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    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Fire Emblem Choice.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Fire Emblem Choice.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Choice.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Congrats on 30th Anniversary, Fire Emblem!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    Bernadetta with Hilda's Outfit

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Orson says Happy Birthday to the series!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    In honor of the 30th Anniversary of Fire Emblem, I am redoing all the main heroes as GBA Sprites. This is Alm and Celica (both Gaiden and Echoes versions)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    Happy 30th Anniversary to Fire Emblem

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Happy 30th Anniversary Fire Emblem!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Miklan's Bandit Boys

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    "Come on! Isn't the ocean so beautiful?" OC Summer Lyn fanart

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Mercie! (OC)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Ingrid (by CherryInTheSun)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    My take on Seteth in Animal Crossing

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    My friends and I chose different styles to do an art style challenge with, so I tried drawing Dimitri

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    A Survey for the Members of r/Fireemblem (results)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    A couple of weeks ago, mostly for my own interest, I posted a survey of 23 questions to this subreddit, collecting a total of 675 responses over 2 days. Today I'm going to reveal the results, as well as analyze them for your viewing pleasure. If there's any specific question you'd like me to have a closer look at go ahead and ask in the comments and I'll try to give you an answer.

    Question 1: How Many Fire Emblem Games have you Played?


    Unsurprisingly, Three Houses reigns supreme in this department (92.9%), with Awakening tailing it (85.9%). This doesn't surprise me too much, although it's worth noting that when I posted a similar survey two and a half years ago, Awakening was at (92%), a sign that new blood is in the mix. Conquest (75.4%) is by far the most played Fates Route (to 69% for Br and 60% for Rev). Of Kaga's games, Genealogy of the Holy War is the only one that reached a large playerbase (40.1%). I will be mainly using this chart as the basis for statistical comparison later on, as not too much else is immediately interesting.

    Rest of Data:


    Question 2: Which Fire Emblem Game(s) is/are your favorite?



    Three Houses dominates the competition once again here, with an astounding 57% of respondents selecting it as one of their favorite games. The next highest on the list was Radiant Dawn, which reached 23%. Of course, there is going to be a skew in favor of more recent games, since they have a much higher playerbase, so in order to even the playing field I took the responses from the question and put it as a percentage of their players. Adjusting the results causes certain games to plunge and to skyrocket throughout the ranks. For instance, 46.9% of people who have played Radiant Dawn consider it among their favorites. Genealogy had a similarly colossal surge, as just under 40% of it's players hold it as one of their favorites. In terms of a positional jump, Mystery of the Emblem book 2 (tied for the smallest playerbase), rose from 15th to 9th on the list, with 19.3% of its players ranking it as one of their top games. I suppose you could consider this a glowing recommendation for the games listed above.

    Three Houses (16)- 61.4%

    Radiant Dawn (10)- 46.9%

    Genealogy (4)- 39.9%

    Path of Radiance (9)- 35.4%

    Thracia (5)- 31.9%

    Echoes (15)- 25.6%

    Sacred Stones (8)- 23.8%

    Awakening (13)- 23.2%

    Mystery Book 2 (3)- 19.4%

    Blazing Sword (7)- 19.0%

    Conquest (14)-` 17.3%

    Binding Blade (6)- 16.2%

    New Mystery (12)- 15.0%

    Mystery Book 1 (3)- 9.9%

    Shadow Dragon (11)- 8.3%

    Revelations (14)- 7.6%

    Gaiden (2)- 5.8%

    Birthright (14)- 5.3%

    Fire Emblem 1- 2.9% (although one of these answers was either a meme or the most interesting FE player I've ever heard of)

    Question 3- Which Fire Emblem Game did you start with?


