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    Sunday, January 30, 2022

    Fire Emblem Some art I did of the Sylgrid gourmet tour

    Fire Emblem Some art I did of the Sylgrid gourmet tour

    Some art I did of the Sylgrid gourmet tour

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 07:33 AM PST

    Which one should I start with?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:14 AM PST

    Three Houses Dancer Florina (commission by @kakiko228 on Twitter)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:11 AM PST

    What if Grima was a divine..ish dragon. (OC)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:30 AM PST

    New Years Byleth and Hilda art I commissioned from Lazzle Dazzler

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:28 AM PST

    Hooters Marianne (By @ray_dango) [Commission]

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 02:07 PM PST

    this is what its like playing sacred stones

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 09:51 AM PST

    Black Eagles as Guinea Pigs (my art)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 01:48 PM PST

    Happy Chinese New Year! ft. Robin (comm from @B_PearlWhite)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:55 AM PST

    I was playing the Super Famicom version of Kirby Super Star and I found the Falchion in the great cave offensive.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:50 PM PST

    Unit Balance in FE7 and FE8/9

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:42 AM PST

    Hey friends, this here is a little pet theory I've been working on and I wanted to see what other people thought of it. For those who don't know, FE8 and FE9 were both developed at the same time, and in terms of game feel you can really tell there were a lot of ideas shared between the two entries (Cavaliers and other mounts are incredibly powerful, there's a big emphasis on enemy phase combat, etc.) FE7 also shares a lot of these game design qualities, but when I looked at what specific units were good in each games, I noticed a few big differences between FE7 and the other two.

    My theory is that FE8 and FE9 buffed and nerfed certain character archetypes as a direct response to problems with FE7's unit balance, and here's my evidence.

    Weaker Midgame Sages

    Pent > Saleh, Calill

    This is the comparison almost everyone notices, with people sometimes calling Saleh "balanced Pent". If you look at their base stats, Saleh's bases are basically just Pent's with a -3 penalty across the board, and a massive nerf of his staff rank, going from A to C. This was almost certainly intended to make players feel like training their early game mage wasn't "a waste of time because they get outclassed later", and it seems to have worked judging by the way casual players treat Erk versus how they treat Lute. It's worth noting, by the way, that I'll be looking at how casual/blind players treat these units (regardless of pitfalls) as that's the main feedback IS would be receiving at this time.

    Calill didn't receive the same stat nerf that Saleh did, but her big drawback is obviously that she can't use staves at all, meaning a trained Soren/Ilyana/Tormod still has an important niche that she can't fill.

    Weaker Armor Knights

    Oswin > Gilliam, Gatrie, Brom

    Obviously everyone knows about the FE8/9 sages being nerfed to correct the busted mess that was Pent, but it's only when I noticed the same thing with the armor knights that I thought it might be a game wide phenomenon. Oswin is one of the best armors in the series, with his early game contributions making other early game units like Eliwood and Lowen look like losers. On a first playthrough, the only thing stopping a player's first knight crest from being the biggest no brainer in the game is if they're really attached to one of their Lyn mode cavs. Comparing Oswin to Gilliam is an even worse blowout than comparing Pent and Saleh, Gilliam received huge nerfs to HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Defense, turning your armor knight from one of the most helpful early game units to one of your least.

    FE9 went with a different approach for its armor knights, letting you keep the big early game boost with Gatrie, but preventing him from snowballing by making the big guy leave your party after chapter 8. In his place you get Brom in chapter 11 who, to be fair, isn't as much of a downgrade as people like to believe imo, but he doesn't have the player attachment that Gatrie does, and his stats are definitely below average for that point in the game.

    Rebalanced Early Healers

    Moulder, Rhys > Serra

    Priscilla > Natasha, Mist

    This one I hope is pretty clear once someone spells it out, the devs probably didn't like how Priscilla completely outclassed Serra once players got both (even if you grinded the hell out of Serra in Lyn mode). Priscilla has basically universally higher bases than Serra, including all the highest impact ones like Magic, Movement, and staff rank. To solve this they gave the Serra replacement (Moulder/Rhys) overall higher bases (particularly in magic, staff rank, and bulk), while the Priscilla replacement (Natasha/Mist) got nerfed by having overall lower bases and no horse until promotion.

