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    Saturday, March 27, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 26th, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 26th, 2021

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of March 26th, 2021

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get better responses in the General Question Thread here.

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    sorry about being a day late on this one.

    Last week's thread can be found here.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
    [link] [comments]

    [OC] Younger Manuela redesign

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Monster Hunter Shamir!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    A Mother's Favorite

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Bunny Marianne (By @ray_dango) [Commission]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Home Is Where You Are [Comic commission made by @tomaarrie]

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    [OC] Painted Tana in FEH summer outfit

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    The Church of Seiros

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    [OC] Shamir! The best sniper

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    [The Right Words] FE Tree Houses (fanzine)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Caspar x Hilda

    Posted: 26 Mar 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Kempf's Ballisticians ambush Joe Biden

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    Sanaki is very cunning, especially considering her age

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:44 PM PDT


    Sanaki is often praised for being a very competent Empress despite being a child and surrounded by traitorous Senators. We will explore just how smart she is.

    Sanaki deceives the Senators and Ike

    Sanaki plays around with Ike and Elincia by acting skeptical about their claims despite knowing them to be true. Sanaki knew that Ike would lash out and that this would have a backlash from Lekain.

    Ike: I am neither a noble nor a knight. I have no connection with the palace whatsoever. And no matter how much gold I stood to gain, I would not betray my convictions. Elincia has paid us, yes, but nothing more than the standard fee to purchase our services as her escort. Nothing more. We have come this far only because we believe Elincia to be a woman of integrity. We would not sell our swords to a liar. I don't care how high and mighty you might be. I will not stand here and let you mock the bond of trust that ties us to Elincia.

    Elincia: My lord Ike!

    Lekain: How dare you! Who are you to address the apostle so crudely! Guards! Guards! Seize this man! For his abuse of the apostle, the penalty can be only death!

    Sanaki: Halt!...Ha ha! Ha ha ha! Sephiran was right about you. You are very interesting.

    Remember that Sanaki's goal is to expose the Senators so by making the Senators act like egotistical pricks, it was a way to teach Ike a lesson in a well concealed fashion about the reality of Begnion's nobility by using fun as an excuse.

    Ike: So...you knew we were coming. You knew who we were all along.

    Sanaki: Yes. I apologize for testing you. You see, life here in the palace is dreadfully dull. I am always so very bored. Thanks to the princess and her brazen little escort, this interrogation proved to be an amusing diversion.

    Oliver: Oh ho ho! So that's what this was! How very like you, Apostle. A cunning game of wits and words. Simply smashing! Even your most loyal servant, Duke Oliver of Tanas, was on the verge of being completely fooled. I am humbled! Oh ho ho! Come, Duke Lekain!

    Lekain: Ah-ahem. It was all a ruse, was it?...Oh, Apostle, you do tease us so mercilessly! Still, it was not such a bad way to amuse ourselves, was it, Duke Hetzel?

    Sanaki exposes secret laguz slave trade

    Sanaki sends Ike on a mission to seize the cargo from merchants involved in illegal trade. In the mission statement, she did not tell Ike about Laguz slavery as exposing the secret in a clear fashion would put Sanaki in trouble with the Senators.

    Soren: Yes. The apostle's orders were clear. "Stop the band of merchants traveling on the old highway, and seize their cargo." This does look to be the best spot for an ambush.

    Basically, the weight of the cargo is supposed to give hints about what is inside without revealing that information.

    Ike: Our duty is done. Let's grab the cargo and get out of here!

    Sigrun: Well done. The news of your victory is welcome, as is the cargo you seized. Now, about your payment...

    Ike: Wait. This mysterious cargo was a bunch of really heavy crates...Would you tell me what they contained?

    Sigrun: That--

    Tanith: Your job was to deliver the cargo. You've no need to investigate further.

    Ike: Meeting with the apostle was fine, but all she did was pay us and give us another job. She answered no questions.

