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    Saturday, March 5, 2022

    Fire Emblem Drew a City Life Hilda (& Claude)

    Fire Emblem Drew a City Life Hilda (& Claude)

    Drew a City Life Hilda (& Claude)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 05:21 AM PST

    Spent the morning designing the Sacred Stones prologue map in Pokemon Emerald.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 07:31 AM PST

    Dire Emblem: Awakening - Chapter 18.2

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 08:59 AM PST

    Lethe 💜

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:03 AM PST

    Pixel art of Navarre in his Heroes design!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:25 AM PST

    My friend has been throwing characters at me to draw, so here's Peri (Part 3)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:26 AM PST

    (OC) I was commissioned by Leonie's ENG VA to draw her summer alt from FE Heroes!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:56 AM PST

    Discussing Caeda, the Gem of Talys

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 06:26 AM PST

    Caeda is one of the key characters of the Archanea saga. Many people know her simply as the love interest and eventual wife of Marth, the lord of the Archanea games. However, Caeda plays a key role in her own right as the princess of Talys, a charismatic recruiter, and the close confidant of Marth. Her presence within the Archanea games is arguably one of the biggest roles that a non-lord female takes in the series as the arc develops.

    Caeda is the young daughter of King Mostyn of Talys and presumably his only child. Mostyn is actually the first king of Talys; according to an old website, he was a warlord who united the various tribes on the island under his rule. The remote geography of Talys meant that it was the only kingdom to escape the rule of Dolhr and its allies. As a result, it was there that Marth, the young heir to the Kingdom of Altea, and a small retinue of retainers sought refuge.

    During this exile, Caeda and Marth met and got to know each other. Two years later is when the story of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon begins. When Talys is invaded by the Galder pirates, Caeda flees to seek help from Marth. Marth notes that she's rather shaky in her voice when she asks for help, but it still takes courage for her to fly to Marth and fight the pirates off by his side. She continues to remain by Marth's side for the rest of the war and proves to be a great help. Caeda does not figure in the rest of the plot proper, but she famously recruits several people in Marth's army. The first person whom she recruits is Castor, the Talysian hunter who appears in Chapter 2. She's saddened by Castor's betrayal for money, but instead of trying to convince him with words she…gives Castor more money and buys him away from the pirates that hired him. Not what you would expect, but it's clever and kind of "badass."

    Caeda's next recruitment is Navarre. Navarre's recruitment is another clever one as Caeda offers to let Navarre kill her if he refuses to ally with Marth. This exploits Navarre's weakness, which is that (for some reason) he refuses to attack women. Caeda either is good at reading Navarre or she knows that many people do not want to attack women. After that is Roger, a recruitment conversation which perhaps is one of the most well known in the series. This conversation is generally interpreted as a comedic one with Caeda leading Roger on. I suppose that it shows yet another tactic which Caeda is willing to use to turn people around, but I do think that pointing out that the war causes suffering is a valid point even when taken separately from the rest of the conversation.

    Finally, there is Caeda's conversation with Lorenz. This would be my favorite of Caeda's recruitment conversations in Shadow Dragon. Lorenz is a family friend as he had helped Caeda's father in his quest to unite Talys; this means that Lorenz and Caeda already knew each other. Lorenz is a sort of anti-Camus as he initially refuses to join Caeda because he has sworn his oaths to Grust. However, Caeda makes a point that an oath to Grust should not necessarily mean an oath to the leadership of Grust but rather an oath to the country of Grust: it would be a betrayal of Grust's people to support the same Dolhr which was intent on subjugating humans. This is a point which goes against the entire concept of a Camus: serving a nation does not mean following one's king to their death. And it's one that Lorenz agrees with, thus swaying him to the Archanean League.

    At the end of the War of Shadows, Caeda (with the help of Nyna) is able to become engaged to Marth, but that's not the end of Caeda's journey…

    …because a sequel remains in the War of Heroes. The original Book 2 of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem does not add much to Caeda in my opinion. Her only new scenes in that book are in Chapter 4 when Caeda flees Altea after Archanea invaded, the recruitment of Samto/Samuel in Chapter 6, and a scene at the end when she and Marth confess their love to each other once again. The remake in New Mystery of the Emblem on the other hand adds more depth to Caeda, especially in the various base conversations that she has. I'd like to first start by concentrating on Caeda's relationship with Ogma. Ogma is a family friend of Caeda and they knew each other already in some capacity. Caeda cares for Ogma's well being; she notices when he's wounded even though he doesn't show it. But Ogma's recruitment of Samto in Chapter 6 shows something even deeper. Caeda had stood up for Ogma when she was young because he was getting whipped in the town square for helping slaves escape; this saved Ogma's life and led to him becoming allied to Talys. It is extraordinary for a princess to do this even when considering that Caeda is from a relatively backwater nation, and it reflects that Caeda puts her principles over what is expected.

    I do not think that Caeda's base conversations with Kris add very much to her character, but they reinforce her friendliness towards her allies. And we get the tidbit of information that she was called a tomboy when she was younger because she played a lot outside. (Probably a "tomboy" in the same sense as Ethlyn in terms of not necessarily adhering to the model that young girls were expected to follow.)

