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    Saturday, December 28, 2019

    Fire Emblem Never posted to redit before, but wanted ro share my first attempt at time skip marianne, defo gonna improve things for next time :)

    Fire Emblem Never posted to redit before, but wanted ro share my first attempt at time skip marianne, defo gonna improve things for next time :)

    Never posted to redit before, but wanted ro share my first attempt at time skip marianne, defo gonna improve things for next time :)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:41 PM PST

    Riding Home (I painted Eliwood and Ninian!)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:19 AM PST

    A Dimitri I drew!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:09 PM PST

    Initiate spicy Byleth hours (plus Sothis Regalia)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    OC Edelgard fanart

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:53 AM PST

    first time posting here, so hi! i drew seteth in an ugly sweater today. thought it's worth sharing

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Eurogamer names Fire Emblem: Three Houses as one of its 20 Games of the Year!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:00 AM PST

    My new freshly made Crest of Riegan

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Happy birthday, Seteth!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Drew Dimitri!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Is it just me...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    Or is Solon the best actor in the game?

    Seriously, EVERY other character with a secret identity is incredibly bad at hiding it. Seteth acts far more like a father to Flayn than a brother, Flayn herself keeps dropping really obvious hints that she's Saint Cethleann, not to mention the fact that her, Seteth, and Rhea's birthdays JUST SO HAPPEN to be the birthdays of Cichol, Cethleann, and Seiros.

    As for (Hubert) "Those Who Slither in the Dark" (/Hubert), Monica, Cornelia, and Arundel all underwent serious personality changes after being killed and replaced, making them instantly suspicious to most everyone (even notoriously thickheaded Dimitri was suspicious of Arundel's complete 180).

    But Solon? He just kept being the kindly old librarian. He even pretended to be nice to Cyril, who many of the monks abused for being Almyran. It's not until his plans are basically complete that he starts letting his mask slip.

    submitted by /u/Gomez_Alonzo_Addams
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    [Silver Snow - Mild Spoilers] Seteth and Flayn have special dialogue in Enbarr

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Marry Me, Or Else (An edit I posted before that I made changes to. I made this Male Byleth from scratch.)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST

    Fire Emblem: Three Houses’ side story expansion is currently in development

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:01 PM PST

    Caspar X Leonie: Give Them a Support A!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 08:23 PM PST

    Why I Hate the Three Houses Class System

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:53 PM PST

    I keep looking at this game and playing through with different classes, and I guess here are my opinions on the class system. Er... I mean the gameplay classes. I'll write one about the society at some other point, though other people have probably done far better than I have. I know some of these aren't exactly new takes since I'm not some pro, but I wanted to organize my own personal thoughts on everything all in one place. That way I add it to the sea of people who may feel the same way? You bet your ass there's probably some issues here, so please feel free to correct me.

    Shoutout to u/Lolwatnaw for making the average stat calculator I used for this. I may have somehow fucked up on this, so anything in "Stats" when it comes to specific numbers may be where I messed up the most.


    I wrote all of this to complain about how everything is so gradual. Promotion isn't promotion, it's just slightly better level ups with a few shiny new toys. A swordmaster and an assassin function similarly in Sacred Stones, but both offer stat boosts that give a sudden burst of power while decreasing exp gain for a time, making the very act of promotion a decision that the player must choose. Echoes offers initial choices that snowball into large differences for certain class roles. While more linear, promotion is still an important choice, and the reset to level 1 means that my amount of level ups and growths are my own (even if I get very little from it).

    Here, what does it matter? Felix is going to be fast and strong, regardless of what weapons I give him. Ignatz will struggle to deal damage or take it alike, even as a fortress knight. I'm getting stronger, and I have more choices and options, but the impact is far less. The lack of commitment to a promotion is one thing, as even Awakening forced you to level for a bit before you reclassed again despite its overly abundant reclass options midgame, but there's something far more unsatisfying here for me. It's like every class tastes the same, except for fliers which taste better. The rest of this post details why.


    First, I wanna talk about why the class bases are my least favorite thing ever. Coming off of Echoes, I had expected this to be a fantastic way to help make further customization viable. Regardless of how a unit was turning out, I could mix and match their classes in order to make them viable on the battlefield. If units were getting bad level ups, then maybe they'd be able to fix it.

    When the reveal that there would be an ability to access different classes at any time, my expectations lowered slightly, but then the idea that a character with bad growths but tons of strengths could theoretically take multiple advancement tests in order to buff themselves up. Looking at Cyril, that's kinda how I expected things to compound with his aptitude. Take armor for defense, sniper for skill, switch to wyvern for strength, etc. Buuut no.

