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    Friday, December 24, 2021

    Fire Emblem Kagero

    Fire Emblem Kagero


    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 04:41 PM PST

    Wanted to show my Christmas Tharja Cosplay I made. ��

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 08:07 AM PST

    A Lost Item! (Original Comic)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Welcome to the Silesse Yuletide party

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 03:46 PM PST

    lilith fans, represent

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 06:04 AM PST

    Summer Silas! (Commission by @picnicic on Twitter)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 04:21 PM PST

    "Mmmm, these sweetsh are sho good! Lysithea, do you want any?" "N-n-no... As though I were... some kind of child..." (commission by @hiomaika on Twitter)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 05:44 AM PST

    if byleth was removed from 3h who would win the war

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 09:31 PM PST

    trick question kostas kills edelgard in the prolog there is no war and edelgard gets her karma

    submitted by /u/dulledegde
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    Made a holiday drawing. Happy holidays.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 01:43 PM PST

    I drew Marianne with a gun

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Santa Ike and his Elf Reindeer Helper Soren

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 10:46 AM PST

    Lords and their Retainers

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 04:09 PM PST

    [ OC ] I drew Lilina and Eirika on the same canvas

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 11:41 AM PST

    Holiday Hilda wishes you a Merry Christmas eve eve! (oc)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 04:56 PM PST

    Silly Kana Drawing

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 02:15 PM PST

    A. (Meme)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 09:14 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes : Voice Clips - Legendary Hero: Byleth - The Fódlan Light

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 09:17 PM PST

    No lie, from my free redeem. Instant Byleth! Let's go!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 11:04 PM PST

    Do people like Tharja?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 08:00 AM PST

    I see many like her and many dislike her. Personally i like her, she is my 2nd fav character in the series but does the community in general like her?

    submitted by /u/LysitheasW33d
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    It’s the holiday season once again, which means it’s time to break out my mini keychain tree! Most of the layout is the same, but I’ve got a few adorable new ones of Seteth, Flayn, and Byleth enjoying some matcha treats!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 08:26 AM PST

    My 3D printed figure of Lysithea project has started!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 11:01 AM PST

    Idk how many have seen this but I started a GoFundMe to begin a project (that hopefully becomes a regular thing) where I ask the community to help me fund making a 3D printed figure of FE characters that will likely never have official figures made. Once completed, I'll give away the figure to a member of the community.

    I had one person donate a generous amount and that allowed me to partially pay a 3D modeler to begin working on digitally sculpting Lysithea from scratch, based on her Brave Heroes artwork. So this project is officially underway!

    It'll take some time, but I'll post updates. Please consider helping out as I really would like to involve the community, and you might win yourself a one of a kind custom figure! Anyway, just wanted to give a big thanks to the individual who donated!

    submitted by /u/asimawesomepaints
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    Just Finished my Lunatic Birthright Female only, here's a summary

    Posted: 23 Dec 2021 06:12 PM PST

    p.s. : the stats in the images are after tonics spam.

    So i played Birthright with some self imposed rules and i'm here to talk about my experience.

    Rules :

    1. Females do everything ( including opening chest/ visit houses/heal/rally/etc. )
    2. Males cannot deal or receive damage
    3. Males can only fill the remaining empty spots
    4. Males can only pair-up and move/ferry units
    5. No Children or Capture, also Mycastle units that we need to do a task or something because im lazy
    6. No Grinding ( Scouting, DLC, battle/visitor rewards,...)

    Units :

    F Corrin ( +STR/-LUK ) :

    - Extremely good early game, kills pretty much everything and can tank well with a dragonstone. Pairing her up with Jakob gives her enough speed to double most enemies. Mid game, being defense screwed and losing Jakob really hurts her, especially when yato is 1 range. She still doubles and 1 rounds, but receive too much damage in return. She's pretty much outshined by most units at this point. Come late game, Great Knight Jakob pair up and dracoshield make her much better. She also 1 shots a lot of enemies and dragonstone+ helps her tank. Overall, a pretty great unit, but might be too reliant on Jakob.

    Rinkah :

    - Underwhelming early game, she deals no damage but can tank physical attacks well, but theres too many mages that are usually in range, making her difficult to use and level up. Not leveling her also means her defense will remain while enemies get stronger and she just gets worse. However, mid-game once she gets the bolt axe, I can finally train her and she becomes pretty good. Her other problem is the low luck which means she gets crit by many late game enemies, so I just made her a pair up bot to other tanks as she gives +4 atk and defense. Overall, she is a meh unit that is good with the bolt axe, but even better as a pair up bot.