    Weaker Midgame Berserkers

    Hawkeye > Dozla, Devdan

    In the same vein as Pent and Saleh, Hawkeye and Dozla is also a really easy comparison to make, as even the notoriously prepromote-adverse fanbase of the mid 2000's acknowledged that Hawkeye, like Pent, was a really busted character. Dozla appears, much like Saleh, in a similar spot in the game with the same class, but with a universal nerf of -3 to all his stats (in the case of HP and Luck, it's more like -10) as well as a lower weapon rank.

    The Dozla/Hawkeye comparison isn't at all controversial, but I would like to throw Devdan into the mix. Granted, he's not a Berserker, but he, like Hawkeye, is a weaponlocked, footlocked prepromote that shows up right around the desert chapter with solid bases in every area except speed. It's also not as clear a case of "bad Hawkeye" as Dozla is, most notably because Devdan has +2 speed and +3 luck compared to The Hawk, but he also has -4 Strength, -3 Defense, -14 HP, and no crit bonus. Combine this with enemies in FE9 having overall higher AS, I think this is pretty clearly still a downgrade for our Danved look-alike. I understand if you don't think the comparison sticks, but I'm feeling bold today, so I'm gonna make it.

    Stronger Early Fighters

    Garcia > Dorcas

    Ross, Boyd > Bartre

    This one is a *bit* more of a stretch than the previous entries, but I think it's pretty clear they wanted to buff the infamously weak FE7 fighters. Garcia's bases are basically Dorcas's, but he has a +1 in Strength, Speed, Resistance, and a +2 in Defense, with a relatively minor -2 to HP, and basically the exact same growths, so I'd call this a straight buff.

    Ross and Boyd I'm comparing to Bartre as much stronger long term units. Whether or not Bartre was intended as an "investment" character I'm not sure, on one hand you get rewarded for training him with the Karla easter egg, but on the other his growths are only barely better than Dorcas's. As a unit I feel like he's really lacking direction, but that's not at all the case for Ross and Boyd, who really go all in on the "bad at the start, good later on" unit archetype, and they succeed much more at it as a result.

    Stronger Early Archers

    Neimi, Rolf > Rebecca

    In that same vein as the fighters, I think that the devs were really disappointed in how the archer Rebecca turned out in FE7. Maybe they didn't think they gave the player enough reasons to invest in her, maybe they didn't think she had a good enough payoff, I honestly couldn't tell you. This is a case where I think the intent was clear, but they just failed to make an impact.

    Neimi I think was given very clear buffs with her instant, useful support with Colm and her early, exclusive promo item with the chapter 6 Orion Bolt. Rolf's signposts are even more blatant with his personal bow and his access to the triangle attack. Unfortunately, the buffs just weren't enough in this case as all 3 are considered bottom 5 in their respective games, and if anything, Rebecca is considered the least bad because of her decent chip against the pegasi in chapters 12 and 13.

    Stronger Jagens

    Seth, Titania > Marcus

    The last balance change I picked up on and another I think the devs really dropped the ball on is the buffing of the Jagens in FE8 and FE9. I think that in response to casual players swearing off of using their Jagens, IS intentionally made Seth and Titania broken as hell. The thought process here was probably to not punish players that put too much investment in their Jagens by making sure they were still viable at endgame, which is basically the only weakness FE7!Marcus has.

    The main reason I think that endgame viability was their angle is that while you could argue Seth and Titania's bases are slightly better (they lead in speed, luck and defense while Marcus leads in strength and skill) their growths are much better, with both Seth and Titania having about a 20% boost in HP, strength, speed, and defense, while skill, luck, and resistance stayed basically the same. Marcus is amazing, don't get me wrong, but even casual players could tell that Seth and Titania were on a whole other level. They even invented the "Oifey" archetype because they thought tying them to the "Jagen" moniker couldn't do justice to how crazy busted they were.

    And that's my theory! What do you all think? Did you like it? Is it too much of a stretch? Were there any character types you think I missed?

    submitted by /u/lowresfe
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    A piece of a project I'm sadly unable to move forward on, this is simply titled "OUCH.png"

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:02 PM PST

    [OC] Edelgard Portrait

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:52 AM PST

    Bought a Nintendo power haul from a guy for $50 including roughly the first 200 issues. These were in there with the POR one never being opened. I thought these were neat and everyone here would enjoy them.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:21 PM PST

    [OC] Lon'qu

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 11:03 AM PST

    If you know you know

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:19 AM PST

    Any advice for a Fire Emblem Novice?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 09:54 AM PST

    I'm playing Fire Emblem for the first time, (FE8 to be exact,) and I feel like I might've made a huge mistake or something- thus, I am seeking some advice.

