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    Monday, January 31, 2022

    Fire Emblem (My art) Here's a Caspar/Annette I painted based off their paired ending where he saves her from a blizzard

    Fire Emblem (My art) Here's a Caspar/Annette I painted based off their paired ending where he saves her from a blizzard

    (My art) Here's a Caspar/Annette I painted based off their paired ending where he saves her from a blizzard

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:24 AM PST

    Dancer Marianne!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 12:04 PM PST

    Happy birthday Nina.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:59 PM PST

    Quick past Niles drawing for my first conquest lunatic run.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 01:12 PM PST

    Fates: was the story as bad as people say? Part 10: Heirs of Fate

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:27 AM PST

    Hello chaps.

    Before talking about Heirs of Fate, a few things have to be sorted out. The first is probably the biggest and most obvious one: this is just Awakening's Future Past DLC but with a different coat of paint. Future Past consists of three very challenging maps where you have to save the second gen characters from impossible odds. It takes place in a different yet very similar timeline as the one "your" second generation characters come from, with all the first generation characters being dead and Grima threatening the world. The main difference is that these kiddos don't have a way to go back in time and must make their stand in this apocalyptic future.

    There are several reasons as to why this structure works for Future Past but not Heirs of Fate.

    1) Future Past, in addition to providing challenging maps, also incentivizes players to bring the second generation characters' parents (or your version of the second gen characters appearing on the map) to unlock more dialogue - the fathers all have unique dialogue, too, despite not having unique supports, which serves as an extra reward for players who might prefer a certain "ship". Furthermore, if all of the second generation characters are kept alive, you're treated to some heartwarming epilogues. The character writing is very strong here.

    2) As mentioned previously, this is a situation established by the main story of Awakening, and little time has to be wasted on setting up the premise; it's already known by the players. Heirs of Fates is a new story, which would be a good thing, but a lot of time is spent on describing and setting up the situation - repeatedly. We'll get to that.

    3) Awakening had 13 second generation characters, one of which you got through the main story and one (or two, counting both genders) being used as an enemy with minimal dialogue. In Fates, there are 21 second generation characters (22 if you count both Kanas, which Heirs of Fate does), and no one is recruited in the main story. This means that, even if you've played all three routes, chances are there'll be quite a few characters you have no idea who they are. The same can be said about Future Past, of course, but with fewer characters and a previously established premise, more time can be spent on characterization than what Heirs of Fate can afford.

    Heirs of Fate's first four maps are rather formulaic and cover a lot of the same information. The uniqueness comes from how the characters view and deal with their situation, which can be good, but as you'll remember from Conquest's four sibling fights in a row and then Revelations three dead parent fights in a row, Fates can be very repetitive.

    With that said, let's begin.

    Heirs of Fate map 1

    Shigure: I shall tell you a story of another realm that I will never forget. Children born during the war were raised in faraway Deeprealms. When the long war finally came to an end, these children were called home. But on that very day, a force of mysterious soldiers struck the Deeprealms. The parents fought valiantly to the last to keep their children safe. But one such child, Kana, found herself wandering, lost in every sense. Left alone and bereft to march through the rain... She had no inkling of the many turns of fate to come.

    Thank you, Shigure. Alright, next map.

    No but seriously, he sums it up pretty well. While this gets elaborated upon later, Heirs of Fate initially makes it seem as though all the first second generation characters died on the same day in on single coordinated attack on the Deeprealms. Yes, that's right. They're drawing more attention to the Deeprealms.

    So we start by following F!Kana, who is walking alone and crying in the rain with the Yato. She has two lines about her own powerlessness before running into Mitama and Selkie.

    Mitama: Lost and far from home / I meet a young girl weeping / May I tend her wounds?

    I love Mitama's haikus. They're such a fun way for someone to express themselves.

    They get acquainted and begin sharing information, with Kana summing up her experience like this:

    Kana: O-OK... They were messing everything up, so I wanted to fight them. I was too small, though just when I was almost beaten up, my papa came to help. But they were so strong, not even Papa could do anything. He told me to run. I didn't wanna, but he begged me, so... I made up my mind to run away as fast as I could. I heard someone scream behind me. That was the last time I saw my papa... I found a hiding place in the forest to wait for him, but he never came...

    I generally stay away from discussions of power levels in anime, but it's curious to me that Corrin can get so easily overwhelmed, even as a dragon, and then the much less experienced characters are supposed to fight Anankos at his seat of power. Sure, Corrin was alone, but wouldn't Anankos have a much bigger and stronger army defending him? Oh well.

    Mitama and Selkie say their fathers came to defend them too, and while they think it's likely they're dead, they choose to hold onto hope.

    Vallite soldiers appear, and after calming Selkie down in order to flee, the camera moves to Kiragi and Hisame. Kiragi can't properly aim the Fujin Yumi, and Hisame is telling him they need to flee.

    Kana, Mitama and Selkie run towards them, and Kiragi hits a shot.

    Hisame: Kiragi! By plum, you did it... You gave 'em a taste of the Fujin Yumi!

    ...Having played the Japanese version of Fates I was not ready for super stiff, extra formal Hisame to start talking like this. The pickled vegetables obsession was not a localization thing (it was just turned into pickles, funniest shit I've ever seen), but this sure was an...inspired choice.

    Kana is happy to see the Vallite soldiers die and asks Kiragi if he can teach her how to fight.

    Kiragi: Uhhhh... Wait, is that the Yato?

    Kana: You know about it?!

    Kiragi: My dad says that's the sword that'll save the world. One of those "only the chosen one can wield it" sorta deals.

    I know Takumi's information may have been wrong but didn't Fuga say the Yato could also end the world? I'm surprised the Rainbow Sage didn't snap the thing in two when he saw it again considering how much he regretted making it (I think? I've spent so much time analyzing this game yet some things either just slip my mind or are so stupidly diffuse).

    Kiragi explains he's in the same situation as the other kids, and the conversation continues like thus:

    Kana: You think I can do it? Do you really think... I can fight the spooky men?

