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    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    Fire Emblem That support decrease in Remire Village tho

    Fire Emblem That support decrease in Remire Village tho

    That support decrease in Remire Village tho

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:05 PM PST

    Corn in Autumn! (OC)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    [oc] edelgard timeline (crimson flower)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:02 PM PST

    Annette!! (OC)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:42 PM PST

    Did F! Byleth from Three Houses

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:28 PM PST

    I drew raphael, bernadetta, marianne, and ignatz for a zine!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 04:09 PM PST

    This is my first completed digital piece I hope you all like it �� (instagram: yavanna_art)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Marileth Portrait (Byleth x Marianne)[Commission]

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:18 PM PST

    He put a ring on it (Byleth x Marianne) [Commission]

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Made the Lucina/Robin Smash debut art into Shadow Box Art

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Scáthach & Larcei - Twins of Tirnanog

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:51 PM PST

    My friend's Nohrian prince joined her for graduation photos

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:21 PM PST

    Celica ❤️�� (twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    Character Analysis - Where Owain Succeeds and Odin Fails

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Owain is undoubtedly one of my favourite characters in the series. His hilarious antics and energetic demeanor helped hook me into the series when I first played Awakening over 6 years ago. However, I feel like Owain is rarely given the credit he deserves for being a legitimately well-written character, one with real depth that extends beyond his outward foolishness. Unfortunately, I feel even Intelligent Systems themselves forgot about this side to Owain, with his alternate persona, Odin, failing to capture the true depth of his character.

    Let's start with Owain in Awakening. At a surface level, he's an extremely fun character. He's chock full of meta-references to past FE titles, and in that sense, he sort of embodies Awakening's whole mission to encapsulate the series as the potential final game (fortunately that didn't end up being the case). Even his personal weapon, Missiletainn, is an amusing reference to Eldigan's holy blade, Mysletainn. Owain's an extremely over the top dude. One of his favourite pastimes is naming weapons and armour to "bestow power upon them". These names tend to be comically cheesy and lengthy. He's also got a knack for storytelling, and he often puts these skills to use for his own personal enjoyment. Being true to these wacky parts of himself is part of why I love Owain. It's all in good fun. He's not bringing harm to anyone by being himself, he's simply trying to live his life to the fullest in the way that's best for him.

    That said, I also appreciate that Owain knows when to drop the theatrics and act serious for the sake of his friends and family. There is nothing Owain puts above those he cares about. For example, he gets serious when Brady is crying, knowing it's not the appropriate time for his games:

    Owain: I will not be deceived by such deceits! What manner of madman would allow you a turn at cooking for the camp?
    Brady: I'm a fine cook, all right! I learned from my dear ol' ma! So just... sniff G-get off my back!
    Owain: Whoa...um, are you crying?
    Brady: N-no! sniff ...And you're slipping out of character.

    He also talks normally with Kjelle, since he knows she doesn't appreciate the way he talks:

    Owain: Ugh, come on! Work with me here! Put some feeling into it! I know you hate men, but would it kill you to show a little effort?
    Kjelle: I don't hate men. I hate idiots. ...A class you fall right into, coincidentally. Even the way you talk makes me angry. Half the time I have no idea what you're saying. It's always stories and sound effects and...posturing.
    Owain: Which is why I'm speaking normally right now.

    Amusingly, yet all too fittingly, he gets beaten out in the eccentricity department by his own mother:

    Owain: No, Mother, would you PLEASE just listen?
    Lissa: Well, fine, then. Call yourself whatever you like. I'll get THIS Owain to protect me. THIS Owain will never turn on me. THIS Owain will never leave my side! Even if it snaps in half!
    Owain: AUGH, STOP! Don't even TALK about a weapon named after me breaking! Look, I'll protect you, okay? I promise. Now just, PLEASE stop!
    Lissa: You will?! Oh, that's so sweet, honey! C'mere, you!
    Owain: Gah, just p-please stop...hugging too tight... C-can't...breathe...
    Lissa: All right, well, if you insist, I'll stop trying to name my weapon, then. Tee hee. There's no need, now that I have you to protect me! Isn't that right, dear?
    Owain: Why do I feel like I've just been had...?

