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    Tuesday, June 16, 2020

    Fire Emblem I drew the Emperor

    Fire Emblem I drew the Emperor

    I drew the Emperor

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    “You coming?” - dimiclaude except it’s bee movie

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    My modern Setsuna 3d model. A slightly different kind of fanart

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    Been diving into the GBA titles in my spare time, and I love the animated map sprites! Tried my hand at a faithful recreation of my boy, the Fighter.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Spring Marisa and Marianne cosplay (OC)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Buying some flowers for Rhea

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    Made two versions of the Mareep meme for Felix and Annette

    Posted: 15 Jun 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    (OC) Fast Sketch I did of Claude last month.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 69: Super Lewd Melady

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Hilda skips class to sit around the monastery and do nothing.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:16 PM PDT

    A New Look For Shamir

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:35 PM PDT

    Caspar/Hilda for that Coveted Chest Meme

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    I came up with and wrote dialogue for 10 "Harmonized Heroes" pairings!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic 0% Growths LTC- Chapter 24, Co-commentary with KrashBoomBang

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Happy Birthday, Stahl!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    "These tender thoughts that only seem to grow." An admiring Felix holding Annette to warm my heart (OC)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - We'd Be (sort of) Unstoppable!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    Chibi Nephenee (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn) [OC]

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    .: a very proud Chrobin family :.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    I arranged Fodlan Winds for violin & piano!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    I made lofi version of "Fodlan Winds" from FE Three Houses - and what are your other fav tracks?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #9 - Midir, Faithful Bow Knight

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Welcome back to another episode of Examining the Crusaders, the series where we examine the characters of each of the playable units in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time, we looked at Finn, Novice Lance Knight. Finn's presence in the first generation primarily sets up his character in the second generation; he is a talented young knight who proves his worth to his master Quan. The two develop a close bond, with Quan putting his full confidence in Finn and deeming him to be the future of Leonster; despite this, Finn is still a bit insecure about his abilities due to his youth. Today, we will take a look at another knight: Midir, Faithful Bow.


    Midir is an Arch Knight from Jungby; he is one of the few knights remaining at Jungby when the game begins since much of Jungby's military went with Jungby's reigning Duke, Lord Ring, to fight against Isaach. He is forced to try to fight the invading Verdanians who have an advantage in numbers; unfortunately, he and the rest of Jungby are unable to overcome the odds and lose to the Verdanians, thus allowing their liege Edain to be abducted.


    Prologue introduction: Midir, panicking, says that Jungby is entirely surrounded by the Verdanians and laments that he and the rest of the Jungby knights couldn't do anything more to stop them. Edain comforts Midir and asks that they try to survive; Midir refuses and says that they are all prepared to lay down their lives to protect Edain. Edain then thanks Midir for this and apologizes. On the first turn of the chapter, Midir will be attacked and defeated in battle by Gandolf. He will apologize to Edain as he faints.

    Here, Midir is at his last wits: he, along with the rest of the undermanned Jungby knights, were unable to complete their job of defending Jungby from the foreign invaders. Yet, he still is going to fight until the end. He refuses his liege's offer to have them get to safety and chooses instead to continue pushing as much as he can to defend her - literally. He pays the price in getting a nasty hit from Gandolf which he barely survives, but he didn't try to cower out in battle or anything of that manner as a knight faithful to his ideals would.


    Prologue recruitment conversation: When Jungby is seized, Oifey points out that a young knight is lying unconscious there; Sigurd recognizes that as Midir. Sigurd questions Midir, who in a half-awakened state can barely mouth enunciate that Gandolf was there. Sigurd, correctly inferring that Gandolf abducted Edain, then asks Midir to stay in Jungby and recuperate while he goes to rescue Edain. Midir refuses, saying that he feels that he has to help to rescue Edain.

    This conversation shows that Midir is extremely determined to rescue Edain from the Verdanians. He was just completely defeated in battle by one of the bandits (i.e., HP completely depleted by a crit - the equivalent of Cecilia in FE6) so he is deeply wounded; despite this, he still is willing to go out and fight against Sigurd's wishes. Even after having been brought near the end of his life, Midir still has protecting his liege Edain as his first priority; this illustrates how deep his bond is with her.


