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    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Fire Emblem Tailtiu as a GBA Halfbody Portrait

    Fire Emblem Tailtiu as a GBA Halfbody Portrait

    Tailtiu as a GBA Halfbody Portrait

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Isadora - Escort of Pherae

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    ⚡Allow me to demonstrate⚡

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Empress Hilda fan art

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:54 AM PST

    Drew the MVP of my ongoing Conquest revisit: Hero Arthur! (with Effie for that def boost)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 12:13 PM PST

    Haar and Jill (OC comic)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:43 PM PST

    a hilda i drew! was so much fun workin on it

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 08:28 PM PST

    I've been wanting to get a Fire Emblem tattoo for a while, and Claude really is best boi, so here's this:

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:11 PM PST

    Beruka Alt : The Rogue Fortress

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:19 AM PST

    A little late, but I made a collage of my favorite men from FE in honor of International Men's Day!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:43 AM PST

    I feel like a Fire Emblem poser

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Sorry for the random post, but this has been on my mind for a couple days.

    I got started with Fire Emblem early this year after Byleth got announced for Smash. I figured I should check out the series to find out why it has so many characters in Smash. Being a completionist, I decided to start with FE1, and I fell in love immediately. I'd never played a tactical RPG before, but the gameplay really clicked for me, and I loved how charming the characters were for an NES game. Then I played FE2, and had very similar feelings, except now there was a pretty decent plot for me to get hype over as well. Then I played both books of FE3 and got to see FE1 fleshed out plus an entire sequel story with a lot of cool innovations over the original. I've been playing through FE4, but it's been slow-going, some of the gameplay changes have been a bit difficult to get used to, but I love the characters and story so far.

    But after spending more time in the subreddit and on various FE Discord servers, I always feel like I'm kind of a fake fan. I don't have anything meaningful to say about characters mechanically, other than the ones I like or don't like using. Most of my interest in the characters is for purely writing or aesthetic reasons. I haven't played any of the modern games so I can't really say much about those either, and as someone who's more of an anime fan than a Nintendo fan, I feel like the community sorta resents the series' anime roots, an element that helped draw me into the series in the first place.

    I don't really have a reason for making this post, but I'm just kinda stressed and bummed out and putting all of this stuff to words helped me feel better.

    submitted by /u/Nivrap
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    (In)famous Maps: Thracia776 Chapter 4x - The Hero of Wind

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:20 PM PST

    Welcome back to Week 7 of (In)famous Maps, a series designed to reignite some discussion around Map Design on this subreddit. This the second part of a weekly special looking at Thracia's Manster Arc, this time looking at Chapter 4x, The Hero of Wind.

    As a preface, even though this happens pretty early on in the story, these Chapters follow a very interesting plot twists. Even though this Series is primarily about map design, due to the nature of these maps it's basically impossible to not spoil it. I highly recommend anyone that hasn't played Thracia yet to skip these posts (and if you're very adamant about reading these at least skip Chapter 5 on Sunday, that has some major spoilers). I also highly recommend anyone that hasn't played Thracia yet to play Thracia. These chapters are so early on in the story that you can start discussing tomorrow if you start playing for a bit. Consider this an order invitation to play Thracia. Obligatory Link to the current translation patch.

    After Escaping their own Cell with the Help of the Magi, Leif and Co. join up with the Leader of the Magi to rescue a few more prisoners before making their final escape. The leader of the Magi, Silesse's fugitive Prince Ced, is joined by Asbel, Leif's Childhood friend (and arguably the strongest Mage in the series).

    Just like most other Gaiden Chapters this Chapter features Thracia's infamous Fog of War, that not only obscures enemy units but even the map layout from you. This effect is immediatly put to use, with a large squad of armor knights, mages and soldiers starting right out of your vision range. The prisoners you can safe here are additionally linked to several houses in Chapter 6, where you can get some good rewards for saving them, including (but not limited to) a crusader scroll, a paragon manual and a recruitable character.

    Tomorrow we'll be looking at Chapter 5, and there's a Strawpoll for what we'll look at next week.


    FeWiki Page#

    FeWoD Page

    New Units: Asbel

    Last Post

    Once again, if you want something added to the resources or the Strawpoll please say so in your comment

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    Marileth Communication (Byleth x Marianne)[Commission]

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:55 PM PST

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #38 - Patty, Reluctant Thief (& Daisy)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Welcome to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we look at all of the playable characters of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Shannan, Wielder of Astra who poured his heart out for Seliph to try to pay back his debts to Sigurd and Deirdre. Today we will look at Patty, Reluctant Thief.