    Speaking of Owain's parents. A great moment of sincerity comes from the support with his father. He speaks solemnly about the time when his father in his timeline died. And that's when he reveals that all of his talk about the blood of heroes in himself wasn't about the Hero-King and First Exalt at all, it was about his mother and father. So sure, Owain gets silly and overdramatic about his blood, but it all comes from a place of deep caring for the parents he tragically lost, and the parents he refuses to lose again:

    Owain: But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!

    One of the greatest moments of Owain comes from what's possibly my favourite scene in the entire series. The bridge scene from The Future Past DLC:

    Inigo: You hear that, Owain? We'd better cross the bridge.
    Owain: ......
    Inigo: Owain?
    Owain: ...If we cross the bridge now, these Risen are gonna follow us. Right?
    Inigo: Right. Almost definitely.
    Owain: That's if we're lucky. If we're unlucky, they'll rip us to shreds the second we turn around.
    Inigo: True. We'll need to back our way across.
    Owain: But that'll take too long, especially if we have to hold them off as we go. Brady doesn't even have a weapon. How are you, me, and Yarne going to protect him once we're surrounded?
    Inigo: The odds are not good, I agree, but...we have to try.
    Owain: No. I've got a better idea.
    Inigo: Uh...okay?
    Owain: I'll hold off the Risen while you cross. Once you make it to the other side, cut down the bridge.
    Inigo: And strand you here? Are you crazy?! What are you talking about?
    Owain: Just shut up and go! We don't have time to argue about this! Do you want me to die, or do you want ALL of us to die?!
    Inigo: ...!
    Owain: Ugh. I'm sorry... I don't mean to shout. But you KNOW what's at stake here!
    Inigo: You're serious.
    Owain: ...Yes.
    Inigo: And you're sure there's no way we can fight and survive this together?
    Owain: ...I'm sure.
    Inigo: ...... Sigh All right.
    Owain: I'm sorry to make you do this, Inigo. But...I'm glad I got to spend my last moments with you. Now cross that bridge and go! The fate of the world is in your hands!
    Inigo: ......
    Owain: Um... This is the part where you go.
    Inigo: Sorry, Owain. I can't do it.
    Owain: What?! B-but...my epic speech...
    Inigo: BRADY! YARNE! Go on without us!

    I mean okay, he was being a bit overdramatic, but he genuinely meant everything he said. Owain was ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends. He was ready to make his last words that he was happy he could spend his last moments with his friend. That's some heavy stuff.

    Owain in Awakening is a silly character meant to make you laugh. And make me laugh he does! But on top of that, he's also a deeply heartfelt character who wants nothing but the best for his friends and family. He's an empathetic person, and he knows when to let his guard down.

    Now let's talk about his second appearance, that of Odin, retainer to Prince Leo of Nohr. Intelligent Systems certainly didn't forget his antics. He's up to them tenfold in this one. He's got plenty of eccentricities and silly names to go around. Upfront I would like to say, I don't think Odin is a bad character. In a vacuum, I like Odin well enough. He's funny, and he has a handful of good moments. But it's when you put him into context, understanding that this is Owain after Awakening, that he sort of falls apart. Inigo matures between Awakening and Fates. Severa matures between Awakening and Fates. Owain...regresses.

    Let's start with where Odin succeeds, however. His absolute best support by far is with his ol' pal Laslow. He gets up to his usual Owain antics of course, but they end up having a solemn heart to heart about their lives. They talk about their original world they grew up in, as well as the world they left to come to Nohr. They're quite sentimental about it, and Laslow seems somewhat depressed thinking about how those memories are slowly fading. Owain, true to his character, speaks sincerely and tries to cheer him up. He even resorts to using their real names for the one and only time just to see Laslow smile again.