    For a long time now, the top 3 games have been the same: Awakening (30.8%), Blazing Sword (23.4%), and Sacred Stones (13.2%). After that there's a rather steep drop off to Three Houses (5.8%), and the rest follow closely. I was interested to see how starting the series with Awakening Vs. GBA games impacted your opinion, so here are some interesting comparisons:

    Between the three biggest starting places, Fire Emblem 7 has the highest rate of players going back to earlier iterations in the series. 43.67% of players who started with Fire Emblem 7 would eventually work backwards and play at least two of Kaga's games, compared to the 22.11% of those who started with Awakening, and 31.03% of those who started with Sacred Stones. The reason for this is pretty clear, most who started with FE7 have either been long term fans of the series, or no stranger to emulation. When releases were few and far between, during the years leading up to Awakening, many fans would look back into the past to find new experiences. As for why Sacred Stones didn't have this effect, my theory is that since many of those brought in by FE8 were through the 3ds ambassador program, they simply moved on to other 3ds games, or even GBA games, rather than Kaga's.

    I derived another interesting statistic based off of this one, I call it the Nostalgia factor, which is essentially just (# of people who started with [game] and consider it a favorite) / (# of people who started with [Game]). In other words, how many people that started with a certain game still hold it as one of their favorites. I excluded Echoes and Three Houses due to their recent nature, and many fans not having yet explored the rest of the series, as well as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, and Rev for not having a big enough sample size. That left me with this:

    Radiant Dawn: 64%

    PoR: 56.6%

    Sacred Stones: 41.4%

    Blazing Sword: 34.2%

    Conquest: 33.3%

    Awakening: 29.3%

    Binding Blade: 27.3%

    Shadow Dragon: 25.8%

    Birthright 13.5%

    This ultimately just confirmed my hypothesis that Radiant Dawn would crown this list. It makes a lot of sense to me, honestly. This may end up being nothing more than conjecture, but a console game like Radiant Dawn, with really high end visuals, animations, story, and music is likely to leave a deeper mark on a newcomer than, say, a handheld game with more limited features, played haphazardly and with more limited features. This isn't an entire explanation of course, but it is a potential factor.

    As for the other games, there were a handful of people that started with Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, and New Mystery of the Emblem, but I will do a deeper analysis of those on a later question.

    Question 4: Which Fire Emblem Game has the best story?


    While Three Houses can once again claim victory in this category at 31%, the true victor lies a bit farther behind, at 23.1% of the vote: Genealogy of the Holy War. Genealogy is quite reputed for it's story, so it's not entirely surprising to me to see that a large amount of people would vote for it, but when you take it as a percentage of playerbase the number is staggering. 48% of all people who have played Genealogy consider it to be the finest story in the series, and usually these are players who have gone on and played many other games. The Number would be higher, but 21 of the voters for this game claim to not even have played it, though I suppose that stands as a testament to it's reputation. Let's compare this to Three Houses, where only 22 of the 209 voters- barely 10%- had played Genealogy. Even more than that- the average voter for Three Houses has only played 7 games in the franchise, where the average voter for Genealogy has played 12. I bring this up not to slam Three Houses, which obviously has a very successful and popular story, but moreso to really highlight the extent to which people love FE4's story. If you have not yet played Genealogy, or better yet- know nothing about it: consider this a glowing review. You have a golden opportunity to experience the game, and if you don't know how to go about that, DM me and I'm sure I could help you out.

    Now, tangent about Genealogy's story aside, let's appreciate some other games as well. The Tellius games both received a large chunk of votes, 16.5 and 9.1% (PoR and RD in that order).

    Echoes pulled in the next largest chunk, at 7.1%; though it is worth noting that as a percentage of it's playerbase it does drop. Perhaps the most surprising game was Awakening, which nabbed 23 votes. Though once again it's position is far diminished when you take it as a relative percentage. I'm sure no one will be offended that Fire Emblems 1 and 2 didn't receive any votes- but perhaps some will be offended that Revelations was the most voted Fates game in this department, though it only pulled three voters. Even though Birthright was pitched as the story-oriented game of the Fates trio, it only ended up with a single vote, the least of any game outside of the first three.

