• Breaking News

    Friday, May 1, 2020

    Fire Emblem Shamir's car (click for full size)

    Fire Emblem Shamir's car (click for full size)

    Shamir's car (click for full size)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    How to get Rightful King Inigo.jpg

    Posted: 01 May 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Here's my take on Byleth and Edelgard outfits, along with their crest

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    FEH Eternal Heroes Art

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    pixel emperor��

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Remade my favorite FE Boy Owain as it's been a full year since I made his first sprite ^-^

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Three Houses Class Profiles:

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    I managed to get my friend through Gen 1 of FE4 unspoiled. He finished this morning.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 05:59 AM PDT

    Happy 30th, Fire Emblem!!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Was supposed to wear my brawler time-skip Dedue to the Renaissance Faire this weekend.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I did the blushing meter meme with Felix and it turned into dimilix

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Wyvern Lord f!Byleth sprites (in slightly higher res)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    The 3h cast in a slasher flick

    Posted: 01 May 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Hey kids I'm back! With the advent of some trying to emulate my style, seems I'm gonna have to step up my game to stay on top... So time for something a little different. This time it seems one dark night Garreg Mach is visited by a sinister and terrible killer, as fear starts mounting and the bodies are piling up... Will anyone last the night? Or will only the killer remain standing?

    Take note: in order to keep the surprise over who the killer is, I'll be ditching my usual "divided by house" format and spoiler tagging each event. Good luck trying to guess the killer before the final reveal. No prize in it though and we all know you didn't guess it before clicking any of the spoiler tags so don't be that guy... That being said there will be a few hints as to who's behind the mask, so pay attention.