    Odin: Ah, I remember that! Well, I meant every word. In any case, we'll be moving out any minute now. Let's get going, Inigo.
    Laslow: Wh-what did you just call me?
    Odin: What's wrong, Inigo of the Indigo Skies? Did you miss hearing your real name? Haha, calm down. It's fine, just this once. No one else is here. Severa can't get mad about something she doesn't know, right? Er. Probably.
    Laslow: Haha! I guess not. Thank you Owain. I feel much better now.
    Odin: Ah, he smiles! Perfect! I love seeing my archrival happy.
    Laslow: Haha. I feel the same, old friend. That, at least will never change.

    Likewise, his support with Selena is good as well. She too is thinking about their old home, and Owain conjures up a spell to give her good dreams about their past escapades. He gets silly with it, naturally, but in the end, it's all to help Selena, and he succeeds.

    He has some good moments in his Azura and Ophelia supports too. In his Azura support, he opens up to her a bit and reveals his crippling fear of heights. He does so specifically at a suspension bridge, and briefly alludes to the scene from The Future Past, showing how deeply it scarred him emotionally. However, even this heartfelt moment is quickly interrupted by his insistence on "keeping up his image", making sure he looks cool "for his fans".

    And in his Ophelia support, there's a touching moment where he talks about the Brand of the Exalt and what it means. He alludes to Lissa and how her Brand never surfaced, and how happy she'd be to see it on Ophelia.

    Owain's supports with Leo, Charlotte, and Kagero are all alright as well, but consistently the best moments from Odin are when his connections to Awakening come up. Elsewise, he fails to showcase the depth that Owain displayed so well.

    Let's take his Nyx support for example. He never once breaks character, not when she's clearly not getting his act, not even when he learns about her horrid backstory. In fact, he makes light of it. More than that even, he pretty much ignores his own extremely tragic backstory for...no reason, even when he was fine opening up to Azura at least somewhat about it.

    Odin: Your origin story, your attitude—you are the avatar of annihilation here. Compared to you, I'm a dark dilettante at best, a complete fraud at worst... If only I had a tragic past like yours…

    It's actually pretty ironic, the support ends with Nyx telling Odin to be himself. And yes, his theatrics are definitely being himself. But it's only one part of himself.

    Many of his supports just feel like wasted opportunities. His supports with Camilla and Corrin essentially boil down to the exact same support: nothing more than a naming adventure he gets very emotional over, but he never opens up in any truly sincere manner.

    In general, I find Odin to be less empathetic than Owain, despite the years passed. On top of that run-in with Nyx, he straight-up lies to both Hinata and Effie in their supports promising to teach Hinata magic and then giving him incomplete spells, and bestowing a fake strength spell on Effie, supposedly to get back at her for her calling him weird. As an overall running theme in his supports, he's extremely full of himself. He refers to himself as "Odin" a lot. While it wasn't completely unheard of for Owain to call himself "Owain Dark", it was really quite rare, only in moments of extreme dramatics. Odin however seems to just like hearing the sound of his own name.

    That said, his supports as a whole still rightfully revolves around him helping his peers. This part is peak Owain. However, he's always "in character" so to speak. Not only that, but he also gets oddly whiny and moody often. This isn't new for him, a key example being his support with Severa in Awakening, but this isn't something that should become a more common occurrence now that time has passed. Not when Inigo and Severa have both emotionally matured. Odin doesn't feel like a more mature Owain in the same way Laslow and Selena feel like more mature Inigo and Severa. Odin feels like Intelligent Systems remembered Owain for his zany antics, and went all-in on that singular aspect of him, oftentimes forgoing any other aspect of his personality.

    Odin is a good character. His supports make me laugh and he's kindhearted, making him hard to hate. But compared to Owain, Odin is incredibly disappointing, and the lack of development or even consistency from Owain sours Odin as a whole for me. While Owain remains one of my favourite characters in the series, Odin will always be the character of great missed potential.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    I may need some help with a decision I'm mulling over. What should I do?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:41 PM PST