    Kiragi: I don't think so, Kana—I KNOW so!

    Kana: Thank you, Kiragi!

    Which leads to...

    Kiragi: Whoa, what the heck? Why's the Fujin Yumi glowing?!

    Kana: My sword's shining, too! Kiragi, what's going on? Did I mess up somewhere? Yikes!

    Kana: The Yato's different now!

    Kiragi: Nice! I saw the beam of light shoot straight from the Fujin Yumi into the Yato... I think your sword has tapped into my bow's power! I have no idea how that works, but I'm not about to question it.

    They haven't been talking for five minutes and their legendary weapons click, while they're still surrounded by Vallites. Doesn't that seem awfully...simple? Convenient? Anyway, this motivates them to fight back instead of flee, and they chase the Vallites off. The final attacker looks like a Vallite Siegbert, who runs away after being defeated.

    Before they can give chase however, Azura appears as a ghost. She tells them not to give chase. Kiragi doesn't remember Azura, but the others say they feel like they've seen her before.

    ???: Don't worry. When the time comes...at the end of your strife... That hazy feeling will become clear. Everything will return to normal. Listen carefully, Kana... Do you have a Dragonstone?

    Everything will return to normal huh. Okay. That sounds interesting. ...Wait, what was that about a Dragonstone?

    (magic noise)

    ???: There. This is your Dragonstone. You must take very good care of it. Never let it our of your sight.

    How are you doing this?! Where do you get your rocks and your crystal balls from?! You're a ghost!

    Kana: Thank you! I can use this to turn into a dragon?

    ???: Yes. Your Dragonstone and the Noble Yato will make you fearsome in battle.

    Kana: The Noble Yato?

    ???: Your sword's new name. Yato's name and shape changes whenever it resonates with another sacred weapon. Its next form after the Noble Yato is the Blazing Yato. Eventually, it will become the Omega Yato, also known as the Fire Emblem.

    Good thing Azura remembered the name of all the stages of the Yato's transformation, otherwise they wouldn't know what to call it. Also, doesn't this sound remarkably like they're describing a Pokémon?

    Kana asks Azura about their fathers, to which Azura replies:

    ???: I'm sorry. There's nothing else I can tell you. This is something that you must discover for yourselves. But I'll leave you with this. The soldiers you fight here... Didn't you think there was something strange about them?

    Even with the world hanging in the balance, Azura refuses to stop being cryptic. I'm not sure why, since what ultimately saves them are superweapons, not some kind of personal introspection and growth.

    The scene ends, and Shigure finishes the chapter by saying:

    Shigure: (singing) In the white light, a hand ♪ reaches through... A double-edged blade cuts ♪ your heart in two... Waking dreams fade away... ♪ Embrace the brand-new day... A song for one who chooses the cherry blossom over the rose. It has such power that it can seize control of one's soul. Only it, combined with the dragon's stone, can grant the miracle we need. But once you take hold of it, your soul will sink below the waves... Its power will no longer reach your body. Even if someone else takes it up, their song can never reach your sunken soul. I know this full well...yet I can't stop myself from doing what must be done...

    Very mysterious.

    Now, you may have noticed I've copied a lot of dialogue from this map, but here's the thing: the next three maps follow the same structure, just focused on four and eventually, as they join forces, two different teams. That makes it very hard to find the right structure for this analysis, as there's so much repetition. I'll try to quote less from here on out until we reach the end of the fourth map.

    Heirs of Fate map 2

    This time, we follow M!Kana, who has turned into a dragon and is going rampage. Dwyer and Sophie are trying to calm him down, while also establishing that what happened to the previous group happened to them as well.

    Sophie: That's quitter talk, Dwyer! One more word, and you get the poky end of my spear.

    Dwyer: Th-that won't be necessary. Please don't hit me... I happen to like wearing clothes.

    If you've never used Sophie because you think Silas is a creepy lizardman who shouldn't be allowed to breed, Dwyer's line makes no sense.

    It does establish that they know each other, to which I ask: how? Weren't they locked in their Deeprealms until today? I know there's more shenanigans going on than meets the eye, but I'm still a little uncertain of this. It might be me misunderstanding something though, so I'll leave it at that.

    The scene transitions to Forrest, Nina, and Ophelia, and we notice a trend here: Hisame, Hinata's son, was with Kiragi, Takumi's son. Ophelia and Nina, Owain's and Niles' daughters respectively, are with Forrest, Leo's son. The retainers' children are with their respective lords, but there's an issue with this: one of the few good pieces of worldbuilding in Fates is that the Hoshidan retainers come from clans and families with a lot of history, so their children serving the Hoshidan royalty makes sense. The royal Nohrian retainers, however, are a ragtag bunch of misfits who got their job because they're good at what they do; their positions are not hereditary.

    You could argue Nina and Ophelia teaming up with Forrest makes sense since they'd know (of) each other, but I still think this throws away one of the few interesting pieces of worldbuilding in the whole game.

    Oh, and Owain gave Ophelia a "rock" and had time to explain it was a good luck charm. We will get back to this.

    Anyway, Team Forrest rushes in to save Dwyer, Sophie and Kana from Vallite soldiers seemingly led by Vallite versions of Shiro and a few other Hoshidan second gen characters. Kana returns to normal and says largely the same things as F!Kana did, and as they team up, his Yato links with Forrest's Brynhildr.

    Forrest: My father told me about the sacred weapons of the world once. The golden blade, Yato, upon exposure to one, becomes the Grim Yato. I suppose the royal tome Brynhildr qualifies as one of these. A second sacred weapon, if we had one, would achieve the Shadow Yato.

    Like split Pokémon evolutions.

    Sophie: Dang! You know you've got a cool magic sword going when it GLOWS!

    All your parents just died and the world is ending.

    Anyway, Forrest is surprised Kana knows his name, and the conversation that follows goes like this:

    Kana: Huh?! Don't be weird, Forrest! Of course I know your name!

