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    Saturday, November 27, 2021

    Fire Emblem Azure moon

    Fire Emblem Azure moon

    Azure moon

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Marianne and Samus outfit swap (By @Kaos_ArtGX) [Commission]

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:31 AM PST

    I drew Tokyo Mirage Sessions fanart

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 09:48 AM PST

    if you aren't making tea while slaying your lord's enemies, are you even trying?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 10:56 AM PST

    Emile's Big Sister (OC/Spoilers for Nier?)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 12:48 AM PST

    A Tiki art! (by fvmarts aka me)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Imposters (commission by @erumei24 on Twitter)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:14 AM PST

    [OC] Constance at the ball

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:20 PM PST

    It's fascinating how the entirety of 3H is built against the concept of permadeath, yet it doesn't use it to it's full advantage

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 08:20 AM PST

    Ever since Awakening it seems that FE has distanced itself more and more from the concept of permadeath. This is because permadeath sounds like a harsh punishment on papeer and scares away casuals. Now, the option between classic permadeath and casual still exists and it's nice that newer players are given an option to play the game without constantly worrying about the fates of their units, but it does affect the current game desing of FE games. Now, with the turnwheel you can easely negate all the bad choices you made through multiple turns without any consequences. Of course, both 3H Maddenning and 3H story suffer from this decision, but it's not what I'm here to talk about today. Instead, I'm going to talk about how 3H doesn't really use it to it's full potential.

    Firstly, it's no doubt that IS didn't ever want you to move on after one of your units die instead of just using the turnwheel or resetting. The large majority of 3H units are growth units, you need to build them up and give them the best skills through the entire game and replacing them with another unit wastes a huge amount of time. It's not how in FE7 you can lose Lowen, but don't worry Sain and Kent join soon, so you don't have to worry about it. Losing a unit in 3H and moving on is much more punishing than the majority of older games. Fates was also quite punishing with this as you could also end up losing the child paralogues if certain units died, but you still had Niles and Orochi with capture to get some potential enemy units to fill the ranks instead. And it's not only the units, you can also lose access to the paralogues which often have great rewards and you also lose them in the monastery (with some exceptions), so no more talking to them.

    Now, the interesting part is how little 3H uses the more character focused stories of 3H to it's advantage. You get the ocassional circle of trust scenes where the characters all exchange a line or two, but that's about it. Sure, they will comment on events in the monastery and you'll have some dialogue if you pit certain characters against each other or some support dialogue changes depending on the route, but that's about it. It's quite similar to the Tellius games in that manner. You have base conversations and certain special dialogue, but the only real character who fells like they interact with the world around them is Jill as if you make her talk to her father she will betray you, unless you have a high enough support rank with another character. Unfortunately, outside of the Seteth and Manuela visiting their old church or operah club, there isn't too much interacting with the world. There's also Mercedes and her relationship with the Death Knight in AM. Which is a shame as older FEs also had some great secret events. There is a great easter egg in FE6 where you can get special items if you visit certain villages with Wade and Lot as they used to live there. FE5 is probably the best at this as there are a lot of hidden details for almost every character and even hidden events. Like, Lithis talking about his past if you bring him to the Perne Gaiden chapter or Lara becoming a dancer if she talks to Perne, etc. There's a ton of secret events in FE5 which make the world feel more alive.

    Unfotunately this leads to the world of 3H not feeling nearely as real. Edelgard will only confide in Hubert and Byleth even if she has a high support rank with other characters and they're still alive. Dedue might as well not have a role in part 2 even if you do his paralogue. Sure, there will be the ocassional conversation, like Lysethia talking about TWSITD in VW, but that's about it. Even in events where you'd expect other characters to be present, like Dimitri having a breakdown after Grounder field, nobody else talks to him besides Byleth. It's the same problem as Fates, where despite all of the royals being heavely advertised if you aren't Xander, Ryoma, Corrin or Azura you likely have as much plot relevance as Fae from FE6.

    The characters you fight also heavely suffer from this. In something like FE6 antagonists like Murdock are heavely built up through the entire game to build hype for the eventual confrontation with them, as you only fight them once. Echoes instead had you fight Berkut multiple times and every time he's defeated he loses a bit of his sanity. This doesn't ever happen with the most common antagonists you face in 3H. It's already become a meme how many times Hubert and The Death Knight retreat, but the main problem is how he never acts differently after hefaces multiple defeats, Even after losing every single encounter with the player army they still act smug and it doesn't seem the defeats affect them at all.

    Now, the counter argument for this would be that 3H already has a ton of dialogue and adding more likely wasn't possible in the timeframe the game needed to be released. However, my counter argument is that 3H was also updated. Jeritza for example only had 2 supports when he came out and got some addittional one as well. 3H also had DLC, so the devs could've put addittional events as DLC if they really wanted to. So, I sincerely doubt that the devs were unable to add more dialogue or events

    Ultimately, the developers need to make a choice between the game being based around permadeath or no permadeth, as the akward combination present in 3H only serves to weaken the story and gameplay.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    I belive i killed this guy, why is he back? The Blazing blade

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:08 PM PST

    I picked up Three Houses and oh my god, what an epic experience

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 09:16 AM PST

    That's it. Title is everything. This was my first strategy game and first exposure to the series. Once I fell for the story, I dove in further and completely immersed myself in the gameplay for weeks until I beat it. 10/10 for sure.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Grimmnir2891
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    Story-wise, is there any way the child system could have worked in Fates without being so contrived?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 08:00 AM PST

    I'm currently working my way through the three Fates storylines, currently about halfway through Birthright. I actually kind of like the child system as a mechanic, though the execution was… oof, is all I have to say.