    • Dedue: In accordance to all slasher movie traditions, and being the closest one who fits the bill... He is the first one found dead. The other students find his body in the mess hall, a cooking knife in his back and his face planted in the chili he just cooked... How ironic that the best chef died in the kitchen
    • Hubert: from the first death Hubert had a strong suspicion that the shifty new transfer student Redd Herring was the killer. Redd however was not amused as he moved away from Coolsville to get away from such accusations. In spite of that however he winds up surviving the night due to the fact the killer was probably too creeped out by him to attack.
    • Mercedes: She's actually the first person to find out who the killer is, because she was witness to the death of Dedue, she tried to confront the killer right off the bat but in the ensuing struggle is killed after she is knocked down the dorm stairs and breaks her neck on the fall
    • Ashe: Ever the optimist, he tries hard to keep spirits up and keep the gang from tearing each other apart to get everyone through this. However optimism rarely survives a horror movie... When they find his body it has several emptied arrow holes in his chest
    • Hapi: After spending her life dealing with monsters, she knows a thing or two about horror movie survival, and gives very sound advice to keep people alive at first. However the gang finds her dead in her bed by midnight. When sunrise comes though she stirs and wakes, for she knew the horror movie trope that the one who knows how to survive most tends to die, so she faked her death to survive the night.
    • Caspar: True to his personality, once Caspar spots the killer he goes full ham and rushes them to take them down in a fight. He should have waited for backup though since he winds up getting knocked off the cathedral bridge and falls to his doom
    • Raphael: When the group splits up to find clues to the killer's identity, Raph's team gets caught in a collapsing ceiling trap. He sacrifices himself to save the others from the trap
    • Marianne: Being trapped in a school with a serial killer, losing her friends, that creepy music people say when the killer is near... Poor girl just couldn't take it when it compounded with her already depressed nature and her heart gives out when the killer comes for her... Which is a shame because the killer actually had no intention of harming her
    • Dorothea: Dorothea learns the hard way that being sexy is a detriment to survival in horror scenarios as what starts with casual flirting at the start of our tale winds up becoming real flirting as fears that they won't survive the night boiled into a passionate moment... When the killer burst in the room to take down her and her lover it looked like they were covering their eyes so as to not look
    • Manuela: They find her dead in the infirmary, but the door was locked from the inside and no sign of entry or struggle... Just a lot of bottles of vodka... Yep alcohol poisoning
    • Hanneman: Rule number 57 of horror movies, don't be a skeptic! Hanneman really should have known this when he kept insisting nothing supernatural was going on. Killed in the library as a gust of wind knocks down a bookshelf on top of him.
    • Jeritza: He actually needs to get put down by the survivors as he starts assuming ANYONE can be the killer and the death knight takes over to ensure the killer goes down. Thank goodness Hubert had learned dark spikes in time.
    • Edelgard: She is widely suspected by most to be the killer due to her loner nature. Eventually though she's found deceased with a quill sticking in her chest. The gang later finds that she was doing a lot of legwork on her own and found a secret chamber up on the third floor while she was looking for who she assumed was the killer. While her assumption was wrong, something happened in the secret chamber that let the survivors discover who the killer was
    • Byleth: Being a protagonist has its perks. Byleth has several close encounters all throughout the night but plays the role of the de facto leader of the group and manages to save a few people alongside himself... Sothis may have also used her divine pulse several times to get him out of another stupid death reminding him this isn't a damn Sierra game.
    • Ferdinand von Aiger: After finding Edelgard dead Ferdie swears on the honor of his name that he will survive the night and be the kind noble that Edelgard would respect... Turns out he kept this promise
    • Flayn: once the killings start Flayn gets barricaded in her room by Seteth to keep her safe. The barricade is incredibly sturdy and as planned keeps her from perishing overnight... But I really hope that the survivors can actually get through the barricade to let her out once morning comes... That thing is sealed TIGHT.
    • Anna: only appears in the Director's Cut in a 5 second scene right at the start of the movie... Yes you paid an extra 50 dollars for this.
    • Lorenz: flees from the group after the split up in order to save his own skin when the killer appears. Dies anyway when he runs into the armory and knocks over an entire axe display
    • Claude: No matter what he does he just can't seem to shake the killer, it's almost like they were targeting him specifically, eventually he suggests the split up in attempt to bait the killer into a trap he made, but it seems the killer was one step ahead and got him with his own trap... when they find his body a small rubber dagger is found in his hand
    • Ingrid: Cool, level headed, and does her best to move smart and takes needed precautions, all these factors are what causes her to last the night
    • Yuri: "Look... Things are getting bad and we may not last the night... But you know if we don't make it there's something I always wanted of you..." Dorothea shakily said as she pressed her hand against Constance's shoulder... "But I'm a noble and you're a commoner... This will never do!" She protested as Dorothea shushed her. "It doesn't matter anymore, let's make this something to remember" As she said this Dorothea's fingers slowly wrapped on the laces of Constance's corset, her dress loosening more as each string falls, soon it cannot hold more as Constance's body is laid bare, her pale skin glowing in the moonlight as Dorothea then begins to daintily pull at her underclothes and... Hey who's tugging on my shoulder can't you see I'm watching something lewd going on?!
    • Sylvain: dead... Looks like not only was he stabbed but he's got a red mark on his face like he got slapped pretty damn hard before said stabbing.
    • Bernedetta: Her natural survival instincts kick in and she immedietly locks herself in her room for the remainder of the night, not answering for anything, not even cake... Around 2 AM a louder banging starts happening on the door, something much bigger then a fist... Oh no.
    • Lysithia: She's ultimately the one who puts all the pieces together and helps come up with the trap that eventually defeats the killer... May have said "Jinkies" several times when she discovered some useful ino.
    • Felix: In a fit of irony, Felix dives in the way of a blade headed for Dimitri, saving his life like a knight would... The strange thing is that the slash along his back does not seem to look like any sword or axe wound
    • Rhea: Despite wishing to fight, she is eventually coerced into staying in the monastary safe room for her own protection. Sadly it seems the killer found a way in. The object used to kill her wound up being a clear giveaway as to who the real killer was
    • Cyril: winds up rushing the killer to avenge Rhea, gets swatted away like a fly and killed without much effort on the killer's part
    • Balthus: Attempts to fight the killer, gets killed by a blatantly obvious trap
    • Alois: Is found gravely wounded by the fishing pod, while he was not able to identify the killer, he feels it important to waste his last words saying "I guess I couldn't fish up any clues"... And this is why the comic relief gets killed off all the time.
    • Gilbert: Despite everyone else seeing the killer at least once, Gilbert never winds up encountering them, he attempts every trick to lure the killer out like saying he was two weeks from retirement and showing pictures of his family, but nope looks like the killer was just avoiding him.
    • Linhardt: At the end of the movie wakes up from his sleep well rested and ready for a great day of sleeping through study hall, sees the few survivors all bloody and ragged and asks "gee what happened to you guys?
    • Petra: An integral part of Lysithia's plan to stop the killer, she uses all her hunting knowledge to set the perfect snare, she sets it off perfectly, but is sadly rewarded by being drained by nosferatu magic to bring the killer back into fighting shape
    • Constance: If you had been paying attention to some of the previous character fates... You should already know what happened to Constance
    • Hilda: While running from the killer she winds up tripping and hurting her ankle, forcing other people in the group to carry her around, eventually she gets stuck in a situation where the latter option is unavailable as she gets caught alone and dies in a searingly blinding light.
    • Catherine: Puts all the students on lockdown in an effort to find out exactly what is going on, but authority figures tend not to have much luck and when she winds up asking the one who's the killer to return to their room is rewarded by being blasted by a powerful magic that blows her well out the second story window.
    • Ignatz: When the gang splits up to look for clues he winds up stumbling and dropping his glasses, thankfully his split up partner was able to find his glasses and give them back... Too bad his partner was the killer and gave them back rather violently.
    • Seteth: After securing Flayn Seteth makes moves to fly out and get Jeralt and the remaining knights who were out on a training exercise. His wyvern seemed pained and worried but Seteth brushed it off... Which had he not maybe he would have noticed someone shoved an explosive booby trap up the wyvern's bunghole and not been blown to kingdom come.
    • Dimitri: Lasts until the final encounter of the night, the killer is revealed and states their motive and that they cannot be stopped after they took down Petra. With the snare trap failed Dimitri decides the only option is to go back into the catacomb where the trap is laid and fight the killer head on, holding them off long enough for the trap to trigger fully and kill them both as the catacomb collapses.
    • Shamir: The final piece to the endgame trap. While Dimitri fights off the killer. She readies her arrow and shoots the explosive that collapses the catacomb... Gives an epic one liner before doing it though
    • Leonie: The resourceful one. She manages to help at several points in the night using her mercenary knowhow to escape several death traps the killer laid. She gets her leg wounded prior to the final encounter and has to sit it out, but ultimately manages to pull Byleth to safety as he is the last one to escape the catacomb as it collapses. The movie ends with them staring together at the sunrise while Jeralt's knights appear on the horizon.
    • Annette: She was the killer all along. It all started with a bad prank on Claude's part pretending he had been stabbed by a dagger. Annette was the first to see this and in a panic went to get help. She found Dedue in the mess hall and tried to get his attention but her natural clumsiness knocked a knife rack from the shelf, killing him. This caused her to panic more and flee to her room, but Mercedes noticed and tried to console her over the accident, but she was too scared and wound up knocking Mercedes down the stairs, killing her as well. The death of her best friend in the whole world plus everything that had just happened, as well as seeing Claude alive and unharmed and realized it all started from a bad prank wound up breaking her to the point she became a serial killer. At the end of the film, you get a close up of the rubble from the catacomb she had collapsed on her head... and her hand bursts from the rubble.