    Forrest: And without me having properly introduced myself... Tsk, tsk. I take it you overheard it while in dragon form?

    Kana: Um...is this not a joke? What's going on here? Hey, Sophie, Dwyer! Ophelia! Nina, too! What happened to Forrest? Why did he forget who I am?

    Nina: I, uh... Are we SUPPOSED to know each other already? Because I don't remember introducing myself to you. So how did you know my name?

    Kana: This isn't funny, Nina! Of course I know your name! Don't tell me you forgot me, too... It's me! Kana!

    Ophelia: Kana... Kana... Hmm.

    Sophie: The name does sound kind of familiar for some reason.

    Dwyer: Does it? I don't think I've ever met anyone called that.

    Kana: What? C'mon, everyone... Why can't you remember who I am?

    Azura: It's all right, Kana. Once this is over, they will be restored to normal. Along with the memories they've lost...

    Alright, so the world can definitely return to normal, as she said in the first map, but we're starting to see that something is wrong with their memories.

    So much for quoting less, but after they discuss their memory losses, they say:

    Azura: Perhaps it isn't memory loss at all. Maybe you've never met this Kana who met you. I couldn't really say. Memories aren't something you collect intentionally. Nor do you abandon them deliberately. It's like rain. It falls where it will, forms pools and then evaporates. The next day, there's no trace of the water that was there.

    Kana: Is there no way to stop ourselves from forgetting things? There has to be!

    Azura: Unfortunately, I don't know of a way. If one exists, you must find it yourselves. I could tell you the truth now, but it would only evaporate from your minds. The only thing to do for now is to press onward.

    Alright, more curses and mumbo jumbo. I'd say it explains why Azura is being cryptic, except wouldn't everything else she says also evaporate from their minds? Or perhaps it's just information delivered non-cryptically that won't stick. Anankos sure is picky with how he designs his traps, huh. Maybe they could, I don't know, write some notes?

    Heirs of Fate map 3

    So, how do I put this? It's more of the same. Asugi, Caeldori, Midori, Rhajat and Shiro are injured after a fight with a "dragon" (M!Kana), go over the fact that their homes are destroyed and their fathers dead. Once M!Kana disappears, they go back to fight the Vallite soldiers. F!Kana and her group show up and help them. They then exchange information, discuss the memory loss, and the Rajinto and Yato link.

    New information comes when Azura's ghost meets up with Shigure, who's sitting alone singing in what looks like Valla.

    Azura: My time is almost up, I'm afraid. I'm sorry to have to lead you down the one path I never wished for you. Before I go, I must teach you the rest of the song.

    Breathes deep

    Azura: Yes. When I sang, I failed to use the song's full potential. There is a fourth verse that holds tremendous, dangerous power. I've wondered why I remain here, and I believe it's to teach you that verse. Remember when I told you that you can use the pendant as I could?


    The song was already only as powerful as the plot needed it to be, and Anankos' crazy plan to weaken himself just enough to allow somebody to off him was already convoluted enough. Now you're telling me Anankos thought "you know what? I'll add an extra fourth verse. Just in case I'm too big and strong to be killed and the heroes really need some help. There's no way this plan can possibly backfire! Now, let's think of the lyrics...".

    Shigure: Yes, but you warned me never to do so.

    Azura: There is no other way now. You have more potential within than I ever did. The power flowing through you is equal to that of the ancient kings of Valla.

    Hang on, this goes against the canon established by Hidden Truths. Anankos blessed the new kings more because he wanted them to be strong enough to kill him when he became mad. The ancient kings should be weaker than the modern ones, but I guess that doesn't sound as cool.

    The two discuss the ancient kings and that singing the fourth verse is dangerous. Considering the regular song turns Azura into bubbles in two out of three routes, I'm not sure the stakes needed to be raised even further.

    Shigure: But that's just one possibility—not the inevitable. I promise I'll succeed, Mother. I'll save this world. And then everyone who faded away can come back...including you.

    They're really stressing that everything can return back to normal huh. At any rate, Azura tells Shigure she loves him and that even if she disappears completely she'll be there if he calls upon her. Then she teaches him the rest of the song.

    Heirs of Fate map 4

    Alright, you know the drill. The last remaining kids (Siegbert, Soleil, Ignatius, Velouria, and Percy) discuss the situation and their likely dead fathers but don't want to give up hope. The main difference here compared to the last map is that Siegbert is overly cautious while Shiro was overly reckless, but what's more likely to stick is a lower opinion of Velouria, as she's absolutely awful to her allies on purpose.

    Siegbert's group teams up with Forrest's group and fights Vallite versions of the Hoshidan kids. Siegbert saw the mysterious Hoshidans' weapons light up before, and when he sees M!Kana's Yato, he beseeches Siegfried to transfer its power to the Yato.

    Now that both the Yatos are powered up, when they clash, the world seems to change for an instant, revealing that they're actually in Valla. The Kanas go berserk and turn into dragons, wanting to kill the other group despite the Dragonstones being meant to keep their impulses in check and everyone else wanting to stop the battle after seeing something else was going on. Sure, there is a lot going on, but the Kanas' rage sort of comes out of nowhere, and I imagine it's only there to justify Shigure showing up to calm them down with his song and inform them of what's going on.

    Shigure: You're still trapped in an illusion. Are these people you see your hated enemies? Do they truly deserve to die? Think carefully and you'll find you know the truth already.

    Kana: Hmmm...you're right! I shouldn't be fighting them. Why did I ever see them as enemies? I don't get it.

    Siegbert: They are humans who carry divine weapons, just as we are. We have everything in common. So why...

    Forrest: Something tells me these are not the fiends who struck our Deeprealms. I fear we have allowed ourselves to be used as pawns in someone else's game.

    Shigure: Well done. Let's dispense with the illusion entirely, shall we?

