen to Fire Emblem and the best weapon by far! Oh, you disagree? Well, let's go through the others and see why they suck.

    Swords? Pff, you're going to use a dainty little weapon like that? It doesn't even have 1-2 range! It does nothing but poke the enemy when compared to the killing power of the AXE. There's a reason why the dainty royalty uses them, it's because they're too weak to use a real weapon!

    Lances are nothing but a glorified toothpick. Sure they can hurt and can use 1-2 range. But, they're weak to the AXE, so why would anyone ever use them over the AXE. What are they gonna beat? A sword? That's what they're good at? That's like bragging that you can beat the shit out of a baby.

    Bows? Who uses bows?

    Magic has strength, I'll give it that. But you know who uses magic the best? NERDS! Nerds use magic because they're too focused on planting their face in books to use a real goddamn weapon. You know who uses the AXE? REAL GODDAMN MEN.

    There are some other weapons, but they're only less than 5 games. So, they're not even worth the time.

    Overall, that's why the AXE is superior to all and why you should all join the Brotherhood of the AXE. Because, be honest with yourself, what other options do you really have?

    Sincerely, An Obsessed Pro-axe Advocate

    submitted by /u/OrionsFate
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    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Testing my new scanner using the Genealogy of the Holy War Super Tactics book! Do scans of this exist? Otherwise I'll try and upload all the art pages

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:27 PM PST

    [OC] �� Yuri Bird at it again

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 04:05 PM PST

    There's something I don't get about Imhullu

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Alright, Imhullu. the personal dark tome of Gharnef. I think it's a pretty neat weapon for an important boss. Literally invincible to anything aside from the one thing that's created to bypass it's invincibility, the Starlight tome. Imhullu was created from the dark orb somehow, and whoever holds the dark orb is invulnerable to anything but the lightsphere. Sounds good enough. Now here's what I don't get. We need both the Lightsphere, and the Starsphere to craft a tome to bypass imhullu, a weapon crafted from the Dark orb. Why? Shouldn't the Lightsphere by itself be enough to bypass Imhullu? Why do we need to craft a tome from two different orbs to bypass it?

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
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    O Holy Turn Count – A shitpost

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:42 PM PST

    Our Glorious Turn Count, hallowed be thy objectivity. Thy subreddit come. Thy truth be shown in all our posts, as it is in our games. Give us this our daily gatekeeping, and forgive us our rigged crits as we forgive those who actually play through maps, and lead us not into turtling, but deliver us from the evil of leveling RPG units. For thine is the jeigan and the warp and the bosskill, forever and ever. Amen.

    O Holy Turn Count, you are the only objective truth and definitely a resource to optimize, everything else is an illusion that can't possibly matter. How else could we know who is better at a single player game and hold that over others? Make your niche extend to all corners without resistance so that all gameplay discussions must accept you, as debates about units and Rankings have given way to your overwhelming power and Ironman or PMU runs are brushed off. There is obviously no greater joy than rushing through chapters just to see your Heavenly Numerals.

    O Holy Turn Count, give us more stride+wyverns options alongside jeigans and warp to skip the tedium of actually playing maps, and to never even consider going for low turns without those; which would obviously make it more interesting. Prepare us to dismiss other map objectives and rewards, for they are mere distractions from your glory. Teach us the peak of your wisdom to park a bundle of stats in the middle of a swarm of enemies, as if that is the only way to approach the games despite Kaga saying there is no right way to play. Protect us from low tier units who mostly have no mounts and 1-2 range, for they are half the cast in any game but worthless and not worth leveling. In return we will make sure to be the perfect self righteous fun police that mentions this at every opportunity.

    O Holy Turn Count, shield us from admitting to the obvious self fulfilling prophecy that deprives units of exp, which means they can't keep up and quickly fall out of use. We absolutely love skipping maps and then complaining about the slog when we actually need to fight. Encourage us to laugh at the absurd idea of character informing gameplay and training up units instead of just solving the map puzzle, ignoring Marth's 50% speed and strength growths in the first game. Grant us the audacity to rig 1% crits that are equivalent to resetting over and over, and call them reliable, or impressive, or even interesting. Provide to us the intentional ambiguity around the term "efficiency", so that no one ever admits its baseline is by definition LTC strats, plus a couple extra turns.

    O Holy Turn Count, bless dondon and mekkah for their great content, and let their clique of evil fanboys constantly parrot their words to appropriate that respect without considering micromanaging exp and resources, or enemy AI. Have the two passively dismiss this readily observable pattern in this subreddit to avoid responsibility despite full clarity of the situation, for that would benefit the subreddit at their own expense. Strengthen the clique who worships you above all else, and we will make absolute sure to strike down all the nonbelievers.

    O Holy Turn Count, help us to downplay just how much you matter in this sub, then attack and dismiss and demean anyone who disagrees, no matter how many of them keep bringing it up. Allow us call them turtling low skill filthy casuals who only care about anime waifus with haughty impunity, as if using a jeigan requires lots of skill. Permit us to use the laughable marketing term "elitism" as a perfect distraction, for they are too dumb to see past it.

    O Holy Turn Count, when many different people point out our narrow, rigid, entrenched, dogmatic orthodoxy and the stifling effect of monopoly power again and again, make us as defensive as armor knights and evasive as myrmidons. Promote the ideas that "maps are puzzles and unit contribution matters most," "obviously players are just going to find the quickest way to beat a map," "focus on turns is necessary to show differences between characters." Give us the wisdom to keep our tunnel vision, the strength to be gatekeeping jerks all our days. We will efficiently carry out your will and shut down dissent anywhere it rears its ugly head.

    O Holy Turn Count, ensure our subreddit consistently has the same opinions based on the same playstyle and assumptions in post after post, and then screams in pain when its pointed out as if a sacred cow has been slaughtered. Offer us easy gaslighting to throw at the heathen and hope it sticks, even when its contradictory. "You're totally exaggerating, we like Rutger", "you just don't understand/appreciate it", "why are you against people playing in different ways", "map skips are not standard", "its what we decided on", "make up some other metric." Surely this will work to turn opinion against them until they are shamed and silenced into compliance.

    O Holy Turn Count, help us maintain the status quo in our blessed subreddit, unlike the dark corners of gamefaqs and Serenes who have rejected your beautiful light. Guide our mass downvotes, for internet points truly define what is right and wrong and we can make an example out of the outspoken infidels. Assist us in justifying toxic attitudes and a sense of superiority, and we will follow you all our lives.

    O Holy Turn Count, above all else aid us to minimize variety in discussion and perspectives in this subreddit, for that would detract from prioritizing you. We pray that one day Sonic will once again be a blue haired Fire Emblem lord, reminding us that we "gotta go fast."

    submitted by /u/fbyleth
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    What's next for fire emblem (video)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Hello r/fireemblem Isofix here.

    Recently i have been thinking about what game we could be getting next, so i decided to voice my thoughts in this video.


    English is not my main language so if you want clarification on things feel free to ask me either here or in the youtube comments. Thank you

    submitted by /u/Isofix
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    I made a video talking about the beauty of character renders throughout the Fire Emblem series

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 12:35 PM PST

    My fellow members of Team Tome

    Posted: 07 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    You may have heard of the recent war we took against The Brotherhood of the AXE. The war is over. Team Tome and The Brotherhood of the AXE have reached a treaty, and we are now focusing our attacks on The Bow Bunch and The Dagger Dudes.

    submitted by /u/Mr_Tenda
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    Wyvern Lord Louise!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 09:40 PM PST

    I just learned these two shared an English VA, and I knew I just had to draw it

    Posted: 06 Nov 2020 10:11 PM PST

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