    The Basic classes have laughable bases that don't really improve upon any character's stats even after 4 levels. Any character going into the class that matches their strengths (Melee to a melee class, mages to monk) get absolutely nothing. The main benefit for that is someone going cross class, as even "all around" characters don't seem balanced for this. Lorenz is 1 magic away from the monk base with his 40% growth. The only people who benefit from this are those who have hidden talents and low bases (Felix, Sylvain, Ignatz, Edelgard are 2-3 points off of monk magic, Mercedes is 2 points from fighter base for archery, Lysithea is 3 away from myrm strength).

    But at that point, the benefits of changing up are miniscule and sometimes even skipworthy, and aside from monk getting magic/being unable to punch, there's no visible change in the way these classes work. Myrm/Soldier/Fighter could have honestly been combined into just 'Soldier' at that point, with the mages getting 'Monk' or 'Scholar'. They just feel superfluous

    In the intermediate classes we find the same problem. Thief has 1 speed and 1 skill over merc and lord for no reason. You already have class modifiers, did you need the base stats to be higher too? Also, these base stats are just... really pathetic for level 10. Armored Knight's base stats are the only real boost you're likely to get for tons of characters, but even that's more for the characters not meant to be an armor knight, as Dedue and Raphael have averages of 12.5 and 11.05 defense respectively.

    A Caspar who's remained Noble from levels 1 to 10 has averages of

    30.95 HP, 13.05 Strength, 5.25 Magic, 9.05 Dex, 10.05 Speed, 11.6 Luck, 8.7 Defense, and 3.5 Res.

    Now I chose Caspar because he represents a very average growth and he has some of the shittiest base stats in the game. This sucks for him, because well... The only Intermediate Physical class to boost any of his stats by more than 1 point is Armored Knight.

    Looking at one of the "Tink" archers, Ignatz, we find that his averages are

    28.15 HP, 11.15 Strength, 7.7 Magic, 11.5 Dex, 12.5 Spd, 12.95 Luck, 6.25 Defense, and 9.15 Res. The only Intermediate Physical Class to boost any of his average stats at all is Armored Knight.

    Ok, but what about a more min-maxed character. Let's take Raphael, whose stats are basically worse Dedue. Raphael's Averages under the same circumstances are

    35.85 HP, 15.5 Strength, 4.35 Magic. 8.15 Dex, 7.35 Spd, 9.15 Luck, 11.05 Defense, and 1.9 Res. Physical Classes that boost him include Mercenary and Thief (+2/3 Dex and 3/4 Spd respectively), Armored Knight (1 Defense), and Brawler (+1 Spd).

    At this point, it becomes apparent that this system is more likely to save screwups rather than bolster strengths. That's fine, as rewarding luck or min-maxing classes would result in... Well it'd result in Maddening but across the board. We don't want that necessarily, even if we do want some unique niches to classes. We'll get to that later though. My issue is that it really makes promotion to the first tier of real classes feel awful. In Echoes I'd have to put forth a considerable effort to surpass bases and get almost nothing on promotion, but here it's just something that is likely to happen.

    Advanced Classes have virtually identical bases for every damn class. It really sucks when the base stats for reaching an A in swords, a B in Swords and a C in Bows/Axes, and an A in Bows results in the same stats. The exceptions to this are casters, who have equal defense to everyone but double the res, knights that will have 5 more defense, and Warrior which has better stats than every other infantry melee class because they remembered they gave Wyvern Rider the same bases (+1 Strength).

    This results in everything being so mid that characters on their averages are getting buffed in mostly one or two stats by a few points. These points will seldom help them catch up or perform a special niche aside from being where your cross class units will finally be able to function at a better level due to a combo of the strength/magic boost, the bigger difference between base strength/magic and base defense/res, and the existence of Faire skills. The Problem here isn't only the magnitude of the boosts, it's the variety. At this point, I'd have preferred if we just get flat bonuses from promotion like we have in prior games. Especially since we don't get shit if we've fully surpassed the bases. At least we got 1 HP in Echoes.


    The modifiers are... a little better. I love the system since if I were to get a Knight's actual base defense (16) and then switch into another intermediate class, it'd be kinda busted. I honestly think the beginner modifiers should be stepped up to 2 instead of 1, but my main issue comes from how the modifiers interact with the bases.

    Rather than double down to make classes unique, the modifiers seem dampened due to the existence of the base stats.

    Basic is still Basic, and I think the entire portion of the class system shouldn't exist. You could honestly get rid of the modifiers and it wouldn't make too much of a difference.

