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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Fire Emblem Dorothea for [The Lovers] in my FE3H Tarot Project!

    Fire Emblem Dorothea for [The Lovers] in my FE3H Tarot Project!

    Dorothea for [The Lovers] in my FE3H Tarot Project!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Happy Early Valentine's Day. Tell Someone Special You Love Them. ��

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:51 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Connected artwork cards from the final FE Cipher TCG set

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:28 PM PST

    POV: You're trying to play FE5's final chapter blind

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Too cold to sit on the throne Sothis is walking through snow all alone

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Why Edelgard Should Not Get "Redemption" in Crimson Flower

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:21 PM PST

    Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be strictly defending Edelgard by claiming that she is right. Nevertheless, I think that her portrayal in Crimson Flower is very important.

    One of the biggest complaints about Edelgard, especially in her CF portrayal, is her blatant lack of a "redemption arc". Even though CF is far and away Edelgard's most positive portrayal, many of her detractors still write her off as a villain protagonist rather than an anti hero, citing things like "she started a war" "she sided with the Agarthans" "she killed Dimitri" etc. Some people feel that she NEEDED to be given a "redemption arc" in order to be likeable and not a villain. Some believe that she simply does not fit right as a protagonist the way that she currently is. She's too "ruthless" to many people.

    Edelgard doesn't change her ways in CF. Many detractors understandably take issue with that. However, in this post, I am going to go over why I do not want Edelgard to receive a "redemption arc", and why I actually think that both her character, and the game's story as a whole, are both much better off for it.

    Edelgard Is Not Inherently Evil

    Putting aside the constant (and obviously understandable) debate regarding whether or not Edelgard is in the right, I believe it is important to separate the terms "I don't agree with Edelgard" with "I think Edelgard is evil". Both can overlap, but are most certainly different. On the surface, Edelgard may appear to be ruthless. How else do you describe somebody who stormed Garreg Mach and toppled the Church's forces with a massive army?

    But a character's actions are not the only things that determine who they are. I'm not even going to bother debating Edelgard's motives for this post: That's an entirely different subject. Edelgard's BEHAVIOR is enough to prove that she is not an evil person by nature. I think her support conversations highlight this the most. Is Edelgard ever presented as evil in her supports? if anything, her supports balance out her ruthless main story portrayal by highlighting just how compassionate that she is on top of all of that. She shows concern for Hubert, and how he could have lived a different life had he not been working with her. She encourages Ferdinand to continue offering alternative viewpoints and very valuable insight regarding her goals. She takes Lysithea under her wing. She confides in Manuela about her sympathy for the Church's most devout believers. She shares her plans for Fodlan and its new structure with Constance. This shows that, underneath all of that ruthless exterior, Edelgard is also a very compassionate, and very charismatic, emperor who deeply cares about her subjects and allies. She's not simply ruthless, she is nuanced: The ruthlessness is just one of many aspects to Edelgard as a character.

    Being compassionate doesn't undermined Edelgard's ruthless attributes either, however. it simply provides extra context and subtext to them. Edelgard behaves differently on the battlefield than she does off of the battlefield. So, which one is the real her? Well... why can't it be both? She's certainly not the only character in the game to have more than one side to them, and it is very understandable that she behaves very differently in combat than she does in downtime.

    The Reason Why Edelgard Is MORALLY GRAY Is That Her Actions Do Benefit Fodlan In The End

    I'm not going to act like Edelgard is some pure hearted hero who can do no wrong. Because she doesn't need to be. in fact, her ruthless behavior and genuinely good intentions for Fodlan are excellent, contrasting qualities that both compliment each other greatly. And Edelgard does indeed succeed in her goals.

    There is more to gray morality than simply having good intentions. Not every Well intentioned Extremist is a non-villainous character. But, in addition to my aforementioned points about Edelgard's highly compassionate personality outside of battle, her plans for Fodlan actually work out in the end. She does exactly what she set out to do: Make Fodlan a better place.