    Patty is a thief who joins at the beginning of Chapter 7 alongside Shannan. She is the younger sister of Faval and the daughter of Brigid; through Brigid, she carries minor Ulir blood by default. Patty when she first joins was raiding the Aed Shrine of treasures.


    Chapter 7 introduction: Patty leaves the Aed Shrine, remarking to herself that the rumors she heard were not false: the shrine was in fact filled with treasure which she hasn't been able to get in a long time. She then says that she has to get out quickly. Shannan then leaves the shrine and catches up to Patty; he tells her to hand the sword she has to him. He says that she can keep everything else but he needs the sword. Patty refuses to do so as it was tough for her to get the sword and goads Shannan to try to catch her to get the sword back; Shannan yells at Patty to wait.

    We see Patty for the first time as she teases Shannan when he just wants to get back his sword. This is comic relief, and it reappears for much of Patty's conversations - this image of her as a playful thief who causes mischief, somewhat like Dew.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Shannan: Patty tells Shannan to get his hands off of her; Shannan says that he doesn't want to hurt her and just for her to give him back the sword. Patty asks if the sword is his; Shannan explains that it is Balmung, the ancestral sword of his family, and that he is the only person who can wield it. Patty asks how the Balmung ended up in Aed; Shannan answers that it was last wielded by his father who died in the Grannvale-Isaach war and that it must have been stolen off of him after his death. Shannan learned only recently about Balmung's location and came to Aed to retrieve it. Patty after this realizes that she is speaking to Shannan and asks to confirm his identity; when he does, Patty is awestruck at how incredible he is. She tells him that she has heard stories of his heroism and has been a fan of him for a long time; speaking to him fulfills her dreams. Shannan, unimpressed, asks for her to just give Balmung to him. Patty proceeds to do so, and Shannan is filled with the power of the Balmung.

    For Patty this conversation can be divided more or less into two halves. The first half is when Shannan gets the situation with Balmung cleared up; Patty in spite of teasing Shannan earlier is amenable to giving it back to him when she finds out that the Balmung is his prized ancestral sword. This shows that Patty is still committed to "do the right thing" even if she is in fact a thief of some kind. (More on this facet of her character later.) Afterwards, we see Patty start to fangirl over Shannan although this does not humor the latter. It may seem comical as well but it is not surprising for a girl who grew up poor to dream of meeting an exotic prince like Shannan...so it brings joy to Patty for her dream to be realized.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Seliph: Patty recognizes Seliph and squeals; Seliph asks her politely who she is. Patty introduces herself as the "one true love of Shannan," a claim which Seliph immediately doubts. Patty then admits that she is actually a (former) thief who now wants to join Seliph's army instead. Seliph asks if she is sure about joining them because of how dangerous it is and how there is no place for "her ilk" (thieves) there. In response, Patty tells Seliph that he needs money because it is important and says that he will never have money issues with her around; Seliph denies this offer because he does not want to have stolen money. After a pause, Patty says that all of the money that the imperial soldiers have was stolen from a villager; she scolds him for saying that it is wrong for people to steal that money back and breaking down says that she just wants to help everyone. Seliph apologizes and offers to allow Patty to come with them to Patty's surprise. She vigorously thanks him for the offer and gives Seliph a brave sword as a present, a sword which Seliph calls "lovely."

    Patty again fangirls over Seliph at first, probably for a similar reason as with Shannan. The deeper part of this conversation is the discourse over Patty's stealing. Seliph looks down on Patty at first for stealing, and this reflects how most people in Jugdral see stealing - as something reserved for the lowest of the lowest. Patty is offended at this (innocent, but still hurtful) insinuation by Seliph and has to explain to him why she steals: she doesn't steal just to have fun, but as a sort of Robin Hood who steals to give back to the people. To rephrase, Patty is more like a "chaotic good" type of person; her actions may not be "honorable" but they are still good at heart. She breaks down towards the end of her explanation, hinting that she has probably faced this kind of hurtful response to her before. But then she gets to experience joy when Seliph reverses course and allows her to join to help his cause, and she rewards Seliph with the brave sword which she probably stole - ironic that a "stolen good" has use for Seliph after all.


