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    Sunday, December 27, 2020

    Fire Emblem General Question Thread

    Fire Emblem General Question Thread

    General Question Thread

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Last thread got archived. Thought could wait until the new years, but oh well.

    Please use this thread for all general questions of the Fire Emblem series!


    • General questions can range from asking for pairing suggestions to plot questions. If you're having troubles in-game you may also ask here for advice and another user can try to help.

    • Questions that invoke discussion, while welcome here, may warrant their own thread.

    • If you have a specific question regarding a game, please bold the game's title at the start of your post to make it easier to recognize for other users. (ex. Fire Emblem: Birthright)

    Useful Links:

    If you have a resource that you think would be helpful to add to the list, message /u/Shephen either by PM or tagging him in a comment below.

    Please mark questions and answers with spoiler tags if they reveal anything about the plot that might hurt the experiences of others.

    submitted by /u/Shephen
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    The many uses of the fire emblem

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:13 PM PST

    I drew Lucina

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Got this lovely thing for my birthday

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Remastered "I don't want to go to jail" commission by u/chocojax

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:25 PM PST

    Fir balling [commission drawn by @AKN_646 on Twitter]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Seteth WIP [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Her most loyal companion (AM SPOILER)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 01:57 AM PST

    fire emblem's (yet) unsolved puzzle: path of radiance, chapter 10

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:17 PM PST

    i'll first describe the puzzle because I personally found it by accident, and i don't want to spoil anyone who might be interested in trying it for themselves. it's the bonus experience rewards in chapter 10. the requirements to earn the maximum amount are insane.

    *note: if at any point this sounds like something you'd like to try for yourself, go try it! i promise it's very interesting.*

    in chapter 10, you need to open the Doors of the three recruitable prisoners' jail cells and Escape with ike. in order to max out your bonus experience, you must:

    - avoid being seen by the three roaming guards, for the entire map. they will check directly before enemy phase starts, and you will fail if any blue, green, or yellow units are in their attack range. (700 exp)

    - Escape with as many units as possible. this includes blue, green, and yellow units, for a maximum of 13. ike does count toward the total but the map ends when he Escapes. (10 exp per unit)

    - complete the map in 12 turns. (300 exp, less 30 for each extra turn)

    - on normal mode, you get 50 extra exp for completing the chapter.

    if all this is done, you will earn 1130 bexp on hard mode. other than my attempts, the highest score i was able to find on the internet was 1080. [link at bottom]

    some rules:

    - any blue unit can Escape at the escape point.

    - green units do not move. the only way to Escape with a green unit is to Rescue them with a blue unit who then Escapes.

    - if ike Talks to a green unit, they will become a yellow unit that ike can also Direct to the escape point.

    - the guards can't see into the jail cells until a cell's Door is opened. from then on, they can.

    - you do not have to avoid the boss or his two friends.

    - Attacking a guard or Breaking a door will cause you to fail the stealth objective.

    - unless you are playing maniac mode, opening the Door of a recruitable prisoner is enough to recruit them. on maniac mode only, they must Escape.

    - sephiran is not recruitable but can still Escape.

    and in case you forgot:

    - the order of phases goes blue, yellow, red, green.

    - to Rescue unit a, unit b must weigh at least 2 more than them. mounted units can't be Rescued.

    - to Shove/Smite unit a, unit b must weigh at least 2 less than them. mounted units can be Shoved/Smited.

    - mounted units can Canto but not Shove. the opposite is true for unmounted units.

    - volke can Steal an item from an enemy's inventory if volke's speed is higher than the enemy's and the item is unequipped. volke can Steal a weapon if the above are true *and* volke's strength is greater than the weapon's weight. volke can also unlock any Door or Chest for 50g each.

    some hints:

    - attacking the chapter didn't get me anywhere at first. i started planning by making a spreadsheet of the enemy position to see their attack ranges on each turn. yes, i'm serious. and yes, you can use it.


    - there are only 3 enemies that we need to fight in 12 turns, so you'll quickly find that the chapter is all about Rescuing, Shoving, and Canto. Rescuing has been nerfed compared to the gba games, but Canto has been buffed, movement ranges have been buffed, and Shoving adds its own new layer.

    - take your laguz friends' transformed and untransformed weights into account. you can freeze their transformation gauge by Rescuing them.

