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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Fire Emblem Summer Mercedes WIP (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Fire Emblem Summer Mercedes WIP (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Summer Mercedes WIP (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Camilla, finally got around to draw her for a friend

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    Tellius doodles hour

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    I drew Tiki!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Trying out pixel art starting with Midori!!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Azura cosplay by me!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    "Fire Emblem CONCERT Band" Commission 12/30 - Leo F Horny... I'm sorry

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Lissa hits the beach!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:03 PM PDT

    [OC] I drew smol Marth

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Basara is a weird class (Fates Class Analysis)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:07 AM PDT


    I've been playing Fates a lot recently – I did an Ironman of Conquest, and am playing Birthright for the very first time. The element of 'duality', the split between Hoshido and Nohr, resulted in a few interesting quirks of the gameplay – notably, the deluge of new classes required to both split the classes equally between the two nations and still have enough gameplay variety. One of these new classes stands out in just how unusual it is – the Basara. The promotion of Diviner (Mage equivalent) and Spear Fighter (Soldier equivalent), this is a hybrid footlocked physical/magic class that uses tomes and lances. While this is a first for the series, the weirdness of the class extends beyond this - in gameplay, availability, and appearance. So, today, I wanna talk about it a bit. (full list of sources at the end)



    Basara is a hybrid class, so already things are an uphill battle. In exchange for being able to hit on both Def and Res, the stats of the class are painfully middling (for bases and growths), with the only standout improvement being in Luck, the best stat1 . Tomes and Lances are fairly good weapon types, providing weapon triangle control and several powerful weapons (e.g. Horse Spirit and Guard Naginata), which can make up for some of the stat mediocrity. The caps of A lances and B tomes are acceptable enough, being able to use almost all of the useful weapons. However, the footlocked nature of the class really doesn't help at all, with no extra movement or flying to help out. In addition, Basara is pretty awful at being a backpack as the pairup bonuses of +5 Luck and +3 Res aren't very good – situational defense, and nothing offensively useful2 . So, in terms of stats and utility, things aren't great for the Basara. However, Fates also gives promoted classes two skills (at Level 5 and 15), and here is where things get interesting.

    The Level 5 skill is called Rend Heaven, and that name alone automatically pushes Basara up to S tier because holy shit that's cool. It has a pretty weird effect, providing a bonus to your might equal to half the enemies Str or Mag, depending on whether you are using a Str or Mag-based weapon, with a proc rate of Skillx1.5. At first glance this seems great – the skill procs often, and you get a bunch of extra might every time it does. However, in practice things are a bit murkier, because for a hybrid class why are you attacking physical units with Str weapons or magical units with Mag weapons? If you attack, say, a General with a tome or an Onmyoji with a lance, you might get 2 extra might every once in a while, and you don't want to fight them on their own turf due to Basara's mediocre stats. The skill only truly shines against other hybrid units (Maids, Dark Knights, Malig Knights, Oni Chieftans, Adventurers, and other Basara), as at least then they have high Str AND Mag (guaranteeing some extra might). So, Rend Heaven gives Basara the extremely weird niche of a hybrid unit that counters other hybrid units.

    The Level 15 is Quixotic, and I'm not gonna lie it's weird that a class heavily derived from Japanese culture has a skill name referring to Don Quixote. Being synonymous with extreme idealism and impracticality, the skill provides +30 Hit and +15% skill activation to you… AND your opponent. This skill is therefore in the vein of Life or Death, being extremely strong but having a large drawback. The hit bonus is very nice as it basically ensures 100% hit rates even against weapon triangle disadvantage, though unfortunately this would be even more useful for axes and Basara doesn't have access to them. Rend Heaven and your other skills have pretty absurd proc rates with the activation bonus, but (as said previously) you really want some better skills than Rend Heaven to activate off of this. Facing most normal enemies is fine with this, as Basara wasn't gonna do any dodgetanking anyway, but some bosses can become extremely scary with the extra skill proc rate. So yeah, this skill is definitely the better of the two, but still has its downsides.

