• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Fire Emblem An update about recent issues with the Automoderator and random post removals

    Fire Emblem An update about recent issues with the Automoderator and random post removals

    An update about recent issues with the Automoderator and random post removals

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Summary: It's almost certainly not the Automoderator removing these posts, and we still don't know exactly what's causing it either, so we're going to the site admins and hopefully they can figure it out. The problem most closely resembles shadow-banning, but it seems specific to certain users and only on this subreddit.

    Full text: Recently (as of the past week or two) some users' threads have been randomly getting removed as soon as they were posted. This problem seems to have only affected text posts (regardless of length or other factors), and while we've been doing our best to approve them manually, it's affecting such a large amount of our users that we took a look into the problem.

    The immediate suspicion from a few people was that it was the Automoderator's fault, and indeed that's what we thought at first given the instantaneous removal of threads. However, upon investigating the matter, a few odd facts came to light, and I'll have to explain a little bit how a couple of moderation things work behind the scenes for them to make sense.

    Whenever an action on the subreddit is taken by a moderator (outside of typical user stuff like making a post or leaving a comment), it will be recorded in the subreddit's moderation log by the site. This is an innate function of Reddit itself, and as far as I know there isn't a way to bypass recording an action or purge past actions from the log. When looking at the actions taken by our Automoderator though, none of these strange removals are recorded in the log, and looking at moderation activity for all of our mods, they still don't show up anywhere. This alone is fishy enough.

    Another oddity is present with respect to removed posts/comments. When a moderator removes a post or comment, if they (or other moderators) come back to that removed item, the site will display which moderator removed it. This also includes when Automoderator removes a post or comment. However, when checking these posts that are disappearing for no rhime or reason… none of the moderators are listed as the one removing them.

    Now, you might be thinking by this point "Well Reddit is a dumb site sometimes, so maybe it's still just the Automoderator glitching out." Which is a fair point, and why after noting these two oddities I temporarily disabled the Automoderator and asked a person who had been affected by this before to make a few text posts while it was off. Their posts were still removed immediately, still didn't show up in the moderation log, and were still marked with just "removed", so it's definitely not anything that the Automoderator is doing.

    So that brings us to where we are now. There are a few less likely possibilities we've considered (maybe it's a sitewide issue for these users, maybe these users were muted from the subreddit by accident or something, etc.) but they've been dead ends as well. This behaviour most closely resembles shadow-banning as I understand it, but there are still a few weird things:

    • Shadow-banning is a sitewide measure (to my knowledge), while these problems don't necessarily persist on other subreddits for the affected users.
    • Shadow-banning isn't something we moderators can actually do; a genuine shadow-ban is something that only the site admins can levy on an account (shadow-banning can be closely approximated if the Automoderator is configured in a certain way, but a). we haven't done that, and b). again, this problem still persists even when the Automoderator is disabled).
    • It's not even every post an affected user makes that gets removed, only text posts. Media posts and link posts seem to still go through fine for affected users, so why shadow-ban someone from making text posts when images and links can be just as spammy?

    All this in mind, I regret to say we are not any closer to solving the issue. We're going to still investigate things on our end, but quite frankly we're running out of things to poke at, which is why we're going to try to get in touch with the site admins to see if they know or can figure out what's going on. In the meantime, if you notice a post you make is marked as removed with no explanation given, please either send us a mod-mail or message a subreddit mod on Discord if you're in our server there, and we'll sort it out.

    I apologise that there's not much else we can do right now, and it's my hope that this can be resolved soon.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Using Lena's warp be like

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    ⭐️Azura&Selkie in Bravely Default chibi style⭐️ I hope you’ll like this style as well as the FF3 style. :)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    I drew Lucius on my free time.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:05 PM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #17 - Sanaki/Tormod

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    A Birthday Present from My Dad :)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:18 PM PST

    |OC GIF| Holiday Slumbers

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:42 AM PST

    Just a Divine Tome, my favorite light spell.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Hilariously Dumb Recruitments in Fire Emblem: Part 2

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Got an Acrylic cart and was disappointed that it wasn't a working cart..... so I made my own!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:03 PM PST

    OC Ike x Lyndis, my fav FE characters

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 07:45 AM PST

    [OC] wow i wonder what i could have drawn this time (micapell)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Did a little photoshop magic on my favorite background of FE. Wanted to share it with my fellow fans. Hope you guys like it.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 05:16 AM PST

    SPOILER The Immaculate One size comparison

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:40 AM PST

    Question to Fire Emblem gameplay fans: why do you find classes like Armor Knights, pre-FE15 Archers or other classes/maps that slow down the pace of the game so un-fun?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    Now I should preface by stating that pound for pound, I'm a pretty big casual player of the series. Generals are my third favorite class in the series while Archers are fourth; above Generals for me is Warriors (1st) and Berserkers (2nd). I really think I have a major soft spot for the class in general (heh), but it's simply a really fun class for me to use a lot of the time, even if I'm well aware that when it comes to it's applications in a game where the resident god stat is Move, Generals and Archers are pretty jank because of the extra turns required to set them up. This is the reason why I suppose, relative to, say, XCOM:EU, Snap Shot for the Sniper class was such a widely-used option due to it simply opening up more option for fast and aggressive play than otherwise, and looking at it from the mindset of a player who plays just as fast and aggressive, Generals and Snipers definitely become far less useful overall - I'm not here to ask what makes them bad, because I'm fully aware the answer to that question.

