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    Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Fire Emblem Meet the Faerghus Four! These portraits were generated by AI

    Fire Emblem Meet the Faerghus Four! These portraits were generated by AI

    Meet the Faerghus Four! These portraits were generated by AI

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:43 PM PST

    School Uniform Sophia [commission]

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 06:03 AM PST

    ⭐️Lucina in FF3 style finished⭐️ You guys waited for this one - here she is! ✨��

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST


    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Tea Time with Marianne (By @sethkiell) [Commission]

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Oifey - Contemplative Tactician

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    Lyndis S-Support

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:29 PM PST

    Archbishop of the Church, I drew Rhea in digital! (*>v<) Ig/Twt: @peridrawland

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    What does it take for them to be good? Myrmidon - Swordmaster - Trueblade.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Hello and welcome to a new series called: What does it take for them to be good? Today I'll be analysing one of FE's most iconic classes, the swordmaster class. Swordmasters are a fan favourite class due to their flashy animations and cool outfits. However, do they hold up as well viability wise? Now, Fire Emblem games are usually easy enough to allow you to use anyone you like, but when discussing what the best classes are we need to look at who makes the game the easyest and why that is. So in this post I'll be analyzing the myrmidon, swordmaster and trueblade classes to see why they work or don't work in certain FE games and what can be done to improve them in the future. This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • There are no myrmidons or swordmasters here. Yes, you read that correctly, Navarre was originaly a mercenary and not a myrmidon and promoted into a hero. They would probably be pretty good in FE1 as swords are pretty good there, but alas we need to wait until FE11 for them.


    • So, this would probably fit more when we take a look at the mercenary - hero classline, but since this is the first appearance of the myrmidon class I might as well. So, mercenary is a good class as swords are pretty great in Gaiden and they even give you 7 move when promoting to Dread Fighter, along with nice boosts to strength and speed. However, they aren't super dominant as you'll be mostly warping Lukas and Alm around with Silque, while after act 2 Palla and Catria join who are super busted. Still, they are a nice class nontheless.


    • Same as FE1, they don't appear in this game


    • Not that great in all honesty. Ayra and Shanna do have excellent combat, but being infantry locked in the huge maps of Geneaology is pretty bad. This is a shame as Shannan kills almost anything with the Balmung, but most of the enemies are weak enough that his overkill offenses aren't that necessary aside from a few bosses that someone like Seliph can usually kill as well. Still, you can give them a leg ring to improve their movement, but usually there are much better choices.


    • Much better in this game. Eyvel is litteraly invincible in the first 4 maps of the game and kills everything. Later on Shiva and Mareeta can make for decent filler combat units, though Asvel is usually the best bosskiller in the game. Mareeta's bond support with Galzus is also fairly useful. Now they aren't amazing as Thracia has poor enemy quality and usually units like Dagdar can also kill most generic enemies without too many issues, while they are also outclassed on outdoor maps. They are also much worse than staff users, but staves are broken in Thracia so I'm not gonna count it too much against them. They are a fairly solid class here as things like fatigue and dismounting encourage diversity and your myrmidons or swordmasters aren't a bad choice at all.


    • This is their best game by far. Now, Fir joins a bit too late as a level 1 unit to be really a viable choice in a faster playthrough even if she's easy to train up and Karel comes way too late while also not getting access to the statboosters your other units get in chapter 21, but all of that is more than made up by Rutger. Rutger joins with excellent bases thanks to HM bonuses and uses swords. Swords aren't as amazing as they have been in FE1-5, but they're still a greta weapon type thanks to their high accuracy. Most weapons in the Binding Blade have poor accuracy and bosses get very high +30 avoid from thrones, however Rutger just doesn't care about that as he has excellent skill which allows him to hit almost everything consistently. Binding Blade also feature high enemy quality which makes Rutger stand out even more as he's one of the few units to consistently one round generic enemies. Rutger is arguably the best unit in the game only facing competition from: Melady, Marcus, Lalum/Elphin and Perceval. I haven't even mentioned the amazing +30% crit swordmaster get, they are just an excellent class in this game.