    Shigure can calm down dragons, weaken Anankos and dispel illusions. The problem with these vague powers, as I have mentioned before, is that they can easily fill whatever hole the plot needs. With that fourth verse, this problem is only amplified; for all we know he could sing Anankos to death without the kids' help and it would still fit within the realm of possibility because of the song's vague limitations.

    Shiro: I knew something was off about all this. But why? And where the hell are we?

    Shigure: You're in Valla.

    Shiro: That's not a country I've ever heard of.

    Do you think they speak English in Valla?

    Shigure: Nevertheless, it's where you've been ever since you left your Deeprealms.

    Kiragi: But we clearly weren't! Just a second ago, I was standing inside a Nohrian castle! And there was a dragon right where that kid is standing! You guys were all there too, right?! Tell me I'm not crazy!

    Siegbert: That's not what I remember. We were at the Great Wall in Hoshido, were we not? Not any Nohrian palace, and certainly not wherever this is.

    Shigure: That's the illusion at work. You remain in this world while seeing visions of another. It's all part of the enemy's scheme to have you kill one another.

    While not a bad idea to have your enemies kill themselves, doesn't Anankos have a massive army of undead, dimension-hopping invisible soldiers who are confirmed to be super strong? How couldn't they finish them off when they were wounded, tired, and in small groups? Also, while that might be part of the illusion, didn't the characters notice they were fighting alongside regular Vallite soldiers?

    Shigure explains the situations off screen, and Siegbert and Shiro confirm the situation.

    Shigure: I just went over this, Shiro. Yes. The dragon king of Valla is our true enemy.

    Soleil: But if all he wants is to wipe out the human race, why doesn't he do it himself? From the way you describe him, he could smash an entire kingdom in one blow.

    Shigure: The Silent Dragon is much less powerful outside of his kingdom. Without his ability to make direct assaults, he set his sights on adjacent astral planes. Or in other words, your Deeprealms. He knew the warriors would come running to protect their children. With a bit of luck, he might have gotten his chance to kill a king or two.

    I'm still not sure why Anankos would be weaker outside of Valla, especially when his powers seem to work just fine, both in the form of his soldiers and whatever blessings Garon and Mikoto had. Also, how on earth would "warriors come running" if Anankos attacked a Deeprealm? They make it sound as though they'd instantly know another world is under attack and come running within a few minutes.

    Shigure: Yes. His hope was that you would kill each other and save him the effort. It used to be impossible to reach Valla except through the Bottomless Canyon. But I suspect portals here can be opened on astral planes without an Astral Dragon. That must have been how he took your parents to his homeland. If we act quickly, I believe we can get them all back.

    Maybe this is the explanation but I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what Shigure is saying here. I've read it over and over, and while I understand the words and that traveling to Valla is conveniently easier now, I don't get the part about the Astral Dragons or the kids' parents...is he saying he teleported the first gen characters to the Deeprealms to protect their kids? But if he had that power why not just drop them over a cliff? I realize there's a chance I'm just being stupid here, but this line is really all over the place.

    They discuss the memory losses and how they're slowly falling under Anankos' control. However, killing him really does seem like it'll solve all their issues and allow them to get everything back, so they get excited and introduce themselves before teaming up. Or, that's what they should be doing, but they start piecing together that the Hoshidans come from a world where Hoshido won the war, and the Nohrians from a world where the Nohrians won. This upsets Shiro, who says Siegbert's sword is likely what killed Ryoma in the world where Nohr was victorious. The argument escalates, and a rift is formed between the two groups.

    Again, lots of things going on here and while you can't expect the characters to be 100% calm and collected, this seems so contrived. They're angry for what might've happened in other potential worlds, all while they're slowly being brainwashed and having just gotten an explanation for what's going on as well as the target they need to defeat. From a meta perspective, it's also a strange direction to take the plot in. We're at the end of map four out of six. It's not like there's much time to develop this conflict, and it's not like anyone thinks they won't become friends and fail in taking Anankos down; they've spelled out multiple times that killing him will make everything alright somehow.

    It's easy to raise stakes and add drama. It's much harder to do it in a way that's satisfying and grounded in previously established conflicts. One of my favorite scenes in the entire series is Skrimir confronting Naesala near the end of Radiant Dawn, which serves to highlight Naesala's inner turmoil and closest relationships as well as Skrimir's character development. Here, we've got 20+ characters arguing about what might have happened in another world.

    Heirs of Fate map 5

    There's an awkward tension between our heroes, and Shigure wonders if they can even defeat Anankos as they are now if they confront him. Fortunately, Arete shows up with a team-building exercise all planned out. She teleports everyone away, save for the Kanas and Shigure, organizing them into corresponding prince/retainer teams. Shiro + Siegbert, Kiragi + Forrest, Asugi + Soleil, and so on. During the teams' journey back, they grow to respect each other and bridge their gaps.

    In essence, this goes exactly as you'd think. I'm not sure what Arete was thinking here. If she's that powerful, why not just zap them?

    Arete, Mikoto and Sumeragi serve as the bosses here. I was skeptical of their dying speeches in Revelation, but here their battle dialogues are even less impactful since they've never interacted with these characters before. The problem of the Nohrians having nothing to do with any of these characters remains, though the battle conversations are really nothing to write home about; Arete gets a headache from looking at Shigure, Mikoto cries over Corrin, and Sumeragi just wants to fight his grandchildren who have just enough time to realize who he is before he attacks.

    I do wonder if the Kanas are supposed to be as old as Corrin was when they were kidnapped, as Mikoto says they look identical to a younger Corrin, but that doesn't seem to line up with the very few memories Corrin has of Hoshido.

    Anyway, our heroes win and open up the way to Anankos' castle. Shigure, however, uses his song to stun them in order to stop them from fighting the dragon as he's afraid they'll die. He reveals that they're not from two different worlds, but they all come from different ones and that only "this world" remains. While the other second generation kids come either from a world where Nohr or Hoshido won the war, Shigure comes from a Revelation world, except Anankos won.

