• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    Fire Emblem Regarding user flairs

    Fire Emblem Regarding user flairs

    Regarding user flairs

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PST

    Hey r/fireemblem community,

    In the last 24 hours, it appears that Reddit pushed a code change that stopped rendering the HTML element used for flairs unless they had a text flair associated with the given flair. The result of this is that if you have a r/fireemblem flair, you might have seen it disappear in the last day. I'm happy to report that we are currently running a script to remedy the situation, and your flairs will be back shortly!

    As a fix to this, we will be assigning a text flair to all flairs that will display if you hover over the icon. This text will simply be the character's name (and possibly information about the game or part that they came from). This change has an accessibility advantage for visually-impaired users using screen readers, as well as gives flair context on platforms that do not render the icons, such as mobile apps. We apologize for the downtime on the flairs, but know that they will be coming back better than ever!

    EDIT: As of the morning of the 10th, all flairs should be resolved. If you believe that you are seeing unusual behavior with user flairs, please feel free to reach out to the mod team and we will address it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/stalwartness
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    Armored Tharja

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:10 PM PST

    L'Arachel Half-Body (GBA Sprite Commission)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Lucina in Legendary Marth's armor by me!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:58 AM PST

    Warrior El fanart!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:48 AM PST

    Dmitri loses his mind after seeing a pretzel for the first time

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Your Warmth [OC]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Grima Cosplay

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:36 AM PST

    I commissioned a modern day Mitama and Corrin

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PST

    A Messy FE6 Relationship Graphic

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:55 PM PST

    Bored in my uni accommodation and decided to try F!Robin’s hair

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:25 AM PST

    Here’s a coaster I made depicting the Crest of Flames from Three Houses!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:33 AM PST

    FE8 100% Eirika RR LTC Chapter 18 [Commentary]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:43 PM PST

    SoV Tier List Redux Round 10: Celica and Genny

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Welcome to Round 10: Celica and Genny

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give Clear Explanations why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE15 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Last round resulted in Zeke in D tier and Mycen in E tier.

    Preliminary Round

    Class Base Stats and Promoted Class Base Stats


    Class: Priestess (Swords, Black Magic and White Magic)

    Joins: Beginning of Act 2 (Celica route only)

    Base Stats

    1 20 8 6 6 8 4 7 4

    Growth Rates

    50 60 50 50 45 35 4

    Spell List

    Fire Seraphim Thunder Recover Excalibur Ragnarok
    Base Level 5 Level 8 Level 9 Level 15 Level 20



    Joins holding the Golden Dagger. Golden Dagger can be forged into a personal sword, Beloved Zofia.

    • Beloved Zofia: 6 Mt, 85 hit, 10 crit, 1 weight when unforged. 10 Mt, 95 hit, 15 crit, 0 weight when forged. Costs 10 silver and 1 gold to upgrade from Golden Dagger. Costs 3 gold to forge to max. Skills are Recovery, Subdue, Swap, and Ragnarok Omega.


    Class: Cleric (Black Magic and White Magic)

    Joins: Beginning of Act 2 (Celica route only)

    Base Stats

    1 18 7 2 5 7 1 13 4

    Growth Rates

    20 60 50 30 40 10 7

    Spell List

    Nosferatu Recover Invoke (Soldiers) Physic Expel Seraphim
    Base Base Level 4 Level 8 Level 12 Saint Level 1



    Joins holding a holey cheese

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    Includes Villager Mercenary, Silque

    Great Performance: A Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    Includes Mage Tobin, Mage Faye, Villager Archer, Cleric Faye, Clive, Python

    Good Performance: B Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    Includes Alm

    AOK Performance: C Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    Includes Lukas, Mage Gray, Mage Kliff, Clair, Luthier, Mathilda, Delthea

    Iffy Performance: D Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    Includes Villager Cavalier, Villager Soldier, Pegasus Knight Faye, Forsyth, Tatiana, Zeke

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    Lame Performance: E Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively.

    Includes Mage Atlas, Mycen

    Next Round will be Mae and Boey

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    A portrait of Nino

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:53 AM PST

    I drew Hector with a tyrannosaurus rex

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:38 PM PST

    SoV Hair Tier List Round 10: Luthier and Delthea

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Welcome to Round 10: Luthier and Delthea

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations on why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE15 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary round

    The results from the last round are Clive and Mathilda C



    1.) Be respectful to each other. Feel free to debate, question, and corroborate any other voters, but do please be kind to each other when doing so.

    2.) Hair accessories can be taken into consideration when voting on a unit.

    3.) Facial hair counts too

    4.) Only counting SoV, not Gaiden and the hair characters in those games have

    5.) Some of the antagonists and side characters will be rated as well

    6.) Valbar won't be rated as his hair is too bad to be rated even when he doesn't wear a helmet

    7.) Each vote must have an explanation along with it

    8.) Personality isn't counted unless it has something to do with the hair of a character

    9.) You cannot rate Clive low just because you're jelaous that you can't have his wife


    Without Further Ado, let's begin




    Tiers being used:

    Fantastic hair: S Just really great hair. Either looks good or pulls off a unique look very well.