    • I hope you liked how good swordmasters were in FE6, because they suck in this game. Now, some people attribute this to nerfing the swordmaster crit boost from 30% to 15%. However, this is mostly irrelevant, the main problem is how Blazing Blade has much better weapon accuracy and much worse enemy quality. This, along with the nerf to throne bonuses, removes the nieche swordmasters had in FE6 as almost anyone can be a decent bosskiller now. 1-2 range weapons are also amazing in this game and the wast majority of enemies on HHM wield lances which have a weapon triangle advantage over swords. So, the being a infantry and swordlocked unit in FE7 is pretty terrible.


    • Pretty much the same story as FE7. Sacred Stones also has poor enemy quality and this time your earlygame myrmidon, Joshua, doesn't even get HM bonuses. Joshua does still have somewhat of a nieche for being able to double consistently on faster playthroughs, but that doesn't even come close to making myrmidons/swordmaster a good class in Sacred Stones.

    FE9: PoR

    • Same story again, this is just getting sad now. Swordmasters now get Astra again, which isn't very good as it drains your weapon uses even if the enemy is already dead and halfs your strength this time. BEXP allows your mounted units to snowball out of control even more so than usual and swordmasters don't even have +15% crit in the Japanese version for some reason. Overall, arguably their worst game as the only one you might even consider deploying is Stefan because of his amazing bases. Sonic sword is actually a nice 1-2 range sword, but that usually stays on Tanith.

    FE10: RD

    • Same story again Swordmasters are actually good in this game again. Well, Edward gets screwed over by hard mode being hard mode (cutting EXP gain and the weapon triangle), but other swordmasters and trueblades are a viable class. Zihark is useful since the Dawn Brigade needs as many useful members as possible, Lucia is amazing for the one map you get her before part 4 (don't you just love RD availability), Stefan isn't that great honestly and Mia is actually excellent. Mia stands out as having the 4th best combat in the Greil mercenaries behind Ike, Titania and Haar, who are all amazing units. She does have somewhat low strength and the wind edge is an awful weapon, but thanks to her average mobility and excellent speed she is a fairly useful combat unit. Her low strength can be fixed thanks to her capping her speed and skill quickly, allowing you to use BEXP on her to boost her strength and she can make great use of forges too. She is also easely Ike's best support partner and is great in part 4 as there is a high demand for good combat units and even Titania gets screwed over by some maps, while Haar and Jill don't usually go with Ike and as such she is one of the few units to double even things like swordmasters along with having ways to deal great damage. Mia also has access to Storm Swords and Tempest Blades which have poor accuracy, but Mia's great skill allows her to cut past those flaws and make great use of their high might. Trueblades also aren't a bad class for the tower as the enemy quality there is high and being able to double consistently with 1-2 range weapons is definetely appreciated. Overall, a great entry for them after 3 games in a row of being very bad classes.


    • And myrmidon/swordmaster is a bad class again. And we were doing so well with RD. OK, so they don't suck as badly as they do in FE7-9, but they still aren't that great. Most enemies wield lances in this game so the usually suffer a WTD and they have poor defenses which is quite bad. Swords also lose their high accuracy nieche thanks to the high hitrates of weapons in DSFE. Still, someone like Caeda is good in the swordmaster classline as it lets her double some faster bosses she wouldn't be able to double in most other classes. They are also great agains manakestes as you can forge them a wyrmslayer to help fix their often low strength, while generally being bulky enough to take at least a hit and promoted units reclassing to swordmaster get C swords automatically which gives them access to effective weaponry. Though they don't have access to effective weaponry against cavalry which is the most common enemy type in the game. However, aside from that nieche the myrmidon/swordmaster classline isn't too great here.