    Chapter 8 conversation with Faval: Patty asks Faval what he is doing before realizing that he was hired by Blume as a mercenary; Faval in turn asks Patty why she is with the rebels. Patty explains that she wants to protect people. She says that knows that they (the liberation army) is close to stopping Blume and rebukes Faval for throwing everything to the side to work for the very same people who orphaned the children that they care for now. Faval, sympathizing with Patty, apologizes to Patty, but Patty refuses to accept it as anyone can apologize and goes further to ask him to join them. Faval agrees to join Patty and Seliph's army, complimenting Patty on coming a long way; Patty says that she guess she has come a long way.

    Patty justifiably gets angry at Faval for allying with the same people whom she is fighting against; she has to knock some sense into him to get him to fight with Seliph's army instead. Patty and Faval have a sort of "typical" sibling relationship as they are willing to get a little bit heated when they feel that the other one is doing something wrong, although Patty oftentimes will end up talking over Faval as we see in the next conversation. Patty and Faval's past is also shined upon as we see that they are orphans who, like many others, had their lives destroyed by the Empire.


    Chapter 9 conversation with Faval: Faval yells at Patty and asks her in a scolding tone if she is stealing again; she admits that she has been stealing "just a bit." Faval says that he doesn't want her to steal at all even if it's from the enemy and tells her to stop it. Patty then snaps back at Faval and explains that she is stealing because the army needs money, not because she has fun doing it. Faval responds by bringing up that people have been insulting Patty behind her back; one person in particular said that Patty was behaving just as expected of a "pirate's back," a comment which Faval punched that person over. Patty answers that it doesn't matter what people think; their mother (Brigid) was still a great person who was an heir of Ulir. She brings up that she had cried in joy when she found this fact out from Lewyn. Faval concurs and notes that given that they grew up as poor orphans, he had no idea that their mother was a noblewoman; he asks Patty if she remembers anything about her. Patty says she remembers nothing about their mother and asks Faval if he does, to which he replies that he remembers her being kind and beautiful. Patty then asks Faval if he thinks their mother is dead; Faval answers that while he does not know for sure, they will go look not only for their mother but for their father as well.

    Faval gets a bit angry at Patty for continuing to steal because he (like others) feels like it is leaving a negative impression on them. Patty is once again forced to explain that her stealing unfortunately is a necessity at this point; they would be struggling for money and for food if it weren't for her efforts. It's ultimately unfair and unjust that this reputation of being not only being a "scum thief" but a "scum thief who is the product of a scum pirate" follows Patty around, and it's yet another tragedy of the circumstances of the game. But on the upside, Patty still has the fact that she is nobility behind her to her surprise.


    Chapter 9 conversation with Coirpre/Charlot: Patty recognizes Coirpre and sneers at him because the child of Hannibal whom she thought would be "amazingly hot" turned out to be a "snotty kid." Coirpre retorts that she is not any better herself. Patty irately asks Coirpre if he is trying to say that she looks like a child, to which he replies that this is what he means because she really does look like a child. Patty angrily calls Coirpre a jerk.

    We revert back to comic relief as Patty and Coirpre trade insults. Patty calls Coirpre a "snotty kid" and Coirpre tells Patty to her face that she also looks like a child. This of course makes Patty angry because she wants to think she is an adult even though she has already fangirled over two separate princes.


    Chapter 10 conversation with Lester/Deimne: Lester comes up to Patty and teases her by saying sarcastically that she "looks good as ever;" Patty, annoyed, tells him to go away. Lester is frustrated at this and calls Patty harsh, but Patty fires back that he always teases her in dumb ways. Lester is confused by this but Patty points out that Lester doesn't act this way towards any other girl; this is followed by Lester jokingly acting like he's shocked that Patty is a girl, which makes Patty even angrier. After this, Lester apologizes and says that he cares about Patty but got a little bit too far. Patty, still angry, asks Lester what he means, and Lester responds that he "likes" Patty.

    It can be inferred that Lester has teased Patty many times before by this point; this time, Patty's temper is irritated once again as she snaps at him. Of course, it turns out that this is some form of affection from Lester, which is weird because Lester and Patty are cousins. The biggest takeaway from this conversation is that Patty has a short temper, again.


    Endgame conversation with Shannan: Patty calls out to Shannan to the latter's confusion. She says that it's lunchtime and presents lunch that she made to him; Shannan, still confused, asks her what she is doing as they are at a battle, not a picnic. Patty complains that she has nothing else to do given that nothing there needs her "light touch." Shannan brusquely asks her why she thought getting in the way was a good idea. This offends Patty as she rebukes him for treating her like an "old bag" when she spent all day making him lunch; she says that she will not do that again. Shannan apologizes to Patty and asks for her forgiveness. This makes Patty happy now as she is relieved that Shannan will eat her lunch anyways; she says that she loves Shannan a lot now.

