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    Wednesday, January 19, 2022

    Fire Emblem My Fan Art of Annette Fantine Dominic with Watercolor [OC]

    Fire Emblem My Fan Art of Annette Fantine Dominic with Watercolor [OC]

    My Fan Art of Annette Fantine Dominic with Watercolor [OC]

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 05:13 AM PST

    Felix and his 3 friends

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 04:03 AM PST

    1950s style Charlotte (Commission made by Anilust)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 07:14 AM PST

    Florina and Huey, best of friends (commission by @kou_hiyoyo on Twitter)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 06:01 AM PST

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Teatime Tips

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 07:20 PM PST

    Made a continent-sized GBA Map of the British Isles.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 08:55 AM PST

    My First Ironman

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 08:08 AM PST

    Let me spin you a tale of my first ever ironman challenge.

    I decided upon the Sacred Stones as my first challenge, due to my familiarity with the game. Playing on Hard mode, and no Seth, so as not to trivialise it.

    Prologue: Really simple, Eirika vs 3 fighters, ezpz.

    Chapter 1: Again, not too problematic, Franz and Gilliam show up and help Eirika defeat Baguette, I mean, Breguet, Seth does some sick donuts in the back.

    Chapter 2: Standard recruitment of Ross and Garcia, start pumping exp into Ross to get him to Pirate before Ch9. Missed a few hits with Gilliam, but I'm not sweating yet.

    Chapter 3: Colm and Neimi show up and help me raid a bandit lair, more exp for Ross, got him to level 7, but a lot of single stat level ups leaves me a bit salty.

    Chapter 4: Mage time baby, it's day 4, I've set up a line perpendicular to the bridge so I can minimize damage taken against the oncoming hordes, however, I have to move Artur 1 space forward to take down a Mogall, so it doesn't kill Franz, this opens him up to take a hit from another Bonewalker, and 2 68% strikes later, Artur gets Abated. The rest of the map goes down without a hitch though, and Ross hits level 10.

    Chapter 5: Ross promotes to Pirate, and thanks to Franz charging heroically up the left flank, we secure all the villages for the Guiding Ring prize. Joshua recruitment is nice and simple, by baiting with full HP Gilliam on the handy dandy forest tile. Everyone is levelling nicely, no stand out performers, just solid units on all fronts.

    Chapter 5x: No problems here, Forde and Kyle get some surprisingly good level ups, I am hopeful for their futures.

    Chapter 6: Disaster strikes, I was woefully unprepared for this chapter. We had made a solid push into the center, but I had forgotten about Joshua in the southern village, so when we were set upon by the cavaliers from behind, along with a frontal assault, my formation was looking shaky. Out of the fog comes... the Halberd equipped Fighter, and of course, with Franz wielding his trusty lance, a 57% hits him for 31 damage, and Franz Falls. That opens up a hole in my line, where a sneaky archer breaks through, and... you guessed it, hits a 66% and kills our favourite pegasus knight. Vanessa is Vanquished, and with those deaths, we lose both of the javelins in my party (malding btw), we rush the boss, after remembering Joshua, and we clear the map, losing one of the civilian NPCs in the process due to having to slow down a bit.

    Chapter 7: On the bright side, now I don't have to agonise over who to deploy, as I have exactly enough units to fill out the 12 slots for this chapter, without using Seth of course. Garcia has now become the de facto strongest unit I have, and cuts through this map with ease, finishing at a might level 13. A combination from Gilliam and Eirika defeat Murray, and the party moves on to Renvall Castle.