    Question 5: Which Fire Emblem has the best gameplay?


    Now this question received perhaps the most diverse set of answers of any question so far- with every game except the first 3 getting 2 or more votes. Three Houses takes it's 4th win, grabbing 30.4% of all votes. More interestingly, however, is Conquest in 2nd place. Birthright, the most story-oriented of the routes, failed to make a dent on the "best story" poll, yet Conquest- the most challenge-oriented of the routes- apparently succeeded in its goal, grabbing 22.4% of all votes. After this, there's a steep dropoff to Radiant Dawn (10.4%), Thracia (6.3%), Binding Blade (5.6%), New Mystery (4.5%), Awakening (3.8%), Path of Radiance (3.5%), Sacred Stones (3.3%), Echoes (2.9%), Blazing Sword (2.1%), Genealogy (1.8%), Revelations (0.9%), Birthright (0.5%), and the lone two votes for Mystery book 2 (0.3%).

    Best Gameplay (Percent of playerbase)

    FE1: 0.0%

    FE2: 0.0%

    Fe3b1: 0.0%

    FE3 b2: 2.9%

    FE4: 4.4%

    FE5: 22.0%

    FE6: 9.7%

    FE7: 3.0%

    FE8: 4.4%

    FE9: 5.9%

    FE10: 20.9%

    FE11: 2.6%

    FE12: 14.1%

    FE13: 4.3%

    FE14BR: 0.6%

    FE14CQ: 28.2%

    FE14Rev: 1.5%

    FE15: 3.8%

    FE16: 32.2%

    Once again I adjusted the statistic to be a percent of playerbase, in order to even the playing field. Of course this doesn't change that Three Houses is on top, with 32.2% of the vote, but it does get more interesting after that. Certain games that haven't attracted all that much attention in other categories were a lot better off in this one. Games like Thracia and New Mystery, indeed primarily known for their unique and difficult gameplay surge ahead to 3rd (22%) and 5th (14.1%) respectively. Other games were not so fortunate however, such as Revelations and Birthright, which plummet well below Mystery of the Emblem book 2. As a whole, I was curious to see how strong of a correlation "Best Gameplay" had to "Favorite Fire Emblem game." What I found was that 70% of "Best gameplay" picks were also picked as an individual's favorite game. While this statistic itself doesn't show too much surprising information, I did find an interesting trend. Those who voted for games not commonly regarded as top tier games (the ones ranging from 3-6% specifically) have a tendency to love the game at a far higher rate. For instance, though only 12 people (4.4% of all players) voted Genealogy as having the best gameplay, all 12 of them ranked it as their favorite game. Similarly, while only 4.3% of Awakening's playerbase voted for it as the best gameplay, 84% of those who did (21/25) ranked it as one of their favorite games. This is true of Path of Radiance (18/23 or 78%), and Blazing Sword (10/14 71.4%). With that said, however, about half of the top games have similarly high percentages (84.7% for Three Houses, 74.4% for Radiant Dawn, and 69% for Thracia.)

    Question 6: Which Fire Emblem Game is your least favorite [% of playerbase in brackets]


    FE1: 8 (1.2%) [11.9%]

    FE2: 21 (3.2%) [26.0%]

    FE3b1: 3 (0.5%) [3.4%]

    FE3b2: 0 (0.0%) [0.0%]

    FE4: 13 (2.0%) [4.8%]

    FE5: 8 (1.2%) [4.2%]

    FE6: 38 (5.8%) [10.0%]

    FE7: 25 (3.8%) [5.3%]

    FE8: 22 (3.4%) [4.4%]

    FE9: 12 (1.8%) [4.1%]

    FE10: 19 (2.9%) [5.7%]

    FE11: 42 (6.4%) [12.0%]

    FE12: 12 (1.8%) [5.6%]

    FE13: 55 (8.4%) [9.4%]

    FE14cq 49 (7.5%) [9.6%]

