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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem Dimitri and Edelgard as kids, my piece for the Step by Step zine

    Fire Emblem Dimitri and Edelgard as kids, my piece for the Step by Step zine

    Dimitri and Edelgard as kids, my piece for the Step by Step zine

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Waking up next to Fir [commission drawn by @wawatiku on Twitter]

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:08 AM PST

    Those Who Slither in the Dubstep - Kronya!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:40 PM PST

    I drew Winter Hilda!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Here's an Ike drawing I done went and did

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:28 PM PST

    A Christmas doodle for one of my favorite ships

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Those Two Agarthans - Christmas Counter [Comic]

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:49 PM PST

    Soleil [commission for my friend]

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:56 AM PST

    True story

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST

    Casual Ephraim Doodle

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    After Dinner and Cleaning, I drew this image of Florina.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Askr Duo (OC)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    (Essay) Regarding one aspect of Three Houses class balance

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:48 PM PST

    1. The Example from Another Game

    Radiant Dawn went out of its way to make Thunder the worst magic type (and give Archsages poor stat caps), thus largely trivializing the one weakness Wyvern Riders had. I feel like it can be compared to an exaggerated microcosm of modern FE class balance, specifically in the case of Three Houses.

    2. The Problem

    My personal gripe is that magic-wielding classes in 3H have to choose, at most, two from the following three boons: (1) Magic Uses x2, (2) Tomefaire, (3) >4 Move.

    ▪The Warlock & Bishop each have respective Tomefaire & Magic Uses x2, but only 4 Move.

    ▪The Gremory has all Magic Uses x2 and 5 Move, but no Tomefaire.

    ▪Mortal Savant & Dark Knight each have 6 or more Move and at least Black Tomefaire, but no Magic Uses x2. I wouldn't ask for it on mounted classes, but I think not having it on the meme-worthy Mortal Savant is a bit egregious.

    3. The Logic

    There are three main reasons why IntSys felt they should use movement speed as a way of balancing magic classes, and of de-incentivizing players from deploying as many mages as possible:

    ▪Gold. Unlike normal weapons, magic spells cost no gold to replenish uses between maps, and deploying as many mages as possible partly trivializes the concept of money in this game.

    ▪Increased attack range, particularly with the Caduceus, the Thyrsus, and the spells Thoron, Death Γ, Meteor, and Bolting.

    ▪Magic deals more damage. This should be self-explanatory. Most enemies in the FE series have less Res than Def, which is kind of the whole point of magic having its own damage type. It's supposed to generally be stronger than physical damage.

    4. The Counter-Logic

    ▪Money is already considered a trivial resource in 3H by most players. I've heard there's an exploit to get infinite gold even on Hard+, though I don't know what it is.

    ▪Much gold expenditure in 3H is used to buy & enhance physical weapons. If you're not using physical weapons very much, because you're training & deploying almost entirely magic units, then it doesn't really matter that you'll never run out of gold since you'd have fewer things to want to spend money on anyway.

    ▪Bow-wielding classes also have access to extended attack range, and often even greater than what magic offers. The Sniper & Bow Knight both have Bowfaire, the Sniper has 5 Move over the Warlock's 4, and the latter's Hunter's Volley combat art trivializes the offensive difference between bows & magic.

    ▪If the player wishes, movement is already well beyond exploitable for the player with things like:

    • Mounted classes have unrestricted mounting/dismounting as well as post-combat Canto.
    • The Stride & Dance of the Goddess gambits exist.
    • Warp & Rescue exist.

    By comparison, >4 movement on infantry mages seems totally inconsequential, while the alternative (reality) only makes the game less fun.

    ▪(1) Flying classes are quite powerful in Three Houses. To be specific, the closest thing that IntSys does to lift a finger to nerf Wyvern classes, is to restrict what battalions fliers can use.

    ▪(2) The Wyvern Lord is indisputably the best class in the game, and hardly any other comes close to its level. To go full-circle with my Radiant Dawn example about Wyverns, I find it somewhat hypocritical that the devs went to such painstaking lengths to balance magic in 3H while allowing the former monstrosity of a class to ship in its existing state.

    5. My Proposed Changes

    All I really want is to have a class with Magic Uses x2, Tomefaire, and >4 Move all at the same time without wasting a pair of Boots.

    What I would change is fairly simple, and hopefully not too much to ask for:

    ▪(A) Give the Mortal Savant Black Magic Uses x2, since it already has an empty Class Ability Slot, and/or (B) Give the Warlock 5 Move.

    ▪Give the Gremory 6 Move. It's the only Master class without it, and I think it's fair in exchange for not getting Tomefaire as a Class Ability.

    6. Side Note

    Thanks for reading! This next section is unrelated to the substance of the rest of the essay, and you can disregard it, but I felt like taking this chance to point out that 3H only has two units whom I would consider to be "dedicated thunder mages".

    Aside: I say this with the conscience that enthusiasts of different magical elements throughout the series (except for Wind) suffer from a "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" effect, which causes them to feel envious of gameplay elements or stats which other elements possess, depending on the game.

    Anyway, the two characters I'm referring to are [drumroll] Hilda and Felix.

    ▪Hilda because she's the only unit to learn all 3 thunder spells.

    ▪Felix because he's the only unit with a Reason talent who learns just thunder magic, and there's even a Cipher artwork of Felix wielding it as a Mortal Savant.