    • OK, we're back on track. Now, myrmidon/swordmaster isn't an excellent class in this game, but they are much better. Firstly, myrmidons like Navarre and Athena are much better in this game thanks to their better bases, along with swords being a much better weapon type in this game thanks to the notable enemy variety in this game and swords being the only weapon type with effective damage against heroes and swordmaster. However, their main claim to fame are 2 things. First is the very high speed bonus and speed cap like in SD, but this time the 30 speed cap is very important asthe heroes in the chapter where you fight Hardin have capped speed, so swordmasters are the only class which can effectively one round them along with horsemen. The other is reclassing Katarina and Linde to swordmasters. Thanks to the levin sword being a forgable C rank weapon and Katarina and Linde still having fairly good magic even when reclassing to it, they can double and one round most enemies thanks to the low res of most enemies in FE12. This is even more notable as they can do it from 2 range which is a big deal on Lunatic Reverse. Overall, New Mystery is a game that encourages a lot of class variety and it succeds as most classes have some uses and swordmaster is one of them.


    • Myrmidons and Swordmasters in this game are mostly used for giving additional speed. While phisical 1-2 range is weak in this game, magic is ridiculous and after some time you just either build up a very strong Robin or several other units in better classes like Dark Flyer. Not too great.


    • OK, but not amazing. They now finally got their physical 1-2 range sword with the Kodachi (you just throw it lol), but neither Hana or Hinata are particularly amazing units. Ryoma is absolutely amazing with killing everything, but he can also function well in other classes like paladin. Still, it's not like swordmaster is a bad class and that you need to reclass Ryoma immediately, heck even units like Corrin or Xander function perfectly well in said class and CQ at least doesn't really have a super OP classes besides ninja and maybe wyvern lord. The myrmidon samurai classline also has useful skill like duelist blow and vantage, not to mention swordfaire and astra (in a game with infinite durability) Not a bad class to be in, but just OK overall.

    Echoes: SoV

    • Fairly similar to Gaiden. Dread fighter is still an excellent class, but kinda falls off as enemies get bulky near the endgame and not that many useful combat arts, but mercenaries are still a very strong class in the earlygame with a lot of notable units like Saber, Dean and villager mercenary. So as in Gaiden, a pretty good class

    3 Houses

    • Myrmidon is a cool class to go in the earlygame as it gives additional speed growth along with swap and speed +2 which aren't bad skills at all. Sadly, you will probably wanna go to another class path afterwards as swordmasters aren't that great due to their 5 move, astra being an awful combat art and mortal savant being underwhelming. Catherine is good as a swordmaster in the earlygame, but if you wanna use her long term you're gonna reclass her into a falcon knight. Overall, not that great.

    So, with all of that out of the way let use see:

    What makes them bad

    Most often it's being infantry locked, being locked to a bad weapon type, poor durability and not much use of their high speed + high skill nieche. They also often come with poor strength, relying more on crits and their skills (though they seem to be more strength + speed + skill focused as of 3H) and durability, which is particularly bad in games where weapon accuracy is high. Another problem is the high number of lance using enemies with games that have the weapon triangle in them.

    What does it take for them to be good

    A lot actually. This class needs to have a lot of axe enemies to fight in a game with weapon triangle or at least not that many enemy lance users, high enemy quality to make actual use of their high speed, 1-2 range weapons are appreciated but not necessary, swords to be a good weapon type and not to be outclassed by mounts. This is a problem with a lot of classes that I will cover in this series, almost anything that some class does is usually done better by mounted units. What does it matter if Guy has 20 speed if Marcus has 11 speed and doubles everything? What does it matter if Stefan kills a single enemy on player phase and then does nothing on enemy phase, when Titania kills everything on both player and enemy phase? Why should I care if Arya one rounds a boss when Sigurd can do the same?

    If you're ever designing a Romhack I think that testing your myrmidons/swordmasters in a faster playthrough is a good idea to gauge how good they are in comparison to mounted units or other combat units in the game. However, there are two even more complicated classes which we will be covering some other time. I hope the next game makes swordmasters at least an OK class, since I have a soft spot for the class. As always thank you for reading and write your thought in the comments below.

