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    Monday, November 29, 2021

    Fire Emblem I say Vol, you say Tron! Vol…! (Commission by @redkite59623438) [Lucina, Morgans, Cynthia, Owain]

    Fire Emblem I say Vol, you say Tron! Vol…! (Commission by @redkite59623438) [Lucina, Morgans, Cynthia, Owain]

    I say Vol, you say Tron! Vol…! (Commission by @redkite59623438) [Lucina, Morgans, Cynthia, Owain]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:33 AM PST

    I only know FE from a friend

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 08:47 PM PST

    It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:04 PM PST

    New/Custom Chapter in Awakening Preview (Alternate Gangrel Arc ending)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Hungry Kitty - Tibarn + OC Sylana [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:47 PM PST

    The Ashen Wolves (as made in Artbreeder)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:05 PM PST

    raphael and lysithea meeting for coffee in the fall ��

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:07 AM PST

    Eleonora doodle! (ive been liking her alot recently)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:13 PM PST

    Honestly TWSITD should have won.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:03 AM PST

    3H's entire plot hinges on the weird and supremely convenient magitech tree that the Agarthans have specced into. They've had magic nukes, and have had them for a long time. We don't know exactly when Ailell became the way it is, but it's spoken of as if it was ancient history, and that was caused by a Javelin of Light being deflected from Garreg Mach. The fact that the church even has such defenses suggests this wasn't even the first time a JoL was deployed.

    On top of that, there's the giant mechs they have. Rhea does have some too but those have more of a puppetry/clockwork theme to them. The Titanus are actually able to be controlled remotely, but are also seen to act independently iirc.

    Similarly there's the remote-controlled turrets, Viskam.

    Then there's their entire underground city of Shambhala, which is either powered by electricity, or magic that is essentially electricity - providing light to the "City without light" and powering their facilities.

    All this magic equivalent of modern tech... and yet, they never thought to make a gun. Imagine how chapter 4 could've gone differently:

    Byleth knocks the Sword of The Creator out of the masked mage's hands. The mage panics and charges a fire spell which he casts. Byleth deflects it with the SOTC and charges the mage. The masked mage calmly pulls out a glock and caps Byleth.

    Ok yeah that's silly but honestly it's a miracle that TWSITD don't have mass-produced weapons of some kind, and instead give their rank and file iron swords and shit. Maybe they just don't want them to fall into enemy hands but idk, that never comes up with the Viskam or Titanus.

    TLDR give Tomas an Uzi you cowards.

    submitted by /u/IAmBLD
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 06:42 PM PST

    What ending do you feel does a great service or disservice to the character?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    Endings for characters are always hit or miss. Sometime you get endings like Dorothea and Sylvain where they complete their arc by getting rid of the thing that forced them into relationships with others while also ending them in a relationship of the two actually interested in each others. But you also get endings like Faye who still obsessed with Alm despite their final support conversion with Silque and Alm saying she would calm down and gain other interests. What ending do you feel properly service an end cap or misstep the ending.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    SPOILER ALERT Several Misconceptions about Three Houses

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:00 AM PST

    This post was originally a comment made in response to someone who stated several misconceptions about Three Houses. My response had gotten longer than I initially planned, so I decided to make it into a post as well, hopefully for it to generate more discussion than one comment buried in a 200+ comment post would. The misconceptions in question were:

    1) Edelgard's story is "about" rebellion 2) Edelgard is a hostage 3) Rhea is a "tyrant that controls all of Fodlan by perpetuating the Crest system" and 4) Edelgard starting a war was the only way for things to get better.

    Luke Skywalker: "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong."

    Let's break down these arguments; starting with Edelgard's story being about "rebellion". It isn't "about" rebellion, it's about conquest. Crimson Flower is literally called the "Conquest route" in the Nintendo Dreams Interview, to contrast with the "Righteous route" of Azure Moon. In the original Japanese, Crimson Flower and Azure Moon were called 覇道 (hadou path) and 王道 (oudou path), respectively. The words Hadou and Oudou used in conjunction with each other are to describe how a king or other kind of leader rules over their people, the former being bad and the latter being good. To put it simply, oudou is carrying out a government based on benevolence, and hadou is carrying out a government using oppressive military power. Hence why Byleth is described as "Wings of Hegemon" at the end of CF. Hegemony, the dominant influence or authority one state has over another, is the closest translation to the word Hadou. While Oudou's more modern meaning has become the generic "right, proper, or traditional way", Hadou's more modern meaning still carries its negative connotation; usually used in the business world. Considering the context of both the story of 3H and that the developers say that both routes are meant to contrast each other, the original meaning of these words is what's being used here.