    - to get from the south side of the map to the north, we have to go through a narrow corridor where safe squares are hard to find. your best chance to get units through this corridor is on turns 7-9.

    my solutions:

    with no one on my team promoted, the most bexp i've been able to find is 1090 on hard mode.


    this clear Escapes with 9 allies in 12 turns. we also got the boss's master seal; door keys and chest keys from 4 enemies; and all 4 of the western chests. the eastern chest contains a statue frag, which we give up on because it's very far out of the way and there's nowhere in the game it can really help. except for... well, this chapter, but its not possible to have it early enough to make a difference.

    you may have expected to see mordecai Smite someone in this chapter. you may have also noticed that we kinda just sat around on turn 1. there is actually a perfect opportunity for a 9-move unit to reach the northern part of the map on turn 3, if they receive a Smite first. the problem is that mordecai is too heavy to be Rescued by anyone, even when he is untransformed; and the square he needs to Smite from is not safe.

    if we had access to the statue frag, oscar or titania could Use it and then be able to Rescue mordecai. since we don't have this, our only option becomes...

    early promoted oscar


    with a promoted oscar, the most bexp i could find was 1100. this is obviously a huge net loss in bexp, but the strats are their own reward. this clear Escapes with 10 allies in 12 turns.

    it is a shame though that this clear makes oscar retreat back to the start, especially since he goes right past another jail cell while holding a key. here's what he can do if we sacrifice some bexp and take 13 turns. pay close attention to his movement range.

    timestamped at turn 8. the first 7 turns are the same as the 1100 strat:


    12 units Escaped is almost certainly the most possible in this amount of time, because the remaining npc is kieran: a mounted unit who cannot be Rescued, only Directed.

    just for fun, i also tried it with...

    early promoted marcia

    marcia is one of the best units in the game, and generally considered better than oscar due to being a flier. for the purposes of this chapter, her inability to Rescue laguz units makes her strictly worse than oscar; however, you may opt to early promote her over oscar or another unit for your own strategies. i was unable to find a strat with a promoted marcia that could get more than 1090 bexp. however, if we take 13 turns we can Escape with 11 units, including every blue unit. this extra turn allows for some more volke shenanigans up north.

    timestamped because the first 7 turns are the same as the 1090 strat:


    in conclusion

    i did search for other solutions after finding mine. this is the previous high score of 1080 that i mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7omvQ05kEI

    this clear sacrifices Escaped allies but gets the statue frag. as far as i know, there's no existing strat that gets more than 1100. however, as i said at the beginning i don't normally go for max bexp in this game, so i think this puzzle simply suffers from a lack of general awareness of it.

    seemingly there are two options here. either there is truly no answer, or the devs have required some secret strat that's managed to elude the fire emblem meta for 15 years. if anyone manages to figure this out, please tell me. i need to know.

    submitted by /u/samalonson
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    Ok but seriously play TRS

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:17 PM PST

    ⭐️Felix in FF3 style ~ another one is coming soon!⭐️

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 08:20 AM PST

    A drawing I did of Claude a while ago :D

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:07 PM PST

    |OC| The Saint and The Knight

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    Look who survived the battle of Belhalla [OC]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Special Feeling: ft. EliFiora

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Marianne Von Edmund (OC) the final noble of the golden deers, I don’t want to spam too much so our commoner friends will come together tomorrow!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:27 AM PST

    Seth & Cormag [OC]

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:51 PM PST

    Made a winter Sharena!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (New Year: ω Special Heroes)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:01 PM PST

    You Riposted 3 in the Wrong FEHbourhood

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 11:06 AM PST

    I've Transcribed All of Shon and Kelik's Supports From The Last Promise

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 03:06 PM PST

    You can see Shon's here

    And you can see Kelik's here

    There are headings for each character and support level, use the document outline for easier navigation! On mobile this is in the upper-right three dots.

    I've also done Anakin and Siegfried

    submitted by /u/Tyranitar729
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    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 07:16 PM PST




    1. CAPS


    3. BE NICE



    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    What does it take for them to be good? Archer - Sniper - Marksman.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2020 06:09 AM PST