    Titania: I wonder what she's planning. That cargo... I can't help but believe that there were living creatures inside, but...What do you suppose the apostle intends to do with them?

    Sanaki would then go on to send Ike on a mission to hunt down bandits, or so she said to mask her true intent.

    Ike: We're mercenaries. We were hired to take care of a group of bandits operating in this area.

    Tormod: More of the senators' dogs! You cast us as thieves so you can murder us and hide your guilt! But we will not be defeated! Mark my words! The day will come when all slaves are free, and then you will pay for your crimes!

    Ike: What on earth are you talking about?

    The point was so that Ike can hear about the slave trade from a third party instead of Sanaki implicating herself in attempting to expose the Senators.

    Ike: All right... Please go over that again. It's been customary throughout Begnion's history to keep laguz as slaves?

    Tormod: That's right.

    Titania: But that's in the past now! Twenty years ago, all slavery was outlawed, and all laguz were freed!

    Nasir: And as far as the general public is concerned, that is exactly what happened.

    Ike: So there's a portion of society that willingly breaks the law?

    Tormod: The commoners obey, but there are still many laguz slaves in the homes of nobles. Muarim and I brought this to the attention of the senators, but they would not listen. That's why we gathered other fighters. We break into the homes where slaves are kept and help them escape. Of course, the nobles can't let this be known publicly, so they brand us thieves and turn us into wanted outlaws.

    When Ike came back with Tormod, Sanaki made sure that there were no Begnion Senators with her so that they can openly discuss it now.

    Ike: Where's your usual entourage? I see only two of your holy guard...

    Sanaki: Oh, there was some sort of disturbance. I think they're clearing away the rabble. But on to business... Is that one there the ringleader of the thieves? Why, he's nothing but a child! Has he offered up any kind of defense for his deplorable actions?

    It was also a way to test Ike's intelligence to see if he was bright enough to be a reliable ally against the Senators.

    Sanaki: Ike... Whyever would you bring such an ill-mannered rogue to meet me? What is it you're planning?

    Ike: If anyone's planning something, it's you.

    Sanaki: Really? And what could you possibly mean by that?

    Ike: Your last mission showed us the slave trade, and now you've put us in contact with an underground emancipation group. From the very beginning, I found this whole arrangement a little odd. You have more vassals than you can use, yet you hire us for these missions? Your motivations have me puzzled.

    Sanaki: Oh, I see. And have you solved this puzzle of yours?

    Ike: You want to expose the depravity of the inner circles of power. But you don't want the general public to know that the majority of the senate is involved in slavery.

    Sanaki: And to think I thought you were as untutored as a wild monkey. You're actually quite bright.

    Luckily, Ike passed the test and was asked to investigate Oliver. The reason why Ike is given these missions instead of someone from Begnion is probably because the Senate can never punish him for it. This also makes a lot of sense when you consider how the Begnion characters Ike recruits in PoR in this arc or before such as Devdan, Marcia, Makalov and Astrid end up becoming members of the Crimean Royal Knights instead of staying in Begnion. This goes to show Sanaki is very thoughtful of her own citizens and not willing to put them in danger.

    Sanaki: I've received reports that Bishop Oliver, the duke of Tanas, is up to something suspicious. Duke Tanas has a villa near the woods of Serenes. Go there, and return with irrevocable proof of...whatever he's doing. If you succeed in this, I promise to support your Princess Elincia with all the power at my command.

    Sanaki investigates Begnion occupation of Daein

    Sothe suspected Sanaki knew nothing about what is happening but it turns out Sanaki was already two steps ahead compared to what Sothe thought. She was already aware of what was going on and had already traced the atrocities to the culprits. Although she couldn't act against them publicly without proof but did send Tormod's group to help.

