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    Wednesday, July 28, 2021

    Fire Emblem I was commissioned by Marth's VA Yuri Lowenthal to draw him! (Source in comments)

    Fire Emblem I was commissioned by Marth's VA Yuri Lowenthal to draw him! (Source in comments)

    I was commissioned by Marth's VA Yuri Lowenthal to draw him! (Source in comments)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    I drew timeskip Lysithea! [OC]

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    The Immaculate One(sie) (commission by @frogbiansVEVO)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    [Original Art] The Sacred Dancer, Ninian

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    "Fire Emblem CONCERT Band" Commission 11/30 - Piper Virion (Flute)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:05 AM PDT

    Byleth's cutscene incompetence really annoys me

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    So, Byleth is a fairly contreversial character in 3H recieving some love, but also a lot of hate from the fanbase due to how their overall character and role as an avatar were handeled. I'm not here to talk about my thoughts on Byleth overall, but there is one spect that annoys me about Byleth in particular and it's cutscene incmpetence. For those of you that don't know cutscene incompetence is when a character is presented as capable and strong in the lore and gameplay, but once a cutscene rlls around they lose most of their intelligence and become incompetent and this fits Byleth like a glove. As a reminder, Byleth has the power to reverse time (one of the most OP powers ever), along with having access to a sword that is said to cut mountins in half and is considered to be not only an incredebly strong fighter, but very intelligent as well. The characters in game cannot stop talking about how amazing Byleth is, so how do they become such idiots once the cutscenes roll around. Simple, because the plot needed to happen and the writers couldn't think of any other way to create conflict aside from making Byleth an idiot as they are just too OP otherwise.

    Te beginning of the game features Byleth standing in the way of Kotas attacking Edelgard, while Edelgard is in a battle ready position and is expecting an attack, but I guess Byleth felt the need to help out. OK, so how do they stop Kotas. Do they easely disarm him, do they use their sword to block the blow just like Lucina did easely in Awakening, do they attack Kotas from the side or the back, or any number of other options? No, they jump in the way like an idiot. This is Byleth, the Ashen Demon, someone whose trained with the best knight on the continent their entire life, how are you this stupid? And after reversing time they easely defeat Kotas, so even the game acknowledges how stupid the entire cutscene is.

    OK, but everyone makes mistakes, it happens. So, the next time Byleth is in a combat situation they actually use Divine Pulse, once. They also reverse time for a few seconds. In the game we're shown Byleth can reverse from the end of a battle to the beginning of it, which should mean they can reverse time for a copule of minutes at least. Reverse time even further, so that you can escape with Jeralt before Kronya gets close. But Sotis says that it must have been destiny for Jeralt to die there as they couldn't save him even when they reversed time. This is contradicted in the story itself as at the beginning of the game Byleth is about to die, but then they reverese time to save themselves. So, was it just not Byleth's destiny to die there? Would they have just gotten baldy injured, but still survived if Kotas hit them with his axe? How does this entire destiny thing work Sothis? Did Byleth also just run out of DP? The map beforehand usually isn't that difficult, were the devs thinking the map would be so though that the players would use up all their DP's? It isn't.

    Soon afterwards, Byleth is chasing after Kronya and gets trapped. Now, I'm gonna give Byleth the benefit of the doubt here and say he/she couldn't have used Divine Pulse as the spell was made to defeat Sothis, so it neutralises her powers. It would've been nice if the game said so, but we'll let it slide. But this is the only time.

    So, after giving Byleth the benefit of the doubt let's criticise them now. Byleth gets blasted off a cliff and falls into a coma or gets thrown over a cliff by Rhea (it's unclear). Now, some people say that this is also a spell that stops DP, but how? Whenever you fight Thales in the game even if you get killed by him Byleth can still use Divine Pulse. Is this some kind of one off spell Thales never uses for some reason? And the argument of Byleth not remebering to use Divine Pulse because it's a high stress situation doesn't work as even if they're killed in the game they can still reverse time implying that DP is also an automatic type of trigger that activates whenever Byleth is in serious danger, otherwise they would get killed if they didn't expect an attack. Reminder that as shown by Spthis S support she never left you, so she can use DP as well to prevent Byleth from falling of said cliff like an idiot. Did they run out of DP's again? I know that hoarding is a pitfall, but you gotta conserve some uses too Byleth.

    Now, I'm also going to give the duel with Edelgard the benefit of the doubt as while Byleth could've just captured her it could be interprted as disrespectful, so they didn't out of the respect they have for Edelgard. Kinda weird, but I'll still give it a pass.