    He then says this:

    Shigure: The Silent Dragon now rules this world, just as he planned. But that wasn't enough. He invaded another realm, and then another. Those were your realms—worlds where the Silent Dragon is still sealed. Everyone you knew there has most likely fallen prey to the Vallite army.

    So one world wasn't enough. Apparently Anankos is so powerful he can conquer at least ~20 other worlds on his own. Doesn't this mean he can team up with his other selves too and rule all worlds? I guess Anankos is "sealed" in other worlds, but what does that even mean? We've seen that Anankos is capable of influencing the world from Valla in all other routes, and the excuse we've been given for why he stays in Valla is that his powers will disappear outside of it. ...Wait, then how does he keep his powers in other worlds?

    One might assume Anankos being sealed is why he needs Corrin as his vessel, but this is so incredibly underdeveloped that I don't even know what this means or why it's necessary.

    Another question I have is what the point of there being a bunch of other worlds is. Is it an excuse for why all routes are canon, or is it to show how cool and strong Anankos is? Regardless, I'm more confused than awed, but that might just be me. I think the most important takeaway from this is that the world gets messed up if you play Birthright or Conquest, confirming that those routes are bad endings.

    Moving on, Shigure says he'll take on Anankos on his own with the power of his song.

    Shigure: Essentially... Though dying in this way would release far too much power. Instead, I would have to absorb the curse entirely. This would prevent me from death and condemn me to eternal suffering.

    So, he's going to sing the secret fourth verse no one has been able to use and he knows that absorbing the curse will condemn him to eternal suffering presumably even after Anankos dies. How does he know that and what even is the curse at this point? In the main route you just can't talk about Valla but in this DLC it seems to erase memories and slowly brainwash others, all while Anankos has the power to invade other worlds, raise undead armies and cause mass hallucinations. This seems like typical shounen power level spiraling out of control, but this is an optional DLC seemingly trying to hype up Anankos way after the player has likely put him down like the sad, dying animal he was in Revelation. It's hard to take such a pathetic villain seriously after such lackluster evil monologues and immature arguments like "I'm not a dick! Humans are the real dicks!".

    Maybe I'm just old, but when stories start throwing big concepts and stakes and vague powers at you in short succession without bothering to properly explain (or better yet demonstrate) them, I lose interest. What's more, there's just one map left. I'm more confused than intrigued.

    Shigure teleports them all away to confront Anankos alone, and so ends the fifth map.

    Heirs of Fate final chapter

    The kids are discussing how to get back to save Shigure, and they start quoting what Azura said. For some reason they don't remember her name but they remember what she said about the ability to weigh one's memories against someone's life. They all surmise that they can sacrifice their memories to stop Shigure from dying when singing.

    I think we're due for a summary of everything that has transpired up until this point because while I'm trying to make this easy to take in, I realize this must be a confusing mess if you haven't played/watched the DLC.

    • All kids have lost their parents from their respective worlds, and apparently only this lost world remains. They spent four out of six chapters fighting each other due to Anankos' illusions

    • Anankos went on a killing spree across at least 20 other worlds

    • The curse now also erases memories and slowly indoctrinates you to serve Anankos

    • The curse can be absorbed by a secret fourth verse of Anankos' song, but the singer would be subject to an eternity of torment from absorbing so much power. These consequences can be offset by people sacrificing their memories.

    This is a lot of really out there stuff. Practically nothing of this gets elaborated on to any meaningful extent, and character interactions are primarily solely tied to the plot. Yes, you can discern their personalites from how they talk, but they say so very little of value. It's not odd considering there are over 20 characters involved.

    What's worse, there's a very clear solution to everything here: Azura and Shigure have repeatedly said that killing Anankos will return everything to normal. So...yeah. I wonder how this will end.

    The discussion continues, and Ophelia and Soleil reveal that they do in fact have teleportation crystals on hand; they just didn't know what they were. Apparently Owain and Inigo decided not to head back to Ylisse in their worlds after failing in their mission, and then they didn't explain what the magical teleportation rocks did. At this point I'm not sure what other ways remain for Intelligent Systems to portray the Awakening trio as massive idiots outside of deliberate character assassination. This is wrong on so many levels but I think the strangest part might be that Owain gave Ophelia the crystal, said it was a good luck charm and then sacrificed himself so that she could escape, instead of just telling her to teleport out of there.

    Forrest, however, says the two crystals are too small to teleport them all back to Shigure (apparently he used a much bigger one). Upon hearing that, Lilith shows up (yes, really) and gives the last of her power to charge the crystals. ..Except she shows up later again.

    What was it the penultimate boss in Radiant Dawn said to Oliver in their battle conversation? "I simply never would have imagined you here. Your presence proves Tellius is unraveling at the seams. Judgement cannot come soon enough." I bring that up now because that's more or less my reaction to this. "This might as well happen." Why on earth would you include this teleportation back and forth if it was solved this easily and quickly?

    The scene changes to Anankos and Shigure. Anankos insists on calling Shigure Cadros, the name of the first king of Valla, and talks about how he was forgotten and hated for "a single mistake". Basically, Anankos is talking about how lonely and sad he is and angry that humans are thriving because of powers granted by him/dragons.

    Anankos: But I have a solution, Cadros. We shall build a new kingdom, you and I. As soon as we have found the ideal land for it...

    Shigure: Why can you not build here? What is so "ideal" about this land you seek?

    Anankos: This world is already tainted by the humans and their dominance. I have been searching the astral plane for realms in which things did not go awry. But none of the realms are right. None of them have MY Kingdom of Valla...

    Shigure: No... This was all to find your ideal kingdom from before it was destroyed? That's why you invaded so many Deeprealms all at once?

    Anankos: The contemptible vermin of this realm betrayed me. But among the endless possibilities across the astral plane... There must be one realm in which they did not. One realm where I was not defied; not rejected; not driven away by the sword...

    Shigure: Yet you found no such realm.