    I've been playing normal difficulty up to level 8, and I feel like it's harder than it should be due to a mistake I made early on. Not knowing how the game worked yet, I let Franz and Gilliam die- and I feel like that really wasn't supposed to happen, because I am struggling on what I believe should be only moderate difficulty levels.

    Is the game supposed to be this hard? Because if so, that's cool and I'll roll with it, but if it's not- should I reset? What should I do?

    submitted by /u/Deep_Difference5046
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    I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening and two characters are max level, what do I do with them?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 10:22 AM PST

    Frederick is max level as a great knight, and Nowi is max level as a manakete. What do I do with them. Are they just useless now, or is their high level enough to carry them when everyone else is still leveling up. I dont want to reclass Frederick, but is there a good class to change nowi to?

    submitted by /u/Tookerys
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    Is there any way to play fire emblem 7 without the true hit system?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 06:22 AM PST

    I recently started playing Fire Emblem Blazing Sword again on my emulator and I was wondering if there is any way to revert the true hit system back to it's preceding random number system? Maybe through a patch or cheat codes?

    submitted by /u/IKARUS_mbh
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    Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade is a GBA Epic in 32-Bit

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 11:53 AM PST

    I'm making my own Rom Hack.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2022 08:58 AM PST

    So I've been exploring a lot of Rom Hacks, but a lot of them were just lazy, boring, too long and the biggest crime of all, no passion put into it, and games like Bloodlines and Staff of Ages weren't finished yet, and the only Rom Hack I found which turned into an Indie Game was Midnight Sun, which turned into Path of the Midnight Sun, the only one I was able to finish was Pandan and Friends' Fire Emblem: Vision Quest, because it had a great story, fun but frustrating gameplay, good balancing, and well written characters.

    When I got started, I didn't get too far into the Development process, I was using Blazing Sword but since the Bugging Out of the Female Shaman was bothering me, and I know that the game could look buggy if I gone through with it, and Sacred Stones is more accessible, I decided to start it from Scratch.

    Story: In an Alternate World, since the Discovery of Magic, Technology ceased to exist for more friendly methods, and the ones capable of using magic from their bodies, were a new race of Humans, the Sorcerers, who were accused as Witches by the Public, after Hell's Gate was closed, the Sorcerers fled their Island, because if they stayed, then one day Hell's Gate will be opened again, but the Public didn't like them, and 1 of their Kings was a Sorcerer, and 1 King is an Ally of the Sorcerers.

    The Public accused that King as a Witch Sympathizer, so the Sorcerer sent his only daughter to hide while she is trained, and his country went into Anarchy, Hell's Gate was opened and Lucifer Escaped from Hell, so it is up to a 1st Class Hunter, and the Sorcerer Princess to clear the Sorcerers' Names, fight off Hell's Army, and seal away Lucifer again.

    Characters: The Characters include a 1st Class Hunter who is willing to give his allies a chance, and is loyal to his Hunter's Guild, and a Princess who is kind, humble, and even though she hates to fight, she knows that she can't bring peace without stopping those who spread war, a Priestess who is polite, and Nice, a Dragon Knight who thinks he's the greatest warrior in his country, a Mercenary who is a Ladies Man, and many more.

    Theming: This is supposed to have real world problems, dare I say it's supposed to be pretty dark, with some humor into it.

    These are some of the ideas I have, and my introduction into actual Game Development, so if you have any criticisms, then leave a comment below, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/TheWildFighter
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    Exploring Vantage LnD Felicia in Conquest

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:09 PM PST

    Felicia is one of my favorite units in fates due to her unique ability to access high level skills early. So with the recent discovery of how strong vantage LnD sorcerers can be, I thought it would be interesting to explore the possibility of what happens if you use felicia to try to recreate the build far earlier in the game than you normally would. I'm not going to claim this is optimal, just an exploration of the steps required and what the outcome is.

    Disclaimer: Most of this post is theorycrafting. I was planning on doing a run to test out this strategy, but when I saw that we were making a new tier list I thought it would be good to get a post out to put the theory out there.

    Class Access

    The big problem felicia comes across in this build is class access. Unlike traditional vantage LnD sorcs, like odin and ophelia, felicia does not have access to samurai in her innate class set, nor can she marry other regular units to access it either. This means that if felicia wants to gain access to samurai to pull off this build, it has to happen through corrin marriage. This is obviously a massive investment and not one to be taken lightly. However, assuming we are willing to invest such a resource into this build, how would it play out?

