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    Monday, June 7, 2021

    Fire Emblem Tharja in her Heroes Plegian outfit

    Fire Emblem Tharja in her Heroes Plegian outfit

    Tharja in her Heroes Plegian outfit

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:52 PM PDT

    Carrion, Cain, Alva and Robert (FE5)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    I finished my collection. All CIB, took me 20 years to complete!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Forgive me Hapi

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    [OC] Lilina in an outfit that I don't have a good name for

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    [FE5 Anthology Translation] Conflicts Between Father and Son

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:12 PM PDT

    A little under two years ago, I decided to take up the journey of learning Japanese for various reasons. For practice I wanted to fan translation a short story revolving around Leif and Finn in an anthology comic book that is old enough to legally drink. These books are basically just worksafe doujinshi/fanfiction given the rubber stamp of approval. They are not to be considered canon and are fluff. But hey, it's a cute fluff piece and I find Finn and Leif's family bond to be one of the highlights of Thracia.

    Thank you to flarescans for scanning the original book. And thank you to my friends, who gave me lots of good advice and assisting with some lines I had trouble with. I hope you all enjoy, even with my amateur translation skills.

    Mediafire - Mirror Link

    submitted by /u/planetarial
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    Finishing Blow

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Lysithea artwork I completed in 2020

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:21 PM PDT

    How should FE implement Beast Units in the future?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:47 PM PDT

    For those who haven't played all the older entries, FE has had transforming dragon units since the start, with a few games forgoing them (fe 2/15, fe4, fe5, fe7, fe16). Generally this involves a unit that would normally have awful stats getting a major boost due to holding a limited-use stone.

    FE9 and FE10 expanded the idea of beast units into a whole archetype comprising about a third of the playable cast in both games, with birds, mammals, and dragons each having unique properties. These units transformed with a meter, and were incredibly weak and vulnerable when the meter was refilling but (theoretically) very strong while they were transformed. The transformation was limited by this meter, and some meter was spent for every round of combat and at the start of each turn. While untransformed, the meter filled at the start of each turn and whenever the units survived a round of combat.

    FE13 and FE14 paid homage to the tellius duo by including non-dragon beasts, however they operated nearly identical to dragons with a retexture and a few minor differences. They had a stone which allowed their transformations and gave them a boost to all stats while it was equipped, and it had limited uses like any other weapon.

    Personally, if FE were to revisit beast units (including dragons), I'd like to see a hybrid between the tellius series and normal beast mechanics. In most games, the dragons simply just feel like another unit, if a bit odd. They're a ball of stats with a limited-use weapon. In the tellius games, the meter management is interesting but the slightly higher-than-human average stats is not worth the inconsistency and lack of 1-2 range options. Also the pitiful exp gain in RD and relative weakness compared to promoted human classes in PoR hurts them even worse.

    I would like a hybridization of these systems- There are dragonstones/beaststones which have to be actively used (think laguz stones), however these are the only way to transform the units and there's no meter. The transformation could then last a fixed # of turns (perhaps larger beasts would have fewer uses per stone but they'd last more turns, or something like that), and the unit would be probably stronger than humans during those turns but lack the versatility of forged weapons or different weapon types. Additionally, having to dedicate a player phase to transforming every once in a while hinders their ability a bit, which is another tradeoff for higher stats. I think this could be a good hybrid of systems that makes the beast transformations feel more impactful than just a combat animation without hindering them into near-unusability like they do in Radiant Dawn.

    Comment below with any thoughts or other ideas!

    submitted by /u/dialzza
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    Geodedue used self destruct!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    Can someone explain how the Crest of Flames end up on this wall?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:00 PM PDT

    FE12 Step 1: The slaughter begins anew

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Inheritance Questions

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    My brother and I just started playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. We've never played FE before outside of Smash. Bro suggested it would be good to take advantage of a Perfect Armsthrift character so that we would have two characters with unbreakable weapons. I'm confused on what exactly I need to set up to make this a reality.

    According to Fire Emblem Wiki, a Luck-asset Robin's child (except Severa, Morgan, Noire or Yarne) can achieve this (45 luck standard, +4 from Luck-asset, +1 from child = 50 Luck).

    Bro also suggested that Galeforce would be useful since this Perfect Armsthrift unit would be doing a lot of killing. According to my Google search, Inigo, Severa, and Morgan are the children who can use both Armsthrift and Galeforce. Since the Wiki says Severa and Morgan may not work, that leaves Inigo. Inigo's page on Fire Emblem Wiki says that he's a Mercenary and gets Armsthrift automatically. I still need to pass on Galeforce though.

