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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Fire Emblem Corrin from FE Fates (OC)

    Fire Emblem Corrin from FE Fates (OC)

    Corrin from FE Fates (OC)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    After watching some episodes of The Office, I decided to doodle this real quick-(idk if I should add spoiler??)

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:06 AM PDT

    Messy ponytail Edelgard doodle

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Screw you, IS! I'll make my OWN Anna Ending!!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    The Art of Making a Fire Emblem Unit "Bad"

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    I've been playing an FE Hack recently (I won't name it here because I think the hack is good and I don't want people to send hate to its creator). Gameplay-wise, the hack is very well made with fun, engaging, and varied maps that could've easily been ripped out of an official game. However, a huge problem with the hack is that every unit is a "good unit."

    What I mean by this is that almost every unit in the game has good bases and growths. This creates huge balancing issues. Since every unit is fast and hits hard, there isn't a lot that can be done to distinguish them from one another (skills can only take things so far). Classes, for example, become almost the sole determinant of what makes a unit good. Armor Knights are completely useless. They're the same as your other units only with worse movement. On the other hand flying units become overpowered, doing everything any of your other units could do and moving a lot farther.

    By the mid-to-late game, when I started getting pre-promotes, many of the units I trained already had capped stats. Why would I ever use a non-Jeigan pre-promote when they have both worse availability and considerably lower stats and weapon ranks? I wasn't taking things slow either. I wasn't LTC-ing or anything, but it's not like I was trying to grind for experience.

    This brings me to my thesis: units in Fire Emblem need weaknesses. They need to be "bad" in some way to make them fun to use.

    Binding Blade's Top Tiers

    Take FE6 as an example. Through the years I've heard arguments that Milady, Percival, Larum/Elphin, Alance, Rutger, and Saul were the "single best unit in the game," at least on Hardmode. If I'm being honest, each of them has a solid argument to be made in their favour. Larum and Elphin are dancers. Milady and Percival can pretty much solo the game after being recruited. Rutger is pretty much required to fight earlygame bosses. Saul can be used to Warp-skip maps. Allen and Lance are cavaliers in a game where Paladins are arguably at their most broken.

    However, each of these characters has huge weaknesses that mean in practice, they actually play completely differently. Milady and Percival are M.I.A. for the first half of the game, and can't be used to help you beat some of its hardest chapters (Ch. 4, 7, and 11L come to mind). Elphin and Larum are susceptible to ballistae/siege tomes and can't fight on their own. Saul is staff-locked pre-promotion and needs to grind staff rank in order to use the Warp staff. Rutger is foot and sword-locked. Allen and Lance have relatively low bases, and rely on their high growths to stay relevant past the early chapters.

    These weaknesses might make them "worse units" efficiency-wise, but they also make for a much more varied gameplay experience because they end up playing so differently. You're not gonna use Rutger the same way you'd use Milady for instance, nor are you gonna use Saul like you would Percival.

    Overpowered Jeigans

    On the other end of the spectrum look at some of the franchise's "Jeigan Archetype" characters. Units like Sigurd, Seth, and Titania trivialize their respective games to the point where using other units is a formality more than anything else. They trivialize almost every other unit in the game. They're the best, plain and simple.

    These units aren't interesting to use. They have no weaknesses, require no investment, and can solo entire maps from base. They're so much better than everyone else in the game that opting to bench them makes for a vastly more difficult (and, in my opinion, much more fun) experience.

    Mid and Low Tier Characters

    The weakening of a game's "good" units also makes for a much more enjoyable experience when it comes to a game's slightly weaker characters. Using FE7 as an example, the game certainly has its top tiers (Florina, Marcus, the cavaliers, Pent, Priscilla), but there are several noteworthy niches that the lower-rated units have. Hector's high strength and almost uncontested use of axes in the earlygame make him an absolute powerhouse in combat. Raven has godlike bases on Hardmode that can rival even your pre-promotes. Canas absolutely decimates several bosses with his Luna tome. Erk can act as a second Pent with just a little bit of training. Louise comes with an automatic A-support with Pent, making him even more powerful with no investment.

    Even a character like Nino, who's pretty much objectively bad, still provides a unique experience with her high growth rates. The prospect of transforming Nino from a worthless scrub to a sage more powerful than Pent is highly alluring for many players, even if it's technically not efficient.

    Being able to use a wider variety of units while still maintaining a somewhat efficient playthrough makes games far more exciting, and can add replay value for players who may want to try off-meta characters.


    Does this mean that every flawed character is well designed? Of course not. Units like FE1 Jake, FE4 Arden, FE4 Patty, FE6 Gwendy, FE6 Sophia, or FE12 Bantu are so bad that no one in their right mind would ever use them. The prospect of training a new unit to realize their potential might be fun for many players, but when you have a unit that can't even do that, it only leads to disappointment. You run into the opposite problem of an overpowered Jeigan. A unit that, instead of doing everything, does nothing.

