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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Fire Emblem Drew the Church of Seiros!

    Fire Emblem Drew the Church of Seiros!

    Drew the Church of Seiros!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    Hilda with modern clothing

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    HILDA! HILDA! A very budget Hilda cosplay because I can't leave the house

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    I turned Mercedes into some other FE:TH characters!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    So, I've been thinking about doing this for a long time

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 12:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Lysithea! feel free to use as an icon (OC)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    The 3 Houses Cast... In quarantine

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Well things have certainly got messy since my last "3 houses cast as" thread... Everything's gone to heck in a hamster bowl and things are sucky. But worry not lets put the gloom to bed by forcing our friends at Garreg Mach into lockdown as well.

    Black Eagles:

    • Edelgard: trapped in her room, her plans would have to wait, so she may as well get worked on her painting of a... Elephant? No wait that's the professor? Jeez lady good thing you have some weeks to practice.
    • Hubert: He quietly stares out the window to his room as the sun sets. His face in determined contemplation... a single line is uttered... "oops"
    • Caspar: Cabin Fever sets in quickly as he's itching for action, he now has developed an immortal rival in his Armored Bear Stuffy.
    • Bernedetta: I think she's taking things pretty well
    • Ferdinand Von Aiger: poor guy, how's he supposed to compete with Edelgard when all locked up like this? So he will be far more quarantined then Edelgard ever could be as he welds his door shut.
    • Lindhart: Locked in a room with nothing to do but sleep and read? Can't really complain now can he?
    • Dorothea: wants to keep the spirits of everyone up so she does impromptu opera out of her window.
    • Petra: After several days in quarantine, a loud noise was heard from Petra's room, when the guards checked they saw the window smashed, and her uniform still neatly on the bed... As it turns out the outdoors types don't take confinement well.
    • Jeritza: the isolation of quarantine can even get to a loner like Jeritza sometimes, luckily his other half wound up actually beinga great coversationalist... Who really likes parcheesi... Who would have guessed?

    Blue Lions:

    • Dimitri: Like a good boy, Dimitri paitiently waits for the quarantine to expire. Who knows maybe the isolation will be good practice if he winds up stuck in some psychologically isolated mental hellscape of madness and rage for 5 years... Not like that would happen right?
    • Dedue: He holds a tea party every day for Dimitri and tends to his every need as usual... Neither have left their rooms though... The guards brought this up with his professor, but he didn't seem to think having a tea party for an imaginary projection of someone important was that big a deal.
    • Mercedes: She actually doesn't wind up in quarantine since she's so damn pure the virus refuses to touch her cause it's like "damn bro I'm deadly but I don't wanna be seen as "that guy" you know?"
    • Annette: in an effort to keep spirits up, she makes several dolls of the students. Sure she's ruined her uniform by accidentally sewing several of the plushies into it somehow, but hey she's doing good.
    • Sylvan: is dating the Ingrid plushie
    • Felix: Thanks to Felix most students will not go insane from the Cabin fever... Instead they'll go insane from the constant "whap" sound of Felix training with a practice sword in his room.
    • Ingrid: spends most of her time training to be ready for when she gets out, sources say she's done so many squats that her thighs can crush the helmets reserved for fortress knights now.
    • Ashe: Not much to say about him really. Quiet and taking it easy, maybe read a few new books. Feeling good.

    Golden Deer:

    • Claude: look Ima level with you guys here... If any of you thought Claude hadn't broken out of quarantine and escaped before day one even got out... I don't know what to say to you man.
    • Hilda: No shopping, no goofing off, no thirsty individuals to do things for her... This time will truly be Hilda's personal hell.
    • Marianne: Seemingly content about this whole thing after she found out the illness going around didn't affect animals, when asked her thoughts she simply said "what happens happens".
    • Lorenz: every day makes paper airplaines out of pictures of himself with a note saying "don't forget me" and throws them to the winds. He actually recieved a reply from some far off nation called "Mor Ardain" or something like that.
    • Raphael: his hidden jerky stashes are running low... Send help immedietly.
    • Leonie: definately miffed that she can't go outside, but hey she's not having to spend her money due to the lockdown so it evens out.
    • Lysithia: Is extremely stressed out over the quarantine, says "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS" and is currently rapid studying every book that can be sent to her by the guards.
    • Ignatz: Takes the chance to brush up on his painting skills. Getting kind of bored of it since there's only one landscape he can reference to draw from.

