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    Saturday, January 29, 2022

    Fire Emblem I drew Felicia trying to hold a pose

    Fire Emblem I drew Felicia trying to hold a pose

    I drew Felicia trying to hold a pose

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 05:19 AM PST

    catria woooo (OC)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:17 AM PST

    "Um...w-would you dance with me?" (commission by @Marionette_Ink on Twitter)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:16 AM PST

    Has anyone ever spliced together all the maps of Ostia together yet? Because if not I think I might be the first. Map 1 only uses maps from FE6/7 and Map 2 sees me (poorly) filling in the gaps and working it into a believable design.

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 09:26 PM PST

    Does anybody know what fire enblem game this is?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:23 AM PST

    Finally, after a thousand years...

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 08:54 AM PST

    [OC] Byleth sketch

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 02:52 PM PST

    Finished the Bymir piece, still not good at faces lol

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 11:36 PM PST

    0% No stat boosts Duma + super tatiana Thabes. Cleared!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 07:38 AM PST

    I started this journey last year in June though looking back at it, it could've been done way faster then what I did.

    My goal for this run was twofold.

    1. Beat Duma on 0% with no shrine statboost or stat boosting food being used.
    2. Beat the creation in thabes labyrinth on 0% growths.

    To fulfil this I did a few things during this run which are needed.

    In part 1 I used the nine brigands in the thief shrine a lot. As in. I got everyone up to the Deliverance hideout crew to tier 3. All villagers became dread fighters for the ability to loop with DF bases.

    Finally I had to kill Desaix and get the dracoshield. In hindsight this is not necessary. Celica doesn't need hers in Duma tower and could've send hers over.

    Part 3. I made sure to get Deen. All the dread fighters end up looping into other classes aside from Jesse.

    Part 4. Jedah gets killed by Jesse using a forged Tweihander. At 0 extra stats Roundhouse is not enough. Tigerstance crit is used instead.

    On Alm's side Sniper Gray gets warped forwards and rescued back at Nuibaba's mansion taking out the cantor first, Nuibaba next and the rest one by one.

    Alm learns hunter's mark and scendscale. In the end he needs neither.

    I farm the fear mountain shrine until my inventory is full of butter, yogurt, sweet cookies, sausages, dried meat and mana herbs. I in the end did not need to do this either.

    For act 5. The two points that I planned ahead for are Alm's Trials and Duma himself.

    For Alm's Trials I calculate that the enemies in the first and third battle can deal 20 damage each turn when he is equipped with the dracoshield. Any other weapon will result in Alm's death.

    I did not calculate their shitty hit rates in however. The demons in the first map have about 51-54% hit chance. Alm deals back 1 damage a turn and heals 10 hp at the start of his turn. This means I end up having to eat healing items only four times.

    The second map is a joke. The gargoyles cannot out-damage Alm's healing.

    The third is the hardest one. The arcanist is the big problem. If not taken out immediately he can heal the dragons and pelt Alm from range. Using Hunter's volley on the arcanist kills him fine but leaves Alm in exactly 2-hit KO range for the red dragons. And if Alm crits the first one he does face both. Instead a normal double attack with the killer bow from 3-range ends up killing the arcanist.

    After that it's easy to take hold of the healing tile and equip the dracoshield to out-heal the dragons.

    Alm's trials clear.

    Moving on to Duma.

    Duma has two things that are hard. When he gets below 52 hp he becomes immune to any attack other then the Falcion and Nosferatu. Also he heals for 5 health per turn on his own turn.

    Hunter's Volley takes care of most enemies. Some Warp+Rescue shenanigans keep everyone out of Duma's range. Saber with the mage ring and Seraphim takes out Gharn who has a steel shield to counter hunter's volley.

    For Duma I used Deen first to weaken Duma. Duma can't out-range him or one-shot him. So with enough physic use from Genny, Tatiana, Tobin, Saber and Faye the god gets chipped down until he's a bit below half hp.