    Chapter 1 conversation with Edain: Midir is relieved that Edain is safe and asks for her forgiveness. Edain asks Midir to not worry, thanking him for protecting her, and asks him to continue fighting for Sigurd. Midir then agrees to do so, seeing how much Sigurd did for him, and says he will do all he can to return Sigurd's kindness.

    Midir here expresses his relief that Edain is relatively unharmed; however, he also worries that Edain will judge him for "failing to protect her." He feels terrible for having failed to stop the Verdanians from abducting her even though the odds were stacked against him in the first place. As a knight, Midir most likely swore an oath to above all protect Edain; to fail to do that even in circumstances where it was impossible probably hurt him a good bit emotionally, which shows how committed (for better or worse) he is to being a "knight." Even still, he pushes on and follows his liege's orders to continue serving Sigurd.


    Chapter 3 conversation with Bridget: Midir sees Bridget in the distance and mistakes her for Edain; Bridget asks who he is; Midir realizes that Bridget may be Edain's identical twin and asks for her name. When Bridget gives her name, Midir immediately calls her "gorgeous" to Bridget's disgust. Midir is already enamored with her, saying that there is "another one" (Jungby sister) who is "even more beautiful" to Bridget's continued ire.

    …I don't even know where to start with this one. This is literally the "Hot Damn! Identical Twin!" meme but as a conversation and it...compromises Midir's character in my opinion - quite possibly one of the worst conversations in the game. Its implications for Midir's character is that he may be a bit more "loose" on his knightly convictions much like Alec is, which is strange because Midir otherwise is fairly serious. Hopefully he apologized to Bridget after this one.


    Chapter 4 conversation with Edain: Edain gives a brave bow to Midir. Midir asks her if she is sure about giving such a rare bow to him; Edain points out how tough Silesse's pegasus knights are and says that he will be more prepared to fight them with the brave bow. Midir then remarks on how their marriage is a dream. Edain in response admits that she too had feelings for Midir but felt that she couldn't act upon said feelings; she then says that she will pray for Midir's safety.

    Here, Midir's dream of getting with Edain has been realized; after years of dreaming that his liege would fall in love with him, it finally happens and they have been married. He's almost in denial that it happened; he couldn't even believe the fact that his wife would give him something so expensive like a brave bow. In a sense, this could be seen as the finalization of Midir's arc: his "true" dream of getting to marry Edain not only achieved but fulfilled as she in fact reciprocates his feelings and was pining for him as well. For players who married Midir with Edain, this is the end of their character arc together: finally together, in a sort of bliss until of course Belhalla where they get separated forever.


    Chapter 5 conversation with Bridget: Bridget asks if Midir is doing fine; Midir responds in the affirmative and returns the question. Bridget then says that she will be okay as long as she is with him; Midir says that he is grateful for their time together. Bridget then gets angry as she thinks Midir is trying to break off the marriage; Midir is not doing so though. Bridget, knowing that Midir had crushed on her sister for years, asks him if he is truly happy with her; Midir assures her that while he liked Edain, he did not truly love her as he does with Bridget. Bridget then thanks Midir and tells him that she will be with him until the end.

    Midir is still clumsy with Bridget just as he was when they first met in Chapter 3. He tries to express his thankfulness for being with Bridget, but it comes across to her as a half-thought out attempt to end the relationship. However, at least he is able to reassure her that he is not trying to break off the relationship: he is able to relieve Bridget's feelings of inadequacy as she knows that he had been pining for her sister for some time by assuring her that Bridget is the only true love that he has had. In the end, he was able to set things straight with Bridget and get a relationship with her that may, in some respects, be "better" than the pining he had for Edain.


    Final thoughts: Midir at first is just a generic knight who wants to serve his liege as faithfully as he can. However, we see that he also (in a way like Alec) desires to get a relationship with Edain; he quite possibly could get one with her as he wishes, which will allow him to complete his dream as Edain also reciprocates his feelings. Or he could clumsily get into a relationship with Edain's identical twin Bridget which, even if it starts in a less-than-satisfactory fashion, still allows him to get into a loving marriage. Either way, Midir still wishes to serve his lieges (Edain and later on Bridget) to the fullest extent and has no malicious intentions.

    Thanks for reading this episode! Next time we will be moving on to another member of the Jungby clan, Edain, Radiant Priestess. Until then!

    Previous: Finn, Novice Lance Knight

    Next: Edain, Radiant Priestess

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Harmonized Heroes, Mia and Marth

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:26 PM PDT

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