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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Fire Emblem Cindered Shadows in a Nutshell [OC]

    Fire Emblem Cindered Shadows in a Nutshell [OC]

    Cindered Shadows in a Nutshell [OC]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 03:28 PM PST

    ⭐️Soleil in Final Fantasy 3 style⭐️ She is one of my fav characters ☀️

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:09 PM PST

    Small sketch of Bernadetta ✏️

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:42 AM PST

    I've recently watched JoJo for the first time and it became my new obsession real quick! So here I am, presenting you...FE Duma posing as JJBA Kars! It was a lot of fun to draw him!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:06 PM PST

    I drew Lyn!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:27 PM PST

    Soren ����

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Small sketch of Annette ✏️

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:59 PM PST

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths - chapter 28 [Battle before Dawn]

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:06 PM PST

    Leaked art of Annette ?? Huh???

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:12 PM PST

    “Be my mirror, my sword and shield”.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:29 PM PST

    Choose Your Character! (My requested Summer unit cosplays together!)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    Hot(?) Take: Berkut getting forgiven at the end of SOV is just as dumb as Takumi telling Corrin they’re blameless in Conquest

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Some think Berkut is this great, sympathetic character. To me, Berkut is just a pawn who thinks he's a king. Not interesting beyond his excellent voice work and certainly not worthy of the full pardon he received.

    I get that he's meant to be a dark mirror to Alm and follow the opposite character path of falling to the lowest low after losing belief in his own power. But just because a character could have been good under different circumstances doesn't clear them of responsibility for the actions they took in life. Berkut was always a jerk who took advantage of his power and position to arrogantly tower above others. His only redeeming trait was that he valued Rinea, and even then that went straight out the window when he sacrificed her unwilling soul to Duma. So what, we're just supposed to forgive Berkut for a lifetime of bad behavior just because, "he was proud and misguided?" Really?

    This moment feels exactly the same as Takumi showing up in the afterlife just to tell Corrin, "Hey actually I never hated you, and you're blameless for the destruction of our family. Go buy Birthright." Berkut getting to go to heaven because Rinea forgave him is equally unearned in my opinion.

    If you disagree with me, please let me know why. I want to understand why people like this scene and character so much.

    EDIT: As several people have pointed out, I was totally off the mark on the Corrin Takumi scene. Thanks for informing me of my mistake and apologies for this misinformation!

    submitted by /u/bazabazabaz
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    Here's an drawing Elen I created

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:44 AM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #16 - Fir/Noah

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:45 AM PST

    Alm Scendscale Sketch (OC)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:14 AM PST

    [OC] Frosty Shut-In Chibi Bernadetta and a sneak peek of the smol dragon. I've been experimenting with full body chibi.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Designed a Black Eagles streetwear and Byleth hoodies!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Shy indoors girl, a digital drawing i did for her (*>u<)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:40 PM PST

    This is a recent commission I’ve done of Power Girl in Fire Emblem Fates/Awakening style!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:30 PM PST

    A week later and my cover of the Nohr version of "Lost in Thoughts All Alone" is up!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:47 PM PST

    So I recently played base FE6 hard mode and Project Ember Maniac mode back to back.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:23 AM PST

    Oh boy, I do not recommend playing these back to back. Both hard mode and Maniac mode are fairly exhausting experiences in many different ways.

    Generally, I enjoyed my hard mode run of fe6 more than I thought I would. Normal mode fe6 doesn't really have that much character to it, which is a shame because hard mode adds so much stuff to the game that everything starts to have its own character. Whether it be infuriating or not. It can range from having cav spams to status attacks. It's a lot of fun because every map feels like everything matters.

    It was satisfying having to actually engage in the maps and have units work together to take down threats. Sure the lategame also gets juggernauty thanks to Miledy and Perceval, but it's countered by enemies just being plain dangerous. Sure they'll handle a few hits but they'll never be able to solo. So the rest of your army also has to contribute. I genuinely appreciate that!

    The hit rates honestly don't bother me as much as other people. I have no idea why. Maybe I find it funny because it adds misses and stuff. Or maybe because I basically overused swords which is entirely possible. I spent a lot of time in these two playthroughs so I naturally learned more about the characters. And honestly? They're kind of amazing. Shanna easily became my favorite. The writing for fe6 supports is genuinely hilarious because of how meta they can be. I'm glad I picked it back up because hard mode is definitely the better experience.

    Overall, it was a fun experience. I recommend anyone looking for a challenge to go for it.

    Project Ember on the other hand...was a different beast. If you don't know what that is, it's a transformation hack that changes a lot about fe6. I don't follow the people who make this hack and I'm pretty sure I'm using a not so updated version of it because it's got the killer bow archer in chapter 3 and Oujay doesn't have his own prf. So I assume it's like the 3rd or 4th latest version. Regardless, that was my full transparency.

    I personally love how the game looks visually. It's got a lot more character and isn't as saturated as vanilla fe6. Some of the new sprite work is beautiful and the animators, whoever they are, did amazing work so shoutouts to them. It is loyal to the standard sprites but adds flavor wherever it can.