    Next time: Archer - Sniper - Marksman.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    So I made Bylitza (M! Byleth and Jeritza) padorus for me and my partner. Just wanted to upload them!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    I drew Winter Bernie! Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:21 PM PST

    Marianne cosplaying as Noir from Persona 5 (same English voice is Xanthe Huynh) [Commission]

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:14 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Legendary Hero (Lilina: Firelight Leader)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:17 PM PST

    Love how Lyn and other Swordmasters's crit animations in the GBA games is one big "*Teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid"

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:46 PM PST

    Dorothea and Byleth Arnault-Eisner, ready for Christmas

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    Built statues for the other two house leaders

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 05:19 AM PST

    What do you guys think of Linhardt?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I actually love him ahaha

    submitted by /u/Special-Seesaw-6339
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    Thief Zine Interest Check! Please visit and fill out our Interest Check so we can offer the best zine and merch possible! https://twitter.com/fe_daggers || https://forms.gle/Jz8hdkUdZ7pjET5G7

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:29 PM PST

    So let’s talk about the relic cutscenes, or lack there of...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Ok so I played through blue lions first and as I got to the chapter where Dimitri gets his relic weapon from Rodrigue and it's this whole convo and cutscene I thought "wow, I wonder how the handle this in the other routes." So I finish my azure moon play through and wow that was a great story, Dimitri is now one of my/ if not my favourite fictional characters of all time and all the others were quite compelling too so I IMMEDIATELY jump into golden deer and play until the time skip and start the chapter. Just the fact that Failnaught was never even MENTIONED in any of the cutscenes beforehand made me kinda sad, I was waiting until there was some cutscene after say the battle of the bridge or gronder about Claudes grandfather dying or something but NOPE, the worst part is that this happens in crimson flower too. I get that they are the heirs of their houses and that Dimitris is supposed to be stolen but still, it's a massive thing and Claude even said in the Lonato chapter that he wish he could have his relic early. Very small gripe in this amazing game but still I haven't seen anyone mention it so I thought I would bring it up.

    submitted by /u/FinTheGuardian47
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    CharlieKaze Wedding Photo (+Reference!)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 07:33 AM PST

    Opinions on Three Houses

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 04:56 PM PST

    I have more than a couple issues with three houses and I think that it has a lot of issues more than its successes. First, I am going to give you my background before I talk about the game. I just now finished my first maddening run(new game, golden deer) and my fourth run overall which has given me ample time to finally figure out my thoughts on the game. Or at least to be confident enough to put them into words.

    First, the good parts

    Fire emblem has never looked so good and the game never crashed on me which great. The art direction and characters look stellar, I can't think of a single one that has a bad design. I love how they all wear a school uniform differently; I think that's a neat bit of characterization. Post time skip character designs that I love are the Faerghus four and their furs for the cold weather, Leonie and her design echoing Jeralt, Hilda looks like a vampire and Dedue really looks like he's gone through some stuff. The game sounds great, once again an amazing soundtrack was delivered with a couple of standout tracks. Presentation wise, I don't think it stands up against other games released on the switch favorable, but as Intelligent System's first time on a system this powerful, I think it looks beautiful.

    Secondly, the gameplay

    This one is definitely more a mixed bag that really comes down to if the character customization overcomes the repetitive nature of the game. Most of the units can really do just about anything if you try hard enough and that's a pretty novel concept. I think that the units feel a little homogenous at times, especially since weapons aren't looked to classes anymore. The difference between Wyvern Lord and Falcon Knight is so little, I found that the classes only feel different based on their movement. Sniper class is an exception thanks to Hunter's Volley. I think more skills as powerful unique to classes could have really made them stand out. The units just did not feel unique enough when compare to others and classes all felt the same apart from movement.