    FE14br: 107 (16.3%) [23.0%]

    FE14rv: 158 (24.1%) [38.8%]

    FE15: 33 (5%) [6.6%]

    FE16: 30 (4.6%) [4.7%]

    A lot of this is fairly self explanatory, Revelations is the least popular game by both metrics, with Mystery book 2 being the least hated. Fire Emblem Gaiden takes a massive jump when you compare it's votes to the relative size of it's playerbase. Not too much of this was surprising to me, though to see Thracia- a relatively controversial game that takes bold steps outside of the norm- so low certainly surprised me. The 3ds games all hold pretty high on the list, being the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and 9th highest on the list, with Echoes being the lowest. Shadow Dragon and New Mystery both win the noble award of "More hated than their original", though this can be partially attributed to the fact that the majority of people who've played 1 and book 2 have more experience than those who've played the remakes. I confirmed this by checking how many of the votes for Shadow Dragon came from people who had played the original, and sure enough only 2/42 had played it. The same cannot be said of New Mystery, however. 6/12 people who had voted for New Mystery had also played the original.

    Side Question #1: What is the most controversial Fire Emblem game?

    This was not a question on the poll, but with the information I had acquired in others I found a way of determining the most controversial games in the series. In order for something to be controversial, it needs to be something a lot of people have a strong opinion on (Favorite or least favorite), and that is rather divisive (Favorites vs. Least favorite)

    First I found the Passionate Playerbase % (PP% for short), by adding the total number of favorite/least favorite votes, and then dividing it by the total playerbase.

    Example: Three Houses, (385 + 30)/627 = 0.66 or 66%.

    I did this for every game as you'll soon see. The other statistic I used was simple, favorite - least favorite but multiplied to match 100% of total responses (I'll call this Divisiveness). (Since I'm not actually that knowledgeable in the field of stats, I had to simplify things for my own sake.)

    Example: Three Houses, (385 - 30) x 1.092503 = +388 (rounded to nearest one)

    Simply put, the higher the PP% and closer to zero the favorite-least favorite, the more controversial the game.

    Shadow Dragon: -25 (20.3%)

    Mystery Book1 : +42 (9.9%)

    Binding Blade: +43 (26.2%)

    Conquest: +53 (26.9%)

    New Mystery: +64 (20.7%)

    Fire Emblem 1: -72 (13.4%)

    Blazing Sword: +94 (24.3%)

    Awakening: +95 (32.8%)

    Birthright: -120 (28.3%)

    Echoes: +131 (32.6%)

    Mystery Book 2: +132 (19.4%)

    Sacred Stones: +133 (28.2%)

    Gaiden: -135 (32.1%)

    Thracia 776: +190 (36.1%)

    Path of Radiance: +212 (38.4%)

    Revelations: -214 (46.4%)

    Genealogy: +240 (44.6%)

    Radiant Dawn: +282 (52.5%)

    Three Houses: +388 (66.2%)

    While I don't have any mathematical way of concluding a most controversial game, the eyeball test tells me that it is between Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon. Binding Blade is a slightly less divisive game, being viewed overall positively by the fans, where Shadow Dragon is fairly evenly split between positive and negative (slightly negative). Binding Blade, however, does have a more passionate playerbase- with a higher % of it's players voting for either favorite or least favorite. Shortly behind them, Conquest (nearly identical to Binding Blade) and Awakening (Very high PP% but also a lower divisiveness.)

    I'll leave it up to you to decide which you think is the most controversial.

    Question 7: Of the Following, which would you like to see be remade the most?


    Rather straightforward question here, and a rather straightforward answer. Genealogy won with a vast majority of the votes (57.5%), with Binding Blade, Path of Radiance, Sacred Stones, Blazing Sword, Thracia, and Radiant Dawn all between 5-11%. Some interesting answers in the other category answer include:

    Several people suggesting Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance coupled together

    A number of votes for a Fates port on the switch

    A handful of people that simply don't want a remake

    And surprisingly enough, not a single vote for FE6/7 combined

    I won't spend too much time dwelling on this one, if you have any questions about it, I'll happily answer in the comments.