    Ashen Wolves: (first time on a list too!)

    • Yuri: A soft click of the door handle turning marked her arrival. Annette looked surprised and flustered as she saw her best friend in the whole world walk into her room. "Please Mercedes, you must leave! I don't want to risk either of us getting ill!" she pleaded. But Mercedes just gave a soft smile as she drew her arm around Annette's waist, pulling her closer til their faces were near touching. "Don't worry Annette" she quietly whispered, "I know exactly what healing you need for this". Annette turned bright red over those words, but felt she was ready for what was about to happen, she closed her eyes and smiled as Mercedes hand slowly reached for the clasp on her skir... Oh wait you guys were asking about the Ashen Wolves guy? Oh yeah he's just chillin.
    • Balthus: Pretty much in the same boat Caspar is in, currently fighting himself in the mirror to see who the true greatest grappler is
    • Hapi: really not fond of her situation at all. Complains about it consantly. Very careful not to be too apathetic though lest the monster outside her window get too excited.
    • Constance: managed to get a chemistry set inside her room for the duration of the quarantine and is wildly working on a cure, this will surely make the name Neuvelle one inscribed in every history book.

    The Church:

    • Rhea: Have you SEEN her bedroom? Lady gets the entire third floor of the monastary all to herself, she got nothing to complain about.
    • Byleth: stares outside their window at a notebook that was hastily dropped in the rush to establish quarantine, it just sits there... Lost and mocking them.
    • Cyril: currenly running around the monastary with a full hazmat outfit and 1800 cans of disinfectant... No disease shall find its way to lady Rhea
    • Shamir: bored out of her mind she destroyed the table in her room and flicks the toothpicks she made from it at bugs out her window... Hasn't missed yet.
    • Catherine: leading the quarantine guard, so far nobody has escaped quarantine on her watch... When asked about Claude's escape she says "not my shift"
    • Hanneman and Manuela: Both are actively working together for a cure to the disease. Not much progress gets done as Hanneman insists the disease is crest related and Manuella thinks he crazy.
    • Seteth: as soon as the disease came he spend all his time focused solely on keeping Flayn healthy, makes her all sorts of soup, sterilizes everything before she's allowed to come in contact with it, and has been rumored to have killed two guards who almost made skin to skin contact with her.
    • Flayn: Gets to explore the monastary freely... In a special giant hamster ball Seteth made for her so she wouldn't get sick.
    • Anna: Currently arrested for attempting to price gouge toilet paper.
    • Alois: stays in quarantine despite not being required to like the students, he does it to ensure he doesn't run the risk of his family catching it. Plus it gives him plenty of time to write new material.
    • Gilbert: makes no extra attempts to stay healthy, secretly hopes he catches what's going around cause "he deserves it"... Jeez man you're more depressing than then a pulitzer prize book with a dog on the cover.

    And that's all for today. Remember kids to stay safe, stay healthy... And don't draw lewd art of pre-skip Lysithia.

    submitted by /u/ProfNekko
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    Spring Fir [GBA Sprite Art]

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Your Name, Fire Emblem edition part 2

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Commissioned Cordelia and Severa as two different forms of Tsubasa Oribe Tokyo Mirage Sessions/Genei Ibunroku #FE! (Credit in comments)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    Look at what my girlfriend burned then painted for my walls!!!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Petra without the make-up/paint/marking on her face

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Caspar x Hilda Kiss sketch

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    I painted Marianne?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    Azure moon blue foil print

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    People took the Petra one i did too seriously some here are some less "serious" ones (Alois and Solon where a mistake)

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Spring is coming! I drew Spring Camilla

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Enjoying spring!