    No unit should be Sophia levels of awful, but on the flipside no unit should be Seth levels of "insta-win." Fire Emblem is at its best when chapters have a multitude of somewhat efficient strategies for you to tackle them. When one character is so much more powerful than all the other units available, it makes oddball strategies that don't involve that unit obsolete. After all, why would I devise a complicated Rescue setup involving three of my units when I could just throw Seth at the problem and win?

    TL;DR Units need weaknesses because it makes for more interesting and varied gameplay. Making every unit have good bases and growths trivializes their individuality, and makes things like class differences the sole determinant for what makes a unit good. Overpowered Jeigans are boring.

    submitted by /u/Hong-Zhi
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    Jeralt von Riegan

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Q: Labyrinth of Dawn

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    (OC) the weird kid that really likes fish

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Seteth Sketch colored! [OC]

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    Drawing Melady everyday. Day 70: Brawling Melady

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Crossover: Dimitri, Natsuki, and Miku snuggles in the cold

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    Chibi Lyn (Fire Emblem : The Blazing Blade) [OC]

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic 0% Growths LTC- Chapter 25, Co-commentary with KrashBoomBang

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    my game broke, just at the ending too.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    Finally beat the three main routes on Maddening. My thoughts and character picks.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Just in time for TLoU2 release I've finished my Crimson Flower NG Maddening playthrough, and before that I did Azure Moon and Verdant Wind. There's not enough time to do a Silver Snow playthrough so this is it for now, I probably won't play this game again for a bit.

    I played all routes on release on Hard so this was my first time trying Maddening, and with the new DLC characters. Each route took ~70-80 hours, so overall it took me 230 hours. AM was my first because it's my favorite route.

    Overall I felt the difficulty was very close to perfect. Get rid of the infinite reinforcements, the ambush spawns, and tone down enemy stats a tad (late game war masters with ~50 str and spd? wyvern riders and peg knights that show up in academy phase paralogues with ~30 str and spd?), remove battalions from certain units on some maps (which makes them impossible to pull safely), and the difficulty is about as good as I think we can get without actually changing the maps and their objectives. I don't think I could ever go back to Hard.

    So first I've heard a lot that AM is considered the 'easiest' route, but in my experience VW was quite a bit easier. It's true that AM has the best early game team and the best late game unit (Dimitri with BW+BV and Chalice), but AM also has the hardest war phase of the three main routes by far, especially the hardest reunion and hardest finale. In contrast VW's war phase is a joke except for reunion and dubstep city, and its finale in particular is like a hundred times easier than AM's. So I would recommend VW for people who just want to do the easiest route possible for the gold screen reward, I also plug this guy Zoran who has some really good strats I checked out in my preparation for the route. I did not warpskip ANY mission, I tried to complete every map the "normal" way. Anna's paralogue was probably in hindsight the hardest mission in the game because my first time was in chapter 9 and I didn't know it was a dual-phase available paralogue.


    So of course I checked out tier lists and other people's recommendations when making my preparations, but in the end after extensive playtesting I have my own opinions. I made extensive use of this average stats calculator to decide how to build my characters.

    In short, I felt in a vacuum sniper/grappler are the best classes due to their brave arts, any unit only needs those classes and good str + acc (from battalions if necessary) to be useful on Maddening, I thought wyverns were really overrated, dodgetanks were essential, and every mage not named Lysithea were barely usable due to their overall poor stats. The game became boiled down to pull enemies with dodgetank -> chip down the mobs with gambits if necessary -> kill everything with brave arts, use dance battalion if there are a lot of enemies. Most combat happened in quick bursts in player phase and enemy phase was just spent moving the enemies around. Stride and the triangle/diamond gambits were essential.

    Byleth. So my first NG Maddening run I made Bylass a peg knight which I read as a suggestion a lot to get an early-game flier, and she turned out to be one of the worst Byleths I ever had even without considering the faculty training investment required. The problem is on Maddening, even Byleth doesn't have enough spd to reliably double/avoid getting doubled, their prt is terrible (and even their res isn't great!) so they will get killed by a LOT of enemies, and even though they have great str, the lack of brave art hurts their damage. She can be a viable dodgetank with AS+ and the eva ring, but that's better spent on Ferdinand or the speedsters. Instead, Byleth is actually best as a sniper or grappler. Their sky high charm (due to tea parties) makes them ideal for being a ground unit with better access to good gambits, and Bylad is the only natural fist user other than Felix and Balthus to have a crest (and a damage-increasing one at that), letting him use the Vajra-Mushti. Technically Catherine has a crest too, but she can't be a Grappler/War Master because this game is sexist.