    Once again, this is NOT a matter of "I agree/disagree" with Edelgard and her ideals. This is a matter of how Crimson Flower actually ENDS. And the ending of Crimson Flower, is, quite explicitly stated, a very happy one. It's no worse than any other Route. And much like Dimitri and Claude, Edelgard has many fans who make very valid arguments regarding how her route's ending might actually be the best. And as u/SexTraumaDental has highlighted in the past, Edelgard leads Fodlan to "true peace".

    Numerous character endings highlight the positives of Edelgard's outcome, and often allude to Fodlan being at peace following the defeat of the Church of Seiros and the Agarthans. We are given little to no indication that Edelgard's reforms do not work out: She has stayed true to her word, and completed the very cause that she started the war for in the first place.

    Does this mean that you have to agree with Edelgard? No. Does this mean that the ending of Crimson Flower is most certainly a happy one? Yes.

    It's one thing to disagree with Edelgard. I'm not saying that she is unquestionably right. But the fact that Crimson Flower highlights how good of a place Fodlan is following the conclusion of her plans, at the very least, proves that she is not unquestionably wrong.

    Edelgard Is Not Dimitri, And Dimitri Is Not Edelgard

    "Dimitri received a redemption arc" is the biggest point some people seem to make regarding Edelgard not receiving one herself. But here's the thing: Edelgard and Dimitri are both entirely different characters, and therefore, have entirely different character arcs.

    Azure Moon is a very blatant deconstruction of the revenge plotline archetype. Dimitri wants revenge on Edelgard for something that he thinks that she did, but puts all of his friends and loved ones in harms way as a result. The combination of his upbringing with Faerghus culture, and his trauma induced shift in personality, are both very fundamental parts of his characterization in the first half of Azure Moon's post-timeskip phase. Eventually, he comes to realize that revenge is not a healthy reason to fight, and that he was also trying to get revenge on the wrong person. That is Dimitri's growth: he starts out revenge obsessed, and then realizes that said obsession was both unhealthy, and, ultimately, because Edelgard was not actually responsible for The Tragedy of Duscur, fruitless.

    Edelgard is not a revenge driven character. She is not Dimitri. Her goals are not about revenge. They are about her ideals.

    Dimitri's ideals never waver. What changes is his motive. His reasoning for fighting Edelgard changes from "Time for revenge!" to "I don't agree with Edelgard". Although Edelgard and Dimitri are both very different from each other, they do still both have one very key parallel to one another: Neither will compromise their ideals. Dimitri, even after receiving redemption, is still very set on his beliefs. Ideals that directly conflict with Edelgard's. Towards the ending of Azure Moon, during the negotiation scene, both house leaders eventually realize that no compromise can be made between them. Dimitri is willing to negotiate, and Edelgard is willing to entertain the idea, but once it becomes apparent that they cannot reach an agreement, they realize that their discussion is going to go nowhere.

    Even after being redeemed, Dimitri still is determined to stand by his worldviews. Edelgard, in the same vein, always stands by hers, including in Crimson Flower.

    Edelgard's character arc is not a "revenge is bad" storyline. It focuses on more subtle things. Like how she is more open to her classmates, friends, and allies in her support conversations. Or how she is, despite still retaining some of her ruthless qualities, notably less extreme in terms of how she approaches the war, not using Demonic Beasts like in the other routes. Just because Edelgard doesn't get a "redemption arc" does not mean that she doesn't get a character arc. Even if it's not nearly as explicit as Dimitri's, it is still most certainly there, and, much like Dimitri, further highlights how different Edelgard is in her own storyline compared to all of the others.

    Edelgard's Ideals Should Not Be Disregarded

    Sometimes, it feels like "Edelgard never gets redeemed" amounts to "Edelgard never admits that she is in the wrong". But here's the thing: Just because Edelgard's acts are so questionable, does not mean that she is in the wrong. Was Dimitri in the wrong? Not necessarily, he still stays true to his ideals, and simply sheds his bloodlust. For Edelgard to be "redeemed' would be to require her to completely reject her ideals. This disregards Crimson Flower's purpose: Taking Edelgard's side in the war. Having Edelgard say "war is wrong" at the end would ultimately be doing away with all of her moral ambiguity: It reduces the conflict to yet another black and white affair, not the incredibly nuanced, morally gray affair that it has actually been so far. It also runs the risk of alienating the people who agree with Edelgard: Maybe some fans WANT to see her ideals through.