    In addition to the above requirement of corrin marriage, this build also has another class access problem, felicia's limited friendship pool. Because felicia is a cross route unit, she has only 3 friendship support chains, of which 2 are accessible in conquest. Flora gets her access to the dark knight class line for malefic aura, 2 higher points of base magic and capped magic compared to strategist, S-rank tomes and bowbreaker for chapter 25 strats. However Flora doesn't join until chapter 19 in conquest which means you will have to hold off on gaining the benefits of this friendship until later in the game. Meanwhile, felicia's other friendship, Peri gives access to the cavalier line with elbow room and defender which account for 4 additional attack power that can be used in any class. Both of these friendship paths have their benefits and drawbacks, so neither is clearly better IMO.

    Felicia does throw us one boon with her innate class set. Her alt class is mercenary which gives her innate access to strong riposte for a nice +3 damage when enemy phase sweeping.

    Earlygame (pre LnD)

    For this build I will be assuming a +mag -lck corrin with samurai talent that switches into dark knight at some point in the earlygame.

    This build doesn't really have much impact on felicia in the earlygame. Our only real consideration is building up corrin marriage quickly so that we can switch felicia into master of arms as soon as she hits level 11. Switching felicia into strategist early on is an option if you want to build up her tome rank and give her as much exp as possible in the earlygame, but it's not required if you want to use the heart seal for something else.

    Once felicia hits level 11, you will want to use a partner seal to switch her into master of arms. At level 11 master of arms felicia has the following average stats

    • HP 25
    • STR 11
    • MAG 8.5
    • SKL 11.5
    • SPD 16.5
    • LCK 17.5
    • DEF 9
    • RES 12.5

    These stats, while not great by any means are not awful. She's roughly comparable to base level selena with. This means that while getting these 4 levels in master of arms will be an investment, she's not going to be a major drag while in the process.


    After spending 11 levels in maid, 4 in masters of arms, and then switching to strategist, felicia's average stats will be as follows.

    • HP 23.4
    • STR 4
    • MAG 16.9
    • SKL 13.1
    • SPD 16.5
    • LCK 22.1
    • DEF 5
    • RES 17.9

    The most important stat here is magic. Assuming we round up the .9 , felicia will on average have 17 base magic to achieve. We now need to work on getting that number up to reach one shot thresholds. So lets take a look at the damage we have and the thresholds we need to meet over the next few chapters.

    • 17 innate magic
    • 10 life and death
    • 9 +3 fire tome
    • 2 from tonic
    • 2 from meal
    • 6 from dark mage/knight +mag corrin pair up.

    This gets us to 46 attack. There are some other ways we could increase this number further like giving her one of the spirit dusts, grabbing strong riposte right now, forging a stronger weapon, various buffs, or switching corrin to a stronger pair up setup, but we will see how far we can get with just this for now.

    Assuming we reached the level 15 in master of arms by chapter 12. Let's go through the next few chapters and look at the most resistant regular enemy and most resistant boss/miniboss type enemy to see what the thresholds are. Note that since we are starting out at E-rank tomes, the damage bonuses from weapon triangle are not in play right now. If you chose to use strategist felicia get achieve a higher tome rank, some thresholds might be higher or lower for you.

    Chapter 13

    cavaliers: 37 effective health

    Reina: 46 effective health

    Chapter 14

    paired sky knights: 45 effective health

    Kumagera: 51 effective health

    Chapter 16

    adventurers: 52 effective health

    Shura: 61 effective health

    Chapter 17

    Master ninjas: 53 effective health

    Kotaro: 63 effective health

    Chapter 18

    generals/sorcerers: 54 effective health

    paired generals: 62 effective health

    As we can see our initial felicia can OHKO every generic enemy on chapter 13/14. From there the thresholds start increasing and we will need to gain more magic. Obviously felicia will gain some magic on level ups. In order to reach the 54 benchmark for chapter 18, felicia will have needed to gain 8 points of magic. On average, felicia won't reach this benchmark until level 31 in her current class. This unrealistic to achieve by that point so lets explore our alternatives. Dipping into the mercenary and/or cavalier classlines via a heart seal or peri friendship is an option to grab elbow room/strong riposte/defender. Conquest also gives you 2 spirit dusts at this point with the potential to have gotten a third if you have done ophelia's paralogue. Felicia would make good use of those if they are available.