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 08:52 AM PDT

    Shadow Library Analysis. Spoilers for the main story.

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    This post is an analysis of all the books found in the Abyss. You can unlock them by spending renown on them as early as chapter 13. Many books where stated to be faked and thus purged from the monastery's library by Seteth.


    Letter to a Mysterious Noble.

    I'm guessing that this is referring to House Daphnel splitting in half and joining Faerghus. Claudia is not Claude's mother, her name is Tiana. An interesting note is that Claudia's beloved and her fiance both have crests, one major and the other minor. I believe this shows that crests get weaker and sparser overtime.

    An Antiquated Note.

    I think this is the second reference we get to the country of Albinea in the entire game! It ties into the next book. I have no idea why Seteth would purge this book. Maybe he was offended by The Goddess Messenger?

    The Feast of Decadence.

    If the name Lycaon III sounds familiar it's because the second emperor of the Adrestian Empire was named Lycaon who continued the War of Heroes after Nemesis's death. I'm guessing the writer lived after the War of Heroes and before Loog's rebellion. I don't think Seiros and Wilheim were romantically involved because Lyacon, Wilheim's child died of natural causes while other early bearers of crests could live for centuries. Seteth probably removed the book because it could spread rumors about Seiros.

    Words of Love.

    I'm wondering if Seteth removed this as soon as he arrived at the monastery or only after Flayn arrived? Either way Seteth must have been enraged when he read it.

    Burnt Remnants of a Report.

    Who wrote this? Was it multiple people? Someone gifted with a powerful crest that allows a long lifespan? An order of some sorts? In page 2 we learn that the Faerghus Rebellion was helped by the Slithers. Originally the game made it seem like that the Church of Seiros were involved with it, with Faerghus being the most faithful nation, negotiating with the empire and building their headquarters in the middle of three nations. Maybe they both helped Loog? Who are the shadowed Knights of Seiros we learn about in page 3? Are they the spies? Are they real? Anyway it looks like the Agarthans attempted to turn Faerghus into a puppet nation to use against the empire and the Church. According to page 4, members of the western church accused these "shadowed knights" of being behind the Tragedy of Duscar. Page 5 makes it seem that Count Glouecester wasn't behind Duke Riegan's death. I feel like that at the very least, page 5 is fake.

    Encyclopedia of Fodlan's Insects.

    This book has caused the most discussion. I believe that the church only banned a couple of objects and would later legalize them. For example we see a model of the human body in Manuela's room and books seem to be common place in Fodlan. My personal theory is that the book is Agarthan propaganda intended to influence

    Romance of the World's Perdition.

    Thinus, Malum, Septen and Llium were homes of the Nabateans like the Red Canyon. Despair represents the new human's who they call beasts. I'm wondering how an Agarthan book made it to Abyss.

    The Truth of the Heroes's Relics.

    It looks like people were suspicious of the Heroes's Relics. Sadly, we don't have a date of when this was written. If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say the writer was from the empire.

    Fragments of a Forgotten Memoir.

    Okay so the 10 elites didn't know what Nemesis did!? Didn't they drink the dragons blood? Maybe they thought the Nabateans were just evil dragons? Or it could be a false book written by the Agarthans in order to confuse the masses. Anyway I think the elite is Maurice if I had to guess.

    Mysteries of the Calendar Vol 2.

    I don't think this book means that much. Anyway I always found it weird that they called months moons. Maybe it's a Nabatean thing?

    What are your theories on the books in the Shadow Library. I'm surprised we don't learn anything about the four apostles. Any tips for posts like this.

    submitted by /u/KarmaFarmer123456789
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    Full comparison of Gaiden/SoF playable characters

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    FE7: Berserked character gains EXP for killing green unit

    Posted: 18 Mar 2020 05:53 PM PDT

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