    Edelgard's storyline already ends in a very happy ending, as highlighted above. This means that she isn't "wrong". Is she "right"? That's entirely up to you. But she does still prove that her ideals work perfectly fine. She takes Fodlan in an entirely different, and new, direction, but still most definitely not a bad one. What is the point of discarding the moral ambiguity of the Crimson Flower route if it is not even necessary in order to achieve a happy ending?

    Edelgard's Worldviews Make The Story Better

    Love her or hate her, there is no denying that Edelgard is pretty darn complex. Wouldn't fundamentally calling her in the wrong do away with such complexity? This is exactly why Crimson Flower is so darn important to the game's overall plot: It shows why Edelgard might be "right". We already have three routes that show why she might be "wrong". No need for her own route to tackle that subject. We see everybody else's point of view in all of the other routes. Now, it is time to see Edelgard's.

    THAT is Crimson Flower's ultimate purpose in the plot.

    I'm not expecting the Edelgard debate to end at all. Much like Edelgard herself, her fans and detractors are all dead set on their beliefs. And there is nothing wrong with this either. But it is important to remember that Edelgard, right or wrong, will lose an important aspect of herself if she gets "redeemed". Allowing her to hang onto that aspect is a very big part of what not only makes Edelgard such an interesting character, but, ultimately, what makes the story of Three Houses so special in the first place.

    submitted by /u/HeavyDonkeyKong
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    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Reginn Appears

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Drew Anna

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:33 PM PST

    How Bad Was FE7's Story Actually? AKA Amends for Plinkett Emblem

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:38 PM PST

    I'm pretty sure this is every Fire Emblem character in amiibo form as of now (besides the other Chrom variant and Byleth)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:41 PM PST

    Happy Birthday Priam!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:34 PM PST

    Fjorm one of my favorite characters from Heroes! So beatiful and strong. Enjoy it! Keep the good work! @rodlanghi and instagram rod_langhi

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    Minor Characterization in Tear Ring Saga and what cues I think Fire Emblem could take from it to improve it's own development of minor characters

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    So I finished Tear Ring Saga (TRS moving forward) about a month or so ago, and since then, I've been reflecting on how well it handles minor characters in a way that Fire Emblem has never done before, even in games like Geneaology where minor characters have conversations about the main events of the game, they're never woven into the fabric of the main story so seamlessly like TRS.

    For the purposes of this discussion, I'll define a "minor character" as anyone who can actually die, in both gameplay and story. This excludes any character who's death will cause a fail state, or will canonically retreat when their HP reaches 0 instead of die. For those unaware, TRS is the first game that Shozo Kaga, original Fire Emblem creator, made after leaving Nintendo and it's essentially "Fire Emblem: Gaiden 776". After the first story arc, you converge with your childhood friend and both characters set off on their own separate journeys. The player has the option at this and two other points in the story to divide money, items, and (most importantly) units between each party, which you control for a few chapters at a time.

    So I'll first start off by explaining how TRS handles minor characters. To put it simply, TRS has a number of contingency story events that trigger based on which characters are recruited and alive, as well as sometimes if you've triggered other previous events. I'll be honest and just say that I was constantly floored by seeing these random characters I recruited in Chapter 2 have lines and reactions to events that happened in chapters throughout the entire game... events that just don't happen in Fire Emblem, I'll give a few below, obvious, but vague, spoiler warning:

    -If you have two characters alive at the end of an early game chapter, one of them will try and speak to the other, the player gets the choice to let this happen or not, if the player lets this happen, the two characters will activate support bonuses, and then later throughout the main story they'll have various cutscene interactions, and the main lords will even comment on their friendship.