    Lategame From here things get more complicated 19 and 21 are both bad maps for felicia due to the very dodgy and high res kitsune and the stoneborn that can snipe felicia from outside of her range. Past chapter 20 the player unlocks infinite seals which means that strong riposte and felicia's friendship class are very easily accessible for +7 damage if the player doesn't already have them. Other damage boosting skills like rally magic from izana or nyx!nina also become available. Here are some of the notable benchmarks of the most resistant generic enemies I found for the lategame chapters.

    Chapter 20 falcon knights: 63 effective health

    Chapter 22 paired falcon knights: 71 effective health

    Chapter 24 falcon knights: 75 effective health

    Chapter 25 master ninjas: 66 effective health

    Chapter 26 Generals: 74 effective health

    Given some of these numbers are pretty high here is some a breakdown about the ceiling of felicia.

    Assuming we went with the flora friendship for sorcerer Felicia and dipped into hero for two levels for strong riposte, Felicia averages ~32 magic at level 20 depending with a natural cap of 37 magic. Some or all of the spirit dusts could be used to get to said cap or a cap boosted from statues, of the statue options, +mag corrin and leo are convenient to acquire. From here, these are our remaining damage boosts.

    • 10 life and death
    • 3 strong riposte
    • 2 malefic aura
    • 2 from tonic
    • 2 from meal
    • 6 dark knight +mag -lck corrin pair up
    • 4 rally magic
    • 11 +4 fire tome (costs 8000 gold)

    This gets Felicia to 72 attack naturally at level 40, 77 attack if you used spirit dusts to get to her natural cap, and 79 if you use spirit dust to get her to her statue boosted cap. There are some further ways to optimize this and get more damage out of this setup (higher might forge, optimizing corrin to a pair up bot by going -str sorc) however you won't get much out of them as we are running into a ceiling of benefits and we unfortunately won't be able to hit the big threshold.

    Takumi One of the benefits of having a life and death sorcerer is that they tend to make excellent takumi killers due to their large damage stack. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, felicia is just barely unable to reach the threshold to kill takumi reliably. With all the above listed benefits of a statue boosted capped magic Felicia, +mag -str sorcerer corrin pair up, and S rank tomes, she is just barely unable to hit the threshold of 75 attack with a +1 forged lightning, coming up just short at 74 attack. If you manage to get a gold statue of Azura, Nyx, Dwyer, or Ophelia on top of the other statues you can then get Felicia's magic stat up to 40 with spirit dust, which is just barely enough to kill Takumi. If you are okay with banking on all of those damage options to turn Felicia into a Takumi- killer then it is an option.. However, there are probably other Takumi killers that require less investment even assuming you are running a Vantage LnD Felicia. You could theoretically pick up astra by dipping into swordmaster for 1 level to make an inconsistent Takumi killer with a lower level of magic stat (I believe I calculated the threshold for a takumi kill with 1 astra proc was 65) but this obviously isn't ideal.

    In summary Vantage Life and Death Felicia is a build that requires high investment. Requiring corrin marriage, 1 partner seal and 1 heart seal in the midgame, and will likely end up using most of the spirit dusts in conquest to get the full use out of. In exchange you get access to one of the most powerful builds in conquest far earlier than you normally would. Whether that tradeoff is worth it is up to you. She is generally worse and requires more investment than other LnD sorcerers when they can get the skill naturally, but the availability advantage and exp snowball could make it still worth it.

    Related Units Technically Felicia isn't the only unit who can do this kind of build as there are 3 other units who can technically pull off LnD sorcerer shenanigans in the midgame, that being jakob, and the children of either a jakob or felicia who is married to corrin. Jakob is a poor option for this kind of build due to his low magic stat, however Kana and Dwyer can both have significantly better magic stats than jakob can while inheriting life and death off of their parent. Neither Kana's nor Dwyer's magic stats are great with a +mag corrin as parent but they are about as good as felicia's and will likely have the higher cap naturally. They also will generally take at least one more seal than just doing the build on felicia as they will need to pick up vantage on their own or inherit it from a corrin who switched into samurai. While they might not seem like they do much different from felicia other than having a higher cap and better support pool. They do have the benefit of being another unit, meaning that you can put Felicia down next to a Kana with the same vantage life and death build and have them use each other's attack stance to get easy damage. IDK I haven't crunched the numbers this one and there are likely some setup complications but it makes sense in my head. Likely requires a ton of seals to pull off, but might be worth going for.

    edit: I just realized that I forgot about weapon rank bonuses. Those can at minimum solve our Takumi problem and also potentially provide 1/2 extra attack throughout the game.

    submitted by /u/Bhizzle64
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