    Includes: Genny

    Great hair: A Above average hair but falls below the juggernauts of Fantastic hair. Can be a unique design that falls on one or two merits.

    Includes: Celica, Faye, Silque, Boey, Clair, Silque, Leon

    Good hair: B Slighty above average hair. Either a style that works or a unique style that has a few notable merits.

    Includes: Lukas, Mae, Kamui

    Average hair: C Average hair. Either very average hair or a unique style that doesn't really add or detract.

    Includes: Alm, Kliff, Gray, Python, Clive, Mathilda

    Bad hair: D Poorly done hair or a unique style that falls flat.

    Includes: Tobin, Forsyth

    Valbar tier: F This tier is for Valbar and units that somehow have hair of equally awful quality

    Includes: Valbar


    Previous round:

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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    "What If?" Wednesday, Chapter 29: Ladies and Not-So-Gentle-Blades

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:11 PM PST

    Chapter 28

    Good day and greetings, dear Fire Emblemverse. I hope you are defeating whatever challenges assail you on this one fine Wednesday. As for myself, I've gotten some much-needed car maintenance done today, and had the chance to get out on the ol' bikerooni. But that's not why we're here, though! We're here to... celebrate International Women's Day? Sure, why not!

    The Fire Emblem series is no stranger to putting women on the frontlines - the very first game begins with a message of alarm from Princess Caeda, who joins the fray herself atop her Pegasus. Since then, ladies have taken up the staff, the spell, and the sword on behalf of the main Lord - or sometimes, as the main Lord herself! And while they fight, grow, learn, and die as any man's equal, the games have, in some regards, drawn mechanical distinctions between the sexes. Pegasus Knights, for instance, are almost exclusively female, while Warrior has, in most games, been a signature domain of male units. In some cases, too, this extends to weapons - the Ladyblade, for instance, is a weapon whose function varies between appearances, but certainly seems to favor the hands of women.

    Now, the Ladyblade only shows up in a few games - Mystery of the Emblem, its remake-whose-title-is-way-too-long, and Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. But what if it were not so limited? What if the Ladyblade made an appearance in other games in the series? Its attributes have varied from title-to-title, so I don't want to impose a uniform vision, but I'm imagining an E-rank sword that only women can use (a la FE12), with 12 Mt (same as FE12 and FE15, unforged), 100 Hit, 5 Crit, and 25 uses. Of course, different games have different benchmarks, so it'd stand to reason that the numbers might vary. Still, would you find such a weapon useful if added to an existing game? How do you see it affecting overall unit balance? And, are you a fan of gender-locked weaponry (Aura/Excalibur is a case in FE11), or would you prefer that there's no such distinction in which weapons may be wielded?

    Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think! As usual, I'll be sharing my own answer below shortly. And, happy International Women's Day, belated though the message may be.

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    Deen or Sonya ? Why ?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:22 PM PST

    Hard decision for this two. Explain why you recommend to choose this character.

    submitted by /u/PossibleWorth9
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    How much would of a difference would it make if mounted units (& fliers) were locked to 1 range weapons? (no Hand Axes, Javelins, etc.)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:11 AM PST

    note: I don't LTC, I don't like playing efficiently for the most part, I'm just curious on what people think.

    submitted by /u/Thunderbolt_Zeke
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    "Spellbound", an original metal song inspired by Robin and Tharja's support conversations by my band Grimleal

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:51 AM PST

    I have question about Berwick Saga please help.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:24 AM PST

    I'm first time playing it and now i'm at chapter 6. From this faq https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/925983-tearring-saga-series-berwick-saga/faqs/37077

    it say I have 3 special missions of 3 units in army, (Sylvis, Ruby and Fay) in chapter 6 but they are not appear for me, all i can do is just advance to next chapter. Btw from the faq it say like those units need to reach requirements so those special missions will appear for playing or they will appear later when those units reach requirements. The problem is Will they apprear later even I'm in chapter 7 (or even 8) ? , and what is the requirements of those 3 units? I found other faq about characters details and there are each requirement of units for class change, are they also mean to the requirement of those special missions?

    This is characters details faq https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/925983-tearring-saga-series-berwick-saga/faqs/44161

    submitted by /u/xvader99
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    Fire Emblem Online?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:41 PM PST

    Tried looking for something like this but didn't really see anything, if there is something like this please let me know cause it would be awesome, but what if there was an online fire emblem game either on browser, sort of like pokemon showdown? I think it could be cool, if in the Fire Emblem version, users can create custom maps or sprites, along with adding their own values to them, sharing their maps and characters online? I think it could be cool, I'd be happy if it were just fire emblem characters, but it would be awesome if people could add their own sprites, for example, me and my brother were talking about how there could be a kona suba themed map with kona suba characters, with weapons and abilities from the manga/show, as well as maybe a pokemon themed one, reminscent of pokemon conquest. This was just a quick thought I had, it could be cool.

    submitted by /u/ThatDorkZach
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