    What I am wondering is just how badly no 1-range attack or 4/5 move when all other infantry has 5/6 is such a dealbreaker in much less efficiency so much as fun for a lot of people. I don't call myself a person who is capable of LTCing every map I'm on, but even given the fact I rarely kit out fliers and usually only have one mount per game (I tend to use infantry for the most part), I tend to finish most maps within 8-12 turns on average, if not lower or higher, even counting the maps that explicitly hinder your progress through chapter gimmicks (like both bridge maps in the Tellius games). Maybe it's just how I play, but I honestly find blurring through all of FE's maps at as fast of a speed as possible genuinely quite unfun, because it makes me feel like I'm missing out on all the details I can gleam from unique set-ups, character interactions and so on; the games are almost always completed for me within 20-30 hours usually (barring extra long games like FE4 and 3H), and it's not like I turtle either; I tend not to use all of my cavalry or fliers move in order to plan out my moves on how to use them for backup auxiliaries while my main forces advance throughout the map. I dunno if it's because of how I play, but I feel that given FE is so positive with rewarding stimulus and rarely, if ever, takes all that much time even when pausing for a bit, what's the unfun bit about it.

    Now let me clarify, again, I'm well aware that people like to play fast with FE, and bad game design for many of these people is when the game forces you to slow down (desert maps, bridges, etc.), alongside the fact that classes that force you to slow down are unfun (like Armor Knights and pre-FE15 Archers), but I... don't think it's all that bad, personally. And I'm curious to why it is bad for a lot of people. If you could explain it to me, that'd be most gentlemanly. :)

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    The Evolution of Leif's Army, In Search of Victory ~ Base {Thracia 776 • Rearrange • Galeforce}

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    Bernie�� Chibi I made!

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:39 AM PST

    What thing in this series could you describe your relationship with as “I love you and yet I hate you”?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:54 PM PST

    Basically what thing I'm this series do you simultaneously love with a passion but also hate to the pits of hell? It can be a character, a stage, a story element or an entire game, as long as you both love and hate it passionately.

    For me it'd be Conquest. I love the game because I generally prefer the Nohrian playable characters over the hoshidon ones, I like the map design a lot more than birthright and the maps aren't stuffed with gimmicks like revelations.

    However I HATE it because of the various hells it puts me through. We've got chapter 10 hell in, we've got furry hell where it's almost impossible to get out without one of your units biting the dust, wind hell which is simultaneously hard and annoying (why did that one get brought back for revelations?), ninja hell where you better pray to the RNG gods that your attacks hit that ass on the throne, Hinoka/Flyer hell where it's exceptionally easy to get bum rushed and you get your movement restricted and of course the dual hells known as The Empty King and Night Breaks Through which might as well have giant signs saying "Any sympathy you may have had for Garon and/or Takumi is about to be beaten out of you".

    Long story short, I love this game for its characters and gameplay but I hate it because it routinely puts me through the seven circles of hell. All that was missing was a fog of war map and we'd be golden.

    What about the rest of you? You got anything in this series you both love and hate passionately?

    submitted by /u/MasterOfChaos72
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    My Black Knight Drawing (OC)

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Who is cannon to recruit? FETH

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I'm doing my first play through and I want to do it blindly but I've got anxiety that if I don't recruit say Shamir and she's in cutscenes on my side after the time jump for Blue Lions I'll regret it- or the opposite, that I recruit her but then she's never walking around base or in cutscenes so it will feel unnatural.

    Or is it better to recruit no one and just stay with the original students I was given? Or will I get a chance to recruit the other people like Shamir and Catherine AFTER the time jump cause they'll be walking around base?

    I fell like I'm over complicating this... IF SPOIL FREE ANSWERS ARE POSSIBLE I'D APPRECIATE IT!

    submitted by /u/TheMuddy_Boi
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    Streaming a Binding Blade iron man

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 03:01 PM PST

    Soooo....why does everyone despise Kris again? I don't get it...

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 06:59 AM PST

    Like, I understand why Corrin got shat on because they took the center of the universe trap to an enormous scale and were annoying, obnoxiously naive and preachy, some say they were...erm...not very smart? Corrin was just written badly, and I can see the argument. Even Robin, who seems far more tolerated apart from the Grima nonsense, has that very nonsense that disgruntled people.

    What did Kris even do? They barely have an impact on the story besides the odd battle tactic, maybe a relation to one of the game's side stories at best? They just sort of exist and interact and confide in people. They are literally the least plot relevant custom unit in the series (Not counting tactician-kun/chan from FE7), and plot soaking avatars are supposed to be a contentious point right?

    So how come I'm seeing so much Kris hate recently? The guy/girl gets it worse than CORRIN sometimes! Can someone explain?

    EDIT: Feel free to keep answering, but I now realize that Kris gets more d-sucking than I thought. Sure, it's not as in your face or common as Corrin, but BOY does it seem to sting hard when it does happen...I still tolerate Kris though, so there's that at least.

    EDIT 2: God damn! It keeps piling up! Each reason makes Kris seem more crappy than the last doesnt it? Now personally, I think Kris as a person is still fine, but their role in the story? Cancer, absolutely cancerous in hindsight. Thanks for your perspectives guys!

    submitted by /u/TimeLordHatKid123
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