    Next, let's get into the argument that Edelgard is a "hostage". I'll assume this means that she's a hostage of Those Who Slither, as they're the only ones other than Hubert that are knowledgeable on her plans. Firstly, at no point in the story is it implied that TWSITD force her to comply with the plan to plunge Fodlan into war. In fact, it is stated that Edelgard is using TWSITD for her own ends, as well as Hubert saying that she "strongly opposed the idea [siding with TWSITD] at first". There are numerous examples to show that Edelgard and TWSITD's relationship is one of mutual benefit; such as her willingly lending them the Death Knight, covering up the Tragedy by blaming it on the people of Duscur, assisting in Flayn's kidnapping, letting Arundel rule over Hyrm territory in place of Duke Aegir, sponsoring Cornelia's rule in Fhirdiad by sending military support#Narration_-_Reunion_at_Dawn) and ennobling her, allowing TWSITD to collect Heroes Relics, and outright stating that she wants to continue working with them until her regime has become stable. This should not be confused with her doing this because she fears them or that they have power over her. She never shows any fear towards them. She also tries to kill Solon and Kronya and threatens Thales to his face but faces no consequences whatsoever. She only faces consequences after she kills Cornelia during the war, and is completely shocked that Thales actually did act after she took out Cornelia, but even then shows no fear and claims it valuable that they forced TWSITD to show their hand. Next, let's go over the argument that Rhea is a "tyrant". First of all, Fodlan was already in a period of peace during the start of the game. It was due to the machinations of Edelgard and TWSITD that plunged the continent into a period of war. This is outright stated by Mr. Yokota in the Nintendo Dreams interview:

    Yokota: "Also, sure enough, we left in the longstanding series trope of "empire = bad guys." With the name "empire," I feel like there really is this vague image of "probably evil." Regarding the story, it started with the element of "let's make it Romance of the Three Kingdoms," but we also wanted to have a school life. That meant it would have to be temporarily peaceful, and from there, we needed something to spark a war. To that end, something needed to be the bad guy… or rather, shoulder a role close to that, or the story wouldn't work, so we had the Empire support us in that way."

    Neither Rhea nor the Church have control in any of the three countries. The Southern Church in the Empire was disbanded, the Eastern Church in the Alliance is under the influence of Alliance, and the Western Church in the Kingdom is in open rebellion with the Central Church. The Church also doesn't have influence over the nobles considering it can't even enforce equal distribution of rooms among nobles and commoners because of them. Arundel didn't get any form of punishment for stopping his donations. Duke Gerth is able to leverage the church with a Heroes' Relic, again without consequences. Multiple nobles aren't even religious themselves and only perform any religious activity as a matter of propriety.

    The Church of Seiros aren't controlling things through military power either. The only peoples that anyone in the Church of Seiros fight are those that have either attacked them first or hurt innocents. To wit:

    • Kostas' bandit gang - Already attacked several students, as well as causing more trouble later on, after which they are taken out.
    • Lonato - Has already displayed hostility towards the church for some time, but action against him was only taken after he raised an army against the church.
    • Western Church - Already tried to assassinate Rhea before, but are only truly dealt with after they try to do so again while also attacking the monastery, injuring many people. On top of that, church officials and their branches fall under Rhea's jurisdiction.
    • Miklan's bandit group - Not only did Margrave Gautier invite the church to his territory in order to retrieve the Lance of Ruins Miklan has stolen, Miklan and his bandits also destroy villages purely out of pleasure and abduct women.
    • TWSITD - Need no introduction after all the atrocities they commit, some also on church grounds.
    • Pirates - These pirates were only dealt with after the Merchant Association asked for help through the Eastern Church and they were causing havoc in the harbor of Derdriu.
    • Imperial Army - Not only was it the Imperial army that already attacked in the Holy Tomb but also declared war on the church, so the church fighting back should not be a surprise.

    Finally, I will add the "Crest system" argument into what has already been said. I will say this plainly: Fodlan does not have a "Crest system". A system is defined as "a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or method". This description does not fit the situation on how the people of Fodlan view Crests, as there is no unifying action on how those with Crests or those without Crests are treated. Not all of the noble houses even have Crests. This includes half of the six most important noble houses in the Empire: House Gerth, House Vestra and House Berglez. The Empire also has House Ochs, House Arundel and House Hrym, which only gained a Crest because Jeritza was made head of the house after the family itself was wiped out. The Kingdom has House Gaspard, House Kleiman and House Rowe and also Ingrid's suitor, who bought a noble title for himself. And lastly, the Alliance, by public knowledge , have two houses without Crests: Acheron's house and House Edmund. Marianne, Margrave Edmund's adoptive daughter, has a Crest but that is kept a secret, with only a few people knowing about it. Thus, with the exception of these few people, House Edmund is seen as not having a Crest at all.

