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    Friday, June 4, 2021

    Fire Emblem Plegian Anna (commission by @wawatiku on Twitter)

    Fire Emblem Plegian Anna (commission by @wawatiku on Twitter)

    Plegian Anna (commission by @wawatiku on Twitter)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Witchy Tiki (OC) (Twitter: @tiredtorto)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:19 PM PDT

    Portrait of Female Byleth (2021 Redraw)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Summer Constance (by me)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Elise fanart (made by me)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    My gf made timeskip teatime standees!!

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Altina Line Art WIP

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    Lianna in a Nightdress (Commission Drawn by @ericchicka_ on Twitter)

    Posted: 03 Jun 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    If Three Houses was to receive an update, what would you like to see?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    I don't think they are planning any updates; but, hypothetically speaking, what would you like to see?

    Update doesn't needs to be a major update or anything like a brand new DLC. Perhaps there's something that you like to see to be tweaked, even if it's small.

    They did update Mario Party (which is two years old), so you never know. But admittedly, the Mario franchise is much bigger than Fire Emblem.

    submitted by /u/sausageandtea
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    What Game Handled Weapon WT & AS the Best?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Doubling is historically one of the most powerful tools a unit can have, often setting apart classes and archetypes with its presence or absence. Though what allows a unit to double changes from title to title, and not always for the better. I'm curious what you think was the most successful implementation of the Weapon Wt/Attack Speed mechanic.

    As a reminder to how each title went about calculating AS:

    FE 1-4:

    AS = Spd - Weapon Wt

    (FE4 requires the Pursuit Skill)

    FE 5:

    Physical AS = Spd - (Weapon Wt - Con)

    Magical AS = Spd - Weapon Wt

    (as a note, Con can grow w. level ups)

    FE 6-8:

    AS = Spd - (Weapon Wt - Con)

    (as a note, Con can NOT grow w. level ups)

    FE 9-11:

    AS = Spd - (Weapon Wt - Str)

    FE 12-13:

    AS = Spd

    FE 14:

    AS = Spd ± Weapon Spd Modifier

    (Skill effects are things like the +5 Spd on initiation from Darting Blow. Weapon effects are things like Steel Weapons' -3 Spd modifier.)


    AS = Spd - Weapon Wt


    AS = Spd - [Weapon Wt - (Str/5)]

    Were I to rank the systems from best to worst myself, I'd probably go

    FE14 -> FE16 -> FE9-11 -> FE5 -> FE1-4, 15 -> FE12-13 -> FE6-8

    Immutable CON influencing AS is a blight, imo, especially since CON seems to be more a facet of character design than unit design. Svelte characters and women tend to get pretty screwed over by the system, which in and of itself actually does work well for calculating rescues. Having the CON system pull double duty does more harm than good. Using Str as the Weapon WT mitigator is a case of taking a highly valued mainstat and making it even more important. 3H tries to remedy this a bit by making Str's impact fractional, but 3H's wide stat variance makes the system not play well with unit capability at most points throughout the game. It's a touch better than Tellius's wherein Weapon WT only really exists for the first chunk of either game. I'd say that Fates system is probably the best executed if you exclude some of the system breaks that occur from forging. Combined with the infinite durability system, it gives units reason to use a variety of weapons, even if it isn't perfectly tuned. Subtracting from Spd plainly is fine, and affects all units equally, though it does elevate it as the game's godstat.

    What's your two cents?

    submitted by /u/CyanYoh
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    Byleth, Robin & Corrin, and Kris. A summer series based on the MUs of Fire Emblem.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Merciless Mode LTC Chapter 17

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 10:35 AM PDT


    This chapter features a dragon boss but unlike back in Chapter 9 we actually have to tools to deal with him reliably. We make Caeda a SM as she has more than enough speed to double him but we need to forge a Wyrmslayer so that she can actually kill him. I save some money on the forge due to Caeda's previous strength levels which will go into some reliability boosters later.

    Palla promotes giving us a second strong Dracoknight. Palla and Jeorge have a very specific task on the map which is to get the member card and the fortify staff, both of which will help us buy the poleax available on this map for Minerva.

    The main boss room is noticably more empty compared to FE12. The only real threat to Minerva in the room is one lone mage who is easily sniped by Jake and Beck. Jake and Beck also grab the warp staff by using the convoy warp trick to get it back to Maria.

    We also deployed Cain on this map and fed him a kill with Samson and Abel's help. It isn't too important that Cain gets to level 10 this playthrough but the extra level padding is nice and no one else benefits from the kill.

    Overall CoS: 93.7% (100% and 93.7% respectively)

    I thought since we don't get any new units this chapter to talk about what could have been.

    Frey - Frey is a unit only available through the prologue. His base stats are similar to Cain but he trades 2 hp and a sword rank for a lance rank. While many asses Frey as the better unit I'd like the argue it's the opposite. The two big things that made Cain a worthwhile unit to use and feed EXP to where his support with Abel and his higher HP stat. As demonstrated by this playthrough Cain's lack of Lance rank isn't a big deal and thus Frey's only advantage on Cain ends up not really mattering. We don't miss him.