    I had to eyeball his hp since it says ?? until he's down to 52. Jesse ends up having to Tigerstance crit again dealing 87 damage. Roundhouse would work too and for other classes Mycen with Tempest Lance or Dragonhaze would work fine as well. Jesse ends up dying here. If he were dread fighter looped into DF again he would've had the hp to survive.

    Luck had it this brought Duma down to 6 hp. Anything 20 or below would've been fine. Being at 6 I just didn't need to scendscale with the Falcion. Using the Celica and Mycen support Alm has 100% hit rate even at 0 extra stats after promo.

    https://i.imgur.com/9vMBmVe.png Duma down.

    At this point I go back to all the shrines and make sure to get all the stat boosters and feed them to Tatiana.

    My Thabes crew is as follows.

    Alm + Deen as Killer bow flunkies. (They can hit some low def targets that don't go after Tatiana)
    Tatiana (Absolute killer unit with all stat boosts in the game has to solo most of the stuff.)
    Zeke (Brought for Tatiana support. Never ends up using it. But along with Alm and Deen he can Dragonhaze an enemy DF and barely take it out.)
    Silque (Warp and Invoke. I invoke a lot of Dread fighters to protect the squishy crew until Tatiana can come and save them)
    Faye (Physic, Rescue and Anew. Mostly Anew to double Silque's DF invoking but all three spells are used.)
    Saber (Physic and Grimoire ring Seraphim)
    Atlas (Rescue and Grimoire Ring Saggitae)
    Tobin (Just Physic.)
    Genny (Mostly Physic. But also Invoke when I need more disposable bodies)

    The enemies to be wary off are:

    -Deathgoyles that block magic use on hit.
    -Dragons that ignore defense.
    -Bowknights that need to be taken care off to protect the squishies in the back.

    Tatiana eats multiple times to cure her fatigue.

    These are her stats going into the final battle. Compared to her bases she ate boosters/shrine boosters to get. +15 hp, +16 atk, +6 skl, +19 spd, +9 lck, +22 def and +6 res.


    And with the use of heavy turnwheeling to ensure she doesn't get killed by Creation crits or double hits, as well as few deaths on the scrub squad because they can't invoke quite enough.


    SoV Thabes Laberynth has been cleared on 0%!

    submitted by /u/Vika_Forever
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    Chrom holding a Kirby Funko Pop

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 03:21 PM PST

    Beat Shadow Dragon last night

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:24 AM PST

    [OC] Fafnir & Eitri in vintage photo style by me. (twi: @CCherVyaK)

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 02:40 PM PST

    So I painted an Elder Bael mini... Who likes The Sacred Stones?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 04:15 PM PST

    About Thracia 776 translation

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 06:52 AM PST

    I'm on a journey to play every FE game and the next one is Thracia 776. I've been reading people about a complete translation that came out in 2020, but I dont know which translation is that, and if it is the best option right now

    Is it Project Exile? Or another one?

    This is the most recent I've found, from 2019, dont know if there's something newer tho

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/KylarSternPower
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    Positivity Thread (01/29/22)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:34 AM PST

    Is there something niche you've been enjoying lately? Something that's bigger on the series that most people take for granted but that you really want to give a shout out to? Do you fear being shouted down? If so, then you've come to the right place! Let's get some positive energy going today.


    1. Don't be negative about anything
    2. You have to talk about something FE related
    3. Mark your spoilers
    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Complete Map Discussion Week 30: FE4 Chapter 6 - Inheritor of the Light

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 04:28 AM PST

    Here's a Strawpoll to determine the map we'll be discussing for Week 31. Feel free to leave any suggestions for maps you'd like to look at (that aren't already listed in the index thread).

    Objective: Seize

    Haven't played this map before; WoD below.

    Discussion prompts

    • Was this map fun to play on?
    • Could this map have been improved? If so, how?

    FEWOD's guide

    Index Thread

    submitted by /u/Mark1734
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    Average Hits to Kill: Finding the "sweet spot"

    Posted: 28 Jan 2022 05:12 PM PST

    (Inspired by RodmunchPHD's post)

    A while back ago I asked about HP in the FE series, and while the discussion was somewhat small, I feel like there were some pretty valuable comments that others had made. That said, a salient point ended up being that "hits to kill" was a more relevant metric, with HP itself (and relevant stats) moreso determining how easy it is to shift this other metric. The hits-to-kill metric tends to be a major factor in determining the overall speed and pace of the game as well; the faster you can kill enemies, the further you can safely move through the map. This, of course, fluctuates often due to the variety of different stat compositions player and enemy units can have, as well as terrain and all manner of features.