    Sothe: "I began to doubt that the apostle–Begnion's empress–actually knew what was happening in Daein. At only thirteen, the apostle may be young, but she's proud and upstanding. She'd never let these kinds of things happen to Daein. So, I asked Tormod to fill her in on what was really happening here."

    Tormod: "This is what we learned… The apostle had noticed something shady about Daein. She was investigating on her own. She traced the ones pulling the strings to a certain faction of senators. Now, she's snapping mad, but without proof, she can't publicly move against them."

    Tormod: "The apostle is the highest power in Daein… Even so, she and the senate are rarely on good terms with each other. Sothe, she promised she'd help us however she can. She said to do whatever is necessary…And that inspired me to find you sooner than later."

    Sanaki managed to see through the Senators schemes and foiled them with her own "cunning schemes". Basically, Lekain and Numida argued that Numida was negligent and should be punished but he didn't actively oppress the people of Daein and that those soldiers that did will be punished. However, Sanaki doesn't buy this and instead sends Sephiran to lead the inspection team.

    Sanaki: "I see… Is that true?"

    Lekain: "Yes, Apostle. Our occupation forces have engaged in appalling and inhumane excesses in Daein. These excesses were perpetrated entirely outside the knowledge of the occupational governor, Duke Numida."

    Numida: "I come to you penitent… Failing my duties as governor, I, Numida, share a measure of guilt for this disaster. I am prepared to take the appropriate punishment, Apostle Sanaki. However, I feel that freeing the people of Daein from the clutches of our oppression is our most urgent task…"

    Sanaki: "Urgent, you say? Then we must make haste. We will forthwith convene an inspection team and request a meeting with the army led by the late King Ashnard's orphan. We will assure them of Begnion's intentions. Then, we will immediately address the occupation force's tyranny."

    Lekain: "Excellent! In that case, please deign to allow me, your humble servant Lekain, to lead the inspection team. The soldiers who have stained the empire's name will be toppled where they stand! I promise, they shall not live to return here."

    Sanaki: "That is unacceptable. I will decide the soldiers' punishment only after hearing their side. And I have chosen to appoint Sephiran, Duke Persis, to lead the investigation team. Is that acceptable, Sephiran?"

    Sephiran: "I hear and I obey, my empress."

    Lekain: "What?! But, but, Apostle Sanaki…"

    Sanaki: "This is a dire situation. Accordingly, I judge the prime minister, Duke Persis, to be more suited to the role than you, Vice-Minister Lekain. That is all."

    Lekain: "Hrrgh…"

    Numida: "L-Lord Lekain…! What shall I do?!"

    Lekain: "Duke Numida, my friend… I'm afraid you must sacrifice every last Begnion in the Imperial Occupation Army."

    Numida: "What? Th-that's ridiculous! But…grrgh! Blast that spoiled brat and her cunning little schemes… You'll regret this, Apostle Sanaki!"

    It does seem odd that it took Sanaki so long to act against the atrocities that happened considering the occupation was three years long. Do bare in mind that even Sephiran is plotting a new war so it was in his best interests to keep the information away from her considering he allowed Lekain to go in his stead instead, knowing he'd make Pelleas sign a blood pact. So Sanaki did get out schemed by Sephiran, but that is to be expected.

    Almedha: That man you were speaking with... He is a senator from Begnion, correct? Duke Lekain of Gaddos, I believe? He was here before as part of the empire's inspection team. He came in Duke Persis's stead.

    Pelleas: If you're the one who's been pulling the strings behind all this, please tell me… Who… Who am I?

    Sephiran: …I don't know. All I know is that you are a powerful practitioner of magic… I know that you were an orphan born and raised in Daein. But that is all Izuka ever told me.

    Pelleas: So… I'm not Ashnard's true son?

    Sephiran: No, you're not. Ashnard's son is of dragon tribe blood and is thus Branded.

    Pelleas: I think I'm going to be ill…

    Sephiran: Be assured that you were essential to Daein's reconstruction, which was a vital step toward waking the goddess. Fortunately, Izuka was able to use you to execute my plan.