    While all of this seems OK, it is important to remember that Basara has competition from other classes – most directly, Onmyoji3 and Spear Master4 . These two fully specialise in their sides of the offensive spectrum, and so have more focused bases and growths. In addition, while they lose control of the weapon triangle, each class gets their own benefits – Onmyoji with staff utility, and Spear Master having exclusive access to the S rank lance (the Waterwheel, which is pretty dope). Also, Onmyoji and Spear Master have their own set of skills we need to account for. Onmyoji has the solid Rally Magic and fantastic Tomefaire, while Spear Master has great skills in Seal Speed and Lancefaire, plus +10 crit and dodge innately. Basara may have more interesting skills, but there is no denying the raw strength of the skills of Spear Master and Onmyoji.

    So overall, at least in a white-room scenario, Basara has some middling stats, poor utility, and some good skills that work better on other classes – an overall downgrade from its direct competition. However, how do things shake out in the context of the games?


    Standard Availability

    To talk about how Basara works in terms of the games we need to talk about the units that can become them, and when you get them. I've split this up into the three games, talking about the units that can directly get into the class (via promotion or Heart Seal), plus any capturable units from the main story or paralogues. Other options, including partner/friendship seals and children are discussed in the following sections. All the relevant info discussed in these sections was taken from here5 6 7


    Of the adult units that can directly become basara, we have Orochi, Hayato, Kagero, Reina and Kayden (Diviner), and Hinoka, Oboro, Takumi (Spear Fighter). side note isn't it weird that there are almost no spear fighters in fates. Corrin can also become a basara if their talent is set as Diviner or Spear Fighter. To be frank, none of these units are cut out for Basara. The only units with OKish growths in both magic and strength (after applying Basara) are Corrin, Hayato, Oboro and Hinoka, and each of these has their own separate issues. Corrin has no sword access so they can't use the Yato (plus the opportunity cost is horrific when comparing to, say, Paladin or Master Ninja), Hayato has horrific bases in… everything, Oboro has 0 magic at base (plus she's infinitely better in Spear Master), and Hinoka has trashfire offenses that Basara really doesn't fix (merely making both sides mediocre). Of these, the most usable are Corrin and Hayato, and neither really wants to be in it anyway.

    OK, so what about capture? Well, you face no capturable Basara in the main story at all, and the only capturable Basara (if I remember correctly) is the boss of Selkie's paralogue, a dude named Daichi8 . Looking at his wiki page, he's very underwhelming, with meh stats and no skills (even on Lunatic). Maybe you could get a decent one through Challenge battles? Other options include reclassing/promoting units in the Diviner/Spear Fighter line, but then you run into the fact that their bases and growths really don't like being mixed offense. Overall, not a great start.


    The only 'normal' unit who can become a Basara in Conquest is Corrin. That is not a joke – they are the only unit that can access the Diviner or Spear Fighter class sets. This really isn't an option outside of memeing considering that Corrin really wants a good class set, but it is a funny meme. For example, when using a magic tome-based corrin, I chose them to have a Diviner talent, took them through Onmyoji for those sick stats and skills, had a detour through Basara for the skills, and then into Nohr Noble for a hilariously overkill Dragonstone and tome user.

    Edit: As some comments pointed out, Nyx!Nina can also get into Basara - due to how class sets work, Nyx's adventurer set is converted to Diviner. Nina's probably trash in Basara, as she would have negative bulk and no relevant weapon ranks.

    The only other way is via capture. While capturable Diviners/Spear Fighters and their promotions are common enemies throughout Conquest (god bless Haitaka), their stats don't favour Basara, similar to Birthright. The only capturable Basara are available in Chapter 239 , i.e. Takumi's wall, and here they are pretty good! Not only do they have solid stats, but they have some pretty sweet skills on Hard and Lunatic: some have rally strength or speed, some have lunge, some have armoured blow, some have darting blow, and one even has Life or Death. While these guys are neat, it's important to remember that this is almost at the end of the game, so these guys have very limited utility. No Conquest paralogues have capturable Basara.