    So I'm doing a homecoming tour with my friends and myself, after some shady guys tried to oust me from the territory, and my political ally and good friend is hosting a celebratory cook out, he's got a long mane of straight red hair, eyes with a glare cold as ice. But he seems like a trustworthy guy and helped me out a bit. His younger brother who is in my envoy is protesting heavily and doesn't want to go and warning people not to, and that it will be a mistake. It's a homecoming after being away for four long and stressful years, do you think there'd be a risk like what is being speculated? My friend in the church said it would be unwise but I don't really see an issue so far. It would be very disrespectful to neglect his invitation and dishonorable. I think he's a good man and I know he's a good host.

    submitted by /u/MankuyRLaffy
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    Haar and Jill Pt.2 (OC Comic)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:20 PM PST

    A Larcei appreciation post

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Larcei, daughter of Ayra, and younger twin of Scáthach. One of my personal favourite characters in Genealogy. However, I feel she gets unfairly overlooked and brushed off as being nothing more than Ayra 2.0. While I think most of the Gen 2 cast is underappreciated (I generally prefer them to Gen 1), Larcei gets it even worse than most by virtue of being nearly identical to Ayra. I feel that the intent behind this design choice often goes overlooked.

    In her very first line, you can see that she's inherited more than her mother's looks, as she shares Ayra's brashness as well.

    Larcei: Ugh, Scáthach! Why so surprised? Did you really think our little hideout wouldn't be found out sooner or later? Let them come, I say! It only makes the battle easier for us! It's the easiest thing to just walk right over Ganeishire and pick them off as we go!

    Larcei: I don't care! You can sit here and be as scared witless as you want, but I'm not letting a chance like this pass!

    Larcei: I'm... I'm not gonna run away anymore! I'm sick to death of sitting here while those monsters butcher our friends! Or worse... The empire's thugs are still out there, snagging any girl they see... If Prince Shannan hadn't come for me that day, I'd be just another one of 'em: dead, or wishing I was... I won't forgive or forget their plan!

    She's strong-willed and firm in her beliefs, ready to take on the world by herself if she has to. She believes in her own strength and will stop at nothing to fight against the injustices of the world.

    She also has no interest in the attention of (most) men, but unfortunately for her, taking after her mother's looks, she's got people left and right trying to get into her pants...er, her dress? That said unlike some other characters in the series, she doesn't outright hate men, she simply doesn't have time for their nonsense. This can be seen in her recruitment conversations with Iucharba and Iuchar. With Iucharba, he doesn't try to make any advances, and Larcei is grateful for his assistance to their cause:

    Iucharba: Larcei! Heh... I guess you finally realized you want to see me, am I right?
    Larcei: Look, Iucharba, I know you try to act like you're cool, tough and uncaring, but I know you're not all that bad. I mean, you've made a point of keeping your hands off the innocent all along. I guess I'd rather avoid fighting you, if I can…

    Larcei: Wha- ...Are you serious? Iucharba, this is... Thanks so much! Er, I guess I was wrong to doubt you for all these years. Sorry.
    Iucharba: Look, I'm no saint. Way I see it, at least now I can atone for everything I've done. Listen up, men! We're with the liberation army now! We're fightin' in the name of love and justice!

    Iuchar on the other hand rushes immediately into flirting with her, which Larcei is not having in the slightest:

    Iuchar: Oh, Larcei... How the twin hands of love and fate guide us! I've yearned for this day for many, many years, my beloved!
    Larcei: Iuchar?! Oh, for the love of... There's a stomach flu playing with your head, isn't there?
    Iuchar: Larcei... Oh, Larcei! Your words are as the sweetest birdsong! Your eyes are as the most brilliant stars! Oh, without you at my side, what purpose is there in life? What joy could possibly be?
    Larcei: Stop it! How revolting! This is a battlefield! Are you out of your right mind?!

    Hilariously, this can also be seen in the Lost Bloodlines Awakening DLC, where Inigo also tries to hit on her, and she is not having it:

    Inigo: Come now. Can't we cease this battling and have a cup of tea? I see starlight in your eyes, not fire.
    Larcei: You're the second man to try that line on me. The world must be rid of you, flatterer! Die!
    Inigo: ...I'm quite certain I'm missing something here.