    Sanaki and Sephiran get captured

    Sanaki and Sephiran try to investigate the Senate again to avoid the war with the Laguz Alliance but they end up getting captured. Sanaki takes the blame for herself not being able to anticipate the coup. It does seem like Sephiran was in on the plan to foil the investigation because he wanted the war to escalate and not diplomatically resolved by Sanaki so her trust in him ended up costing her greatly.

    Sanaki: Thank you for coming today, everyone. I am in your debt...all of you. The king of Gallia, Caineghis. The king of Phoenicis, Tibarn. The Serenes Royal Family, Rafiel and Reyson. And the queen of Crimea, Elincia, who worked tirelessly to arrange this meeting and generously extended her hospitality. She gave me hope when I was driven out of my country, and offered aid when all seemed lost. You have my sincere gratitude.

    Sanaki: Before we begin, allow me to make a few things clear about the recent war between Begnion and the Laguz Alliance. When we received your letter stating that the senate had made scapegoats of the herons for the previous apostle's assassination, Prime Minister Sephiran and I decided to investigate the senate and prosecute them if needed. Then the senators made their move.

    Caineghis: What did they do?

    Sanaki: They imprisoned me in a room in the Mainal Cathedral. They then forged an arrest warrant for Sephiran and jailed him. ...I admit there had been major rifts between myself and the senators in the past. However, I had no idea that they would stoop to such deplorable acts. I should have known. This is all my fault.

    Sanaki's "devious" move

    After Sanaki escaped prison, she planned to make Ike the general of the coalition army. She anticipated he would not accept so she instead waited until he offered his services to her and then came out with the reveal. She also kept the news of Zelgius' return to Begnion a secret from him until he made the argument about Zelgius, to lull Ike into a false sense of security into thinking he wouldn't be made the general of the Apostle's Army.

    Ike: So, it sounds like everyone is on the same side now. That's the best news I've heard in a long time.

    Sanaki: I feel the same, but it's too early to celebrate. I will not be happy until I take back my country. How we fare in the battles to come will be of the utmost importance.

    Ike: The Greil Mercenaries would be glad to help. I know that we're a small unit, but we'll do our best to see the job done right.

    Sanaki: I certainly hope you will. Especially since I've decided to make you the commander of our combined forces.

    Ike: Wait, hold on there! What did you say?! Listen, Apostle Sanaki, I'm really flattered, but General Zelgius is much more qual--

    Sanaki: Zelgius returned to the empire by himself to rescue Prime Minister Sephiran. Our army consists of the troops he left behind, as well as the armies of Crimea, Gallia, and Phoenicis. Ike, you're probably the only person on the face of Tellius who commands respect from all four countries represented here.

    Ranulf: Ike, I know you're not happy about this, but you're the only person who can bridge the rift between the laguz and beorc.

    Ike: No, I'm not happy about it. I thought my days of being a general ended three years ago. But I won't refuse. If you think I'm the only person who can pull this off, then I'll do my best not to let you down.

    Sanaki: Thank you, Ike. Let us go meet with the armies and the soldiers you will be leading. They will want to meet their new commander.

    Sigrun: General Ike. Thank you for helping the apostle. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heard.

    Ike: I would have refused, if I'd known that I'd be commanding the entire army.

    Sigrun: That's why we didn't tell you beforehand.

    Ike: That's a pretty devious move, Sigrun.

    To improve Ike's mood, she gave Ike a lot of funds, a master crown and Ragnell as a contingency to boost not just his morale, but the army's.

    Sigrun: Here are some funds, so you can properly prepare for the upcoming battle. Show us how you've grown since the days of the Mad King's War, General.

    Ike: I'm here. What do you want?

    Sanaki: Hmph. Don't look so sour.

    Ike: I always look like this, Apostle Sanaki.

