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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Fire Emblem Linhardt Get's Mad

    Fire Emblem Linhardt Get's Mad

    Linhardt Get's Mad

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I Drew Caineghis

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    Drew Takumi!!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    POV: the unit you're facing broke their tome on the last turn.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Let us not forget, the true MVP of the Crimean Army. Valkyrie-chan

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    I made Ranulf into a Palicoe on Monster Hunter Rise [Path of Radiance]

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I was commissioned to crochet a Fire Emblem OC, thought you might like it!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    SoV's opening premonition is a shallow rip-off of Awakening's similar scene that highlights the weakest aspects of SoV's writing.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    The first thing you see upon booting up SoV is a scene of young Alm and Celica, promising to never fight each other like the gods Duma and Mila did.

    Immediately upon starting a save file, you see Alm sticking his sword through Celica's gut, crying over what he's just done.

    The juxtaposition is obvious, as are the comparisons to Awakening's own opening premonition (which Fates also offered its own take on). But to explore why I think SoV's premonition is a hollow echo (heh) of what Awakening already did, let's actually look at Awakening's premonition (SPOILERS for Awakening ahead).

    Awakening opens with Robin and Chrom seemingly defeating Validar, before Robin shockingly kills Chrom. Chrom's dying words insist "this is not your … fault". Then Robin wakes up in a field, remembering nothing of how he got there and having a patchy recollection of the world as a whole … but he still recognizes the man who helps him to his feet as Chrom.

    This premonition is a powerful storytelling tool both plot-wise and thematically. By "plot" I mean factors like intrigue and suspense that keep the player interested moment-to-moment. And by "themes" I mean the message that ties a story together, some overarching message that elevates a tale from being a meaningless series of events.

    Plotwise, Robin doesn't remember killing Chrom, but he knows more than he should. So from the very next scene, Awakening's premonition is immediately relevant after the scene itself ends. There's intense dramatic irony afoot from the start. We see Validar playing a bit role later, but the player knows there's more to him than our protagonists think – a suspicion which will be justified when he returns in the second act as king of Plegia. Later, Lucina reveals that in her future, Robin kills Chrom – just like we saw. And later still, we learn about the "other Robin", Grima, whose existence raies more possibilities – perhaps it wasn't our Robin in that premonition, for instance?

    Awakening's running theme is destiny or fate, and how it seems impossible to change. Lucina travels back in time to change the future, but only changes a few minor details. The game offers you several choices, most heartbreaking of all before Emmeryn's inevitable death, but none of your choices matter. This is all deliberate.

    So when the events of Awakening's premonition finally play out, the player is shocked to – Ok, no. Look, I don't think many people really expected the blue-haired main lord of a Fire Emblem game to actually die. Not that it hasn't happened before, but even if you doubted Chrom's death, the way the subversion unfolded was pretty neat.

    Robin and Chrom acted out Chrom's death as seen in the premonition in order to fool Validar, the villain who claims that fate is inexorable, and that fighting against it is useless. And indeed, everything you see in the premonition scene plays out exactly the same in chapter 23 – but only because it's part of the plan, faking Chrom's death to convince Validar he's winning.

    Proving him wrong, tricking both the villain and the player at the same time, after the entire game has beaten you down with hopeless, lose-lose choices, is an exhilarating moment. It's a linchpin of the entire plot, it's a pivotal moment, and it serves as a thesis statement for the entire theme of the story – that you CAN change destiny.

    ...So now that I've kicked off my series of essays about SoV with several long paragraphs about Awakening, let's get back to the point. SoV's premonition, like Awakening's, is made to get the player asking questions. A player who knows the original Gaiden or who's seen this trick in Awakening will probably already suspect that they're not really going to kill Celica off for good. But that doesn't mean the premonition has to be worthless. Like with Awakening, there's still potential for dramatic irony. Players want to know how Alm and Celica got to this point, after being best friends as kids. And if Celica comes back, then how? Another clever ruse, perhaps?

    Well, the answer is that an evil wizard killed Celica and revivied her as a witch zombie 5 minutes before the premonition, by way of an evil dragon god's powers. And 30 second after we see Celica die, a nice dragon god revives Celica and she's totally fine again.