    Hello and welcome back to: What does it take for them to be good? Today I'll be analysing one of FE's oldest classes, the sniper class. Snipers are said to be mastors of the bow that specialise in picking off enemies from afar. But, how useful is this truly in FE games? Now, Fire Emblem games are usually easy enough to allow you to use anyone you like, but when discussing what the best classes are we need to look at who makes the game the easyest and why that is. So in this post I'll be analyzing the archer, sniper and marksman classes to see why they work or don't work in certain FE games and what can be done to improve them in the future. This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • In the first game of the series, Gordin is our first archer and he isn't that great. He has some nice growths and can deal good chip damage, but he will be quickly outclassed by other bow users like Wolf or Castor. Gordin does have the advantage of being able to promote unlike those two. However, the first Orion's Bolt you get is in chapter 12 and you get the prepromoted Sniper Jeorge three chapters earlyer. The second archer, Tomas, also isn't too great due to his bases, but with a single manual he can wield the Parthia and is close to promotion, but still isn't that great. Luckely, Jeorge is there to pick up the slack and teach new players why you should use prepromotes with his solid bases and his 50% weapon growth that allows him to quickly get the necessary weapon rank to wield the Parthia. Now, snipers aren't some kind of amazing class in FE1, but are fairly solid overall and can contribute to deal useful chip damage and pick off flyers. Not a bad start


    • Gaiden luckely makes sure that they are much worse. The bows in Gaiden do have 1-3 range even when not equipped, but they so often have 70 accuracy and terrain is so powerful in Gaiden that you'll most often end up missing and they often have such poor might that even with effective damage they barely scracth the enemies. While Bow Knight is a fairly cool promotion it doesn't really make up for all of their flaws. The only good bow user is Alm because he can use the blessed bow which deals effective damage to monsters and because Gaiden Alm is just that strong. Still, the archer class is quite bad in this game.


    • And we're back to them being good again. Because of dismounting archers have a much more of a nieche as they are quite valuable in indoor maps with their waterwalking and 7 move. Most 1-2 range weapons also put you to 0 AS which gives them a much more notable 2 range nieche. While they might seem just OK in book 1, they really start to shine in book 2 due to the abundance of indoor maps and having good users. Gordin actually has great bases in book 2 and gets access to some great promo bonuses along with bow users having access to the first regalia in Book 2, the Parthia. Jeorge is also solid due to being able to use the Parthia at base and because the shards can be used to drastically improve his growths. They aren't even that much outclassed in outdoor maps due to the numerous terrain which is quite annoying for cavalry classes and having a good number of strong flyers to pick off. Overall, they are really good in this game.


    • So this might seem like a great game for them as archers/snipers usually come with excellent bases and access to very strong bows in this game. While that is correct the enemy quality in FE4 is quite low so those don't come up too often. They also can't retaliate at 1 range against the numerous enemies that usually wield 1 range weaponry. But easely their biggest flaw is that they aren't mounted in this game. Sure Jamke and Briggid are much stronger than Midir, but what does it matter when Midir has a mount. The only time Jamke gets to truly shine is at the end of chapter 1 as the movement of all of your units is hampered by the forrest and Jamka can reliably one round the enemies there, but afterwards you can just sell that killer bow to Midir. Would be amazing in most games, but not having a mount is just too detrimental in FE4 for them to be considered a good or even decent class.


    • A bit better. Enemy flyers are often quite strong and there are times when you want a unit that deals reliable 2 range damage. However, due to the low quality of most enemies in FE5 along with powerful 1-2 range weapons like the Light Brand, The Grafcalibur, The Bhuj, etc. they are often outclassed in that area. Another problem is that most of your archers just suck, like: "Oh yeah the MVP of my last Thracia playthrough was Ronan.". I doubt that ever happened ot you unless you are Mekkah. You might think that dismounting indoors and fatigue would help them, but usually fatigue isn't that big of a deal and I'd still deploy other bow users like Selphina or Dagdar before Ronan. And lategame you're just wrecking everything with your staff users so archers/snipers never really get to shine in this game.


    • Not that bad. Due to the low weapon accuracy, high enemy quality and high number of dangerous enemy flyer, they have quite some useful nieches in this game. Wolt isn't very good, but he can deal some good chip damage and can be used to deal some effective damage against the wyverns in chapter 7. However, the prepromoted snipers are the main stars due to their high bow ranks and solid bases, Klein and Igrene are useful in a decent number of maps along with being good choices for the Mulagir as enemy dragons deal a lot of damage and being able to safely chip them is quite valuable. However, they face stiff competition from Sin as he can quickly catch up to them in terms of stats and bow ranks, while also having a mount. Because of this Sin is uusally going to overtake as your main bow users, but snipers aren't a bad class and are particularly great for chapters with a lot of enemy flyers like chapter 21.