    I'll leave it here for now to save you from much more reading. I'll post more in a few days if there's enough interest.

    submitted by /u/MadMikeDisease
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    History Lecture: The fall of Ylisse

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:02 PM PST


    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 05:30 PM PST

    My friend 3D printed and painted Areadbhar and gave it to me as a birthday present. He put a lot of hard work into it, and I think it came out great! This seemed like a great place to share it, I hope you guys enjoy it too!


    submitted by /u/tonysonreddit
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    [OC] One Ike drawing while my examinations marches forward to me without any hesitation.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 07:02 AM PST

    Favourite support pairings in the series?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 03:36 AM PST

    For me, nothing beats the sheer weight of Matthew and Jaffar.

    submitted by /u/jedisalsohere
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    Run, Florina, run! (commission by @hiomaika on Twitter)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:09 AM PST

    Stumbled on this Amazing Cover of the Fódlan Woods Theme (FE 3H)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 02:30 AM PST

    Painting of Marth [OC]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 08:55 AM PST

    What are your favorite Archanea and Valentia Ships?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 11:29 PM PST

    I started compiling my preferred Archanea and Valentia (FE11/12/15) ships, and quickly found that I don't feel all that strongly about too many characters as of now. So to both incite discussion and to hopefully find new ships, what are your favorite Archanea and Valentia ships?

    Here's what I'm thinking so far:

    • Sheena and Samson: borderline canon, based on their interactions and endings.
    • Kris and Katarina: heavily pushed by the game
    • Phina and Samuel: The games' endings (especially FE3) heavily imply Phina and Navarre stay together, but I've fallen in love with the idea of Phina leaving Archanea with Navarre, getting separated along the way, meeting Samuel disguised as Navarre, and the two just hit it off.
    • Draug and Norne: A common pairing, I just think they work well together.
    • Roderick and Cecil: They just pair well together.
    • Luthier and Marisha: I've been over this one a few times before, but Luthier picking a fight with some bandits in Grust, and Marisha's mom sending her off with "their hero", leading to rumors of Marisha getting in the wrong crowd lives rent-free in my head
    • Tobin and Silque: see my reasoning for liking the pairing over the more common Tobin x Faye here. Also, that hair part of Tobin's combined with Silque's hair color makes me think of a certain noble from the same continent...

    Moving onto characters I feel much less certain/invested in:

    • Frey: For whatever reason, he has supports with Catria and Palla (the latter being mutual in New Mystery unlike the other Whitewing for some reason). This is very strange given they seemingly have no connection, and I'd probably not ship either sister with the guy, especially since the New Mystery support can't reach A rank.
    • Palla: I know Palla and Minerva are a very popular pair, but I cannot see her moving past her love for Abel. I see her either settling for Cain, or never marrying.
    • Catria: While she has a support with Cain, it can't reach A rank, so I'm not sold on it. Much like her sister, I don't see her getting over her crush on Marth (though her Kris support indicates she might be able to). I could maybe see her with Warren or even someone from Valentia, like Atlas.
    • Minerva: I do think that Minerva loves Palla, but like I said, I can't see Palla getting over Abel. I could maybe see her with Warren (entirely based on the possibility of Minerva meeting him in the forests of Macedon looking for her pegasus), but I really don't feel too strongly regarding anyone with her.
    • Linde: I remember seeing the idea of her getting with Gordin, which seems cute.
    • Yuliya and Ryan: I'm not a fan of pairing literal children, but I could see them having a cute dynamic, with Jubello being a link for the two of them once he's studying in Altea.
    • Radd: For a so-called ladykiller, there really doesn't seem to be a woman for him to be with except maybe a random villager, Larabel or Caesar's sister, that latter of which I highly doubt.
    • Reiden: His ending implies he and only he reunited with Camus, meaning he likely lives in Archanea. I could maybe see him being Genny's mystery husband and hopefully not Delthea's, yikes...
    • Forsyth and Python: I can easily see them being together, but I am curious of who Forsyth's wife may be in the case his boy dies.
    • Blacksmith: I just think the SoV blacksmith is well-deserving of a partner. Maybe Saber?
    submitted by /u/ThePsyShyster
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    When Crimson Flower Is Your First Route - But a jape

    Posted: 17 Jan 2022 04:40 PM PST

    Been collecting Fire Emblem since 2014, only 2* more until I have all the worldwide releases. Missing a couple amiibo and special editions too.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 03:38 PM PST

    Favorite Characters: Yet another discussion just for fun!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 10:17 PM PST

    I posted this over in Serenes' Forest, but I didn't get that many responses, so...
    It's exactly what it says on the tin. Everyone who comments on this post, I'd like to ask to talk about their favorite Fire Emblem characters, and why you love them so much. I'll even duplicate my comment from that forum, just to give you a good idea what I mean.