    In other words, it's useless garbage that's not built up to at all throughout the course of the story and gets resolved immediately via deus ex machina. There's no clever or meta reason to show the player this scene at the start. It's just the video game equivalent of clickbait. The player's prompted to ask "How did these two childhood friends end up killing each other?" but the game doesn't follow up on that idea at all throughout the story. Alm and Celica have a mild argument like, one time, but that didn't fool a single person into thinking the two of them were diverging to the point of fighting each other.

    Compare to Awakening, where Validar's presence and Lucina's warnings of what happens in her future both serve as dire reminders that reinforce what we saw in the premontion. Removing Awakening's premonition would rob us of that sense of tension and dread. Removing SoVs' premonition would change nothing, because again, there's no other reference or build-up to that moment where Alm stabs Celica.

    If Awakening's theme was challenging destiny, then SoV's theme would be challenging the status quobe that nobles, royalty, or gods. There's allegedly another theme in there about how Alm and Celica need each other, and how people in general can bring out the best in each other, but maybe I'll get to both of those concepts later. For now, the important thing is that SoV's premonition – both the scene itself and the part where it's shown to the player early – says nothing about any of the game's themes. No, that's not true – it's worse than that.

    SoV's premonition actually runs counter to both of the game's major themes. The idea that Alm and Celica bring out the best in each other (assuming for the moment we take that to be a theme of the game, or at least of their relationship) is undone by the fact that someone's personality traits, their relationships, don't matter when an evil wizard can have his dark god possess you. If Celica had broken out of her brainwashing with the power of love or something, it'd be god-awfully contrived, but it'd at least say something about the power of human bonds and/or personalities.

    And the theme of overcoming the status quo, or adapted to be more relevant to this phase of the story: "humanity doesn't need gods to lead them" - that's completely bungled too. The conflict in the premonition is started by one god's brainwashing power, and resolved with another god's power to revive the dead. I'm not even upset that Mila can revive the dead – there are magical fountains across the game that can do thatthe issue here is that the human characters, who we're told don't need no gods, have literally 0 agency in this scene.

    Look, it'd be easy to brush this all off as dumb, but harmless. It's just some stupid scenes that SoV added to the original story, right? It barely affects the rest of the plot, which is the problem, but at the end of the day you could just ignore it?

    That's half-true, but Echoes is considered to be a return to form for FE's storytelling, a direct contrast to the two games before it. But in utilizing a premonition scene, it not only rides the coattails of those two games that came before it, but also does it so much worse. SoV completely misunderstands what made that premonition from Awakening so iconic in the first place, and so immediately starts out confidently on the wrong foot, fucking up something that even the "bad" stories got right.

    But it's the fact that not only did they add this scene, but that they chose to highlight it at the start of the game with a premonition, that's really worrying. They were so proud of this backwards abomination of a scene that they decided to show it off to the player immediately. But it fails at adding suspense because the game never follows through with it. Any player actually still invested in the premonition by the time it pays off at the end of the game would feel cheated by the ass-pulls that sandwich the scene. And in a broader scope, the scene actively works against the game's themes, as well.

    It's less a premonition of what's to come in the story, and more a premonition of how SoV's writing will continue to misunderstand how to handle its characters and themes.

    submitted by /u/IAmBLD
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    Marianne and Corrin fanart I drew

    Posted: 31 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    I wanted to draw Naga again.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:59 PM PDT

    I redrew the surprised Kurisu image with Velouria

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I made a concept for a manakete Roy AU! (There’s more explanation in the comments.)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    [OC] Claude doodle

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    A Cath drawing done by myself

    Posted: 31 May 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Don't Draft for Hector Hard Mode

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    FE12 Step 0.2: Fight in a cramped space unfit for human occupancy

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Piano cover of Fire Emblem theme from Tokyo Mirage Sessions

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    What are some things that Fates actually did better than Three Houses?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    In your opinion. This can be anything in regards to the base game content, DLC content, or other related stuff.

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    I drew Cipher Lucina as a mermaid

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Merciless Mode LTC Chapters 12 and 13

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I combined these into one thread because they are both rather uninteresting maps imo but we gotta get through them.

    Chapter 12

    The boss for this map happens to be pretty close to the starting position. This means we can save a warp use and inevitably save a turn by rigging a crit with Jake against the boss. Now Jake has no innate crit on the boss and his base hit rates are rather bad so we forge a big arrowspate to get the job done.