    Inigo is Olivia's child. Male Robin could be the other parent. To get Galeforce and Armsthrift onto Inigo, do I need to level up Olivia and then change her class to Dark Flier (so she learns Galeforce at lv15)? Then I could marry her with my Luck-Asset Male Robin and Inigo should get Armsthrift, Galeforce and have 50 Luck.

    Am I understanding the procedure correctly or am I missing/messing up steps?

    submitted by /u/MeridasAngel
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    TLP Unit Discussion Series Interest?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    The Last Promise is the most well-known FE romhack out there, to the point that some people lump it in with main series games. I noticed that the previous tier list never quite finished up (it was on the final round of resubs but never got a final thread). But also looking over that list, I noticed that it... was kinda weird with some placements. This got me thinking if TLP is really the kind of game that is best suited for a tier list, since it's not as widely played as main series entries, even if it is popular.

    However, I still think TLP has a lot of cool and interesting units, so I thought, instead of trying to do another tier list (which would most likely go very poorly), why not have a discussion series instead? Was thinking either 1 or 2 units per thread, not quite sure which. Does this sound interesting?

    submitted by /u/KrashBoomBang
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    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Merciless Mode LTC Chapters 19 and 20

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Chapter 19

    Not much to say here. Bantu recruits the boss and Julian and Rickard get a Spirit Dust. It's very trivial with Warp as unlike C18 there is no late recruitment to force us to play the map.

    Chapter 20

    This map has been what all of the training that was done throughout the game has been building up to. We want to Warp Marth to the Hammerne village as the staff is essential to keeping warp going for the rest of the run, Lena needs to be warped to the village to repair the warp staff as well as warp Marth to the throne. The issue is we need to get the warp staff to Marth and we can't deploy the convoy warp trick like we did before because all the drop items in difficult places to utilize. So to get the warp staff to the other side we set up a trade chain between Maria, Abel and Minerva who have just enough movement to get it done. We also want to recruit Lorenz but this can be accomplished in 3 turns without warp by just moving Caeda.

    Unfortunately the enemies aren't going to make this easy. There are 4 Paladins in the center with brave lances and they are in attack range of the village preventing Marth from safely visiting. There is also two Ballista with attack ranges on the village. We can take out one of them on turn 1 with our Ballista but the other one is too far away. To solve this Minerva and Caeda are able to wait outside it's attack range on turn 1 and then kill it on turn 2. Since Ballista's only can attack at 3-10 range, Marth and Lena can safely stand right next to it without being in danger. Caeda is chosen for this task as it also sets her up nicely to recruit Lorenz on turn 3. Minerva and Palla can switch roles on this map depending on Palla's levels but it turns out it's more reliable to use Minerva here as we want Palla's combat for a different task. The last issue is the Paladins. Not only do we need to bait them away so Marth can visit the village but also they can gang up on Minerva and Caeda and kill them easily. To solve this dilemma we need 4 units that can all see a round of combat from the Paladins and move into a position on turn 1 to actually bait them. We already have Caeda and Minerva(Needs a Wing if she never leveled speed) and Palla is also capable of doing it but the 4th candidate is tricky.

    The only classes that are able to reach a bit position are Dracoknight, Swordmaster, and Hero. Swordmaster is mathematically a worse option than Dracoknight in all cases so we can ignore it. When put into these classes the only prepromotes with the base stats to perform this that haven't been listed yet are Arran and Etzel, both units we do not have. This means our only option is to train a growth unit. When plugging in the numbers we find that the only good candidates that are able to hit the benchmarks are Cain, Abel, Ogma, Barst, Merric, Hardin, and Catria. Every other unit is either unlikely to get the job done or joins too late to reliably gain enough levels (Est and Linde). Of these candidates the ones that are the most efficient are Catria, Merric, and Barst who all can not only perform the task but do so without needing boosters. Catria doesn't need to rely on growth rates at all, she just need 5 levels while Merric and Barst need to grow hp once (Merric also needs 1 speed). When factoring in training cost I believe the most efficient unit to use is Merric with Catria not far behind. However in this clear I'm using Barst. The reason for this is that the Hero version of the clear is slightly more complicated in terms of movement and trading and I wanted to showcase it to prove that B class units are viable training candidates.