    Basically, its Birthright, as you literally can't capture any Basara in the main story as by the time promoted enemies become common every enemy is a V*llite. Oh what fun.

    So overall, while you COULD get some use out of Basara from 'default' units or guys you capture, it's basically inferior in all aspects compared to Onmyoji or Spear Master – you'd only dip into it for skills. However, Fates has a few mechanics that makes things REALLY interesting…


    Partner/Friendship Seal Availability

    While reclassing might not be as crazy as in Three Houses, Partner and Friendship seals allow you to pull off some crazy shit, sharing classes around to units who normally can't get them. In Birthright and Revelation you can spread Diviner/Spear Fighter (and therefore Basara) around pretty easily, but in Conquest you can only do this via Corrin (so, again, massive opportunity cost). I'll only cover units that could be pretty interesting (read – not garbage):


    • Azama – decent magic and great strength, with pre-existing lance rank if sealed from Great Master
    • Sakura – lol. Passable stats but E rank hell is not fun.
    • Saizo – E rank hell, but has surprisingly great magic growth (if a poor base), so his statline is fine. Also, Quixotic Lethality awakens things in me.
    • Swordmasters – bad stats, but Quixotic with Astra sounds funny


    • Odin – Odin Dark has a mighty proposition: Promote him into Sorcerer, get him Vengeance, then into Swordmaster for Astra, then into Basara for Rend Heaven. Not only are these cool move names, but his mixed statline is a great fit for basara, and Quixotic gives him 100% skill activation rate. What's not to love? please, someone do this. I wanna see it happen
    • Niles – Viable statline, but lmao. No skills to speak of, plus lose staff utility
    • Camilla – as above, but lose better utility
    • Leo – maybe something with vengeance? Either way, loses his mount, though stats work out really nicely
    • Your butlers - Jakob especially, with his more mixed statline and Luna access


    Child Units:

    Oh boy, here's where the fun begins. You know those useless pairs where you get decent strength and magic but nothing else? Well, turns out that Basara REALLY love those conditions. For example, in my current birthright run I paired Orochi and Saizo, giving an Asugi with great Strength and Magic. One Heart Seal later, and my boi is taking ass and kicking names – great stats with lethality to boot. Other children that work well this way include Nina, Ophelia, Kana, Dwyer, Mitima, and Caeldori. Just pair your units well to ensure great magic and strength (and ideally some proc skills), and watch in awe! yes, onmyoji and spear master are still probably better, but this is the best basara is gonna get

    So yeah: Basara is mediocre compared to other class options, but it really shines in reclassing options and children. But we're not done yet!


    Aesthetic and Cultural Influence

    Whilst I play Fire Emblem, I'm not Japanese or a weeb – a rarity, I know. Because of this, I had absolutely no idea what 'Basara' even meant when starting out this project. So, off to google I went!

    That… really wasn't very helpful. OK, what about the symbols used on the good wiki1 ?

    I don't think that's right. But there's also a Chinese translation…?

    Oh fuck off.

    Right, so that was a waste of time. Googling the term also isn't helpful, as the first few results all talk about various anime and manga, none of which explain what Basara actually means. Fortunately, 2 links do give some actually helpful insight.

    Basically, 'Basara' actually refers to a specific cultural and aesthetic trend in 14th century Japan10 11 . It is defined by its excess, in dress, behaviour and consumption. People dressed flamboyantly in colourful loose clothes, and the lowly showed a lack of respect towards the elite. So, in summary, Basara are hella based.

    You can see how this resulted in the design of the class12 13 . You've got loads of colours, some weird shoulder hoop things, and the clothing sure is loose. Your bois also have some pretty dope tengu masks. You can see how this is an evolution of the Diviner and Spear Fighter classes, of which there is an excellent post about here14 . Pretty much all of this exists in the actual 3D models as well. Finally, the generic Basara are just… the best1 . Look at his smug look, I love him.