    I'll start us off. My favorite character in Fire Emblem is Tobin from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, particularly because of how human he feels. Tobin is the "straight" man of the core Deliverance team of Gray, Clive, Alm and Lukas, trying to keep them from getting themselves killed in increasingly insane ways, while hiding it behind seemingly only wanting to make money for his family. While he joins the Deliverance for kind of selfish reasons, something you don't see as often in Fire Emblem with plot-recurring characters, he's a fairly wholesome guy, even if he has his sharp tongue from time to time, and although the love triangle between him, Gray and Clair seems to threaten their friendship for a moment, they eventually put it aside, and Tobin graciously lets his childhood friend have the girl he loves. He's honestly more of a person than most people I meet in real life.

    Stat-wise, Tobin is a bit of an interesting unit, due to his class of Villager (shared with only 3/4 other units) allowing him a selection of five different playstyles - Soldier, Cavalier, Archer, Mage and Mercenary- and affecting his growths in different ways. For the most part, it's been agreed that of all the classes for him, the "worst" are the lance-using Soldier and Cavalier classlines, due to the fact that his movement as a Soldier is trash and the Deliverance army already has four cav units over the course of the game in the forms of Clive, Mathilda, Zeke and eventually Mycen, not to mention any of the other villagers can become a Cavalier. However, he has good reasons to be put into any of the other classes. Becoming a Mercenary grants him a base-speed and base-skill boost, which are helpful to any unit in Echoes. If made a Mage, he learns Excalibur faster than Kliff does, or any other mage with it in their learnset, that doesn't spawn with it. This gives him a very powerful and light-weight attack with a high crit rate early in the game, whose only limit is his HP- something that can easily be restored with rings, food, Clerics, et cetera- and post-promotion to Sage, he learns Physic, a spell that I don't even have to explain why it's good. Finally, as an Archer he has a really good Skill growth, something that archers in this game kind of lack. Having a unit with on average an attack range of 1-5 squares and a good hit rate... I don't need to tell you how powerful that is either.
    Even as a Soldier or Cavalier he can perform well- he's not really outclassed in these regards. The main reason I think archer and mercenary are the classes he slots into easiest is that these are classes are kind of lacking in the Deliverance - you only get one other archer in the route in Python, whose skill growth is significantly lacking, and there are no mercenaries by default. Even Mage is an option due to the fact that making one of your villagers into one is almost mandatory - Luthier and Delthea, who don't join until act 3, are too late for them to deal with some of the bulkier, lower-res enemies, like the Mercenary on 1-3. In the Cavalier and Soldier lines, he's STILL not bad, with the only reason they're subpar recommendations being that you get those classes much earlier than mages. You can't go wrong with Tobin in my opinion.
    Compared to the other villagers, he's middle-of-the-road, but middle of the road is great in Echoes. Compared to Gray he has lower bases, but those are kind of irrelevant because of how promotion works in these games, and his growth rates are better as well. Kliff has a much higher base speed growth, but that adds to Tobin's versatility, because since he's neither too fast to be made a Mercenary and have it not seem redundant like Kliff is, OR too slow to be put into any other class like Gray is, he actually has all 5 promotion options being viable. You also can't really compare him to Faye, since she lacks four of his five top-tier classes- the only one they share is Gold Knight, so she's functionally much different than the other three villagers. You could hypothetically build Tobin however you want and he'd still be at minimum one of your most reliable units- even with a 2-point Skill base, his innate 50% skill growth means that he'll level it basically every other level-up, which will slowly but surely boost his hit rate- and his critical rate to a lesser extent- to great levels.