    Inigo: Lovely lady! Your eyes sparkle like... Ack! They sparkle because there are daggers in them! Have I offended?
    Larcei: I've heard enough sweet nothings to last a lifetime, sir. One man is enough!
    Inigo: Y-you could at least explain your backstory a bit!

    Unlike her twin brother, Larcei firmly believes that Ayra is alive, and won't hear anything to the contrary.

    Scáthach: Heh... Man, that iron will of yours! Guess you're just like Mom was, if what Prince Shannan's told us is true.
    Larcei: Yeah... Ayra... I can't remember a thing about her. You?
    Scáthach: No, of course not. We're twins, remember? If you were too young to remember, then so was I! We weren't even two years old yet back then... It was Oifey who took us with him when he fled to Isaach with Seliph. We waited and waited, but Mom never followed... I guess she didn't make it out of the Battle of Belhalla alive...
    Larcei: Scáthach! You swore you'd never say awful things like that! Mom is alive! ALIVE! I'm sure of it! Don't you dare say otherwise ever again!

    Scáthach mentions how Larcei is just like how Ayra was described to them by Shannan. I really like the poeticness of this. She's desperately trying to live up to this legend that is her mother, Ayra, despite not knowing her at all. Like if she can be just like her mother was, that brings them a little closer. And she does live up to her, but tragically she's unable to confirm that for herself. Only you the player can see how much like her mother she's become. However on top of Shannan's recounting of her mother, if Finn is Larcei's father he will also confirm how similar Larcei is to Ayra (although only on a surface level).

    Finn: "Yes. Don't take this the wrong way, but you are the spitting image of a woman I once loved."
    Larcei: "Oh. So were you two a couple?"
    Finn: "Yes, but we got separated during the war, and I haven't seen her since."
    Larcei: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What was her name?"
    Finn: "Ayra… You're the first I've met to parallel her beauty."
    Larcei: "…Ayra? You sure about that!?"

    All of her lover conversations in the final chapter reveal that she does have a bit of a mushy side for the person she loves. She even lets herself get abnormally vulnerable with Seliph, opening up to him about how she's feeling a little scared, which even Seliph points out is unusual for her. It could be said that her brazen attitude isn't all-natural, and is at least partly an act she puts on to imitate her mother as close as possible. Not to say that she isn't hot-headed and ready to fight for her beliefs, just that beneath that exterior there is a part of her that is still unsure of herself.

    Overall, Larcei has a design, personality, and story that all come together to create a character I really enjoy. Like a lot of Gen 2 characters, it's the implications of their relationships with their parents, alive or dead, the relationships with their friends and family, and their place in the world and the war they find themselves in that make them fascinating characters to think about. Yes, Larcei is very similar to Ayra, but this is an explicit choice that forms her story and character into something all its own.

    To end things off, I would like to share my favourite Cipher art for Larcei, which is this card by kawasumi. It really sums up Larcei brilliantly, a young woman who has grown to live up to the legend of her lost mother, confident in her abilities and ready to strike down whatever stands in her way.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    What are the smallest changes to a unit that could lead to the biggest increases in usefulness?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I'm replaying fe7 again, and because I'm slowly trying to complete the support log over multiple playthroughs that means I have to once again drag Bartre's worthless ass to level 5 promoted so I can get Karla and her supports. I can't help but think about how much easier it would be if he started with just one more point of speed... His base speed of 3 means he can't double any of the numerous 0 speed lance enemies that the earlygame is full of, and sometimes that one 45% chance speed proc I need just refuses to come through.

    What units would be so much better with just one tiny little change? It can be a single stat point to hit a benchmark, a higher weapon rank to let them use a weapon that would help them immensely, or even something as trivial as being force deployed one square closer to the objective in their starting chapter.

    submitted by /u/secret_bitch
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    FE3H S Support survey

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 01:57 PM PST

    (FE4) Finally finished Genealogy, plus here’s who all my child-gen characters ended up with

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:50 PM PST

    Portrait Of An OC, 4 Years In The Making!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:32 PM PST

    Is it okay to start with FE three houses I’m planning on playing the other games too but I only have a switch at the moment

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 02:57 PM PST

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