    Basara are some of the most unusual classes in the entirety of Fire Emblem. A middling statline with poor pairup bonuses, but blessed by a completely unique weapon set (outside of FE4 Master Knights) and some utterly wild skills. Most units really prefer other classes, but if the stars aline you can make some utterly monstrous Basara. This is all complemented by a weirdly specific cultural influence with no direct point of comparison. So, the next time you pick up Fates, don't discount the Basara – you could have a great time.

    1 https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Basara

    2 https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Basara

    3 https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Onmyoji

    4 https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Spear_Master

    5 https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/class-sets/

    6 https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/base-stats/

    7 https://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/growth-rates/

    8 https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Daichi

    9 https://fireemblemwiki.org/wiki/Possessed

    10 https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/38540

    11 https://www.japanese-wiki-corpus.org/history/Basara.html

    12 https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Basara?file=BasaraFem.png

    13 https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Basara?file=BasaraMale.png

    14 www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/ndez7h/fire_emblem_fates_and_its_sharedbuiltupon_class/

    submitted by /u/greydorothy
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    Caspar Zine Previews

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:22 AM PDT

    OC The Young Lion - a Pokemon crossover! ����(Twitter: @ProbablyMakes)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    What gameplay features do you want see return in a future Fire Emblem game?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Echoes' ghost towns

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    If you've experienced FE Echoes' Act 6, you probably have visited a few villages for leftover side-quests, the blacksmith or other things. I did too and, during this current Blitzkrieg playthrough, I've been thinking the same thing upon entering any NPC area...

    They aren't meant to last.

    Am I the only one who is very, VERY disappointed that Act 6 removes any and all NPCs? If we look at Furia Harbor, it's the last place you can see non-side-quest NPCs. Yes, they have no dub, but we can read (obviously)... Imagine a version of FE Echoes in which we can during Act 6 see a few NPCs in each location, discussing the post-war efforts of reconstruction or reacting to the new king and queen and their close guard visiting them.

    I am a simple man: give me a world that feels alive and I'll be at worst satisfied, at best immersed. But now? Now I'm enjoying all these charming people of Valentia, knowing they will die soon, not even replaced with voiceless variations...

    submitted by /u/ThelosSensei
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    Vampire Corrin I drew for a Halloween Event on tumblr some years ago

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:34 AM PDT

    Here's a drawing of Elen without a veil done by me

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Was wandering around on YouTube and found this hidden gem

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    Three Houses Speedrun - Azure Moon World Record in 1:19:42 featuring Magic Dedue!!!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    Did you like Fates?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    I actually got into Fire Emblem when I saw a commercial for it and I loved the different story routes you could take! Personally, I'm a sucker for a happy ending, so I loved Revelation. I loved the characters and the story, and the romance and kids was an unexpected bonus! Now, I wasn't sure I'd like it because I usually prefer games that arent one and done (that is, if there's another instalment, I like to see the same characters). I also suck at gameplay, so Phoenix mode was a lifesaver--one I didn't get in 3 Houses or Awakening.

    I actually played Awakening next and I got stuck because I suck at playing, lol. The story was great and a lot of fans praise how having kids plays into the overall story rather than being thrown in like in Fates. I had mixed feelings because they were involved in such a bittersweet way, though I loved all of the characters. Romance wasn't really on my mind during this game since same-sex options weren't available, but I hooked up everyone else when I could.

    I played 3 Houses next. Loved the same-sex options (though I was said female MCs had more options than male MCs), the diverging routes, the open exploration, and the avoidance of the whole dating your students thing, though I did miss having kids and not being able to marry until after the war (I mean, it makes sense, but we couldn't at least reach S-support?), plus having to find your dad's ring in order to get married.

    Anyway, I've heard that a lot of people don't view Fates as well as Awakening or 3 Houses, and I wanted to know if I was alone in it being a favorite in the series.

    submitted by /u/SynergySilhouette
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    Birth of the Holy Knight - Full Arrangement

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Ullr: The Bowmaster

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:10 AM PDT

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