    Even within the houses that do possess a Crest, many don't have any issues related to them. In the Empire this includes the other half of the six great noble houses, House Aegir, House Hevring, House Varley (we never get any indication that Bernadetta being forced to be a good wife is related to her Crest) and House Martritz. In the Kingdom this includes House Fraldarius, House Charon and House Dominic (though we do get this part about Annette's uncle being strict and valuing Crests with Annette saying "He said if I wasn't perfect, as a knight's daughter, I'd be devaluing my Crest." during her support with Dedue, but this is never touched upon further). The Alliance has House Riegan, House Gloucester, House Daphnel and House Goneril.

    The existence of nobility also is not due to the existence of Crests. Countries outside of Fodlan, such as Brigid and Almyra, have nobility; with Petra and Claude being described as the princess and prince of their homelands, respectively. Even within Fodlan, the fact that 1) some noble houses with Crests can lose power, or even cease to exist entirely, while other people can gain or buy their noble title and gain more power than houses with Crests and 2) the fact that some people with Crests aren't made noble despite possessing a Crest, with Byleth being the clearest example due to possessing the rarest Crest of them all, shows that equating Crests with noble status is a false claim.

    Three Houses is a long game, with many moving parts. Thus, it is easy for certain facts to be forgotten or misremembered over time. I believe that posts like these, where information is more readily available, can help clear up misconceptions in the future; thus generating better discussions for all parties involved.

    submitted by /u/GateofTruth201
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    In Defense of Rudolf (FE15 Spoilers)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:07 PM PST


    Today I hope to briefly put a few things in perspective in regards to the emperor of Rigel who's plan to save Valentia often gets a lot of flak from fans.

    The Plan:

    For those who don't remember, Rudolf saw the signs of Duma's coming madness, and his newborn son came bearing the brand, which is a sign of an old prophecy in which individuals bearing the brand will save Valentia from disaster.

    Rudolf decides to take action, and entrusts his infant son, who was hidden from the public eye, to his old friend Sir Mycen from Zofia. He then starts a war later on in hopes that Alm will grow strong enough to lead Zofia and defeat him and then, because his lineage, wield the Falchion and destroy Duma, bringing peace to Valentia.

    Common Criticisms:

    Why would Rudolph send Alm so far away?:

    Look back at Celica's story for a second. Before she even got to the mainland, she was attacked by Duma Faithful on the sea, and that was just the start of the hunting. It's pretty obvious that the Duma faithful were after the branded ones, Celica being the only one thought to be alive, Ram village is the most remote and farthest place from the reach of the Duma Faithful, Rigel would not be a safe place to raise him with the Duma faithful infesting it and Rudolph knew very well what they would do to his son because of that brand.

    How did Rudolf know Alm would succeed? This seems like such a longshot.

    I don't think he knew that Alm would succeed, but to him this seemed like the best course of action. I think it's easy to look at this from our own perspectives and question the sanity of this decision, but try looking at this from the perspective of living with a prophecy, which the signs of that prophecy are appearing before your eyes like Duma's madness or the brand on your son.

    As for why he would start a war and make himself the target, let's look at the introduction at the end of the prologue.

    Once, the gods themselves walked these lands. Our continent of Valentia was home to two of them: sibling gods named Duma and Mila. The elder god, Duma, believed mankind must be ruled by strength, lest we become corrupt, while his sister, Mila, believed we should be free to pursue lives of pleasure and comfort. The two clashed ceaselessly......

    ...... Meanwhile, in the north, Duma had built his own empire. Tempered by harsh lands and the even harsher teachings of their fierce god, the people of Rigel had grown strong. But in their quest for power, the Rigelians had let their hearts grow cold and numb to all kindness.

    Given his upbringing and what he's been taught all his life, what could have prepared Alm to slay Duma more than this? Hardships breed strength, this is what Rigel is all about, it seems to me that Rudolf trusted in his strength enough to be the final obstacle in Alm's path, and in the end, he couldn't bring himself to strike him.

    How did Rudolf know Alm would become a leader?

    Mycen is a hero known throughout the land, an important name known throughout the land, and with his skills how would Rudolf not expect Mycens teachings to be the best of the best? This is without mentioning that someone who is supposedly Mycen's grandson could catch a lot of peoples attention, which as we know, did end up happening.


    It is my belief that taking into acount Rudolf's upbringing, the prophecy, and Mycen's skills makes what seems like a wild plan make more sense, I argue the Rudolf's actions are legit. What I'm not arguing however is that you should like it, I just want to shift the blame off of Rudolf.