    Fire Emblem in general also has an interesting relationship with this metric due to the existence of counterattacking and follow-up attacks. For the sake of this discussion, we'll be taking a look at the "average" hits to kill, when units are roughly even in level, assuming no crazy skills or the like are involved. We'll also take a look at how easy/hard it is to shift into another threshold using things like skills, weapons, and the like.

    1HKO: The Effective Damage Zone

    Even in faster-paced FEs, this threshold tends to be a rare one to achieve, and usually takes quite a bit of investment in an offensive stat to reach. Even when the standard threshold is a 2HKO, getting enough Str or Mag to push it into a 1HKO tends to be easier said than done unless your name is Effie in Conquest's early game, or Lysithea in the late game as examples. That said, there are also certain matchup-dependent cases where this dynamic is more common, eg. axe-wielders vs. mages, and with effective weaponry. In general, this zone tends to be reserved for special cases; after all, if every unit could just casually one-shot each other, there wouldn't be much reason to go for "stronger" unit types.

    The only game I'd say where this threshold is especially common is Shadow Dragon, due to the obscene power that comes from being able to forge effective weapons—the Wing Spear, the Ridersbane, etc.—as well as how common enemies that are weak to them are. For those in the game that have access to them, this turns the game into a frantic-yet-fun case of rocket tag gameplay, especially on higher difficulties where enemies have high offenses, but Def/Res stay the same. For those that can't reach the 1HKO threshold in these situations, however, their options tend to be relegated to chip damage or playing it super-safe, which isn't really as fun. So overall probably not the healthiest to make the "average" threshold.

    2HKO: The ORKO Zone

    This is a threshold that tends to be much easier for units to reach, player or otherwise. Most games tend to have the average kill threshold fall either here or in the 3HKO area. Due to the existence of the doubling mechanic, this can end up being functionally the same as a 1HKO threshold in the sense that it only takes one unit-to-unit interaction to eliminate the other. Now on one hand, this can make gameplay go quite quickly, which also usually tends to make it more fun and exciting. However, if the baseline is a 2HKO and it's very easy to double/outspeed, this could potentially hurt the gameplay. After all, if I can just throw someone into a horde of enemies and know they'll all get ORKO'd, why bother thinking? This is a fate that games like Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance (on lower difficulties), and Awakening can suffer from. If you add range dynamics to this, then this basically means you can delete enemies without really interacting with them.

    In more of an edge case, having a 2HKO be the baseline can also potentially make offensive play disadvantageous due to the existence of counterattacks. If you're fighting someone that can counter, you both hit each other the first round, then on the second round, the enemy kills you before you can hit again. This is more of a fringe case in normal gameplay, but I have a feeling it might also be part of a reason why PvP often fails in FE; if making the first move will get you killed, no one will want to make a move in the first place. Again, more of a fringe case, but possibly worth mentioning.

    Moving a 1HKO down to a 2HKO tends to be quite easy, as 1HKOs are hard to achieve anyways, while 3HKO thresholds are also not far off; often when we aim for a 2HKO, we're looking for just enough attack power to hit it, not too much more. This means that just a bit of extra defense can throw these off into a 3HKO. Overall not a bad choice for an average KO threshold, though it can be a bit volatile.

    3HKO: The Median Zone

    A threshold I'd wager is about as common as the 2HKO threshold for most games. Critically, this is the point where a unit no longer ORKOs enemies even if they double, instead leaving them with roughly enough health for either a) a counterattack to finish them off, or b) another player phase unit to finish them off. Not doing the latter means you potentially have to deal with the former, which means taking a hit yourself.

