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    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Fire Emblem Three Houses Question Thread - QUESTIONS GO HERE

    Fire Emblem Three Houses Question Thread - QUESTIONS GO HERE

    Three Houses Question Thread - QUESTIONS GO HERE

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:29 PM PDT

    Ask any questions you have about Three Houses here.

    This thread is meant for Three Houses Questions only. Please use this thread for any questions pertaining to the other 15 Fire Emblem games.

    Please mark questions and answers with spoiler tags if they reveal anything about the plot that might hurt the experiences of others. Spoiler tags work like this:

    [chapter X spoilers] >!spoiler goes here!<

    The exclamation marks must be touching your text. Do not put a space in between.


    • General questions can range from asking for pairing suggestions to plot questions. If you're having troubles in-game you may also ask here for advice and another user can try to help.

    • Questions that invoke discussion, while welcome here, may warrant their own thread.

    • If you have a specific question regarding a route, please bold the route at the start of your post to make it easier to recognize for other users. (ex. Black Eagles)

    Useful Links:

    Serenes Forest

    Character Starting Stats and Skill Ranks on Recruitment
    (File → Make a Copy to select your route, difficulty and chapter)

    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    "He was seen to smile, but only around the professor of sorcery."

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:08 AM PST


    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:35 AM PST

    Cousin got me some markers..... and they SLAP

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:49 AM PST

    Not sure if I should post this here or r/animemes...

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:47 PM PST

    Merry Christmas from Lucina and Chrom! [OC Fanart]

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    Nothing personnel kid, after I ruined Rhea some of y'all wanted more.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:06 AM PST

    Yeah... Didn't realize this boy had a birthday. So here is something soft. :) Also trying this again because I was a dummy and it didn't go through the first time.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:05 PM PST

    Im sorry if this is bad, this is my first meme.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:14 PM PST

    Silly FE3H doodle I drew a while ago. Support level A reached!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 09:42 AM PST

    My name is Ferdinand Von Dodger

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

    I drew timeskip Bernie�� (ms paint)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    One last cursed edit before I sleep. Exorcism gone wrong

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    I drew FE6 Erk (among others)!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

    Hubart...that is all. (source is my own work here: https://twitter.com/triggerpigart/status/1208731852992925697 )

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:35 AM PST

    I drew maid Lysithea

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:36 AM PST

    I forgot I sketched one of Edelgard’s early designs

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:43 PM PST

    Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions gets an English release on Steam on December 27th! A Kaga game gets an official English release for the first time ever!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:34 PM PST

    I like vandalizing-- er, editing sprites, so here, have a Rhea.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:20 AM PST

    The Problem with Cyril's Monastery Dialogue. (Spoilers for all routes)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Hello, it's me again. I've been gone because I went and replayed every story mode again in order to see how much Cyril actually talks about Rhea in the monastery dialogue, since that's part of what really pushes people away from him. I documented every piece of dumb dialogue, and the answer I got was well... The answer is almost every month. Cyril talks about Rhea or mentions her name every month aside from Chapter 2, Chapter 3 (I legit couldn't find him anywhere in the monastery, so I guess he was gone?), Chapter 6 (Flayn instead), and Chapter 7 (Talks about Fodlan compared to Almyra). There's also technically Chapter Chapter 18 (Azure Moon/Verdant Wind) where he talks about his eyesight, but one response has him bring Rhea up as well.

    Thing is, I noticed that before the time skip there's a ton of context to Cyril's Rhea conversations that actually make them not as monotonous.

    Chapter 1 - 5: Intro to Cyril

    Cyril in this section of the game is a stranger to Byleth.

    I'm real busy, so could you please move along now? Thanks. Ok now, what else did Lady Rhea need doing today? (Chapter 1)

    You're new, and you hold no importance to him; realistically he has no reason to be your friend and it's refreshing to show that some people really are just going about their day. The second half of this dialogue is more to himself, he's wondering what his boss needs. Of course, this already puts a sour note on the player's relationship with him, so it's understandable as well. He's saying you're not worth his time.

    That person sure does remind me of somebody, but I can't figure out who. Oh, do ya need me for something? Sorry, but I'm really busy right now. (Chapter 2)

    He's a little more polite with telling you off, and I legit can't tell if this quote is about Claude or the player. Either way, it's obvious why either would remind him of someone. A curious line of dialogue, but not necessarily interesting.

    Excuse me, Professor? I just wanted to let you know that Lady Rhea is always real concerned with you. She expects great things, I think. Please don't let her down, OK? (Chapter 4)

    So he was gone for chapter 3, which is alright, and when he comes back he's a lot more polite. He calls you professor, says "Excuse me" and "Please", and his language seems proper as well.

    I heard about the things you did. I'm so glad Lady Rhea's safe. I figure you're a great person after all, professor. (Chapter 5)

    At this point, he's heard of Byleth's pivotal role in the thwarting of "Rhea's Assassination". Byleth now has their own Relic as well. This is the point where Cyril's able to be recruited, which I think is nice since it's his first acknowledgement of you. This finishes off his first arc of interaction with the player. From pushing Byleth aside to becoming curious to learning from Rhea to acceptance, it's better than instantly coming to love Byleth.