    If you are looking for something to beat with the writing stick I would suggest turning to the prophecy itself, which is why Rudolf did what he did. Prophecies are very old, and very outdated to some, writing archetypes and all I can say about that is that Gaiden came out in 1992.

    My last point on this subject would be for the reader who might disagree, can you think of a better plan than this? Can you do it while taking into account the teachings of Rigel, the prophecy, and the Duma faithful? And if you can think of a better one, do you still think that Rudolf's plan is that insane given the circumstances?

    I have more points but I don't want to bloat this too much, I'll save those for any potential counters to my points.

    submitted by /u/JimmyBlazZze
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    Marianne (By @Eskimo1411) [Commission]

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Family Bonding [OC]

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 10:24 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Legendary Eitri & Mythic Thorr

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:10 PM PST

    Open World FE, kinda at least.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:29 PM PST

    A FE game where you choose what country to start your mission on, then have the freedom to choose what battles you will have.

    For example in FE6 after chapter 8, Roy is sent to the Western Isles, but there is still conflict in other countries, what if you could choose to go Sacae or Illia first? Having a direct effect on how the war plays? Getting different characters depending on what missions you take on first?

    Its not a route split, its a developing story, which you shape as you progress through the game, discovering new areas and new allies with each battle, new plots to follow, people to liberate, to save.

    All this on the fly, with the information that is previewed before you make each choice, kinda like Advance Wars you can go and free Yellow Comet before Blue Moon, which in turn will affect what allies you get on certain missions.

    Just a thought, i think it would be a great concept to explore and would breath some fresh air onto the series.

    submitted by /u/Noriegamaster25
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    I polled this subreddit and my audience as to their favorite characters in FE3 book 1, here are the results!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:31 PM PST

    What if the next game had an old Gothic/Dark Fantasy theme?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:10 PM PST

    Think about it...Eldritch horrors beyond understanding, big gothic cathedrals with stained glass and dark chambers full of "vampire" like beings or other monstrosities dimly lit by candles or torchlight, cultists to a forgotten god/goddess...What would you guys think of a game along this sort of theme? Just Bloodborne/Lovecraft or Castlevania type stuff tweaked to fit a mainline Fire Emblem? Because I think it would be pretty awesome, even if only as a one-time thing.

    submitted by /u/xiii-san
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    Dorothea doodle :D (swipe for little ingrid and ferdi doodles)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 05:12 PM PST

    I have an idea for a hack, and I need a bit of help

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:41 PM PST

    Now this hack might happen but I will certainly try to get it to work. My idea is a mashup of different units from different games into one big melting pot and if I can take those units and make the game coherent. This will only include games I've played so fe4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 3h. I will include polls for units from each. I will take 10 from each continent with the exceptions of Magvel and Foldan with 5. I will also have two lords. Simply vote for your favorite from whichever poll and I will try fit the top 10/5 in
    Lords: https://strawpoll.com/oj1gv53js
    Archanea: https://strawpoll.com/1rc7z383u
    Jugdral: https://strawpoll.com/pvw6525r5

    Elibe: https://strawpoll.com/bq1aech8h

    Magvel: https://strawpoll.com/yyqarffvr

    Tellius: https://strawpoll.com/4zswrx1x9
    Foldan: https://strawpoll.com/4sxpkqw6x

    Vote away and tell me if I forgot somebody, I probably did

    submitted by /u/dukeaegir
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    3H Devil weapons, Duma, the Valentian Falchion and Alm

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:29 PM PST

    So, as I always do, I thought for a while. And looking at Duma in Echoes, I thought his head looks like some parts of Three Houses' devil weapons. I also thought they look like Echoes' Grima, but the color is more similar to Duma. The single sphere, Duma's eye, the twin curving spikes, Duma's horns...

    But then there's Alm and the Valentian Falchion. Due to his Rigelian blood, Alm can use the Falchion and it's personal Combat Art, Scendscale. Looking at the Valentian Falchion, it has a red gem in the crossguard, which looks familiar, doesn't it? Even sounds familiar. A weapon with a red gem with an exclusive attack, and a person with a special mark which grants them power...

    Food for thought...

    submitted by /u/LeftwiseGamer05
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    I just found this and had to share it: Ryoma doing the Fortnite dance in Chile

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:12 PM PST

    What are the best settings for playing Path of Radiance on Dolphin 5.0?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 09:14 AM PST

    I'm trying to play Fire Emblem POR on my laptop but both the image and sound are Very laggy and I'm bad with this sort of stuff. If you have to ask questions about my laptop to answer me, I'll do my best to answer them, please.

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 02:08 PM PST

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