    Honestly? I like the idea of this villainous motivation. However, it is a motivation that requires far, far more build-up than what we've got. Anankos casually invading at least 20 other worlds and killing all humans there is so far removed from what the main story dealt with that it just becomes noise. It means nothing. How can I put this...imagine if Anankos had said this in Revelation, that he looked across 20 different worlds for a better Valla and couldn't find one - what would that actually change? Nothing. Different worlds and all that they imply are such a massive concept that they need more fleshing out than a few lines said in passing.

    People frequently say that Fates had good ideas but poor execution. I feel like pointing out that coming up with ideas is the easy part, and actually making them come to life is the real challenge. There's a reason why "idea guys" are looked down on.

    Moving on, Shigure threatens to use the song and eventually starts singing, Anankos gets scared, but then the kids show up, aided by Lilith, and interrupt him.

    Shigure is confused by this and upset they put himself at risk. The other kids reveal they know they can sacrifice the memories they've made since coming to his world in exchange for preserving his life. They state that

    Kana (F): Heehee. Sorry, Shigure! I know you were excited to die, but too bad!

    What is wrong with everyone in this game.

    Anyway, they all agree it's a price worth paying, even if they'll never remember the people they fought besides, seeing as they come from different worlds.

    It sure is nice of Anankos to let them all sort this stuff out, but once they're done he transforms into his dragon self and the world basically shatters, showing a bunch of other worlds behind him. At his side are the dead (?) fathers.

    The Kanas activate their Omega Yatos/Fire Emblems, Shigure starts singing, and the battle is on.

    The main thing this battle offers is the various battle conversations. However, the first gen characters don't say a word unlike Arete, Mikoto, and Sumeragi did in the main routes/previous map. It's good that the quotes are here, don't get me wrong, but in Future Past there was actual character interaction and the conversations were different depending on the father. Here, there's less dialogue and less specialness to the conversations, as the situation is the same for all the kids, and the structure of what they say is near identical (first recognizing their father and trying to deny them being on the other side, then explaining what kind of relationship they had, and finally they say they'll fight their father and set him free).

    Anankos falls and he seems to snap out of his insanity. He thanks the kiddos for waking him up and singing the song, then thanks Ophelia and Soleil for fulfilling their promise.

    Anankos: Yes... A promise that spanned vast reams of time and space... Fulfilled by the power inside those crystals of yours...

    Anankos destroyed this world and then at least 20 more so their daughters had to step up and clean up their mess, but yes, well done, Inigo and Owain. Promise fulfilled.

    Anankos: No harm has come to them. The world will return...to what it was... Your father...your mother...and all of your friends... You will find them at the end of the path that was meant to be. The one where I no longer exist.

    So, here we are. The entire DLC has led up to this point. Basically, you hit the reset button. The memories of what happened here will be erased, everyone will go back to their worlds and all of their loved ones will be alive. It'll be as if nothing ever happened, to which I ask why the DLC was even made to begin with. If they wanted to flesh out the second generation characters, there must have been better ways of doing it than this, and if it was to flesh out Anankos, well, that should've been in the base game (and he had a starring role as it were in another DLC as well). This is one hell of a plot convenient song.

    I also think it's strange how they "go back" to their own worlds but how they actually got to the one they're currently in is skimmed over. Yes, Anankos attacked, but the kids ran out of their Deeprealms and just...ended up here? This is what I mean by the concept of different worlds needing to be fleshed out more; the longer you think about this the more questions will pop up in your head.

    Lilith appears and says she'll guide Anankos to rest among the stars and the kids say their farewells. If only one person remembers what they've done, they should say "It's good to meet you" to clue the others in and hopefully unlock their memories, and I only mention this because it's a neat touch that all second gen Fates characters say that when summoned in Heroes.

    CG images are shown of the "main" kids meeting up with their fathers, Shigure is watched over by Azura's spirit, the pendant Shigure threw into a lake falls to the bottom, and then it ends with Shigure saying "it's good to meet you" to both Kanas.

    Final thoughts in a separate comment due to insufficient space. Please understand.

    submitted by /u/Odovakar
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    Conquest Tier List Redux 2 Round 1: Corrin and Gunter

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:43 PM PST

    Welcome to Round 1: Corrin and Gunter!

    So last nights poll resulted in the fathers getting credit when it comes to tiering with a total of 31 votes yes and 30 votes no. So from here on out fathers do get credit.

    Another rule addition. because paralogues exist in this context, it also means that you can play paralogues to get enough experience to obtain level 15 skills for lategame. This is a new official rule now.

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations on why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for Conquest units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary Round

    The Major Four Rules of Thumb When Judging a Unit:

    • How does the unit start, whether considering base value or join map?

    • To what extent will the unit need training or investment to meet a return?

    • To what extent does the return profit, meet at equilibrium, or fall below input?

    • What does a unit contribute? As in, what niches or value do they hold?

    Without Further Ado, let's begin



    The godly growth unit and the godly based unit.

    Class (Corrin)

    Nohr Prince/Princess (Swords-Tomes on Promo)

    Base Stats (Before Boon/Bane applied, base class)

    1 19 7 4 7 6 6 2 5 5

    Growth Rates (Before Boon/Bane applied, base class)

    60 60 40 50 55 45 30 55

    Promotion Gains (Nohr Prince/Princess>Nohr Noble)

    1 2 3 0 2 1 4 0 1

    Personal Pair Up Bonuses

    Overall :--: Dependent on Boon and Bane

    Pair Up Bonuses (Nohr Prince/Princess)

    +2 0 +1 +1 +2 0 0 0

    Pair Up Bonuses (Nohr Noble)

    +2 +2 +1 +1 0 0 +2 0

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Magic Hidden Weapons Dragonstone
    E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Skills (Base Class)

    Personal Base Level 10 Level P5 Level P15
    Supportive Nobility Dragon Fang Draconic Hex Nohrian Trust


    Corrin may obtain supports and S ranks with every character in the game.

    Reclass Sets

    Corrin has near every class at his disposal through Marriage or Talent.