    Question 8: At what age did you start playing Fire Emblem?


    13- : 33.6%

    14-16: 33.9%

    17-19: 18.2%

    20-23: 10.2%

    24-27: 2.8%

    28-30: 0.7%

    31+ : 0.4%

    Interestingly, while Awakening was the most common entry in the series for all who started at 14 or older, fans who started younger than that were most likely to have begun with Blazing Sword.

    13- Year olds: 34.5% started with Blazing Sword, 20.8% with Awakening.

    14-16 Year olds: 32.7% started with Awakening, 22.3% with Blazing Sword.

    The trend continues the older the age group. I don't know what to make of this, other than that when the Gameboy advance was popular it was very much treated as a kids toy, compared to the 3ds which tried harder to appeal to older age groups, in large part because kids that grew up with Nintendo were getting older by this point. Given how I got into the series, it pretty much perfectly aligns with this theory.

    Question 9: Which Three Houses Route did you start with.


    The following rounds are all going to be fairly straightforward, so let's try to break them down rapidfire.

    Obnoxious coloration of the pie chart aside, this is pretty standard information. Black Eagles would be close to Blue Lions if there weren't the Church of Seiros split.

    Question 10: Which Three Houses route was your favorite?


    Wow. Blue Lions takes just about half of the vote in this category

    I was curious to see if there was a correlation between first route picked and favorite route, and while it certainly seemed that way for some, I don't believe the correlation is that strong, partially due to the possibility that several of these people have only played one route.

    That being said, 86% of people who started with Blue Lions ended with it as their favorite.

    Question 11: Which Fates route is your favorite?


    This is more or less exactly as expected. Conquest even got a few votes from people who had only played the other routes, which really tells you something about the reputation of Fates.

    Question 12: What do you value most in Fire Emblem Gameplay


    Wow this is a really even split. The choices are obscured but they were (In order of most to least votes)- Challenging gameplay that really tests your mettle, Flexible gameplay often like a sandbox game(think DS Reclass, or Three Houses Promotion), Unique and experimental gameplay that tries new things (Think Gaiden, Thracia, or Genealogy), and relaxing gameplay that you can shut off your brain and enjoy.

    What people valued in their gameplay unsurprisingly correlated with what games they picked as having the best gameplay earlier in the survey. For instance, Conquest pulled 68 of it's votes from people that preferred challenging gameplay that pushes them to the limits, almost half of its total votes. New Mystery and Binding Blade also performed disproportionately well in this category, with 17 each, notably making over half of New Mystery's total votes. In terms of people who voted for flexible gameplay as their favorite, 100 (just over half) voted for Three Houses, with the only other game making up a significant amount of people being Conquest at 48. The last major category that got a lot of votes, unique experimental gameplay, lined up pretty consistently with the rest of the results, with the main outlier being Thracia, which got 33 of it's 42 votes from those voters.

    And with that, my first part of analyzing the results from the poll is done. I still have 10 or so questions left to analyze but given they're all short answer it's going to take a lot longer for me to go through them. Once I do though, rest assured that I will post them.

    submitted by /u/BorsTheStylish
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    30 Years of Fire Emblem Is 30 Years of Nintendo Thinking You Don’t Like It

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Lady Corrin, Master Strategist

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    I realized I’ve never posted this here but hey here’s a simple Hilda

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:08 PM PDT

    [Self] Happy 30th Anniversary to this wonderful game. A little Tharja as I replay Awakening to celebrate!!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Happy 30th!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

    Happy 30th Anniversary from the Avatars!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Happy 30th Fire emblem!!! You saved me so many times! (OC)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Character Spotlight: Marth

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Last Foe

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    A Cake for the Birthday Boy (Process Video in Comments)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:39 PM PDT

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