    Shannan was initially annoyed by Patty and it shows, but Patty snaps at him for not being grateful for her effort to make him lunch instead of sitting around bored. She shows her short temper yet again, and rightfully so considering how much effort Patty put into making Shannan lunch. Then she becomes happy when Shannan apologizes and chooses to eat her lunch anyways.


    Endgame conversation with Lester/Deimne: Patty sees Lester and gives him lunch to Lester's joy as Lester is very hungry. Patty said that she felt this may be the case and packed him multiple servings; she then asks Lester how much he likes it. Lester compliments Patty on her "fantastic" cooking and calls her the best cook he has ever met. Patty giggles and says that she bets she is the best cook he has ever met.

    Patty and Lester have resolved their differences and now they just...enjoy lunch together. In a funny scene. Patty seems to have a good intuition given that she knew that Lester would want multiple servings.


    Endgame conversation with Seliph: Patty gives lunch to Seliph, to the latter's surprise. Seliph thanks Patty for doing this. Patty then gives Seliph a drink to Seliph's delight as he says that Patty "spoils" him. She then has one more thing for him, which is her "Super Special Home-Brewed Stamina Tonic" which will give Seliph energy; she warns him not to spill any of it.

    Seliph seems to have gotten over how he initially felt about Patty given that Patty is willing to literally make him lunch now. Well, not just lunch but a stamina tonic too...maybe Seliph's fatigue is high and he needs one? If so, Patty once again has a good intuition of what her lover needs.


    Ending: If Patty does not inherit the throne of Yngvi and does not inherit from her father, she will return to Yngvi. She tells Seliph this because she wants to help her brother instead of twiddling her thumbs. Seliph warns Patty not to steal as it does not befit a noble; Patty gets angry at Seliph for saying this because she gave up stealing. Seliph apologizes and tells Patty to take care. If Patty does inherit Yngvi (which happens if Faval goes to another country like Verdane or if he is dead), Seliph will ask her if she will be okay there. Patty in response asks Seliph if he is nervous about her going to Yngvi. He tries to say that he doesn't mean that, but Patty cuts him off and says that she will be fine as she is the daughter of Brigid. Finally, if Patty had a lover who is dead, she will cry when she says goodbye to Seliph; she even asks Seliph to hold her towards the end.

    Three separate scenes that all show different facets of Patty. The first scene of course is just Patty being her regular self, getting frustrated for having her stealing brought up again (and justifiably so). In the second scene, Patty shows that she is determined to do what needs to be done for her people, just like she has in the past. And finally in the third scene...we see Patty at her most "broken" so to speak, after her lover has died. It's an emotional scene.


    Daisy: Daisy is a thief raised in the Connaught orphanage; she is the younger sister of Asaello. Daisy has three unique conversations: a secret event with Shannan in Chapter 7, a unique conversation with Asaello in Chapter 9 that replaces Patty's conversation with Faval, and a unique conversation with Deimne in the Endgame chapter.


    Chapter 7 secret event with Shannan: Someone says hello to Shannan, startling him. That someone turns out to be Daisy who laughs about scaring Shannan. Shannan yells at Daisy because he almost hurt her and asks her to cut it out; Daisy retorts that she is just bored and isn't strong enough to fight. Shannan reluctantly says that he will help her with that although he does not have the time to give her a full lesson; Daisy squeals that she is getting a private lesson with Shannan. Shannan then warns Daisy that she needs to take it seriously or else he will not give a lesson; Daisy affirms that she will be serious. Shannan after that begins the lesson by talking about posture but realizes that Daisy isn't listening. At that point Daisy just sighs.

    There isn't much unique happening here that doesn't happen for Patty. Daisy jumps in front of Shannan (somewhat) because she is bored and sort of "fangirls" over him just as she did in Chapter 7. (If you recall, this is understandable due to her poor upbringing.) She gets to have a private swordsplay lesson with Shannan, which is possibly a lampshade of Daisy having bad combat.