    Moving on to more complaining, after defeating Thales Byleth just stand there and lets him activate the nukes. Byleth, you can just reverse to this point, use your super long sword and kill Thales, that's it. No need for Rhea to almost die because of that. If you tell me Byleth just ran out of DP's again I'm gonna ask aall of the characters start calling tem incompetent.

    And finally the really big one, Rodrigue's death. As every father or father figure, besides Eliwood, must die in FE Rodrigue had to die, so that Dimitri could have two dead dads. Rodrigue acts like an idiot too, but Byleth just decides to let Rodrigue die. Reverse time you idiot and no, by this point the "They ran otu of Divine Pulses" excuse doesn't work. Now, some people just say that Byleth let Rodrigue die to teach Dimitir a lesson and if that's the case then Byleth is one really cruel and stupid. You really think that Dimitri watching his father figure die in his hands would make his mental state better (it does, but it happens to work out through luck) and leaving Felix without a father is totally a nice thing to do.

    The main problem is Divine Pulse being tied to the main story and as time manipulation powers are hard to write around the writers just gave up. This coud be forgiven if Byleth was a more down to earth type of protagonist, but as IS wanted to also to make all the characters like the avatar in order to fufill the self-insert part of the game, Byleth needs to be the most amazing mercenary to ever mercenary, but also have access to a bunch of super overpowered powers and items. It just doesn't mesh well and creates a lot of inconsictencies. A better example is Milla's turnwheel introduced in Echoes. It plays a very minor role in the story and it can be interpreted as seeing the future instead of reversing time, so it creates a lot less inconsistentices. Alng with that, Echoes cleverly writes around the turnwheel, so that there is rarely ever a situation which Alm or Celica would've been put in serious danger by, aside from those that they were already in before getting saved. When the next FE game features te inevitable time reversal mechanic I hop Is takes more inspiration from Milla's turnwheel, rather than Divine Pulse as to how it's handeled in the story itself.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    A Nifl i made for a friend, hope you guys like it.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Vajra-Mushti in real life (credit to interesting af)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:06 PM PDT

    So…people already posted Olivia and Inigo art today. I also got a commission in from Hakuyaid. I guess we’re having a field day with Olivia art.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    Theory: Heroes is a capitalist mobile game created by Anna

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    As we all know, the events of Heroes include Anna as the main protagonist, even though she hardly has any connection to the story. This is clearly explained when you first open the game. Anna meets the Summoner and explains that she has found the legendary weapon, Breidablik, which is able to summon heroes from different timelines. This was obviously given this much attention to ensure htat players wouldn't miss out on this crucial detail. However, as is common in Heroes, this free content doesn't give us the full picture.

    The truth is that the story of Heroes isn't based on some ancient legends. Anna is a smart woman, as proven by her countless schemes to extort money. Anna recognizes that the Summoner is a naive idiot and doesn't want to destroy their childlike immersion. So, Anna witholds the truth. What is the truth, you ask?

    Askr and Embla do exist as some legends, but these stories aren't ancient. They are capitalist schemes.

    Think about it. Legends are stories first and foremost, usually delicately crafted to convey a specific message. But in the Story Mode of Heroes, the stories are full of deus ex machinae and the Summoner learns nothing.

    Capitalist scheme mobile games, on the other hand, are only occassionally consumed for the plot. If we accept that Heroes is a mobile game whose only purpose is to take your money, it excuses the lack of actual character development while explaining the hot springs, lack of women with pants, incest, and above average breast sizes.

    Therefore, if we except that Heroes is a story-based game, it is far more reasonable that it is a money-laundering trap than a legend.

    This leaves one crucial question: If we accept that Heroes is a work of capitalism, then who is its creator?

    There can only be one answer.

    We are looking for a person who is so completely and utterly obsessed wiht money that they would invalitade the entire premise of the Story Mode just to let the Summoner and Loki bang. A person who is so greedy that they would send non-voluntary softcore porn of their friends for a quick buck. A true schemer who always has a plan to get richer. That person's name?


    Think about it. The secondary protagonists, people who appear in different iterations of fanservice, or that weird edgy loli, were clearly written by Anna to increase the demand for their alts. Every time a summer banner appears, Anna gets another paralogue of trying to sell the heroes' swimsuit pics. Heroes' Anna is far more heroic and a much more developed character than any other Anna. She is also able to lead every other hero, which explains their obedience when compared to their enemy counterparts.

    Anna also has no understanding of what makes a person likable, as evidenced by her repeated failed attempts to exploit others. This explains why Sharena, one of the protagonists, has almost no likable personality traits and yet is worshipped by almost every other story character.

    Oh, and you know why there are heroes from all the other games? Anna has taken part in all of them. Well, except Gaiden. But just because you don't see her in the game doesn't mean she doesn't see you. So, Anna actually personally knows about everything all the heroes have done.