    Sanaki: Ah, yes. That's true. Well, I didn't summon you to talk about your grumpy expressions. I wanted to give you something before we set off for battle.

    Ike: No offense, Apostle, but you didn't give me much of a choice in the first place. Besides, if I'm not fully committed, how can I expect these troops to be? Just remember: when this is all over, you'll be getting one heck of a bill.

    Sanaki: Oh, I'm sure, and I know you'll be worth it. Speaking of which, I have something for you. Consider it a down payment.

    Sigrun: I'm sure you remember this blade. It is the holy sword Ragnell. Please take it.

    Ike: Are you sure about this? I returned it after the Mad King's War because you said it was one of Begnion's national treasures.

    Sanaki: Indeed. This sword was used by Empress Altina, the first apostle of Begnion, back in the early days of the empire. It was one of the two swords the empress used to fight the dark god. I can think of no better person to give it to.

    Sanaki's deductive skills

    Sanaki is good at putting the pieces together and deducing answers. This makes sense considering all the investigations she has authorized throughout the events of the Tellius games. At the end of the game, Sanaki was the first one to deduce that Micaiah is her sister.

    Sanaki: "You're my older sister, aren't you?"

    Micaiah: "What do you mean?"

    Sanaki: "It makes sense. All the pieces fit. The galdr of release… The goddess Yune's voice…"

    Micaiah: "It's true. Inside the tower, I heard the voices of many hearths, and I knew. I am descended from Lehran and Altina. Misaha, the former apostle, was my grandmother."

    Sanaki: "Yes, I thought so. In that case, my sister, please consider staying in Begnion. With your power and charisma, you could do so much good here."

    This is made even more impressive when you consider that Yune herself did not know why Micaiah was born with those powers.

    Sanaki: "Ah! Is that you?! The dark g– No, I mean…the goddess of chaos, Yune? Let me ask you one thing, Yune. Why was Micaiah able to sing the galdr of release, but I wasn't?"

    Yune: "I'm sorry, little empress, I don't know. But I knew that Micaiah could sing it. That's why I stayed close to her."

    Sanaki: "I don't understand. How can you be a goddess and not know? I thought gods were perfect beings who knew everything!"

    However, she did fail to see through Sephiran's rouse even though it had become obvious to even Ike which goes to show she is still a child who can sometimes let her emotions cloud her judgement.

    Sephiran: "Sir Ike, I'm afraid your father's death was an unfortunate result of Zelgius's own personal agenda. I did not order Sir Gawain killed. However, I must admit that I did ask him to seize the medallion and hand it over to King Ashnard. The goddess was to be freed…and all living creatures destroyed."

    Sanaki: Zelgius is the Black Knight? I don't know what to say… It's unbelievable!

    Ike: What was he like in Begnion?

    Sanaki: He was the right-hand man of my most trusted aide, Duke Sephiran of Persis. He was a hero, a perfect general, and the best swordsman in all of Tellius. He was never anything but loyal. But he was serving another country!

    Ike: Hmm. It makes me wonder how Sephiran is doing. Sanaki: I doubt he's been turned to stone. Even though he was captured by Lekain and forcibly removed from his post, he'll have found a way to persevere. Sigrun always said there's no other master of the arcane arts who can compare with the duke of Persis.

    Ike: Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

    Sanaki: Ike… Don't tell me you suspect Sephiran!

    Ike: Well, look at the facts…

    Sanaki: Do not trouble your mind with that thought! He would never betray me.

    Ike: It's nice to think so. But if he's not petrified, he'd have received a message from Yune. So where is he?

    Sanaki: The goddess isn't perfect. She said so herself! Maybe the message didn't reach everyone.

    Ike: …You have to admit that's a weak excuse. Let's leave it at that, for now. We need to focus on moving forward.