    Norne - Norne is a unit only available through the prologue. She's like Gordin but worse as she has negative stats. She's actually a better unit to train than Gordin because at 10/1 she's worth promoting but actually going through the trouble to train her up is just ugh. We don't miss her.

    Athena - Athena is an interesting unit that joins in 6x, she has some of highest strength and bulk bases in the game at this point and joins as a level 10 unit ready the promote. This might cause someone to think she's actually good. However Athena has a problem in that she has major competition being in the Female Class set. Peg is the only good physical option for her as Archer and Myrm both leave a lot to be desired but since flier roles are incredibly limited in the early game she has difficulty actually getting in it. To make matters worse her speed stat is really low, making her an undesirable promotion candidate. We don't miss her.

    Horace - Joins in 12x. Horace is a prepromoted unit in the B class set with better bases than Astram or Samson so he's good right? Well... at the point Horace joins the only real viable option for a B class unit is hero, a class that Horace has no ranks in and thus lacks an important quality associated with the class of a 2 range option. This would limit him a lot on has ability to replicate what Astram or Samson do. To make matters worse his base stats aren't even good enough to the high stat end tasks we need a unit for later so he really just doesn't have any claim to fame. The best he's got is he can kinda make use of horseman in a map or two. We don't miss him.

    Etzel - Joins in 17x. Etzel is a dark mage with a similar rank spread to Wendell and some of the highest magic in the game. This is irrelevant because the actual use of Etzel is that he actually has the stats to perform a late game task in Hero unlike Horace. This is actually kinda cool and it's a shame we couldn't pick him up though it might make the run more boring knowing we have zero reason to be feeding kills the some of the growth units. We do miss him.

    submitted by /u/Valkama
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    I made these Three Houses wallpapers, they aren't but i hope yall like them

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Fe3h Japanese dialects help

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I play with English subs and Japanese voiceover. My Japanese is intermediate-advanced (N3-N2) and most of it is very interesting due to the translation differences but some characters are really difficult to understand.

    Would appreciate some guidance on dialects / accents so I can look them up. A link to Japanese script would be very useful too.

    Here's a tier list:

    Understand very well (sounds like standard Japanese): Edelgard, Hubert, Ashe, Ignatz, Ingrid, Dmitri, Annette, Seteth, Mercedes, Dorothea, Linhardt, Lysithea, Bernadetta, Lorenz, Hilda, Cyril

    Keigo: Rhea, Gilbert, Constance

    Sounds like Kansai: Caspar, Yuri(?)

    Kind of understand but use strange words: Hapi, Catherine, Dedue, Petra (sounds like me lmao), Ferdinand, Shamir, Raphael

    No idea what is going on and don't know why: Sylvain, Felix, Balthus, Claude

    Thanks for the help!

    EDIT: also if anyone has an anki deck for FE3H would be very interested lol. The vocabulary is very specific

    submitted by /u/hotrod911
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    FE12 Step 0.6: "YoUr ChOiCeS MaTtEr"

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    "THINK DIMITRI, THINK!" (blood warning)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Gaiden 0% Growths Promotionless - Act 3, Part 4

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Xanthe Huynh (voice of Marianne) is doing an AMA on r/dragonquest

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    Ninian and Sophia

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Has anyone made a comparison with them?

    It rather just hit me after viewing her support with Hawkeye:

    • Both are half-dragon
    • Both have a similar odd talking pattern (as if they're out of breath)
    • Both can sense omen or see a faint picture of the future
    • Both are priestesses
    • They kind of have similar facial features... or maybe it's the solemn look of their design?

    This made me think that Sophia can possibly wield a dragonstone and turn to one, just like Ninian in the plot of FE7? It's pretty much also shown that manaketes w/o their dragonstones are as weak and useless as civilians. Anyone who's played FE6 can vouch that Sophia has the absolute worst base stats and join time in the game... in any case, any thoughts about Dragonstone Sophia?

    It'd be cool seeing a Dragon Sophia alt in Heroes (I stopped playing it in 2018 but still check out the new characters from time to time), if they were able to make Ninian transformable in the game too. Although an Apocalypse alt would be equally as interesting...

    submitted by /u/iamdoneundergrad
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    Fire Emblem Complete Map Discussion Week 9-1: FE6 Chapter 8x - The Blazing Blade

    Posted: 04 Jun 2021 09:11 AM PDT

    Here's a Strawpoll to determine the map we'll be discussing for Week 10. Feel free to leave any suggestions for maps you'd like to look at (that aren't already listed in the index thread).

    Objective: Seize

    This map can only be accessed by saving Lilina on the previous chapter. Roy starts on the bottom right and has to make his way to the throne on the top left. In the middle is a huge hole, and upwards is a twisty albeit straightforward path to the throne. On the way are fire pillars that will shoot out of the ground and damage any unit that is standing on it.

    Discussion prompts

    • Was this map fun to play on?
    • Were the fire pillars well executed?
    • Could this map have been improved? If so, how?

    FEWOD's guide

    Index Thread

    submitted by /u/Mark1734
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