    Felix. I found this guy to be somewhat underrated by the community, which might sound odd since he's already considered like A tier, but he's actually a monster even OOH. If there was an A+ tier below the lords and above solid performers like Seteth and Linhardt, Felix would belong right in there next to Ferdinand and Lysithea. There is just no way that OOH!Felix is worse than units like Annette and Cyril. Not only does he have lord-tier bases and growths (he has the same STR growth as EDELGARD), but his unique combo of personal and crest makes him the best wielder of low-mt weapons in the game. He is an amazing Sniper which is great on all non-VW routes since the other two houses really lack one, but as a fist user he is godlike, capable of probably the highest damage per round of any unit not named Edelgard or Dimitri. You can park him in Grappler for FIF but he's one of the few units along with Byleth and Dimitri that has the SPD to go into War Master and there he can really do some ridiculous stuff with 4x attack and Killer/Dragon Knuckles. In my opinion the 3rd best unit of any route guaranteed.

    Ferdinand. Another unit I think a lot of people are either not using properly or underrating even though he is already highly rated, because he is a late game god. Due to his personal, he is the best dodge tank in the game surpassing even the speedsters, he's the best axe user disregarding relics, he has Swift Strikes and a crest, he's just an all-around amazing unit good on both phases which is rare for a TH character. I see a lot of people recommending taking him into brigand and then through the wyvern line, which is probably the optimal class path for him, but his best endgame class isn't Wyvern Lord, it's actually Paladin (assuming you are using him as a swift strikes bot/dodgetank). He actually gains damage despite the drop in str because of lancefaire, and has similar avo despite the drop in spd and losing Avo +10 because of his prf battalion the Aegir Astral Knights. A pain in the ass to recruit on NG (ironic since he's worse in his own house from missing his prf battalion) and requires some babying in the early-mid game but once he gets Alert Stance+ and Swift Strikes and comes online he is a ridiculous unit.

    Petra/Ingrid/Leonie. I already knew these ladies were good, but it wasn't until Maddening that I realized just how good. Leonie is the only character I would take into Bow Knight rather than staying in Sniper due to PBV, but she's more than adequate as Sniper. Petra is probably the third best axe user after Edelgard and Ferdinand due to actually having good dex, and her combo of dex+spd makes her probably the best brave axe user in the game other than Dimitri/Felix. Ingrid is unfortunately quite mediocre as anything other than a dodgetank, but in that crucial role she is excellent, don't think it's possible to do many AM late game missions the "normal" way (not warpskipping) without her, you just can't use prt tanks due to the huge amount of mixed attackers, siege tome mages, and extreme-str War Masters.

    Annette/Sylvain/Hilda. These were unfortunately the characters that I felt underperformed from my expectations, primarily because all three have the same problem: low dex/spd. Annette was amazing early game as a rallybot but then fell off, while Sylvain was meh for a long time but late game was still a powerhouse when it counted due to having a relic and brave art, and Hilda is just mediocre overall. So the main issue with Annette is that she lacks the spd to double anything other than armors and in the endgame she can't even double those, which means she has to oneshot to kill, but even with axefaire + forged axes + lightning axe she sometimes can't even do that because of how obscenely high HP some enemies have. I had to resort to using axe of zoltan/ukonvasara and crusher a lot to secure important kills. Meanwhile Sylvain and Hilda have just really bad dex which actually becomes relevant in Maddening when they will top at ~60-70 acc against most enemies, and even with their spd they sometimes get doubled and certainly can't dodgetank so they're not good on enemy phase either. Sylvain also has the same problem as Ferdinand and Seteth where typically you will want them on Wyvern Lord for flight, but then they lose Lancefaire which hurts their damage badly due to relying on brave arts. However he is one of the best for monster crushing due to his relic.

    Ashe/Lorenz/Ignatz/Raphael. Not much more to say on these guys that hasn't already been said. I tried really hard to make them good as they're required for those reunion maps which I prepared a lot for, but there is no class path and skill combo that will make these guys not bad. Raph is probably the best because as a FIF bot he can punch a lot of enemies to death with his sky high str, even the bosses in VW finale. Meanwhile Ashe and Ignatz will never have enough str to do damage even with death blow, although Ignatz is actually the only bow user that I consistently used at 3+ range because everyone else's accuracy turned into complete ass, even Claude.

    In conclusion, Felix, Ferdinand, and speedsters really good, magic and low str units bad. Make Byleth a ground unit instead of a flier so they get a good gambit and a brave art. Ground units are underrated in general, though you have to be more careful with army movement sometimes. Focus really hard on positioning enemies for linked attacks + gambits.

    submitted by /u/adamleng
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    fire emblem 7 guide but bad advice only

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Our custom fire emblem map with featuring different castles from the series [Anna's Roundtable]

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    I drew Summer Lute!

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    I’m not good at fire emblem. But after like 2 days of strategizing and a whole new safe file. My first one I distributed the exp in the worst way possible. But I finally beat chapter ten on lunatic with no deaths. I’m so proud of myself.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

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