    The final piece to this maps puzzle is to kill the Paladins on the following turn. Jagen is one of the only other Ridersbane Dracoknights we have so he needs to contribute and Xane is able to copy Caeda to help out. Midia could be used but she is worse than both options. Barst is incapable of actually fighting the paladins but he is the only unit that will be close enough to help trade chain the ridersbane so Palla can kill the third paladin. The last paladin is taken out by a combination of our Ballista, Jeorge, Merric, and Cain. Cain is deployed instead of Samson despite having slightly worse hit rates because his hit is technically unnecessary if all others land and if a crit happens the enemy will trigger fortify and then we need him to weaken one of the paladins and he is more reliable at that thanks to his support with Abel. Speaking of Abel supports, an observant viewer may notice Abel was deployed in the previous 5 maps which develops a support between him and Palla. This is why we chose Abel to be the warp ferry boy because he can provide support for Palla on both Turns 1 and 2. This also demonstrates that there is no advantage to training Abel over any of the the other promotion candidates.

    Now that we have Hammerne at are disposal the game is about the fall apart.

    Overall CoS: 94.5%

    New Unit:

    Lorenz - Useless. There are only a few combat needs left in the game after this map and Lorenz isn't good at any of them. His base stats are not any better than the units we have and his weapon ranks aren't good enough to be interesting either.

    submitted by /u/Valkama
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    I'm not smart enough to play this game

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:52 PM PDT

    So I picked up 3 Houses after not playing a Fire Emblem game for over a decade, (my first and last game was Shadow Dragon on the DS and I made it through a fourth of the game before dropping it.) And I officially am lost when it comes to combat. I'm in the 3rd chapter and enemy units are constantly outspeeding me, doing double hits, and, in many cases, killing my units in one or two turns. I have experience with the genre, as Final Fantasy Tactics was one of my favorite games as a kid, but this is just overwheling me.

    I guess my main question is what the heck am I doing wrong? I keep my physical fighters (swords, axes, and lances) in the front and I try to keep my long range attackers in the back, but I'm consistently overwhelmed by the enemies, or I give them an opening and they decimate my back line. Also, if a character falls behind in levels, how are you supposed to catch them back up without them dying? I have a unit who's Lv 2 and we're fighting Lv 5 enemies and they just outspeed her and kill her without giving a chance to get xp.

    Any help would be preferable, as I'm already resetting the game and bringing it down to Casual mode instead of Classic. Also, it should be obvious, but no main story spoiners please. I started sith Edelgard's grouo, and I want to try and go in as blind as possible.

    submitted by /u/saxxy_assassin
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    Meganekko Florina (commission by @kakiko228 on Twitter)

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 06:59 PM PDT

    Looking for battle suggestions to convert to D&D

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    I've gotten really into Three Houses and I've been adapting some of the missions into encounters for my D&D group. I made a version of The Remire Calamity, having my party save civilians from some monsters, and i'm developing a pirate ship combat system inspired by the game's battalions.

    Do you have any favorite maps/battles/missions that you think may make for fun encounters? Some of the most interesting maps in Fire Emblem are the ones where your party starts in two different locations on the map, but it's hard to come up with reasons to split up the party sometimes.


    submitted by /u/G_I_Joe_Mansueto
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    Duke Gerth and Myson Crit Quotes

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I had recently found out that Duke Gerth and (I think it's hard to tell) Myson have unique crit quotes. Duke Gerth actually has uniq battle quotes all around including grunts and stuff, while Myson doesn't for gambit quotes at least. Does anyone know where a list of these quotes for these two characters would be if it exists?

    submitted by /u/TheGavinJJ
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    Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Merciless (H5) Warpless/Palla-less 0% Growth LTC Chapter 9

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 09:13 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem x War Gaming (Warhammer), would you play?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    So recently a few friends got me to try out Warhammer 40k and I am really enjoying it so far (well....my wallet isn't) and one thing I keep on thinking about while playing is "Man, Nintendo/IS could really just make a Fire Emblem war game". My wife who is a bigger FE fan than me said she would probably just collect the figures alone if they did it, but a few of my other friends think Nintendo/IS could make an interesting enough war gaming system and maybe even a simpler one to get more people into the hobby. If you do play war gaming games, would you try a FE one? And if you don't play, would a FE one get you to play (or at least buy the figures lol)

    Also for those who don't know what is/how to play Warhammer, here ya go (using Kill Team since it's a bit smaller scale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHDn-A5x9SQ

    submitted by /u/wwm0nkey
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