    In the top left of the map are 5 units in a bit of a pickle. Two of them can't survive a round of combat, two of them can survive a round of combat, and one of them can only sometimes survive a round of combat if enemies roll down on stats. This is unfortunate cause there are only two safe spots in the cell so in order to save them without using warp we need to rig the archer's strength to roll down.

    The rest of this map is just grinding. We get EXP on Barst and Caeda picks up some sellables.

    Overall CoS: 10.8%

    Chapter 13

    This map is moderately more intriguing. The boss is too far away for a Dracoknight to reach on turn 2 so the only way to 2 turn this map without wasting a warp use is to have Astram kill the boss as his recruitment position is within range. Unfortunately Astram has a terrible time fighting the boss so we have to forge a Levin sword for him and rig a 1 of 2 crit against the boss.

    Marth is also in a pickle on this map. He is within range of a stonehoist when he recruits Beck that OHKO's him. Had we given Marth a level up and he got hp and def this wouldn't be an issue. This doesn't improve reliability that much though since they have a <16% chance of hitting him.

    On the Northern and Southern fronts we farm EXP and money again. Tomas is deployed as a mage because of his stat spread which allows him to be a more enticing target than Merric but still be capable of taking a hit.

    Overall CoS: 20.8% (76.4% and 27.3%)

    New Units:

    Boah - Wendell 2. He has a better tome rank than Wendell and can use Excalibur as a Bishop. A great addition to the team.

    Midia - She's got slightly better stats than Jagen but a worse weapon rank so she's a good amount worse than him. She is however in the A class set and promoted so we can do a few things with her.

    Tomas - He's level 8 and in the A class set. While technically it's pretty cheap to get a unit like him to promotion he has an issue with his speed stat and thus struggles to claim the third crest to perform the task required of it. He needs to get 1 speed in his two level ups (75%) and then would need Minerva to get 1 speed in two level ups (~58% chance) which is only about a 43% chance of happening. If we really wanted to give him the fairest of shakes we could probably get him to 12/1 which bumps the CoS to about 67% but there are units with >90% that he is competing with so he's just not in the running.

    Dolph - Can sometimes survive an archer in his join map.

    Macellan - Cannot survive an archer in his join map.

    Beck - Jake 2. He doesn't have the supports that Jake does so he'll only get deployed when we need both him and Jake but luckily that is fairly frequent. Good unit.

    Astram - Heads will roll. He's a B class prepromote with non zero stats. Don't get too excited though, he still ain't good. He can do filler chip here and there with the Levin sword but that's about it. We'll be getting a better version of him soon enough.

    submitted by /u/Valkama
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    Peri is too underrated

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:56 PM PDT


    I'm not a troll, I swear!

    Conquest is a hardcore stat fest when it comes to which unit is better than the others or simply which one performs well or badly against the ennemies they face.

    Peri, although she joins a little late, still joins way before mid game. Her personal skill isn't the most practical one, but it's still one of the best if used effectively.

    Her base stats, while not impressive at this stage of the game, are serviceable and let her choose between several roles.

    Her lack of arrow weakness is a great bonus in Bow: The Game.

    Her growths, except for HP, are decent to great (her offensive growths are amazing while her defense growth is okay).

    Her classes let her choose between several roles: paladin mage killer, great knight she literally becomes Radiant Dawn Titania (20 speed average at 20/1 GK with 13 base in cav, 60% GR and 10 levels to gain before promo and +1 with GK promo, and defensively 10 base, 35% growth leading to 13 at 20 and 5 from promotion getting her to 18), with a Laslow hero backpack she is tankier, faster and stronger, with Arthur she hits much harder and is much faster, with a Silas pair up she is tankier on one or both sides, with Xander she gains wyvern reclass... and she has access to heartseeker after 1 level into any dark mage class to patch up her accuracy issues at point blank.

    If we put her with Benny, her def problem is solved. If we put her with Laslow, she requires less effort to start doubling and becomes a bit tankier. There are many ways she can shine, and just putting her into GK makes her a faster but squishier Scarlet on a horse.