    Sanaki is arguably the smartest kid compared to other kids her age or younger. She manages to manipulate Ike into going on an angry rant which in turn taught him a lesson about the Begnion Senators' arrogance. She managed to subtly expose the Laguz slave trade while testing Ike's competence. She was smart enough to rope Ike into becoming her general, much to his dismay. Although she does let her love for Sephiran cloud her judgement.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    Ordered Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon from GameStop and it actually came complete with everything.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    |OC| Happy Birthday Shamir!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    The Dragon of Sacae!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    Has anyone ever made something like this before?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    I beat Thracia 776 for the first time! This image is what the entire game felt like for me playing blind.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Palette Practice with Fallen Berkut

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    What bad units would be great if they were in a different game?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    As a wise drunk scarecrow once said, "Fire Emblem units are context sensitive: that means they're sensitive to the context." He probably didn't say it exactly like that, but it sounds better this way. I got to thinking about units who get completely ruined by context, and wondered which people stood out the most. Jamke immediately came to mind as a unit who is only terrible because he's in FE4. If he were in FE6 or FE11, he'd be fantastic. So what other units out there can you think of for this sort of thing?

    submitted by /u/KrashBoomBang
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    My Drawing of Shamir Nevrand from Fire Emblem Three Houses, Happy 33rd Birthday Shamir

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Would a moraly wrong protagonist work in Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Most FE protagonists are just goody two shoes with almost no faults, rarely making them interesting. Granted, this problem sort of got adressed in the Tellius games and 3 Houses, but it's not perfect. After watching the Drakengard 1 cutscenes and playing Drakengard 3 I wondered how moraly wrong protagonists would work in fire emblem. What I mean is a main character that willingly does bad stuff for a greater good (like Zero) or just straight up a psycho (like Caim).

    If the game would go with the normal story base of "bad empire invades good small country and lord has to kill the big bad and also a cult" I think a good way of implementing the moraly wrong protagonist is to make the invading empire more human (like not making bosses cartoon villains or seeing towns and cities under the new rule prosper) or to give the main hero situations in which he chooses to do bad stuff (like if he had to cut the empire army's supplies by burning a bridge that is also needed for supplying a small town). Of course, I'm not a writer and there could be way better ways to make this work.

    Now, there would also be the problem with how the fans would react to this. Edelgard was super controversial when 3H released and she was pretty similar to what my idea is (albeit she wasn't written that wel in CF). Personally, I welcome these kinds of protagonists, as it deviates from the norm, but for a character like this to work, it needs to be written well, and I don't know if this series can do that.

    submitted by /u/Codrin999
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    The Sickest Burns in Fire Emblem

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Appreciation Post for the QoL features in FE5's "Lil Manster" translation patch.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Appreciation Post for the QoL features in FE5's "Lil Manster" translation patch.


    I seriously can't get over how seamless they are, and how much they enhance the FE5 experience. It makes the game more accessible to newcomers and smoother for returning players.

    • Equipped weapons/staves on unit bubbles allows for quicker overviews of units and enemies.
    • Dialogue boxes ensure you can get the few but precious convos that are sprinkled throughout the game.
    • HP Bars allow you to easily check which units are in most danger.
    • Crit in battle was such a no-brainer when FE3 had it, and in FE5 its not a rare skill anymore like in FE4.
    • The Dodge (Crit Avoid) display is neat, and being able to see each unit's FCM (previously called PCC by many) is amazing since it's a pretty crucial number that was completely hidden in the original.
    • Unit Rearrangement is a godsend for people who don't want to suffer with lategame maps that forcefully split up your army.

    It might be worth noting that the HP Bars and Unit Rearrangement are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL patches that you can add on top of the vanilla patch if you want. But yeah, I just really appreciate how these features make the game super pleasant and even more fun to play.

    What are everyone's opinions on these improvements?

    submitted by /u/DarkAdvent15
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    I drew a Micaiah

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Piano Arrangement of "Birth of the Holy Knight" from FE4

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 05:05 PM PDT

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