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    Friday, November 26, 2021

    Fire Emblem I drew gunmaster Mercedes

    Fire Emblem I drew gunmaster Mercedes

    I drew gunmaster Mercedes

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 10:31 AM PST

    Cursed crossover sorry (OC)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:20 PM PST

    Art of Byleth brushing Hilda’s hair that I commissioned from Perl on Twitter

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 05:57 AM PST

    I do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 04:09 AM PST

    I finished my Enlightened One alternate costume for Smash Byleth! I hope you enjoy!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:27 PM PST

    [OC] Mischievous Morgans! ����

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 11:53 AM PST

    1950s style Manuela (Commission)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:20 AM PST

    While you were having Thanksgiving dinner, i cosplayed the Silque

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 06:19 PM PST

    Complete Fire Emblem Armory Collection (so far) with the new Binding Shield

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:01 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 04:18 PM PST






    3. DON'T BE A DICK



    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    Drew the world-class berserker

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Rate My Marianne

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 08:51 AM PST

    So what do we know what happened in Fates' development cycle that led the story to becoming what it is? How much was cut/rewritten in the final product?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 11:40 AM PST

    It's to my understanding that there seems to be plenty of rumors and misinformation that Fates had some kind of "secret good story" to it that was cut by 70% in its entirety. Now obviously, there's no information (to my knowledge) on where that rumor spawned from, but what is known is that Shin Kibayashi, the original writer of Fire Emblem Fates' core concept and script, ended up originally being planned to do only 10 pages at a minimum for the story, but he got so passionate that he wrote upwards of 500 pages for Birthright alone, and was asked to write a similar amount for the other two routes. This led the final product of the first draft being around 1,500 words, give or take.

    Of course, it's not known exactly how good those 1,500 words are, but what is known is that there's a lot of lore that isn't revealed in the game that's mentioned in The Making of Fire Emblem – 25th Anniversary Development Secrets, Awakening and Fates (link) - Hoshido and Nohr are the names of the two continents they're on, there was originally a Lightning Tribe where Mount Garou was but got replaced with the Wolfskin Tribe due to technical issues, the fact that each of the Five Holy Weapons represented the sun, moon, earth, and sky (which explains the symbol that comes up repeatedly in Fates but is never talked about), the names of the other Twelve Dragons (including how Takumi was originally supposed to transform into the Dawn Dragon form we see in concept art). I think it would be safe to assume based on this mere fraction of what's gone from the final product that Fates has a lot of hidden symbolism behind its imagery and designs, but sadly never had the time nor pacing to be able to demonstrate them.

    To quote the interview in question of Kibayashi's draft:

    Kibayashi: But I did feel that some parts were a little bit unsatisfying. My daughter, who was in high school at the time, said, "I want to play, too." So I gave her one, and she played so quickly. She kept playing so I asked her, "It's really that much fun?" and she said, "You should take this job!"

    Yokota (reverently): I'm so grateful.

    Kibayashi: She said, "But the story is kind of cliché, so I think you could make it even better." (laughs)

    All: (laugh)

    Iwata: She meant, "You've got to step up to the plate, Dad."

    Kibayashi: That's right. So I looked into the work I had planned, and the schedule was really crazy, but there were a few things I could push back. And they told me that I only needed to write 10 pages for each of the three storylines.

    Maeda: Right. Since he's so busy, I thought we could just ask him to write about ten pages for a plot summary.

    Kibayashi: So I thought, "Well, I could do that." Then I started writing the story about the Hoshido family. I ended up using 10 pages on just the beginning. I ended up writing about 500 pages.

    Maeda: Right.

    Kibayashi: When I create a story, as I write the details, like the character's lines, I start to love the characters and then they take on a life of their own, and the story begins to move on its own. So there was no way I could just write a short plot summary and be done with it.

    Iwata: And without lines, the characters won't come to life.

    Kibayashi: That's right. So I ended up writing a huge amount and I thought, "Well, this has become quite the task." So I gave them the pages for the first storyline for the Hoshido family and I had to write the same amount for the other two stories. I said, "There's no way I can do that." But then once I got started...I did it.

    All: (laughs)

    Kibayashi: I thought, "I really am an idiot." But I kept going. I ended up writing so much that it could be turned into about two books.

    Now, what does that bring the overall question to what happened in Fates' development that led to the story being so disastrously ill-received?

    From what I understand it and am willing to fathom on, it seems to be an issue with development time left and the original script - to whatever knowledge exists - being passed down ala the telephone game to different writers. In particular, IntSys hired a writing company to write the supports, and given the discrepancies between the script and the final product, it can be assumed there was a lack of communication between teams, which is why several supports seem so uncharacteristically goofy given the otherwise morose tone of Fates.

    Now it doesn't remain known how much of the script was cut and how much it meets the image of the original story, but I don't think that the full concept was shallow given how much detail was often left out of the main story. From what I understand it is that much of it ended up being seriously condensed and often left with no time in between beats to explain its scenes or often using numerous MacGuffins to drive the story along forward (i.e. the Crystal Ball, Leo's Teleportation Tome, the Valla Curse, the Hoshidan Throne, etc.). Given that these MacGuffins were by and large a massive reason and contributor to the negative reception of the work, it comes to my understanding that they weren't there necessarily by choice but in order to help string along the story due to how much could've been cut.