    18 def without pair up after promo is not bad at all for someone with supposedly "paper defenses". She has at least as much HP as Camilla with more speed, equal def and no arrow weakness. Boots grow on trees in Fates so loosing 1 movement isn't a big deal. Luna can let her potentially kill in 1 less attack than she would without it. Also, for those obsessed with accuracy, paladin has 1 more skill than GK and the same growth. Paladin's level 5 skill barely makes up for the defensive losses against GK (2 HP and 3 def against 5 res) and the offensive differences are no concern for her (GK has +2 str, paladin +1 spd, after paladin lv 5 skl, paladin has +2 spd and GK still has +1 str, also GK has much better growths than paladin by a mile). You could also get paladin lv 5 skill and reclass to GK, making paladin's point moot since GK is much better for her (and not only for her, Jakob is also better in GK IMO since GK's high growths help his base GR more than paladin's mediocre and balanced GR).

    What is Titania's place in Radiant Dawn's tier list? #2? #3? If she was a bit underlevelled but gave as much if not more reward for playing her (like not being unable to double in endgame because in Fates speed statues are easy to get and positive speed mod helps Peri's case), would you suddenly drop Titania to canto rescue chains fodder like Fates tier lists put Peri into? If you could have +4 in 2 different stats without a single stat boosting item on this underlevelled Titania who can have a better late game than RD Titania, would you drop her that low? Seeing how Jill is high on tier lists although her start is similar or worse than Peri, since all she has over her mates is mobility, while Peri at least has an offensive edge and more base HP than the rest, I guess no.

    I think the fact that Peri can cap speed at 28 in GK around level 17 and get a +4 speed from Kaze without any support bonus, or +3 speed from Laslow alongside 2 def and, if they're S, 2 strength, bringing her at 31 speed without any tonics or speed statue without her passive on, alongside 34 str (still level 17) going up to 36 with S rank Laslow, and 25+2 def, 41 HP, it seems like a good unit that is quite far from a glass cannon. With armored blow, she reaches 35+2 def, similar to Rinkah, how is that glass cannon?

    As for level 17 being late game, well, you know what else is end game? Titania reaching her def cap of 28, 2 points higher than male trueblades, who get +5 in endgame from Alondite for whatever that's worth and have an 18 1-2 range blessed weapon while Titania has a 15 Mt tomahawk with 65 acc or 22/110 Urvan +3 res or 11/80 brave axe, both of which are 1 range locked, just like...Peri's doubling weapons.

    If you give Paragon to Titania, give Elite to Peri for comparison. Except Peri gains more from it than Titania, and she also gains more from it than Silas who is still worse than Xander by design, Kaze who is worse than her by design (-2 str mod really destroys Kaze's hopes to be more than physical mage killer #2, since Niles already did some of the job before Kaze existed), Corrin who remains over the level curve and still gets low exp for the whole game after the route split while not having spectacular stats for his/her level most of the time... Peri with Elite can grow so fast for a good chunk of the game that her initial struggles soon become irrelevant and after she catches up, she's ready to promote and carry from there.

    Compared with other units: Silas needs reclassing to even be more than a worse version of Xander (less HP and luck, barely more speed, no Siegfried), Camilla fears arrows and lacks accuracy until you reclass her into WL or get her heartseeker (which would normally require 2 SS, one for DK and 1 for WL/MK) and anyway Camilla is still better than the majority of the cast for like 5-10 chapters if you use her like an Oifey with arrow weakness. Xander requires 2 stat boosters + S rank S tier backpack to ever double. Even then, he barely matches Peri's natural average speed in GK at level 4 and her growth is higher than his. Also she doesn't even run paladin lv 5 skill. He also has little time to gain much from Elite. Beruka has trouble starting doubling, even though she might outspeed Xander and build an S support with Arthur earlier than Xander with Charlotte. Selena lacks damage. Benny gets doubled until level 5 general and doesn't really need Elite to get his job done. Laslow is slow, like his name implies. His speed growth in mercenary is inferior to Peri's personal speed growth before class growth and they have the same base speed, while Laslow is 3 levels higher than Peri.

    Really, There's no one rivaling Peri at what she does. And she does it best with Elite, since it allows her to do her job faster. Her job being a RD Titania clone in Fates with a better late game due to Fates being more flexible concerning effective stat caps. Her only potential competition is Effie!Sophie, really, and she requires much more work to get than Peri. Also why use Elite on a kid you can get later auto-levelled with amazing weapon levels and inheritance without draining the fighting exp pool?

    submitted by /u/mangasdeouf
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    Marth Zine: Over the Years

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:46 PM PDT

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