    So how long did it take you folk to figure things out? Ya do good? Feel clever yet? Well for those of you who struggled to guess don't worry because I can help you out by revealing a few of THE CLUES I hid, let's see how many you noticed.

    • The music in Marianne's death should have been big one, since we all know Annette loves her silly little songs
    • The deaths of Hanneman, Catherine, and Felix were all caused by powerful winds. If you know Annette's spell list she has all of the wind spells, wind to knock down the bookshelf, cutting gale to slash at Felix, and Excalibur to be the only thing powerful enough to blast Catherine away.
    • The significance of the arrow holes in Ashe's death were that they were empty, as in "looks like arrow shots but no arrows". Which implies they were either removed or they were magic. This would refer to the only non-wind spell in Annette's reason list Sagittae, which was originally called "Arrow" in the original Fire Emblem Gaiden
    • Hilda was killed by an extremely powerful burst of light, which lines up with Abraxas, a spell which Annette learns
    • Being naturally childish, there's no way Annette could bear to look at lewd stuff going on, so she had to kill off Annette, Constance, and that pervert Yuri with her eyes closed
    • She avoided Gilbert, that's hint enough
    • When Bernie got offed it was noted a loud banging on her door that sounded like something much bigger then a fist... Like a giant hammer or something, you know like the one Annette uses
    • No hints on Cyril, I just don't like that whiny dork
    • Being very studious, of course Annette would have a quill on hand to kill of Edelgard with. And she needed those smarts to set up the various booby traps that took out several other victims.
    • Sylvain's death showed that the killer was female, elsewise he would not have been slapped for flirting before getting his ass stabbed.

    Anyways that's the end of the movie. Everyone gets out of their bloody makeup and gets to enjoy the wrap party where there's cake, and cookies, and lots of meat. Nobody really died of course since I said this was a slasher flick. That means it was fake all along!

    As always though stay tuned, because another "3h cast as" episode can come at any time from anywhere. So keep your eyes peeled! Next one may even come sooner then my usual lazy ass does these since I have a good idea what to make.

    submitted by /u/ProfNekko
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    ByMir - "I'm yours from now on."

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday, Ryoma! [ACNH outfit + code]

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    [FE4 Spoilers] Genealogy, 2018, dir. Ari Aster

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Constance von Nuvelle. I asked my cousin of what I should draw. He said this lovely lady and so, I did.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    My Fire Emblem Memorial Book: Archanea Chronicle came today! It's a beautiful book, and a great tribute to Marth's games!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 09:13 PM PDT

    KK & the AC Gang enjoying a game of Anna's Roundtable~

    Posted: 01 May 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Finished my Seteth plush charm and Chapter 9 of The Fox and The Squirrel (Link in description)

    Posted: 01 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Whose Line Is It Anyway? r/fireemblem edition - May 2020

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    For those who don't know what a "Whose Line" thread is, it's a thread where someone posts a prompt, (such as "Things less interesting than Gaiden's map design") and someone responds with a funny quip that plays off of it (such as "The Sable Knights' personality")

    Keep it fun, be creative

    And mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/Bullwine85
    [link] [comments]

    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 23: Adventure Time Melady

    Posted: 01 May 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Stage Footage of Fire Emblem Expo is now officially available for limited time

    Posted: 01 May 2020 08:34 AM PDT

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