    Of course, keep in mind that's educated guesswork.

    We don't know every detail about what happened in Fates' development cycle, and I'm not certain if we ever will. However, from what I understand, two things seems to be very possible: that the script was edited and changed due to miscommunication and time differences. That's as far as I'm aware of, though, so if anyone has any additional information or sources, that'd be amazing.

    I loved Fates, and ultimately the game's one of my favorite of all time due to the characters, gameplay, and themes alongside the setpieces and amazing presentation. The story was always flawed, but I was always more patient due to seeing the sheer amount of effort put into the visual imagery of the world on the wholesale, which has gotten me rather curious what we know and what we don't know then. If there exists a full script of the game, I hope it's used to its full potential in an Echoes-esque remake of Fates for the far future.

    Anyways, tell me what you think in the comments below! Is there any additional information you know of that I don't? I'd love to hear what you want to say, and I hope you have a nice day. ^^

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    Darios (Commission for @MemieTroubador on Twitter)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Mana Emblem Mana Emblem (OC)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:15 PM PST

    Do I need to play any other games beforehand? This is my first FE game.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:49 PM PST

    I drew Sothis

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 07:03 PM PST

    Rise above, Fire Emblem 8 Ocarina medley

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 05:40 PM PST

    I started a blind run of Shadow Dragon. It's really fun!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 02:04 PM PST

    Hey guys, Sorin here. I am a game designer by trade, and I am working on a number of projects that center around JRPG and Tactical games. In order to better my understand of the genres, I am playing through some of the classics to find what works and what doesn't. Today, I started playing Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. It would be awesome to share the experience with you all!


    submitted by /u/FayteTV
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    Some days ago I posted a pic of my Tharja costume and a lot of you liked it so here's more! I wanna redo it all over again because the belt part is way too big and it doesn't really stick to my body and same for the gold part of the bra! What do you think about it? (Insta: hana.cos)

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 11:39 AM PST

    FE: Radiant Dawn - How do I get the Dawn Brigade up in levels efficiently?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 02:24 PM PST

    So I don't know if anyone's actually gonna answer this since RD is such an old game, but recently I really wanted to pick it up again.

    I've had one playthrough already, I'm on my second one now. I really want the Dawn Brigade to catch up in levels because I wanna try fighting against Ike's group in the chapter where you defend the castle. I really tried my best this time, but my Dawn Brigade is still 10 levels behind, except for Sothe because he carried a Paragon.

    I only trained these: Miccy, Sothe, Nolan, Edward (he turned out a beast for me), Zihark, Jill and Aran (bias).

    What are ways I would be able to train them so they'd at least be able to catch up with Ike's group? I don't mind if I need to boss abuse or do something specific.

    I honestly really like the Dawn Brigade, they are my favourite in Radiant Dawn, I really like their story etc. so I guess I am kinda biased towards them. I also generally like to train units that are harder to train...

    So, anyone has some tip for me? Maybe boss abuse, or use bonus exp? but when is it ok to bonus exp to actually level units?

    submitted by /u/Firm-Telephone2570
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    Three Houses Maddening - Canon Classes

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 04:14 PM PST

    How would a maddening run of three houses be with building the canon classes for each unit? So enlightened one byleth, sword master Felix, etc. (though still doing a detour for death blow, that skill seems necessary)

    I'm about to finish my first maddening run of golden deer and am thinking of doing blue lions next like his, but curious how difficult people would think that is.

    submitted by /u/Starrynite120
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    Plegian Marianne (By @gm_laz) [Commission]

    Posted: 25 Nov 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Are there any notable differences between male/female moragan and male/female Kanna weather it be personality, gameplay, support, or even story differences?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 03:30 PM PST

    I know this is a little similar to a question I asked a few days ago but I was really curious

    submitted by /u/Picklerdude69
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    (Poll) Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Who Do You Like With Lysithea?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 02:21 PM PST

    In my opinion, Lysithea is one of the characters who you find difficulty choosing an romance ending due to very few involves curing her. Romance ending wise: Byleth, Linhardt and Claude involves finding or searching for a cure. Platonic ending wise: Edelgard and Hanneman involves curing her. But this is a romantic pairing poll. Of course there are other romantic choices where she doesn't get a cure but still has a happy life (like Cyril, Felix, Balthus, and Lorenz). Honestly I don't think it's fair that some of her ending involves no cure cause it means her friends didn't try to help her or succeed.

    Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Who Do You Like With Lysithea?: https://strawpoll.com/2z3oxasfx

    If you want to vote on "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Who Do You Like With Sylvain?" Go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/r092o0/poll_fire_emblem_three_houses_who_do_you_like/

    If you want to vote on "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Which Route is Preferable?" Go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/r1cdsg/poll_fire_emblem_three_houses_which_route_is/

    If you want to vote on "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Who Do You Like With Byleth" Go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/r1ud5h/poll_fire_emblem_three_houses_who_do_you_like/

    If you want to vote on "Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Who Do You Like With Ingrid?" Go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/r2flrf/poll_fire_emblem_three_houses_who_do_you_like/

    submitted by /u/Quiet_Sun_5268
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