    -During the first route split, if you send 2 characters to a specific route, one of the characters will confront the other about a person that the other character assassinated. The person agrees to atone for their crime and they agree to a duel with the first character's brother (who is also in the army). The next time all 3 characters are deployed on the same map, the duel will occur.

    -One character has a recruitment quest that rivals Thracia Xavier in terms of convolution and difficulty. It involves sending multiple characters on specific routes and ultimately involves killing a specific boss with a specific character and then visiting a specific village with said character. That's not what I love about this particular sequence of events. What I love is that, under certain conditions, after a few battles, the character who was recruited will ask the character who recruited them to leave the army and live a peaceful life with them together. The player can choose, but regardless of the characters choice, the recruited character will leave. It sucks losing a character with unique access to a very useful ability and there isn't (much) that you can do to stop this, but damn it really feels like "wow, these units are real people, they're not just mindless war bots and not everyone is on board with endless fighting, some of them want to go home and do"

    Those are my favorite events that I experienced, but constantly throughout the game, you'll just see minor characters interact with the main characters and comment on the story, or with the opposition... you'll recruit people who know each other and mention each other by name in separate routes, and if you have the good graces to send them to the same route, they'll have conversations with each other throughout the routes that sometimes won't amount to anything gameplay wise but just give them character development, it's really amazing how these minor characters are implemented into the main story to feel real in a way that simple support conversations and on-battle talk conversations can't.

    This is how I'd like Fire Emblem to handle characterization moving forward--make a conscious effort to include minor characters in the plot of the main game, and not lock all of their character developement and or exposition behind "supports". I love support conversations, but due to their very nature of being discovered at most any time (barring a few in Three Houses that are timeskip locked), they can't reflect the reality of character development over time. And since most minor characters' character development is locked to support conversations, it feels incredibly hollow when a character like Bernie goes from taking on the world without fear in an A support to being the exact same hermit she was when talking to anyone during a C support.

    I could go on forever but this is getting long, in short what I feel is that integrating minor character development should be locked to the main story, and actually seeing any specific character's development should be contingent on having made certain choices or keeping certain characters alive (or hell, in some instances dead) because it's impossible to give a character any real development in a non-linear, pre-written system. Support conversations shouldn't be about character growth they should just be about learning about a character in ways that are irrelevant to the main story and to their own personal growth (with some exceptions of course). Not every friendship gets developed by two people helping each other solve deep emotional problems... which is largely what Fire Emblem supports have become.

    submitted by /u/Bazooka_Besos
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    Made a minimalistic Beruka (FE Fates) wallpaper as requested. I struggled posting this because I don't think it's as good as the other one, but I tried my best.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:23 AM PST

    A few graphs about liked and disliked teas and gifts in Three House

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    Trying my hand at FE7 inspired sprites

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 - Applying Justice ~ Boss Battle | Orchestral C...

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:10 PM PST

    Awakening Lunatic 0% Growths - Chapter 19

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:17 AM PST

    i drew a guy

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:35 PM PST

    FE8 Novel Translation *Now in Progress!*

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:10 AM PST

    FE8 Novel Translation *Now in Progress!*

    Book 1 Cover


    Link to translation on tumblr (The linked post includes links to my other FE novel translations as well.)

    Link to translation on Google Docs (Links to the folder with the translation, plus folders with high quality files of the image and art scans.)


    Follow me on tumblr for new translations the moment I finish them! I also have twitter, but since it is secondary in my brain to my tumblr and Google Drive, I tend to update it really late.

    I also do FE game localization vs. Japanese translations and analysis posts, so follow if you are interested in those as well!

    FE8 was the second most popular option on my poll, so translating this novel set is my major project for 2021! Its 2 books are the longest of any of any FE novel series not divided into 3~4 books, so it's an ambitious project to do in just a year, but I'm determined! Enjoy. 🙂


    submitted by /u/bomb_some_dodongos
    [link] [comments]

    Did Cynthia in Dorothea's dress! [OC]

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:14 PM PST

    I drew Sylvain! ��

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:51 PM PST

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