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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Fire Emblem Attempted to make all four Three Houses mascots in Animal Crossing!

    Fire Emblem Attempted to make all four Three Houses mascots in Animal Crossing!

    Attempted to make all four Three Houses mascots in Animal Crossing!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    My Dorothea cosplay is done!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    pokemon trainer hilda

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    The latest Nintendo Dream issue interview got me thinking...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    (Crossover) Bunny Byleth and some other bunny teachers

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Drew our boy, Claude!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:14 PM PDT

    Yuridetta fan art! I find them super cute!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    A Parody of the Farewell with Lissa

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Hoodies for the crests of the house leaders and for Cethleann in Animal Crossing New Horizons!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Felannie & Bysithea Double Date (mocheekanon)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Mmm... Cheese...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Spring Bartre [GBA Sprite Art] + Bonus Scenes

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Bernadetta and Ingrid C support

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Too bad I couldn't do my Tharja photoshoot.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Finally a worthy opponent

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PDT

    Well if you really wanted a Crest, you would have had one by now

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    Blue Lions House Icon for AC:NH

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    McDonalds Order Chart For FE3H Characters

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    I made Post-Timeskip Marianne in ACNH!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    Made the female Officers Academy Uniform in AC:NH

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:49 PM PDT


    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I read the FE4 manga and I think you should too

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    (This post is written with the assumption that you've played FE4 or know the story of it. I'm going to mark spoilers all the same)

    I'm sure most of us have heard of the FE4 manga, right? It's a direct adaptation of Genealogy of the Holy War, and it was first serialized in 1999, concluding in 2001. My first exposure to it was some years ago in a post on this subreddit. Someone had taken some of the panels and pointed out how big the characters' hands were, and the comments were filled with people laughing about how dated the art style was. Not too long after that, someone shared some pages regarding Eldigan and Lachesis's relationship and how extremely inappropriate it was. The comments here were all about how the FE4 manga was a product of its genre, pandering to seinen romance tropes that were popular at the time. So, with this knowledge under my belt, I wrote it off.

    Earlier this month, I hit a lull between other comic series I was reading. Since FE4 has been on my mind lately, I thought hey, why not give this dated pandery crap a shot. It's not too long, I can probably get through it in a couple of weeks or less, which is faster than the time it would take for me to replay FE4 instead.

    And...yeah, this art style is pretty dated. But it's also oddly...compelling? There's always a good flow of motion in the characters, and sometimes the compositions catch me off guard with how easy and pleasant they are to read. Hell, look at the first page. Reading right-to-left draws your eye along the random citizens discussing the situation, giving you an idea of what's going on in the story, and once you're at the bottom of the page, the perspective draws your eye up and to the left to see Sigurd's majestic form. Moving forward, we get the scene of Midayle protecting Adean at Jugby, then Arvis and Azelle acting like real siblings, Lex playfully teasing Azelle, Sigurd being a competent and heroic badass, Quan being cool as a cucumber (Quancumber?), Ethlyn being adorable, and…

    ...shit, is this manga actually good?

    I wasn't expecting to experience all these characters I already loved being portrayed in such a personal and compelling light. Nearly everyone is spot-on accurate for their personality in the game, and seeing them more fleshed out and interacting with each other is a treat I didn't think I would experience prior to a potential remake of FE4. Hell, I would argue that several characters are imrproved from FE4. Let me go down a list just off the top of my head:

    • Deirdre, who never really gets the time to have much of a personality in game, is shown to be smart, caring, and even has a sweet friendship with her sister-in-law Ethlyn. Throughout the series she's shown to constantly be aware of the dark fate in store for her, and the impending inevitability of her situation is palpable. She also has a particularly great moment against Clement and it's one of my favorite bits in the manga.

    • Lex and Ayra, while they start off as "goofy sidekick jock" and "tsundere girl with sword" respectively, end up becoming one of the most real and believable couples I've seen in fiction. They communicate well without fear of upsetting each other, they each have their own struggles and support each other regardless, and they are fiercely protective of each other while still having confidence in their spouse's abilities. Lex himself is also very fleshed out, particularly regarding his relationship with his father and brother, and how joining Sigurd's army changed those relationships.

    • Ethlyn is a bright ray of sunshine who has boundless love to give. She's a sucker for gossip and just wants to see all of her friends happy and getting laid on the reg. Her relationship with Quan isn't as personal as I would like it to be, but it's very clear that they do love each other and respect each other as people.