    Chapter 6-10: Cyril's Heart

    This section of the game, in my opinion, has Cyril's best monastery dialogue.

    I can't believe Flayn just disappeared. I don't like it one little bit. Oh, are you here to see someone? Alois and Shamir and all the knights are gonna head into town soon. (Chapter 6)

    His dialogue shows that just like everyone else, he's concerned for Flayn. This is a filler quote in terms of his own development, but at the least it shows that he keeps on top of what the knights are up to as well.

    Cyril: Fodlan is big. It's not as big as Almyra is, but it's still pretty big.

    Liked Response from Byleth: Do you want to travel around Fodlan someday?

    Cyril: Travel? I don't know… Never thought about it, I guess. (Chapter 7)

    Our first context on the size of Almyra. Seems the country's bigger than all of Fodlan, which is interesting and really adds to the concept that the battles at Fodlan's Throat aren't really supposed to be Invasions. A country that size would probably be able to push past if they really wanted to, especially with Nader and the leadership of a tactical schemer. Now there are too many factors aside from size of the country that would determine this, but it was my first hint that the invasions weren't serious.

    This exchange also shows Cyril's desire to explore. Similar to Ignatz, Cyril wants to explore a foreign culture. Perhaps his reasons are different from Ignatz's (and not talked about in monastery dialogue so I'll discuss that in a later essay), but it's good to be curious. This leads into Chapter 8's dialogue.

    The Knights go out from Garreg Mach to take on all kinds of other duties. I'd sure like a job like that one day. Then again, I don't know… Serving Lady Rhea here is pretty good. (Chapter 8)

    The dude's thinking about leaving now. He wants the responsibility of all those other duties alongside the ability to travel and explore Fodlan, but his comfort and complacency in serving Rhea keeps him from really going for it (something that becomes a theme for him).

    Nah Tomas wouldn't betray the church. I don't believe it. I won't believe it! There's some people in the church who hate people like me who are from Almyra, but Tomas was always real kind. But if he really was Lady Rhea's enemy… Well I'd defend her against anybody. No matter how kind they'd been in the past. (Chapter 9)

    Cyril really liked Tomas. Cyril faced discrimination from some church members, and Tomas was kind to him. Mind you this is an emphasis on the fact that people from the church didn't like Cyril; the student body isn't mentioned in this, and I like that. The supports of other students generally have them being nothing but open and friendly to Cyril, who counters it (for the most part) with a guarded nature. If the discrimination he's faced exists, it makes sense for him to be a little more guarded, and it shows that people like Tomas, who were always kind to him, mean a lot to him. It also shows that this kindness isn't enough to surpass what Rhea has given him.

    We learn more about his life in other areas (such as supports), which contextualizes the gravity of this statement that "[He'd] Defend her against anybody, no matter how kind they'd been in the past", but it also acts as foreshadowing that he'll fight you too if he has to. Despite mentioning Rhea, it's still a fantastic quote.

    Oh, Goddess, Hear my prayer. Please receive this beloved person. When the cold rain washes the body, when the bird and wolf announce the dawn… Receive them into your (stutter) blue blood. Receive them into a twinkling star. That's a mourning scripture from the church of Seiros. Lady Rhea taught it to me. I pray that Jeralt is happy in the next world. (Chapter 10)

    Even Cyril cares for Jeralt and sympathizes with your pain. He learned this mourning scripture, but doesn't know it all that well. The quote itself doesn't do it quite justice, but the vocal performance sounds like he's struggling to remember. Considering that Cyril himself doesn't care for the church or the goddess, this is decently thoughtful of him, but I also think this is further contextualized by other dialogue. It's revealed that Almyra holds tons of feasts after battles (be they victory or loss), and Cyril wasn't really all that educated or trained either. Cyril's probably never had the opportunity to grieve or mourn since those battles are how they honored the dead. Solemn sadness like this is most likely new to him.

    All in all, these last five chapters show more of Cyril's emotional side, how he's tried to adjust, and how he's started to want more from his life. At this point he's 15 years old in a new country, and there's tons he wants to know and tons he's afraid to learn. He's struggling to form his allegiances past Rhea, and it makes sense that pretty words and a gesture or two wouldn't get to him more than the roof over his head or a warm meal every day. However it's after this that things turn for the worse, and many see this as the breaking point.