    Sakura :

    - Our only healer until someone else promotes or Felicia arrives, which also means she is the only one with staff utility for a while. Rescue has saved me from some dangerous situations. Early to mid game will be pretty hard without her. Although she is better as an onmyoji as we dont get Shining Bow in Birthright, I promote her to a priestess as she is getting a lot of strength, but her low skill means shaky hit rate and E rank bows means I cant give her other weapon with better hit. However, she is more important for staff utility than damage. She can silence the entrap users late. Moreover, rally luck helps units like Scarlet and Rinkah tank without getting crit. Overall, she is an extremely important unit for this run. I probably won't pass the early chapters without her.

    Hana :

    - Early and mid game is basically a worse Corrin. She has the speed to double everything but low defense. I tried to give her Kodachi as a range weapon, but not doubling means she doesn't do much, but she does have high resistance and can destroy any mage she sees. In late game, she die to pretty much any physical attack. Enemies will deal damage more than her hp and can also crit. But they will usually have 0 hit when she initiates attack, especially with a sunrise katana. She does comes in clutch as a dodgetank with the sunrise during my run. Overall, she is a dodgy melee glass cannon that gives me heart attacks whenever I see how much the enemy deal back until I see their hit rate.

    Orochi :

    - Starts of slow underleveled, but she is our only magic dealer for a long time, which means she is usually my choice to deal chip damage against the abundant low res enemies. By late game, her magic is extremely high but she is too slow and can only double the generals. Mesh hall and speed tonics help with this, and I can deploy 2 male units in late, so I deploy Ryoma to pair up with her and gives her speed. 1 hit from her magic is comparable to 1 attack from Corrin, so she is the unit i choose for attack stance with other units. She also crits a lot. Her resistance is high so I often use her to tank the magic enemies, especially the low res malig knights Overall, she is my main magic dealer and is pretty impressive at that.

    Setsuna :

    - Also starts of underleveled, but 2 range means more chip damage and the boat map helps her get a lot of levels. She is fast enough to double and once she gets the dual yumi, she deals a huge damage. I am actually surprised when she 1 rounds ground units late game. and crits a lot Her low defense and resistance means she can only take 1 damage and dies to another, but I don't use her to tank anyway. Overall, she is the bow glass cannon. This is the 3rd glass cannon and im starting to lose things to say.

    Kagero :

    - The best of the glass cannons. She starts of average when she still cant kill anyone, but she can debuff and poisonstrike which already makes her better than other units at that point. Once she gain the levels, she starts doubling and kills everything in her path. Imagine Setsuna, now give her more strength and 1 range, and you get Kagero. Her resistance is high enough and she soloes groups of magic dealing units. I use her to kill Leo, Camilla and endgame Garon which i find hilarious. My Kagero is even slightly defense blessed so sometimes i use her as a tank in my plan. Overall, the shuriken glass cannon and my 2nd best unit for this run.

    Oboro :

    - Starts of extremely broken, but somehow gets even better to late game. She shrugs off any physical attacks, especially with guard naginata, but even with that low mt weapon, she can one rounds and crits a lot of enemies. Even if they didnt die, seal defense and speed had already sealed their death. She has enough speed to double everything except berserkers, but she is also the only unit that I can confidently send to tank berserkers as she doesn't get crit by them, even without rally luck. Her resistance is also not that terrible and she can tank some magic attacks. With that said, if kagero solo the magic units, she soloes all physical units. I often sent her to 1 side of the map while all the other units went to the other. Overall, the best unit for this challenge, makes everything so much easierfor me.

    Azura :

    - The dancer? Singer? Probably both. I seldom use her for combat and only for her dance to give other units. Early game she is extremely important when we only have limited units to use. By mid game, usually all enemies are killed and my units are still in high that I dont really need her at all, so she is just farming exp at that point. Her importance return by late game when the maps are bigger and there are more enemies around. Overall, important unit, even when she is not required in some parts, having her is still a relief because missing is a thing in fire emblem.