    • So, imagine if all the advantages archers/snipers had in FE6 were removed and imagine how that would reflect on their viability. Actually you don't have to as FE7 exists. The enemies are much weaker now, but much more numerous and enemy flyers aren't even that threatening now. Bows only deal x2 damage against flyers and Louise is your only good choice for a sniper and even she is mostly used for her Pent support. The lack of 1-2 range and a mount really screws them over and there isn't almost any reason to ever dedicate a deployment slot to one of them.


    • Same story different game. Neimi's main contribution is attacking a wall and recruiting Colm, while Innes is really solid, in 0% growths. Innes is pretty useless in a regular playthrough besides killing some gargoyles that really aren't that threatening. Now sniper have on ace up their sleave. Sure Strike, it allows them to never miss. I take back everything bad I've said, 10/10 class. But seriously archer/sniper is a very bad class in FE8.


    • This class is garbage again? I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. Shinon and Rolf are some of the worst units in the game as now you can equip your paladins with bows if you really want them, while still not having 1-2 range options and being infantry locked. BEXP can be used on them, but there are so many better option that it isn't even funny. There are also better options to deal with enemy flyers like Tanith's Sonic sword or wind tomes. They also only have their +15% crit boost in the enhlish version because IS though they would be way too OP with it.


    • Leonardo and Rolf are still bad, while Shinon is actually good this time. Shinon comes with solid bases that allow him to be the only unit, along with Mia to double enemies in his joining chapter without transfers even if they get a high speed roll on HM. His other bases are also very solid too and he can become a really dangerous offensive threat once he gets the Silencer. Shinon is also easely the best choice for the Marksman in the tower where he gets the excellent double bow which gives him 1-2 range. However, Shinon has a lot of flaws too. FE10 has rout maps in 3-8, 3-10, 3-E, and most of part 4, where Shinon is killing 5 out of the 50 enemies on the map. Crossbows seem promising, but they have fixed might so they will usually deal less damage than if Shinon had used a regular bow instead. And while the double bow is nice, but it comes so late that it barely contributes. Deadeye is a very cool skill, but most of the tier 3 class skills are ridiculously OP. So the main reason snipers are considered good in FE10 is because of Shinon who is a good unit, but has a lot of flaws too. Not a terrible class, but there are better choices. Also wyverns aren't weak to arrows in this game.


    • A lot better here as enemies on H5 are really bulky and 1-2 range weapons aren't that strong which makes chip damage from bow users very valuable Still, archers are inferior to the hunter class line because of having 1 less move and neither Gordin or Tomas are that great. Stil, Jeorge is a good unit that has pretty much exclusive access to the Parthia for one shotting enemy flyers or dealing a lot of damage. Snipers also have a 5% crit boost which is as useless as it sounds. Finally the sniper classline has a very high speed cap and gives C rank bows to promoted units that reclass into it so that they get access to things like the killer bow. Unfortunately snipers don't have any effective weaponry against cavalry units which make up most of the enemies in the game and aren't that useful because of warp.


    • Even better here. Gordin's bases aren't as impressive here, but he is still capable of one shotting wyverns in chapter 3 at base with a forged steel bow and a forged steel bow is in high demand in chapter 2 too as it allows sniper Arran to one round the cavs there with it as long as he doubles. Hunter is still a superior class to archer because of the +1 move, and Gordin does have a hard time keeping up with other units like Luke, but Jeorge is still excellent. Jeorge comes with decent bases, though luck is quite a bit low and because of the weapon rank system in DSFE he has exclusive access to the Parthia unless the player invests multiple arms scrolls to another bow user. Jeorge will be able to one shot almost any dangerous flyer with the Parthia while usually avoiding a counterattack on Lunatic Reverse. Still, Jeorge might not wanna stay in the sniper classline and instead reclass into a horseman to get a mount or general for extra defense. Those two classes do take away his A bowrank, but it's not hard to build it back to A and horseman has access to swords so Jeorge could potentially use effecitve weaponry like the wyrmslayer, though this is very unlikely. Dismounting also isn't in this game, but snipers aren't completely outclassed as they can get the longbow from the last gaiden chapter in the game. The longbow allows for units to deal damage from 3 range thus allowing the sniper to always avoid a counterattack. 7 might may seem low, but a strong unit like Catria can wield it with 24 strength of the sniper classline and the longbow can also be forged to deal more damage. Overall, snipers face a lot of competition from other bow using classes, but they give C bows to promoted units while reclassing and has good caps along with access to the longbow, not to mention no warp on Lunatic. Overall, this is a great game for them.