    Moving from a 3HKO up to a 2HKO can take a bit of effort, such as smart use of buffs, skills, and combat arts, but the difference in HP often isn't so high that this is super difficult. Still, requiring that effort means that you do, in effect, need to work for your 2HKOs and ORKOs, which can arguably make them feel more satisfying.

    Personally I'd be inclined to call this the ideal average threshold, as it gives your units a bit of leniency so that a single mistake doesn't result in death, but can still reach the ever-efficient 2HKO/ORKO with some effort. You gotta think ahead to secure efficient kills, but not so much that the enemies feel like meat walls.

    4HKO: The 8 Strength Gang Zone

    The home of base Ferdinand, Bernadetta (w/o her prf skill active), Ashe, Ingrid, Lorenz, and Ignatz from Three Houses. Hitting this threshold often means your unit is slightly deficient in strength or other forms of power. That said, being stuck here isn't usually the end of the world—if a unit has enough speed to double, being in the 4HKO area means your unit can still 2RKO, which isn't bad. but not great. With these, however, the 4HKO isn't very far off from a potential 3HKO—it's usually only off by around 2–3 HP, or just a combat art or two to push this zone into a 3HKO. Other cases of this I'd say are mainly from Genealogy of the Holy War due to that game's generally inflated HP values.

    Functionally not exceedingly different from the 3HKO threshold in regards to what kinds of strategies are usable here, but this I'd say is the point where bulk starts becoming noticeable. Depending on the damage per hit and the actual deficiency from that third hit to kill, reaching a 2HKO might even be possible from here with enough effort, but usually it will net you into a 3HKO area. Due to the generally low damage values that would put one in this zone, however, even a slight bit more Defense on a unit's part can shift this into the 5HKO zone. Having this be the average threshold would be acceptable, but not particularly exciting, I think.

    5+HKO: The Gaiden Zone

    From my experience, I'd say there are only about to games where this threshold is the norm: Gaiden/Shadows of Valentia, and Path of Radiance Maniac Mode, the latter of which is near-universally despised for its combination of this and its absurd enemy density.

    Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia are examples I'd say more have experience with, but there it's somewhat mitigated by the general ease of doubling; only needing 1 more speed than the enemy, combined with generally low enemy speed, means that, in effect, a lot of these 5+HKOs are in practice 3RKOs that can border on 2RKOs with a little help from another unit. Gaiden/SoV also generally has much lower enemy quantity than Path of Radiance Maniac Mode, which eliminates one of the major factors that makes that mode so unfun.

    The problem is, if you don't reach that speed threshold, your damage output plummets, making combat feel like a real slog. Try getting base level Kliff to kill a level 1 Brigand by himself. He takes 6 rounds due to his speed being tied with them. That said, even your stronger units like Alm still take multiple rounds to reliably kill enemies. Shadows of Valentia improves this overall through access to more weapons, forging, and combat arts, meaning that mid-game onwards, this zone becomes a thing of the past, especially given that Attack growths tend to slightly outweigh Defense growths. That said, needing to go through this portion to begin with still isn't the best feeling.

    This zone is... not really all that fun. Similarly to the 4HKO zone, any more Defense on a unit's position will drop damage taken and increase hits-to-kill at a significantly higher rate, up to the point of juggernauting. The only times I think this zone would feel alright is a) against bosses, b) against armoured units, and c) when a unit is under the effect of a particular defensive buff, where being bulky is kinda the whole point of them. That said, those areas aren't exactly what fit into my previous "units are roughly even in level" descriptor from before. So this is not at all a good place for the "average" hits-to-kill threshold to be at all.


    Overall, having units die quicker on average is generally more enjoyable than having them die slower. I think most players will agree with that sentiment; it feels more like you're making real progress when you can move forward instead of being bogged down by hordes of enemies you're not even close to killing efficiently. That said, I feel like having 1HKOs or ORKOs be too easy to reach for either side has some risk in making the game too easy or volatile, or even in making some classes' niches feel obsolete; after all, why would I bother with a higher Str Fighter when even a below-to-average Str Mercenary can still secure most kills?