    In Intermediate however, the issues are at its worst. So an armor knight (highest defense) compared to a Cavalier (2nd highest defense) has 9 more defense. This would be fantastic for its niche in a vacuum, but when people can take that boost and leave, they end up with a much smaller lead, which is far less desirable for a unit with Basic bitch move.Why keep Dedue or Raphael in Armor Knight when I can make them take that bonus and go into Brigand where I don't need to worry? Now I talked about wanting to do this, and I still believe if I go through the risk/go through the training, I should reap that reward. The problem is that The modifiers don't make up for the fact that the opportunity to dip in and dip out exists. Modifiers for intermediate classes add, on average, a net 4-5 points distributed across 2-3 stats. This is pitiful. I will absolutely take +1 movement, lack of movement type weakness (armor) and 2 strength over 1 HP and 4 Defense.

    Aside from Armor Knight though, the classes still seem... similar. At least in terms of gameplay. Archer, Cavalier, Armor Knight, and Peg Knight do things differently, and Mage and Priest are slightly different as well, which leaves Mercenary, Thief, Brigand, and Brawler to play similarly to each other in ways that make it seem like they could be combined in a way (Mercenary/Brawler and Thief/Brigand or Thief/Mercenary and Brigand/Brawler with Brigand getting Lockpick instead.)

    Advanced fixes this a bit more, increasing the difference to a net 8-9 points. Across 2-3 stats, this can create genuine disparities, but the place we see it most is just speed. Strength and Magic Bonuses are very middling (often 1-2 points within that of a class's competition), but skills keep things relatively unique and balanced (except wyvern rider, who shouldn't get axefaire if you asked me). Also, why do dismounted Paladins have more move than Swordmasters/Warriors? I find that to be insulting.

    Overall, Combination of half assing base stats and modifiers together makes each class feel only half as unique as it should.


    So many people will tell you that growths only add 1 or 2 points on average over the course of 10 levels, and they're right! Which means that characters will statistically turn out very similar over the course of the game. After 40 levels, the difference between an "Only Noble" Felix and a Felix that has gone through Myrmidon, Mercenary, and Swordmaster is that a properly leveled Felix only has, on average, 8 more HP, 2.5 Strength, and 5 more Speed. Story Time: I once forgot my Lysithea was still a Noble because she grew the same, moved the same, and killed the same up until level 22, where I only then noticed that I only had 1 Warp. This was a maddening NG+ run where this occured.

    This is fine, and understandable. Class Growths generally don't do much for a long time. The last 20 levels feel a bit more influenced, but that's because those class growths are finally reaching the level of something like the class growths in Fates (which also didn't affect too too much, just a point every ten levels in generally every stat)

    Now I don't think that this, on its own, these class growths are awful. They're fine, or they would be fine if the base stats/modifiers were a little different. The biggest issue I have with this is that we are given such a high ceiling.

    The caps in this game means that there are virtually no caps. Does anyone, player or generic non-boss enemy alike really need a cap beyond 50? Catherine recruited in chapter 4 at level 7 when leveled to 20 via swordmaster then to 40 via assassin has (average speed) 51, and she's literally the fastest you can get. Nobody's growing that high without tons of stat booster farming and luck. It just feels excessive, below maddening. On maddening, it's pretty good, but having stat caps would still be preferable to putting enemy stats beyond what I can reach. Don't get it twisted though, I'll take every fraction of a percent I can get my cold grubby hands on.

    But yes, I think The Growths are fine. The caps are just really high and cause Maddening shenanigans to occur. This in turn causes growths to feel like they're not enough, because the bases don't feel like enough and the modifiers don't feel like enough.


    Faire skills are fun, because they link back to each weapon type having its own list of combat arts. "I want Bowfaire to deal more damage with point blank volley" or "Lancefaire could help me with swift strikes". The distribution of them hurts a bit, but there's a reason each class exists the way it does. This is fine, however every advanced class gets a faire except Bishop and Dark Bishop. This reduces the damage disparity that you would find from the different modifiers. The 2 strength that Hero and Swordmaster have on Assassin isn't much when both are dealing +5 damage with swords. Warrior's 1 Strength lead on Wyvern Rider means nothing when both are dealing +5 damage with axes. This hurts class variety much more than it helps. It also hurts Fortress Knight, whose defense modifier has increased from 5 to 10. If nearly every enemy is doing 5 more damage because of -Faire, the +5 defense modifier does nothing.

    A lack of other skills for advanced classes also hurts. Fortress Knight only has 2 skills, but it could have greatly benefit from something like Wary Fighter (Though if I'm being honest, I'd have made Great Knight replace fort knight with wary fighter replacing lancefaire). Dark Bishop can have Fiendish Blow, but Hero can't maybe have Death Blow instead of Swordfaire to boost swords/axes and give it a slight difference from the other two sword classes? I don't know, as it is, the main differences come not from the skills a class has, but the skills a class gives.