    • This game doesn't even have a prepromoted sniper and only 2 archers: Virion and Noire. Virion is arguably the worst unit in the game as he comes with terrible bases and his main contribution is gonna be dealing some chip damage and giving that +2 speed on pair up. Noire will likely get reclassed into something more useful. Also there isn't any reason for Virion to go sniper, bow knight is just better. No other character will wanna go archer or sniper because there are a lot of super broken classes like Dark Flyer that most units will just go in them instead.


    • So this is a bit weird. Bows are at their best in CQ as Niles is a particular stand out unit, but there are no archers in CQ, as Niles is an outlaw instead. Archers and snipers are more of a BR thing where they aren't very good. BR enemies are complete pushovers and the game is more enemy phase based with rout being the most common objective, so being locked to 2 range is quite bad in BR. Setsuna is a pretty terrible unit because of this and is either reclassed or used as a pair up bot. Luckely Takumi is quite a bit better because of his solid bases and the Fujin Yumi, with which he is able to one shot enemy ninjas in his joining chapter and flyers in chapter 11. However, unless he gets point black volley (DLC so not counting it), he will be locked to 1 range which is quite bad and he might wanna go Kinshi Knight for access to lances and flying mount utility. Luckely Takumi is much better in Revelation as the game features less enemies that are noticably bulkier, which allows Takumi to deal good chip damage and he can go to sniper for bowfaire. However, he still might wanna go Kinshi Knight for flying mounted utility. Overall, not that great of a game for them as bows are best in a game that doesn't have them and their best representative is Takumi who is benefits from his personal weapon a lot.

    Echoes: SoV

    • So archers might have a bit of a bad start thanks to often having low hitrates and not the best bases when reclassed, though they still have bowrange +1 and can deal chip damage. However, once your archers promote into snipers and get access to the killer bow, they become amazing. For those of you that don't know, using a forged killer bow enough times grants it's user Hunter's Volley. Hunter's Volley is so ridiculously broken along with bowrange +2 that snipers become one of your best combat units in the game. It gets even better when they promote into a bow knight for bowrange +3 and for 8 move to be able to snipe pretty much anthing on the map. Enemies in Sov, besides barons, aren't bulky enough to survive the onslaught of your bow knights and will either die or be crippeled enough for your other units to finish them off. So, this class has gotten a big improvement from the Gaiden days.

    3 Houses

    • Since bow users have curved shot as soon as they hit D bows which grants extra range for valuable chip damage against the enemies in maddening and will get close counter at C bows to finally get rid of their biggest weakness. Some units like Cyril will also get the Point Blank Volley combat art to hit at 1 range. But enough about bows, how is the archer and sniper class? Excellent actually. Archers give the insanely valuable +20 hit when mastered and snipers give the even better Hunter's Volley combat art. Because of these two, you almost always wanna have at least one sniper on your team and a lot of units wann go to archer just because hit +20 is soo good. Enemy flyers are also more dnagerous than ever, so having a unit that can just one round them is incredebly useful. The bow knight class is also quite useful, but it's harder to get in and while it has canto and extra bow range it doesn't have Hunter's Volley, so there are times when you just wanna leave your sniper as a sniper. Overall, insanely useful, 3 Houses is probably the best game for this class.

    What makes them bad

    Most often it's being infantry locked, being locked to a bad weapon type, bad bases for the earlygame archers and not having much of a nieche. Being locked to 2 range is usually more of a curse than a blessing and enemy flyers usually aren't strong enough to justify training them up. Archers are also kinda screwed over by the EXP formula as it makes them level up harder than most other units.

    What does it take for them to be good

    This class needs to have a lot of strong enemy flyers to get rid of, with a lack of better options for dealing with them like wind magic, they also need to high enemy quality so that them avoiding a counterattack is actually valuable. Most importantly they also need to have a nieche over their mounted counterparts. Luckley, IS has realised this and given them a useful nieche in 3H. Dodgy enemies to make use of their great skill and an insanely broken combat art to make their combat valuable, 3H also has very strong enemy flyers that need shotting down, so snipers become an incredebly valuable class.

    Archer/Sniper is a rather famous class in FE, for being mostly bad. Luckley it seems to have finally hit its stride in the newer games and the future looks bright for them at least. Let's just pray that Hunter's Volley isn't going away anywhere soon.

    Next time: Mercenary - Hero - Vanguard

    Perviously: Myrmidon - Swordmaster - Trueblade

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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