    Since this is once again just an opinion piece from myself, I'm interested in hearing what you all have to say. Was there anything I might have missed in this post?

    submitted by /u/XamadFP
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    Conquest Redux 2 Tier List Preliminary Round

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 10:27 AM PST

    So last night there was a post talking about a new Conquest tier list. I figured it would take no effort on my part to just host the rounds and it'd be funny to see what pops up, especially since I won't be involved in voting this time. So here are the rules for the format. If you want rules added or changed then suggest them.

    Before we begin, we need to discuss some key factors in ranking units.

    Becoming good in Conquest necessitates having a unique niche or combination of niches. This can be standard combat (great bases/growths/skills/PRFs), staffing, refreshing, pair up bonuses, items/gold/generics gained from paralogues and capturing. Availability, of course, is also very important, but don't rate someone lower because they aren't around all game if they perform splendidly and be certain to rate it with care. All of the things mentioned are very helpful, but a question should be raised: which is the most valuable? A good team is equal parts composed of these elements, so I leave it to you to decide whether the individual unit fills out these checkmarks.

    I will also be using a set standard of rules for this tier list.


    • The game is played on Lunatic.

    • The game is played somewhat efficiently. No grinding, boss abuse, challenge abuse. Move at a speed that you can handle, one that's the best way to tackle the chapter given the context. Ergo, don't try to rush if you can't handle that, but be prepared to move ahead at speeds above comfortable for the sake of side-objectives or elsewise incentives.

    • The game is played without DLC AND the path bonuses. We will be tiering off the base game. * Amiibo's count as DLC and as such will not be ranked. Also no Ranking items.

    • Random My Castle items such as Felicia's Plate or Raider Weapons will not be taken into account due to their randomness and having such a massive effect if you get lucky on them.

    • Skill buying is prohibited. The game doesn't get very interesting if you buy a faire, Move+1, Replicate and Renewal at the start of the game.

    • Online shops for purchasing seals, weapons and staffs are banned because I don't want anything messing with the balance of the game.

    • Mess halls and smithy's are allowed so meals and forging are allowed to be utilized. The only online function allowed will be going to online castles for food and gems since it provides a more reliable source for meals and forges. Gaining more dragon vein points by visiting castles is allowed so it's possible to build the staff and weapon store at the same time before chapter 7. * Everything else that was stated as banned is still banned. However using online mess halls is prohibited, you can go online to get food but you can't cook meals on online castles. You have to use the mess hall in your my castle. So no +2 meals to every unit early game before you even get that ability in your own castle

    • Personality and other story-related things do not matter. Sorry, everyone's a robot.

    • All characters are recruited. Recruitment cost is thus a non-issue. Examples of things that do not matter: having to wait for characters to arrive on the scene, taking extra time to recruit characters, NPCs being hard to keep alive, etc. In other words, rate unit performance from the moment they are player controlled. Basically don't put Shura in E because boots, actually judge him as a unit.

    • Child units will not be ranked do to them being way to variable with their stats and join times. The items in their paralogues however can be given credit to their father. So Odin can be given credit for Horse Spirit, spirit dust, ect.

    • Votes must have an explanation with them. I'm not asking for a paragraph but the bare minimum is a sentence or two describing why you're putting X unit into Y tier.

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. Makes significant contributions that can't really be ignored. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    Great Performance: A Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    Good Performance: B Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    AOK Performance: C Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    Iffy Performance: D Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    Lame Performance: E They absolutely suck. Due to how Revelation works literally anyone is workable. They do not fill any required niches and take far more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly, or just piss poor.

    Meme Performance: F Rank *Hahahaha... man. These guys don't perform worth a damn. They offer nothing that others can't do better, and getting them to the point where they can start contributing requires a mountain of time, resources, and luck. Bottom of the barrel.

    Now, at the end of the day folks, this is an exercise in fun. We're trying to have a good time and establish some new developments in the meta of a game we all enjoy to some degree. Please, be respectful, understanding, and if you've a gripe with someone's comment, please try to reason with them about it in discussion as opposed to slandering them with otherwise egregious jackassery.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    Blindly playing through an Ironman of FE11 H3! Watch as I stumble around and self sabotage!

    Posted: 29 Jan 2022 09:57 AM PST

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