    Chapter 11-12: The Dragon Weeb Stage

    When I first saw you, professor, with that hair color and that eye color? I thought you looked kind of like Lady Rhea. Like maybe you could be related. I like the way it looks! I wonder if I could change my hair color too… Maybe if I tried hard enough. If I thought real hard about it, I mean. (Chapter 11)

    Me after seeing Trunks turn Super Saiyan right after Goku did. No but for real, this line seems... odd at first glance, that maybe his Rhea's obsession is a bit too far. You know what? It probably is! At the same time, I can't help but see this as anything more than the 15 year old kid shouting in a mirror waiting for his hair to change colors and his aura to spark out. Considering that Raphael and Caspar also ask about what's different/how much power you've gained, I didn't really take too much offense to it. I do acknowledge it's creepier because to him it's a real person, but even the Great Saiyaman's trauma resulted in him mimicking powerful people

    It's my job to protect lady Rhea. I've gotta do it. And I gotta do it as best I can. And if that means I gotta die for her, then I will. Ugh, how could Edelgard treat Lady Rhea like she's the bad guy? She's never been anything but nice to everybody! I just don't get it at all...

    Give him the benefit of the doubt. He isn't in the throne room when people are executed. He isn't there when people are begging for their lives, and he certainly isn't there when Jeralt is telling you about the curious parts of the church. From his perspective, she really is being nothing but nice. Dimitri says she takes in orphans (such as from Remire), and though she's not doing much to break the structural issues of Fodlan, Cyril probably doesn't see her as someone in any position to do that. Does that mean he's short sighted? Maybe, but he's also 15 without all the information, and we've been debating it for months.

    On the other hand, it's far easier to see this as denial of the things that we the player have been exposed to. He can be perceived to be blind to the truth, and in a sense he is. He really doesn't get it, and many others don't either. It's because of this that anyone who's been siding with Edelgard or questioning motives with Claude will see him as a bit more annoying, perhaps because we also can't try to educate him on the matter (not like he'd listen with how Rhea saved his life, but still.)

    Timeskip Stuff!

    So things get a little jumbled here. Cyril's dialogue seems to be well... static? It seems like he's Waiting for Rhea by Ignatz Beckett all the time. At this point, I'm going to post all the quotes and then do a big analysis at the end. One thing to note is that I may or may not have messed up with recording some of these quotes for Silver Snow in particular, and I can't quite remember where the chapters split because of the battle of Grondor. This is a flaw on my part; I apologize. After 2 playthroughs (after 11 other playthroughs) I zoned out a bit. To save space, those quotes will be in a document. However, there's one quote in particular that I really want to go over.

    Chapter 19 (Azure Moon): Bruh

    Ugh, even if we do enter alliance territory, we're not gonna find Lady Rhea there. I wish we could leave Claude be and go attack the Empire. I suppose if we can't beat the Empire forces here, then we can't get into the Empire lands, can we? I guess that just means it's hard work time, huh, Professor? (Chapter 19 AM)

    My man said 'Fuck Claude, let's go do what we need to'. From an emotional stance (or the stance of anyone who loves the Deer/wants to save everyone), this is a really shitty thing to say. I honestly half expected Rhea to be murdered in the time it took to do this mission which would help, but in hindsight it just looks worse.

    Now is taking your army and trying to save an 'allied' nation that you recently just fought against in a big battle for poorly explained reasons really the way to go? Since it's fire emblem, yes. Since it's for Dimitri's Growth, double yes. Realistically though, Cyril has no reason to be attached to Claude (and honestly knowing who Claude is might make him even angrier), and Claude trying to use Dimitri's strength to help save himself is just as selfish as Cyril wanting to use the army to go save Rhea. Regardless of his desires, Cyril accepts that he just needs to work hard, but he presents his thoughts in such a terrible way that it's easy to hate him.

    I think that this has to do with his still middling education level and his inability to speak in a political way that would get people to like him. His arguments have sound reasoning. It would be easy enough to argue for him, but he has not presented them that way, leaving the player to just thing "Bruh" - Bruhleth (Chapter 19 AM).


    His other dialogue is really just him worried about Rhea. He does a ton of shit based on how he thinks Rhea would act, and it seems that he's pretty frantic to get her back. Not just because she's his mother figure, but because she's realistically the anchor that keeps him safe. She's the one that vouched for him to stay, even when other members of the church disliked him. She's the one that took him in from the Goneril family. Almyra orphaned him and barely recognizes people of his kind as well. Tomas betrayed everyone, Edelgard betrayed everyone, and everyone not Catherine is so focused on the war that they seldom mention the huge hole that Rhea's absence leaves. As if everyone would immediately become accustomed to Proxy Pope Byleth whether or not Rhea put them there. Naturally there would be people who miss the old one or have a personal connection to her.

    He's repetitive and one note in the monastery, ESPECIALLY POST TIME SKIP, and the game willingly does this to him while treating his expanded universe novels and comics supports, dialogue in story, and dialogue in paralogues as the lifeline that will contextualize everything he says.

    submitted by /u/BlueIsForPlayers
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    Maribelle & Forrest.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:51 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Legendary Hero (Celica: Queen of Valentia)

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:58 PM PST

    How I'm spending my holidays

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:53 PM PST

    I'm late as always, but I just finished my piece for Dimitri week.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:57 AM PST

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