    PRF Weapons

    Ganglari Yato Grim Yato Shadow Yato Dragonstone (While in Nohr Prince/Princess Line)

    Class (Gunter)

    Great Knight (Swords-Lances-Axes)

    Base Stats (Base Class)

    10 34 17 0 24 10 20 6 13 7

    Growth Rates (Base Class)

    35 25 0 15 5 25 5 20

    Promotion Gains (N/A)

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Personal Pair Up Bonuses

    C Support B Support A Support S Support
    Defense +1 Strength +1 Skill +1 Strength +1, Defense +1

    Pair Up Bonuses (Great Knight)

    +2 0 0 0 0 +4 0 +1

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Magic Hidden Weapons Dragonstone
    D B C 0 0 0 0 0

    Skills (Base Class)

    Personal Base Base Base Level P15
    Forceful Partner Elbow Room Shelter Luna Armoured Blow


    Gunter has 2 support sets, with Corrin and Jakob.

    Reclass Sets

    Wyvern Line

    Mercenary Line

    PRF Weapons


    Just a reminder, here are the tiers being used

    • Fantastic Performance: S Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best. Every run of Conquest incorporates them, and the ones that don't are either a mistake or are a self imposed challenge run. Includes:

    • Great Performance: A Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly. Their use is suggested, though not mandatory. Includes:

    • Good Performance: B Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They fill a niche that while might be outranked by S and A tier is unique and significant enough to stand out within the context of the game and makes said unit definitely worth considered using. Includes:

    • AOK Performance: C Can be useful, with possible minor detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not super useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment. Includes:

    • Iffy Performance: D Not all that useful, with guaranteed minor to major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take minorly more investing than most to perform adequately. Includes:

      At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    • Lame Performance: E Hahah they suck. Conquest is flexible, and that means anyone is workable, but these people push that limit. They do not fill any required niches to the standard or at all and take far more investing than most to perform not all that solidly, or just poorly. Includes:

    Previous Round

    lol this is round 1

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    Just released a new full-blown Three Houses character build analyzer

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 12:29 PM PST

    TL;DR: here's a web app for theorycrafting character builds for FE3H: https://knsley.github.io/fe3hanalyzer/

    Just wanted to share this project I've been tinkering with for the last year. I got the idea while I was planning a maddening classic playthrough. Which mage actually has the best stat growths? How much does leveling Lysithea through Armored Knight actually improve her DEF? And so on. Some people had spreadsheets to calculate averages, but there wasn't anything that would give you really detailed analysis, certainly not enough to tell you what making Lysithea an Armored Knight actually does. So rather than play more FE3H... I started making a calculator for anyone to use.

    The calculator uses all of the stat tables from Serenes Forest and the Fire Emblem wikis, like their stats when you recruit them in every chapter. Once you enter the character build, it'll calculate the full probability distributions of the stats and let you compare different characters and builds at different levels. So now you don't just know whether you're above/below average, you can tell just how lucky/unlucky you are.

    The calculations get very intricate because of all sorts of hidden mechanics. If you're curious, I wrote up the underlying formulas and game mechanics here.

    Just be warned, if you're emotionally attached to certain characters over others, you might not like what it tells you. ;)

    Edit: "Serenes", not "Serene's"

    submitted by /u/munchbunny
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    Challenge Run idea: the "Anime Chess" run

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:36 PM PST

    Hearing "Anime Chess" in reference to Fire Emblem gave me an idea for a... different kind of challenge run of FE8, which would also be applicable to any game in the series. Since I don't know where else I'd talk about this, I'll post the details here.

    The Anime Chess run limits unit movement according to the following rules:

    -A player unit may move to a space only if the same move may be made by a Queen (horizontal or diagonal) or Knight (2 spaces in one direction and 1 space in another, forming an "L-shape") in chess.

    -Additionally, if the unit moves horizontally or diagonally, every space between the unit and target space on that horizontal or diagonal must be walkable by that unit, though the unit may walk through allied units as normal.

    -Making an invalid move means you restart the chapter, unless the move is only invalid because the unit was ambushed in Fog of War (or by some other unpredictable effect such as a pit trap in FE9/10).

    -Activating Canto counts as a second move, as otherwise the player could forget where the unit began its turn.

    (I'm also not using the Tower, Skirmishes, or Arenas, and leaving Seth benched, as I usually do in any sort of challenge run.)

    So far, I've cleared through Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route. The run is by no means an LTC, though I'm sure that would make for an interesting challenge.

    I've noticed the restrictions make it much more important to plan out the route each unit takes, especially when status staves get involved- Berserk was a huge pain in Father and Son, and I had to plan carefully around Rennac to keep him from running away. Canto and Rescuedrop strats have been extremely useful, and I can imagine the run is much more restricting in games without them.

    Anyway, I really just want to discuss this as a challenge run concept. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/DoctorSpacebar
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    How Peace Leads to War - Fire Emblem Three Houses

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 02:15 PM PST

    How Peace Leads to War - Fire Emblem Three Houses

    This is a controversial topic, but I hope we can all take this topic respectfully. I recently thought about this after watching this meme on "How Fire Emblem Three Houses Should Have Ended" just for fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZYch3NGdLs

    ***There are slight spoilers also not revealed at the same time. So please take caution.

    There is this paradox of how peace leads to war, which reminded me of when playing this game.

    The desire for 'peace' is the root cause which causes war. This desire for 'peace' when inflamed by 'false righteousness' through forcing others to believe your own principles or when stimulated through anger, 'peace is no longer peace' but their own beliefs and ambitions warped. Likewise, all the three lords desired for that same "peace" peace where there was no discrimination of races, hierarchy, and crests. Yet, one reason that these three lords couldn't come to this resolve of collaborating with one another, despite their power and authority to do so and more-so all the students had some key information which could have contributed (see note 1), is because of their individual childhood experiences. Life taught them at a young age of the world's hardship that it is "live or die". Each came with the resolve of wanting peace and freedom, not to just for themselves but for all beings; a fair value, which they all had. Yet without experience of learning how to love, forgive others and hope for a future of embracing all to transmute their feelings of darkness to somewhat nobler virtues, their direction for peace, perhaps excluding for one lord, the kingdoms aimed to achieve "peace" through eliminating one another.