    In conclusion... I guess I just love Tobin because he's an all-around easy-going guy, but still sticks his neck out for others even when it doesn't benefit him. He's a sellsword with a heart, and one that seems to be very reliable even in a game with as shaky hit rates as Echoes. His versatility and ability to be anything you need as long as it's not a Falcoknight or a Cleric is very impressive, and it adds to his charm in that Tobin can turn out totally different each run- but still end up hitting the foes your other units might struggle to be able to even pin down.
    Some time ago I used the Fire Emblem Character Sorter program, which, to be fair, is... a little inaccurate. I somehow ended up with Brom from Path of Radiance as my favorite then, but Tobin was my second. Fast forward to the start of this month, where I used it again, and Brom wasn't even in the top 50. Tobin, however... well, he didn't move from being in front of everyone else like Brom did. To this day he's still my favorite character, and it just goes to show that, even when I'm not in a particularly Valentian mood, I should never count Tobin out.

    submitted by /u/GlitchWarrior121
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    Alm and Celica = best FE couple

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 11:34 AM PST

    Fire Emblem: Journeys - Survey

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 07:29 PM PST

    Hey everyone! Hope y'all are doing well. I posted this in the heroes subreddit for the nearing of CYL 6 and the 5 year anniversary for Heroes, but I figured I'd also post it here because the survey goes a little beyond just Heroes questions.

    With CYL 6 and the 5 year anniversary of Heroes coming up soon, I wanted to take a little trip down memory lane and take a peek at how each of you came to experience Fire Emblem as a series and in turn, heroes. This is my first time doing something like this, but I thought making this survey would be a fun way to celebrate 5 years of Heroes and spark discussion on how y'all came to start playing FE, your favorite characters, and a few heroes specific questions as well. I tried to keep this survey nice and simple, it will be up for about 10 days and I wouldn't mind if the survey got shared around. I'd like to have the results up sometime in February after the CYL results have been revealed but it may be a while after that because my last semester of Uni started recently so things may get busy for me.

    And without further ado, here's the survey. Hopefully everything in the survey works as intended

    I'd also appreciate any feedback for future reference!

    submitted by /u/Dracomaster3
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    Question about Hilda's Brother (minor spoiler maybe)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:58 PM PST

    So I just finished my first playthrough the game (Golden Deer)

    In my interactions with Hilda, she keeps mentioning her big brother who is suppose to be that super powerful general of the Alliance, but I don't think I have ever seen him, or fight with/against him in game.

    Am I missing something? or do you only get to meet him on other routes?

    submitted by /u/cpuonfire
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    If Kana inherits beastbane skill from a parent, does the effectiveness apply to her dragon form?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 09:58 PM PST

    Doing a birthright playthrough where I'm marrying Selkie. If she passes on beastbane will Kana gain the effectiveness using her dragonstone, or does it only apply to beaststone?

    submitted by /u/SaltySuit3
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    What FE do you like story wise but just can't get back to gameplay wise?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 06:46 PM PST

    For me, it's SoV. I tell myself to play it again after beating it on hard classic, but idk, the gameplay and weird dungeon crawling aspect makes it seem not FE for some reason. Also, it just doesn't have the sheer amount of customization that Three Houses, Shadow Dragon, Awakening, or Fates has. Not having a lunatic difficulty is kind of a bummer. (Loved and Hated Awakening Lunatic +, would not hate it at all if they got rid of counter and Pavise/Aegis +). I love my dark mage Draug/nos tank Odin dang it IS lol.

    How about everyone else?

    submitted by /u/Lanky-Firefighter380
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    Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Walkthrough No Commentary Part 17

    Posted: 19 Jan 2022 06:41 AM PST

    Just got this one, too bad I can't read the text but I played the english patch a couple of years ago so I remember what it is about. Such a different feeling playing the proper way! I just remembered why I dislike the 1-RN or true RNG or whatever it is called system xd

    Posted: 18 Jan 2022 01:41 PM PST

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