    In summary, Heroes is not a story-driven game, but a capitalist mobile game to get your money by Anna, likely a gacha given the fact that there are so many alternative costumes you have to roll randomly unless you pay extra. I believe I've proven this theory irrefutably so don't even bother trying to debunk it because I'm not going to waste my time humoring you with an argument.

    TLDR; Heroes is a capitalist money game created by Anna

    submitted by /u/roczo2
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    Archanea collection

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 08:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    Modern Genny

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Inigo Profile card for FE3H. I commissioned MissHanaMura, please check out her Twitter for other great art! (Inigo’s story in comments)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    I designed a Summer Florina outfit :)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 02:23 PM PDT

    Do you want a new artist for the next Fire Emblem game, or do you want a previous artist to return?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Related question: Regardless of whether or not it's possible, would you prefer to see a new artist every new game, or for the series to keep the same designer, similar to how Hirota Mayumi designed the characters for Kaga's series post-Genealogy?

    I know based on trends, the next artist will be new to the series, but I'd love to see a return of Chinatsu Kurahana or Hidari.

    submitted by /u/naginagina
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    Byelth modeling (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    I finish the Fe6 Ironman after 5 runs and getting the God ending in both routes. I have fixed the ones that I put wrong by mistake and others that I realise I underestimated them after the answers in the comments giving good points of why I was underestimating them.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    The development history of Fire Emblem Fates (Video Essay)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Three Houses is not only becoming my most played game ever, but also the game I replayed the most of any game and of any Fire Emblem game in the series

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I have one small complaint on the game though: They still never improved the icons on the mini map/map in the Monastery. Theres way too many purple triangles which makes it really hard to see which one I am. On top of that, when I do know which one is mine, its really hard to tell the direction im going in.

    But it would be nice if they gave us more optional quests to do. And maybe a "challenge" quest where after we beat the game, we use our characters to try win against super tough enemies, like way tougher than in the main story of the game. It can be a repeating quest and the enemy units and map are different each time.

    submitted by /u/reddituser8672
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    "What If?" Wednesdays, Epilogue: Directory

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 07:54 PM PDT

    Hey all;

    I wanted to finish things up with a "master post" including all of the chapters in the series. I've really enjoyed the chance to do this, and appreciate everyone's participation thus far. I figured having them all in one place could be a good resource.

    Prologue: Speculative Gameplay Discussion

    Chapter 1: Half-Blooded Holy Weapons?

    Chapter 2: Sword of... Master Seals?

    Chapter 3: "You, Crimean Knights. How Much Weight... Can you Handle?"

    Chapter 4: It Takes a Village... or Does it?

    Chapter 5: Sorry Vaike, but Class (Change) is Cancelled

    Chapter 6: The Skies, they are a-Changin'

    Chapter 7: Meddling Peddlers

    Chapter 8: This Time, it's Personal Skills

    Chapter 9: It's a Long Way to Vulnerary

    Chapter 10: "Seven-Nation Armads"; or, "My Ragnell"

    Chapter 11: Yes, We Canto!

    Chapter 12: Ow, the (Wind) Edge

    Chapter 13: Weird Weapon Wieldings

    Chapter 14: Archest of Archers

    Chapter 15: Glitchy Dragonskin

    Chapter 16: Swinging Spooky Swords... and Axes

    Chapter 17: InXane in the Membrane

    Chapter 18: Don't Fear the Reaver

    Chapter 19: Seizing the Means of Victory

    Chapter 20: That's My Horse!

    Chapter 21: The More, the Barrier!

    Chapter 22: Pro(tagonist)s and Cons(cription)

    Chapter 23: Growers versus Showers

    Chapter 24: To Wield a Shield

    Chapter 25: Enter the Dragon

    Chapter 26: What's in a Name?

    Chapter 27: Shot through the Heart, and Takumi's to Blame

    Chapter 28: The Ledge-end of Hilda: A Link Between Tiles

    Chapter 29: Ladies and Not-so-gentle-Blades

    Chapter 30: Luck of the Ylisse

    Chapter 31: Leaf Me Alone!

    Chapter 32: Recover, or Re-Clobber

    Chapter 33: Wacky Wednesday

    Chapter 34: Earning your Wings

    Chapter 35: Steal Sword

    Chapter 36: Master Seal, Master... Staff?

    Chapter 37: Save on Staves, Memorize your Magic!

    Endgame: Origin's End

    Anyway, did you have any favorites from this series? Or, were there any topics you wished would be covered, that simply weren't? Let me know in the comments!

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    Where do i find this

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:49 PM PDT

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