    Hinoka :

    - Starts of great and comes in with a guard naginata, which is a great weapon, for free. Being a flier helps on the boat map. She has good defense and great resistance and can survive a lot of enemies that does not have a bow. As I go to late game, her damage output gets worse and defense doesnt get much better. Her resistance is still good but Kagero and Orochi can also tank while dealing huge damage. She does make good use of bolt naginata and having a flier to ferry other units is always a good thing, also rally speed is really useful in some situations. Overall, she is a great flier but gets outshine by other units by endgame.

    although now i realize that i can probably give her better weapon that might help her damage output. Also fun fact, she cause the most resets in my run,

    Reina :

    - Coming in the boat map really gives her a good impression on me. She stays the same throughout the game, being a flying Setsuna with shaky hits and low bow rank. When she levels up, she usually only gets strength and speed, making her a good damage dealer. Similar to Hinoka, flying is always good for ferrying and reaching other locations quickly. Her bow rank can be difficult to raise and she will be stuck with the weak bows for some time, but thats pretty much it. Overall, another bow glass cannon, but this time she flies.

    Scarlet :

    - Another powerful flying pre-promote with extremely good bases, who comes in with a killer axe. She has high strength and enough speed to double a lot enemies. I always find it funny when she doubles with a hammer. She also has extremely high defense and can tank a lot of physical enemies. However, low resistance means no magic is allowed within her vicinity. Her low hp also cause her to get 1 shot by any bow despite her defense, so using her to tank can be kind of awkward. She also gets crit easily late game and cant tank reliably without Sakura's rally luck. However, she still has the damage output and destroy a lot of stonebornes for me. Overall, great prepromote that fall off slightly but still viable, also hammer.

    Felicia :

    - Comes in late, but another staff user is always helpful. She cant really use any weapon except the flame shuriken, but thankfully she is pretty good with it. She has high enough speed for doubling and while not one rounding enemies, she can soften the high defense enemies for the others. She does gets the tomebreaker but I barely utilise this. I did not use her for staff utility other than healing, but she should still be able to do the same as Sakura. Her presence also allows me to safely divide my units and having a healer on each side. Overall, she is the second healer, being the only other unit that can deal magic damage well is a plus.

    Mozu :

    - Comes in extremely underleveled. In mid game, she often warmed the bench as I decided to use the other female units and there is no slot left. Once she can be deployed, a turn her into an archer and starts training her. In the end, she just becomes another setsuna but with terrible strength, but watching her grow is pretty fun. I decided to promote her to a sniper instead of kinshi knight as her strength is terrible, but that doesn't seem to help. Overall, pretty underwhelming for the effort i put into her, but still fun to do nonetheless.

    Some road blocks ( or cause some resets ) :

    Chapter 9 ( The one where we meet Izana )

    The reason rule 3 and 4 exist. Hinata comes in at the end of turn 3, and if I do not block or kill the javelin cavaliers, they will target him and I lose the challenge, and the fact that there are mages and archers around means only Corrin safely can tank the attacks ( and my Corrin is defense screwed ). Theres also the chests on top that we have to rush to once we are done with the cavaliers.

    Chapter 23 ( Camilla and bombs )

    I think this chapter is already hard in a normal playthrough. The enemies are difficult to deal with and love to form attack stance to attack us. The bomb deal 10 damage each turn, which is 1/3 of most of my units hp, and not many units can survive an attack after that. Once I can clear the right side of the map, the difficulty reduce as I just sent a small group of units to Camilla.

    Chapter 24 ( The one we fight hans and create tornadoes around us )

    The beginning is pretty difficult ( not as difficult as 23 ) and we can get easily overwhelmed if we move slowly. However, once I realize Oboro can solo one side, its more manageable. There are reinforcements until turn 20, but those are more annoying than difficult. Also Hans is a boss that does not move and equips a 1 range weapon, which is disappointing.

    And thats my experience with the female only challenge. It went kinda as i expected, with easy early and mid game and hard late game. Mid game is especially easy and I can make mistakes without it leading to a reset. The difficulty spike starts at chapter 22, also the start of me using mesh hall and tonics. As long as you get gold from chest and enemies, money should not be an issue but I recommend not buying too much weapons to save some for tonics.

    Anyway, if you show any interest in this challenge, you should do it. I recommend this to anyone who played Fates before, as unlike other fire emblems, theres more things to consider like the enemy attack and defence stance, also some enemies have skills ( especially counter ) that can just kill your units before they do anything.

    Well, thank you for coming to my Ted talk, now to do everything again but with the males this time.

    submitted by /u/Rikenell
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