    FE3H attempted to take a realistic "war" version of life how it amassed conflict through this desire of raging "self-righteousness", hatred and anger, some ambitions become warped into attaining peace through a bittersweet ending, or at worst self-annihilation. No one truly wins.

    Any being can take life away from its form through its desire for "peace" leading to war, but it can never destroy Life itself, instead it causes suffering and death. This is one of the likely meaning of this story.

    A part of me feels somewhat incomplete with this story, as it is a missed opportunity as while it does very well in highlighting how the desire for how peace leads to war, it did not take the same opportunity to look at how it can be prevented.

    Recent history has shown that false perception of "peace" ignited these same wars, such as our own world wars. These wars did not profit anyone except loss of lives and suffering, this debt still being paid today by many countries whether it's through economics, trauma, or further ambition to show the world how weaponry, whether it be physical/emotional/intellectual/spiritual, can simply make others disappear. One issue that the story reinforces is that of our world's terrible state, with conflicts raging in different places.

    To understand one peace, specifically Inner Peace we must find what this means and how it relates to our everyday life. A good example was through Rudyard Kipling's quote in full (see Note 2)

    ""If you can keep your head when all about you

    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

    Or being hated, don't give way to hating

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.

    If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;

    If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

    And lose, and start again at your beginnings

    And never breathe a word about your loss;

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

    To serve your turn long after they are gone,

    And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

    If all men count with you, but none too much;

    If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

    And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!"

    To truly gain peace, is to search up the root cause of it, and one way is through understanding one's own inner conflict through striving, even if a little, to see the nobler virtues in human beings. As human beings, we are creatures who are possible of transforming ourselves, guided by wisdom, love, and compassion. It is easier to start a war, whether physically, intellectually or metaphorically, than it is to gather the strength to see and wins one's own inner war.

    If we aim in our everyday life to consciously control our lower self's bitter passion occurs, slowly "our boar" is no longer a wild untamed animal, but will respond to more gentleness, patient and understanding rather than responding to sounds of thrashes.

    I am still an early player with starting the FE series since awakening, so I am no means an expert. Also I have enjoyed FE for its lore's and characters.

    FE3H had a potential to explore not only pain and suffering, but also inspire everyday players towards something which majority of us our hoping and want – Inner Peace…or that is the next FE game! Hahaha!

    Enjoy our beautiful dancers from https://twitter.com/adz_lrp/status/1157973589007593472?s=12 ! And take care everyone!


    Note 1: Bright Light's from "How Fire Emblem Three Houses Should Have Ended." comment on how all students had majority of the key information to overcome the war.

    "Solving 3H is easy.

    Edelgard: Crests shouldn't decide a person's worth.

    Rhea: yes I agree

    Claude: As do I.

    DIimitri: same here.

    Edelgard: wait what, Rhea why do you agree with me?

    Rhea: The holy books literally say that worshipping crests is wrong.

    Edelgard: Funny for you to say that when you control the masses using crest worship.

    Rhea: they barely even listen to me.

    Edelgard: B- but the Kingdom and Alliance are under your thumb.

    Dimitri: where did you get that idea? The kingdom is ruled by the king. Since my uncle is regent that falls onto him. The Central Church has no say in our government, we're merely allies.

    Claude:huh, really? I honestly didn't know that, well as for the Alliance it's ruled by the round table. The church has no say in it either. But what about the Empire?

    Ferdinand: Bernadetta's family actually runs the church in the Empire. The Central Church was kicked out over 100 years ago. Though interesting to learn that the church doesn't rule over the Alliance and Kingdom either.

    Dimitri: how did you come to believe that they did?

    Edelgard: My ancestors said that the Alliance and Kingdom were created by the church's plot to weaken the Empire...

    Slyvain: wait is that the same emperor who lost the battle of Eagle and Lion?

    Edelgard: Well, yes...

    Felix: So they were angry that they lost the war and made excuses for it, rather than own up to their loss, how pitiful.

    Annette: I remember that story the Loog was planning on destroying the Empire until the church stopped him.

    Claude:Loog wanted to destroy the Empire?

    Lorenz: it's embarrassing that you don't know this. The Empire was abusing the people of the Alliance and Kingdom

    Lysithea: and they're still doing it to this day....

    I can imagine that if Edelgard did actually bother to speak with others, a lot of unfortunate truths would come out."

    Note 2: This was a poem by Rudyard written for his son, hence at the end implied "you'll be a Man, my son!". However, Rudyard' letter can be applied no matter what race or gender you are.

    The beautiful dancers

    submitted by /u/Miyauchi_Renge_Dono
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    Fire emblem: Three Houses question about start of the game.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 04:44 PM PST

    It's my first play through. I'm at the part where I have to choose a faction to teach. Earlier, I was asked to choose between the three factions after the first fight with the bandits.

    Can someone explain the difference between the two choices if any? Does it matter if I choose to teach a different group other than the group I originally sided with?

    submitted by /u/reefgod
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    Brawling on Maddening

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:25 PM PST

    I'm doing my second maddening run, blue lions route for the first time, and I noticed I didn't plan any gauntlet users in my team (dedue is doing it now but will become an adjutant later, Felix is my bow user this time around. Also thought about making Catherine a war cleric, but assassin seems just better). Would you try to include a brawler on your team, or do you think I'll be fine without?

    submitted by /u/Starrynite120
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    How would the removal of forging affect Fates runs?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:14 PM PST

    Basically the question. What do you think would change or need to change in a run of fates without forging? I suppose anything else is A-OK, but without forging, what alternatives would you consider or what would you see becoming worse?

    submitted by /u/Lv3WhiteWind
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