    One thing I really, really love, story wise: The supports between the parents and children. We don't get a whole lot of parental bonding in the greater series because parents are either awful or dead. So, I find it really wholesome to view supports of parents doting upon their children.

    Except, the deeprealms thing is really, really, really contrived. Suspension of disbelief is shattered when we don't even see our character get pregnant, and yet they talk about how they used to sing to their children as toddler. Like, Azura, you were literally JUST confessing your love to your husband, and five seconds later, you've been a mother for several years?? Is there another version of the characters living with their children in the deeprealms?

    Yes, yes, I know. It's all for #gamemechanics. But I think it could've been done.

    I kind of wish Fates had a significant time skip, like Three Houses, but longer. A twenty year time skip. I feel like narrative potential is huge — how often do we get to see our favorite characters come to grip with growing older? And, it'd realistically portray how long these kinds of wars actually lasted.

    Maybe they couldn't do it due to hardware limitations, or maybe they couldn't do it because they don't think players want to see their favorite waifu grow old. Who knows?

    What do you think? Could the deeprealms storyline work with some sort of revision? Or, is the inherent silliness a worthy sacrifice to make in exchange for gameplay that is pretty great?

    submitted by /u/HelloDesdemona
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    Stand name: Tikiwiki (SSBU)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 08:36 AM PST

    I made a version of FE6 that fixes (most of) the bugs!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 07:55 AM PST

    I've played Awakening, Echoes and 3 Houses, and Byleth is by far the worst protagonist of the three

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:39 AM PST

    I have sunk almost 400 hours into FE since 2018. Rookie numbers I know. 270+ into Awakening, 60 into Echoes, and about 60+ or so into 3 Houses (I just completed Azure Moon as my first run).

    I'm a casual gamer, always been too busy and intimidated by big franchises to dip my toes. Sorry for all the backstory but I'm just trying to show that apart from the FE games, SMT IV, and Heck, the Yakuza series if that counts, I haven't played many other JRPGs.

    I hear the silent protagonist is the norm, but that is no excuse.

    I never thought too hard about Robin when I first played Awakening. But after playing Echoes, I realize that playing an actual character and not a blank slate as your protagonist makes such a difference. I fucking love Alm and Celica. I've seen a lot of discourse concerning Echoes, Alm and Celica, etc. But I live them so much, with all my heart. Robin seemed so much worse in comparison.

    But...then I got to Byleth.

    Fucking, Byleth.

    Byleth made Robin look like a fully realised human being. Robin at least had actual dialogue and a fucking personality!

    I know dialogue choices are kind of a given in certain games, but at least in something like The Wolf Among Us, the protagonist is defined. Byleth just says whatever they think the other person wants to hear. Byleth is nothing and done even get me started on their amnesia.

    Robin's amnesia is at least more believable in that it occurs just before the start of the game. We start the story on the same blank slate as our avatar.

    But fucking Byleth supposed lead a full life before the game, and yet they act like a fawn. They have no fond memories, no goals or supposed hobbies. Byleth acts like they spawned when the game loads instead of being a real lived-in person.

    I can't take any person who ships things like Dimileth seriously. Byleth is not a character but a self insert.

    Another thing that makes their lack of personality so apparent is the lack of voice acted dialogue for Byleth. When Byleth's first line on the battlefield came up and especially their first dialogue box popped up for the Level Up, it was so jarring. I practically flinched.

    Byleth sorely needed more dialogue and some voice acting. She could have had more of a rapport with the characters. I mean, SMT IV had a silent protagonist, and while i wasn't super fond of it at first, but i got into the groove of it. And it didn't bother me nearly as much as I am with Byleth.

    I do see to an extent why people in universe would love her. Byleth leads by example rather than words and is always there for their students.

    But, it always feels like it's more as a result of the plot. Any meaningful chemistry is carried solely by the other party that Byleth is talking to. I've seen a few people say that "Were your hands always so warm?" by Dimitri rings a little hollow because Byleth is essentially a pretty brick wall. I personally felt awash with emotion because I grew to love Dimitri as I resonated with his mental health issues, but I do think maybe someone else could have been the recipient if the writing was tweaked.

    I just. It's so frustrating because 3H is the most fun I've had with an FE game, but Byleth is by far my least favourite protagonist.

    Sorry for the rant. What do you think?

    I'm also wondering why self insert Avatars are a thing in FE now. From what I understand the early games had no such thing. Is it a "waifu emblem" invention? I can't deny that while playing 3H I felt the rush that's probably behind the copious amounts of self insert isekai novels, feeling special and being a part of someone's world.

    I'll get out of your hair now.

    submitted by /u/MoopDoopISmellPoop
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    FE7 combat preparation theme on ocarina

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 10:32 AM PST

    Beat Three Houses on Maddening

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 12:37 AM PST

    I've played through three campaigns in Three Houses, upping the difficulty for each one. Tonight I beat the Imperial campaign on Maddening. Feeling pretty good 😊

    submitted by /u/EasternCod0
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    That was Both Lucky and Unnecessary

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 06:27 AM PST

    This game is great! Episode 2 of my shadow dragon playthrough is up! I would love more knowledge and support!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:56 AM PST

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