    Below Advanced there's nothing stopping me from going Brigand for death blow before going to Grappler, or Mage for Death Blow before going Bishop, or Merc for Vantage before going Warrior. Now like I said, this is fine. Going in and out of classes is cool. It's just that there really should have been a different level of importance put on the classes innate skills rather than the mastery skills you get for completing that class.

    Master Classes

    Idk what to say. Garbage Bases, slightly higher modifier total but split among more stats for most of them, garbage growth rates. This really shouldn't be its own tier, and honestly some of these could have just replaced advanced classes or mixed in with them. Performance wise, I like them, if only because many offer more move (except Mortal Savant vs. Assassin). Here more than any other tier, I would have loved to see static stat boosts.

    submitted by /u/BlueIsForPlayers
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    If you think 3H hard is too easy, but maddening is too much, play maddening NG+!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    After beating maddening on a fresh save, I found it hard for me to go back to hard mode, but I still wanted to play, so I reluctantly decided to try NG+ maddening, and it's pretty much a perfect difficulty setting for me now.

    The biggest problems maddening has in my personal opinion is the early game, which is just way too tedious. The mid game is actually not that bad at all and is very fun (Hunting by Daybreak excluded).

    NG+ pretty much entirely fixes this by letting you use good battalions right away, and I've been enjoying myself all the way through playing on this mode. The tedium of the early game is removed, while the mid/late game stays about the same as tough but manageable. Just limit yourself on what you buy from renown, personally I only buy a little boost in authority rank.

    So I thought I would share the word, if you are like me and you find hard to be too easy, but maddening fresh is too much of a commitment to play casually, try maddening new game plus! You might really like it.

    submitted by /u/ArekuFoxfire
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    Proportion practice with Corrins (also help for u/Wievz)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST

    Wrys - My Favourite Archanean Character

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Wrys is as insignificant as insignificant gets. He is neither king nor emperor. He is not a lord, a duke, or any other title of high stature. He is not a knight, nor a soldier, nor even a farmhand wielding a pitchfork. Wrys is a mite on a flea's back. But when Marth arrived at his village gate in need of healing, this old Talysian curate answered the call of duty, and let me tell you, I'm very glad he did.

    Wrys is a man far past his prime, but what he accomplishes is due to the drive he has to work towards his goals in spite of his old age and lack of importance in society, and that is something to be admired. After the War of Shadows this man constructs a monastery so he can take care of children who were orphaned in the war. I mean what a badass, right? There's not a single selfish bone in Wrys's body.

    But then (in the New Mystery canon), Wrys once more finds himself aiding Marth in a war to save the world. Here, he talks to Kris about his monastery. He speaks so fondly of the children back in Altea, showcasing how deeply he cares about them. He showcases his wisdom when he explains to Kris that he doesn't heal the children if they hurt themselves while playing in order to teach them that getting hurt is dangerous. Otherwise they'll grow up to be careless and, in a place like Archanea, probably get themselves killed. Wrys even goes out of his way to draw a map to the monastery when Kris expresses interest in visiting one day, mentioning how it'll make the children happy if Kris visited.

    Heroes further showcases these traits of Wrys that I admire. For example, his 5 star level 40 conversation has him directly mentioning what was inferred from the previous titles, and that's that Wrys won't let something like age stop him from accomplishing what he wishes.

    I have seen that there is still much I can do. I will keep my prayers with those who have guided me on my way...

    He even has a voice line where he's thinking about the children in his monastery!

    Wrys is an endless source of kindness, politeness, wisdom, courage, and strength in the most unassuming package possible. He's not only some quality comic relief, but a character I admire as well.

    Oh yeah did I mentioned he killed Medeus and saved the world?

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    Three more days until 2020! This year, Heroes from the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game made their debut in Fire Emblem Heroes.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:00 PM PST

    Here are my top ten favorite and least favorite characters in the franchise. AMA

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 03:07 PM PST


    1. Eirika
    2. Soren
    3. Dimitri
    4. Tine
    5. Marth
    6. Petra/Annette/Marianne
    7. Alm
    8. Cordelia
    9. Lucia
    10. Laevatein

    Least Favorites:

    1. Camilla
    2. Gilbert
    3. Surtr
    4. Rowan
    5. Hana
    6. Makalov
    7. Catherine
    8. Faye
    9. Peri
    10. Hisame
    submitted by /u/WinterWolf18
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    I just beat three houses for the second time

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:16 PM PST

    Now i gotta go play blue lions brb

    submitted by /u/eroyse82
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