    Chapter 9 conversation with Asaello: Asaello yells at Daisy and asks her in a scolding tone if she is stealing again; she admits that she has been stealing "just a bit." Asaello says that he doesn't want her to steal at all even if it's from the enemy and tells her to stop it. Daisy then snaps back at Asaello and explains that she is stealing because the army needs money, not because she has fun doing it; the children at Connaught also need money that she can't get through other means. Asaello reluctantly admits that Daisy has a point and says that he hopes they're doing fine. Daisy further scolds Asaello and reminds him that he has to put his arena money to good use; Asaello sighs as he remarks that he knew that this would come back.

    Here we see the conversation start off similarly to Patty's conversation with Faval but it takes a slightly different turn; Daisy has to remind Asaello about the orphanage that they are taking care of and the children in that orphanage. Like with Patty, Daisy isn't stealing just for the fun of it; she's stealing to take care of the disadvantaged, including the orphans which she raises along with her brother. Speaking of...she has to knock some sense into Asaello to remind him to use his arena money for good rather than for his own wants, showing tough love for him.


    Endgame conversation with Deimne: Daisy asks Deimne what's up; Deimne replies that he's feeling worthless. Daisy inquires further and asks why, to which Deimne explains that the "normal people" like them might as well not be there. Daisy disappointedly says that they (Seliph and the other nobles) don't really need them. Deimne concurs and says that he will find a real job in Isaach; Daisy adds that she will be with him after the tiring war. Deimne then exclaims that they're hopeless.

    As noted in the Deimne episode, this conversation lampshades the substitutes' poor fighting capabilities. Daisy is understandably disappointed that Seliph and the other holy blooded nobles have left them behind, and it makes the player feel empathy for her and Deimne. Daisy then agrees to follow Deimne to Isaach to "get a new job," which shows that she is committed to him...and a bit strange considering how she tried to whip Asaello into supporting the Connaught orphanage earlier.


    Ending: By default, Daisy will return to New Thracia to help her brother with Connaught. Otherwise, her ending is identical to that of Patty.


    Final thoughts: Patty at first appears to be a mischievous thief much like (her possible father) Dew. She steals things, she teases people, she has a short temper, and she even gawks over exotic princes like Seliph and Shannan. But there is a darker side to this, and that would be what led her to stealing: her poor upbringing in the orphanage to Connaught. She has to repeatedly stress to other people that she does not like stealing, but is forced to do it in order to provide for other people, whether that is the orphans at Connaught or the people in Seliph's own army. In spite of that, people still look down on her not only because she is a thief but because her mother was a pirate as well; because of that, Patty suffers. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that being her previously unknown heritage as a noble of Yngvi. For this and for the good of everyone else, Patty perseveres and stays strong.

    Daisy is very similar to Patty but she doesn't have the heritage of being the daughter of Brigid. A couple of her conversations arguably lampshade her poor gameplay performance, but otherwise there is not too much to say about her. She still has to knock some sense into her brother just like Patty does, and she mentions the orphanage more than Patty does if only because she doesn't have Yngvi.

    Thanks for reading this episode! Next time is going to be very exciting because we will finally head to the Leonster trio: three (four?) very well-loved characters who on top of that are among my personal favorite characters in the series. Up next will be the lord of Thracia 776, the legendary master knight Leif, Prince of Leonster. Until then!

    Previous: Shannan, Wielder of Astra

    Next: Leif, Prince of Leonster

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    The Evolution of Undiscovered Horizons {Gaiden • 25th • Faith and Engagement • SoV • Galeforce}

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:52 AM PST

    Berwick Saga Ranked Chapter 5 Side Missions

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Why would you do this three houses why

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:45 PM PST

    I'm currently streaming a Radiant Dawn hack in development (FE10 Exalted by Dunal)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:02 AM PST

    (oc comic) A FE3H Costume Party

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:43 PM PST

    To what extent do you think FE01 could be changed (like QoL changes) and still be considered an "improved FE01", and not a "almost FE03-book 1 game"?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    Kind of moot discussion, but I really like FE01, and I would love to play it with slight QoL changes. However, whenever I start thinking about it, I end up thining "well, it just turn out like FE03's book 1 style". So, how much could we improve the original game and still consider it a "improved FE01"?

    For me, just getting rid of those weird green tiles that go beneath every unit, regardless of where they are, as well as adding movement range tiles is enough for me. Ah, of course, making those promotions available. Maybe adding RES growth.

    Note: I sense people saying things like "oh, if you change anything, it's not FE01" anyomore!". Yeah, I know. That's why I'm saying "improved FE01". It's not the original anymore.

    submitted by /u/chr_perrotta
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