    The second point I love is how everyone gets prfs. Almost everyone has a new weapon to them and some of the effects are kind of nutty. Geese, for example, gets an axe that's equivalent to the Pugi, buffing his crit to like 75ish lmao. Others like Wolt get new prfs with unique effects. It adds character to a lot of units that were kind of bland in the vanilla game. New classes have also been added which does wonders. While I think some of them are overkill(6 move generals), others are fun like axe knights and great knights. It's a neat change I don't mind.

    One of the best changes PE makes is how there's no ambush spawns. Enemies don't spawn at the start of EP so you never get into unfair situations. Unfortunately, vanilla FE6 definitely fell into this pitfall a lot and made some maps unfair if you didn't know, causing a LOT of restarts on my end. Finally, I love how much more player focused the game is. While fe6 is also pretty player focused, it does devolve into enemy phase juggernauting in some maps 21. It's much less prevalent here.

    However, that's also the biggest downfall of project ember: stats inflate crazily. Look, you can tell me it's my fault for choosing to play a mode literally named maniac, but I take what I can get. So I assumed it wouldn't be THIS bad. However, the enemies' stats get so high, it gets kind of insane. You have maxed strength Fighters and Brigands by chapter 10 or 11. Now, to be fair you are given the tools to fight them and your own units are kind of nutty on their own too.

    This necessarily isn't a problem on its own. I can see what the game is trying to do; it's trying to force you to player phase and reduce the enemy phase load and it also gives you the tools to do so as well. You get lots of brave weapons, more than enough effective weaponry(though personally I'd have preferred more hammers myself), and the legendary weapons have more uses. However, the enemies also have insane bulk too. So there's no guarantee even brave weapons will be able to orko them or ohko them, putting that unit in risk. And you have to constantly manage. By the end I was basically abusing Geese and his crit machine.

    The other big change I personally dislike is how insane bows are. They're now 2-3 range which makes archers really useful as allies and goddamn scary as enemies. However, it also buffs units like nomads and generals(who can use all weapon types and have 6 move). So you have 9 range moving units for most of the game who will outrange almost all of your units with stuff like Brave bows or Silver weapons which seriously hurt if not outright kill the units that CAN counter. I definitely feel like generals are way too overpowered and the game loves throwing lots of generals at you; luckily not ALL of them have bows. I guess it's more of a personal nitpick? I still consider it pretty shaky.

    We're coming to my last point here regarding Ember's downfall. It's how they change some of the maps. For the most part, I think the hack makes good use of the maps and adds challenges and changes that change how you look at it but now how it feels. But there are some heavy misses. For example, chapter 20x of Ilia is just unbearable. It wasn't a good map at all in vanilla fe6 either, but it had the benefit of being able to skip it entirely which is something. In PE, if you approach the inner walls, you activate a spawn which spawns clones of the boss with varying stats. It's not good. There's no way any unit can survive due to how stats work and so the only way to finish the map is to play it legit.

    However, the worst contender, in my opinion, is chapter 24. Chapter 24, again, was pretty meh in vanilla. It was supposed to be a nice charge towards the end for the player. Most of the game was done and now it was time to be the one in power. PE, though, adds human enemies in the mix. And these aren't your ordinary enemies. They're...ADVANCED enemies. They usually have multiple stats maxed out. And they have prfs which were meant for your character. If you don't understand how bad this is, imagine an axe giving you +7 defense and res, or a knife that has 80ish crit. For Thracia players, imagine if the Pugi was used against you.

    It turns the map into an even bigger slog as you have to spend multiple turns carefully picking off enemies one by one. And they are bulky. Even the mages take quite a beating. It gets genuinely unbearable too since there are still manaketes to deal with(but they're honestly easy as fuck to take down in comparison). Also did I mention a longbow archer near the end waiting for you?



    I genuinely just wanted the game to end by that point and I don't think it was a good sign. The final map is worse too but not as bad as ch24 imo. But it was still tedious.

    Overall, the balance doesn't exist and some can find fun in it, I can't. However, I don't want to end the post in a bad note. There's more good stuff I want to bring up. I love some of the new units. I love how Eliwood and Lowen exist. It's just nice of them to get a nod. I really think it's not a fanservicy addition as much as it's out of passion. It's just nice of Eliwood to acknowledge the events of fe7.

    The other thing I appreciate is how status taves are toned down. Because fuck me man, the status staves got overbearing by the end too and PE removes almost all of it, making the pace muuuuuuuuuuuch faster than vanilla. I also love the fact you get the Eggsacks. It's a fun memey weapon that I loved using.

    Overall, the pacing is much different than fe6 and both vanilla and PE have stuff to offer. Don't play PE in maniac mode unless you like torture. Hard mode should suffice fine in that department as some of my friends have confirmed it's much more forgiving. If the creators of this hack are reading this, I hope you don't get discouraged. I was honestly really harsh in some of my criticisms, especially in map design, but you guys did an amazing job you should be proud of, even if it's imperfect.

    Anyway, Shanna is amazing pls adore her.

    submitted by /u/SilverKnightZ000
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