    That being said, two other characters who come close to my arbitrary standard but don't quite meet it are Dorothea and Jeritza. In both cases, they each learn Thunder & Thoron, and they have Reason talents. You don't have to agree with me on this, but I'll give my rationale anyway.

    ▪I feel Dorothea's identity as an early-game thunder mage is eclipsed by her later knowledge of Meteor. I guess the devs believed having non-DLC Bolting on a Reason-talented unit was too powerful.

    ▪Jeritza additionally learns Death Γ, tainting my usage of the word "dedicated". Also, does anybody think "mage" when they look at the Death Knight? The class can indeed use some magic, but he's not like Felix for example whose canon classline ends with Mortal Savant and who has a Cipher card supporting a magic-wielding mental image.

    submitted by /u/xOmegaElectric
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    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #15 - Lute/Ross

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:04 AM PST

    "What If?" Wednesday, Chapter 22: Pro(tagonist)s and Cons(cription)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 06:16 PM PST

    Chapter 21

    Welcome, one and all, friend and foe alike! I hope you are in good spirits. If you're like me, you may find yourself gift shopping as of late. Well, today, I have a gift for you - that's the gift of speculative gameplay discussion! So, let's start unwrapping things.

    Throughout the Fire Emblem series, a common element is chapter bosses. These range from generals of the enemy nation, to adherents of a shadowy cult, to low-level bandit and mercenary types. Sometimes, they're little more than a name and a face - other times, they have serious characterization and story significance. You may fight them once, or several times - and a few, you can even recruit. But for the rest, their specific abilities will forever remain out of your grasp.

    But what if that weren't the case? Imagine, that it were possible to convince an enemy to join your side of the fight. What if it were possible, once\ in a playthrough, to conscript an enemy boss to fight alongside you?* Assume that only boss/commander units can be conscripted, by having your own Lord unit talk to them, and that they stay with the army they join through the rest of the game. A boss can only be conscripted in their last gameplay appearance, and the final boss cannot be conscripted. They bring their inventory, skills, and other personal effects with them upon conscription. Whom would you conscript, and how would you use them? Would you be a fan of this option in future games, or the reinstatement of Fates-style capture, or neither? \Note: in games with a break between armies (Echoes, Genealogy, and Radiant Dawn), assuming each one gets a conscription option.*

    I'll be posting my own answer below in just a bit. And while it may be better to give than receive, I would love to receive your answers! One more thing - due to personal plans, I might not be able to post one of these next week. Take care until the next time!

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    FE8 Randomizer Stream - Berserker Eirika. It'll be fun. Starting soon.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:22 PM PST

    Finished Path of Radiance - I think it might be my new favorite

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:47 AM PST

    For reference, so far I've played Awakening, Fates, 3H, FE7 and FE8

    As someone who plays these games mainly for the characters/story more than gameplay this was perhaps somewhat expected, but yeah. I've been interested in PoR/RD for a while, mainly because I have a thing for stories that involve animal people/shapeshifters for whatever reason. Which... yeah, I know most FE games have manaketes and/or other shapeshiters, but in PoR they feel a lot more like a part of the world than usual, IMO.

    So yeah, I had a really good time - I was a huge fan of the base conversations and how they make most of the cast feel relevant even after they join, and flesh out the world more. The support conversations, on the other hand, felt pretty short and basic, though with a few stand-outs.

    On the gameplay side of things, I'm a huge, HUGE fan of bonus exp. I feel like it both encourages playing fast (as opposed to painstakingly killing every enemy for exp), and lets you bring weaker characters up to speed and/or make your faves stronger. It also allows for some interesting side-objectives along the usual chests, villages, recruitment, etc., though perhaps that part was a little under-utilized for my tastes. I also liked that characters build support just by being deployed in the same chapter, as opposed to needing to fight next to each other, since in other games I often felt like I was forced to make positioning decisions based on who I want to support with whom, rather than what's actually optimal.

    And yeah, the game was on the easier side... probably even easier than Sacred Stones, which surprised me, but I don't particularly mind (for reference, I played on normal.)

    Honestly, if IS were to remaster this game with full voice acting, updated graphics and no support limit it'd be pretty much the perfect FE game for me.

    Now, I'm not going to dive into RD straight away, but I'm definitely intrigued by it. I've seen some mixed opinions about it, but either way, I hope it doesn't disappoint. Though I'm a bit worried - since I have the Japanese version and I want to see the extended script I'm going to have to play on hard mode, lol.

    submitted by /u/irmoony
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    I lost many units during my Radiant Dawn gameplay. Will I miss things in the story?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Every time I play a Fire Emblem game, I try to keep everybody alive all the way through. This is the first time I'm being a bit less careful. I'm not even reseting for losses.

    I'v lost Calill, Heather, Oscar, Astrid, and two more units I don't remember. I was really tempted to reset for Oscar and Heather, but then I thought "Hey, people do Iron Man challenges all the time, so it might be ok, right?"


    I'm not a beginner in FE games. I've played them all since FE01, all the way up to Radiant Dawn (also Three Houses). Is there any reasonable risk, story wise, in being that careless? I knew almost nothing if Heather, and I think I won't know anymore. I'm right now in Part 3, Chapter 3.

    (I figure I'll miss some sort of INFO or whatever between the green-haired brothers, regarding their triangle attack, or something like that, isn't it?)

    submitted by /u/chr_perrotta
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    Lyn sketch

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 04:38 AM PST

    Fire Emblem FLIRT Houses!? | Fire Emblem Three Houses Comic Dubs

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Posting this here too, enjoy!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:21 PM PST

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