    It's Caeda's base conversations with Marth that provide the most insight into her character and her relationship with the Prince of Light. In the first conversation, Marth tries to get Caeda to stay back from the fighting, fearing not only physical wounds to her but also the mental wound from killing people. Caeda is angered by this because she does not wish to sit back while everyone else fights.

    Caeda: Marth... How could you say such a thing? Am I that much of a burden to you?

    Marth: No, Caeda. That's... not what I meant. I... I don't want to see you get hurt. Your safety is of immense importance to me.

    Caeda: So, are you telling me to wallow alone in prayer? Somewhere arrows won't reach me? While everyone else is fighting? That... That's just...! I won't have it! I can't just sit quietly, while others risk their lives.

    She vows to prove that she can fight after that. In the next conversation, Caeda tries to reassure Marth again that she is okay to fight. Marth reveals here that the reason why he is afraid to send Caeda to fight is because Caeda hates fighting. But Caeda makes a point that Marth hates fighting too.

    Caeda: Don't you hate to fight as well?

    Marth: Well... You're right. I do.

    Caeda: I know how much it hurts you, more than anyone else... That's why I'll fight too. I'll help you end this war, so that we'll never have to witness bloodshed again. Am I being selfish?

    Marth: ... All right, Caeda. I won't say anything more. Please, stay with me. And... together, let's bring this terrible war to a close. But... please, don't push yourself too hard.

    Caeda not only wishes to be equal to Marth, but she also wants his feelings of hating the war to be as valid as hers. She wants to make the same sacrifices that he does. The final conversation is just Marth and Caeda discussing their wedding and being wholesome which is another reason why I think they are one of the best pairings in the series. At the end of the game, Caeda has a short conversation with Malicia in which she reveals that she prayed to the gods to take her life instead of Marth's had Marth's life needed to be sacrificed. This again shows how much Caeda values Marth - she values him over her own safety, much like he would probably value her over his own safety.

    While Fire Emblem Warriors is technically non-canon, I want to point to Caeda's support conversations there with Marth and Tiki. Caeda's support with Marth goes over the same themes that their base conversation in FE12 does. Marth wishes that Caeda fought less because he doesn't want her hurt, but Caeda wants to contribute her fair share and battle as she has the same worries for Marth that he does for her. They have a good chemistry here again just like in their original base conversations. Caeda's conversation with Tiki (the younger Tiki, not the adult one from Awakening) shows Caeda acting as a sort of older sister to Tiki. Caeda talks about the importance of friendships there, which reflects her recruiting a lot of different people from different backgrounds. This conversation is not much but I think it's wholesome and reflects her.

    So that's Caeda, the Princess of Talys who eventually becomes the Beloved Queen of Archanea. She loves Marth and is dedicated to him as she would go to hell and back for him. She refuses to stay back even though she is a princess as she does much of the dirty work herself; this arguably contrasts with Nyna who does not fight at all in the War of Shadows. Caeda also puts her principles first over what seems proper, which makes sense because of her background of growing up in a backwater island nation. I find her to be one of my favorite female protagonists in not just Fire Emblem but all of Nintendo's games. Hopefully I did a good job explaining why I think she is good. And honestly I just wanted an excuse for people to get to talk about Caeda because she's cool and I want her to win CYL7 so yeah. Let's talk about her.

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Pegasus Knight Hubert - Don't let your dreams stay dreams!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 12:42 PM PST

    Another one of my OCs - Rebecca von Laurier

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 04:07 AM PST

    Here's Rebecca from my FE7 Randomiser!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 08:55 AM PST

    Fanart of lucina full image in comments!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 09:22 AM PST

    Fire Emblem: Dog Houses

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 08:28 AM PST

    Jubello is objectively the best unit in Fire Emblem

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:55 AM PST

    So what's you guys' favorite class across the series and why (mine is in the comments)?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 05:39 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Fates zine available to preorder!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:30 AM PST

    Anyone else enjoying this great strategy game

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 11:00 AM PST

    [OC] I tried recreating Gareeg Mach with matte painting (it's my first time I'm aware there are mistakes! 😅)

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:29 AM PST

    [OC] Mercedes von Martritz sprite made by me

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 06:21 PM PST

    Found a preview for Roy's design in the upcoming remake.

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 06:23 AM PST

    Kaga died?!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:50 AM PST

    [Original Art] General of Leonster, Xavier

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 09:37 AM PST

    Do characters come back post chapter 10 in TLP

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 10:21 AM PST

    I keep resetting on chapter 7 cause I need Storm for the Emblem Bow

    submitted by /u/protag7
    [link] [comments]

    Here we go again

    Posted: 05 Mar 2022 06:11 AM PST

    Bloodlines, my FE7 ROMhack is out now. This patch contains 19 playable chapters, custom characters, story, animations and ASM wizardry. Please take a look at the trailer!

    Posted: 04 Mar 2022 11:01 AM PST

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