    • Arvis is already rad and I think they really do him justice here. Also the way Valflame is portrayed as a giant dragon made of fire is fuckin cool as shit.

    • Lachesis is incredible, but her development is something I'm gonna talk more about in the spoiler section down below.

    Back on the note of the art style, I wanna defend this sucker for a bit. Oosawa really knows how to do some dramatic reveals through the use of minimalist and clean linework. Take this page for example. Quan hurls a javelin at a bandit to save Alec. There could have been a bunch of action lines and effects, but only using the kanji onomatopoeia and a spurt of blood makes this far more impactful to me than if it was all blown up and dramatic. And this series is full of great moments of drama through minimalism. I'm not going to share all of them since I want you to experience them yourself, but as for me, when this artwork is good, it is really good.

    There is one big, big problem with the series, and I can't recommend it without making sure you're aware of this problem: Eldigan. For background, in the game, Eldigan is not shown to reciprocate his half-sister Lachesis's romantic feelings for him. In this manga, he does, and he is a worse character for it. Since he's five years older than Lach and first met her when she was twelve, his entire side of things feels extremely predatory and completely kills any sympathy he may have garnered for his actions. I'm warning you all of this not just because it's gross, but because I could see someone who had been a victim of abuse from an older sibling have a very bad reaction to seeing someone like their abuser portrayed in a sympathetic light. If you do have a history of abuse, I would strongly recommend you not read this. For everyone else, use your better judgment and stay away or skim those pages if you don't feel comfortable with this. For me personally, I found the good from the rest of the series to outweigh the sheer yuck from the tiny bits of Eldigan in the comic, so please, use your discretion if you decide to read it.

    On a much less serious note, I do have some other criticisms of it. Sigurd's playful teasing of Deirdre is not as cute as the author thinks it is, and some of his early actions are very questionable in regards to her. Sylvia is accurate to her character in game, meaning she's really fuckin annoying. I don't really like the way the artist designs weapons, with Missiletainn getting the worst treatment imo. There's a noticeable dip in quality after the timeskip, both in art and writing - I'm not sure if the author was running out of time to tell the story, but it feels like the series takes its sweet time with everything up to the end of Battle of Belhalla, then tries to burn through the second half of the game as quickly as possible.

    Okay, serious stuff over, I wanna take a moment and just gush over some of the big spoilers because WOW I love how this series handles them.

    Despite my distaste for their relationship as a whole, Lachesis's character arc is phenomenal. She's already responsible and capable in times of trouble, but seeing her wracked with grief and being brought out of her despair by Finn, the ultimate self-sacrificing character is so good. So fucking good. Tying that into the gameplay by having her deciding to become a Master Knight as a sign of her development is a stroke of genius. Although, like, why did her and Finn fuck on a hard stone floor?? That's probably bad for Lach's back.

    Literally all of the Yied Massacre. My god. Changing it so that Ethlyn was fully intending to return with Altena completely redeems her in my eyes, but the additional scene of her standing her ground to protect her child, knowing it may be her last act? Bad-fuckin'-ass, man. And then she opts to take her own life rather than be used as leverage against the man she loves! God damn, this woman is amazing, I love her so much, I hope we get moments like this in a remake.

    The Battle of Belhalla. I didn't think this could be more dramatic and tragic than it already was, but the way they expanded upon it, building upon each moment and upping the tension and tragedy with each page...god. It's so good. The final moment of Sigurd being himself and offering friendship to Arvis, only for the next page to reveal that Arvis reduced him to ash in seconds… Perfect. Read this manga if only for this scene.

    Post-timeskip Dew is hot and I am uncomfortable with it.

    Beyond all of this, beyond how faithful and fantastic this is as an adaptation, I just want more people to know this exists because of how wild its existence is. It's such a trip to read a series with violence, betrayal, sex, nudity, incest, suicide, self-harm, child sacrifices, and religious genocide, and see a big ol' Nintendo seal of approval at every chapter break. If you're a youtuber looking for material, this series is begging for a video about it, maybe with a caption like, "The Dark OFFICIAL NINTENDO Manga You Never Knew Existed," with a thumbnail that has "Nintendo and SEX?!!" in big letters on it. You can thank me for the adsense later.

    TL;DR: The FE4 manga is actually good, please read it, unless you're really not okay with creepy older brother characters.

    Edit: Totally forgot to plug myself, here's a link to the Twitter thread of my reactions. Spoilers are not marked, but it does have some of those panels I really liked if you're curious about those.

    submitted by /u/racecarart
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    When somebody asks who is best girl

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 11:09 AM PDT

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