    This leads me into my biggest gripe about the gameplay, it feels repetitive. Everything about the monastery is cool at first but ends up just feeling repetitive. Why is motivation a thing? We're already limited on the number of students we can tutor. If we could get the tutor part without the monastery, I would love this game a lot more and would be more willing to play it again but as it stands, I don't think I will ever come back to the game after getting the golden lights. The monastery is really boring and feels like a huge time waster and I know I could just skip but then I am not taking advantage of the tutor system and that part then falls flat. The monastery also has issues with doors sometimes not opening, it was weird.

    The actual gameplay itself feels good for the most part. The weapon triangle being gone feels good, swords, axes and lances all feel different despite being the same thing in concept. There's maybe a little to few spells in the early game for magic users and Thyrsus is just broken. The relics sometimes feel like stronger weapons with worse accuracy and stronger might. Their a little too inaccurate at times to make me feel like they are these mystical weapons crafted from dragon bones. I think they should have a bit more durability, so I'd actually want to use them apart from the end. Battalions are a pretty novel concept as are the demonic beasts. I love the combat arts and those helped the different one range weapons feel different from each other. Despite their changes to the weapon system, this feels like a good fire emblem game, if silently unbalance (looking at you canto). Same turn reinforcements are terrible and should be destroyed.

    The bad

    Byleth is pretty much my main issue with the game. They don't really feel like a character and yet you're given dialogue options to make it feel like you have choices to make but you don't. There are two choices in the game that change the plot. The dialogue options really feel like a way to make it so they don't speak, but they have voice actors so what. I don't really believe that their this charismatic person that inspires everyone around them. The characters say things about Byleth that I never say showcased. It just feels like they have no personality and it is supposed to be this way and yet they're a leader somehow. Which is confusing. The plot really has nothing to do with them and the backstory is kind of neat, but Byleth doesn't react to anything so it didn't resonate with me. Byleth confuses me soo much about why they're there and what they hoped to accomplish with them and yet the game would not really function without them. I wish Byleth had a personality, then the game would make sense.

    Getting on to the story. The fact that white clouds doesn't change is disappointing. After having blue lions as my first route seeing Sylvain's brother and Ashe's father, I thought they would have different scenarios but nope, which is confusing. The chapter where you go down under the monastery without your house leader feels forced just because Edelgard is one of the house leaders. Those who sliver in the dark confuse me. Why did they let Rhea spread a religion, I would have killed her? They certainly had the arsenal to do so, and sometimes did. Why they were an advanced secret underground dubstep society does not really make sense. Some of their technology would have been leaked to the surface in a thousand years surely.

    The anime cutscenes are, I believe a disappointing reason why we did not get some certain things, like Silver Snow going up against Nemesis. That is a really great battle but because Claude was in that end cutscene, we don't get them which really kind of sucks. Claude does not get a cutscene to react to Edelgard revealing herself like Dimitri did and he does not get one when she dies either. And Edelgard is just straight up screwed out of cutscenes. It feels like they are just did not have enough of a budget to make four stories, but they tried. Why doesn't blue lions get to confront those who sliver in the dark, why are they barely brought up. For that question, why doesn't Edelgard do it either. Crimson flower is a couple of chapters shorter so surely it was not to create a homogenous length. Why in the blue lions does Edelgard go demonic beast but not in any other route? There is so many weird creative decisions that boil down to they made multiple routes and they all feel not whole. I would say Claude has the fullest route and yet even then it does not feel fulfilling knowing has cast to the side the kingdom is on his route.

    The long story short

    Fire Emblem has never been something I came to for story and this time they made me play it four times to understand everything when the game play is pretty repetitive and that just highlights all of the worst aspects. I'd like to hear all of your guy's opinions and what exactly you thought about the game. I am happy for it's accomplishments but I sincerely hope the next one is just a single route story.

    submitted by /u/Second_to_Second
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    Here's a drawing I made of Lucina

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

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