• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 14, 2020

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Community Harassment, Allegations, and Response

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Community Harassment, Allegations, and Response

    Fire Emblem Community Harassment, Allegations, and Response

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    On recent sexual harassment allegations in the community

    This'll start with as complete of a compilation of all relevant accusations and statements from parties as we can build right now. Some tweets have been hidden, accounts deleted, and so on, so some things may have been lost. Please bear with us.

    Pertaining to Mangs:

    Goosaphone's account

    Soleil's account

    Mina's account

    Lia's account

    Mercie's account

    Amy's account

    Compilation of many actions by Mangs (some are repeats of the above, others have nothing to do with sexual harassment)

    Mangs's first response

    Mangs's goodbye

    Mekkah's statement

    CyanYoh's statement

    Pertaining to Chaz Aria:

    Indie's account

    Indie's original account of events (from 2019)

    Monica's account

    Monica's second statement

    FE_Truth's statement in defense of Chaz

    FE_Truth's zip file of alleged evidence defending Chaz (explicit – download with care)

    LuckyCrit's statement in defense of Chaz

    Chaz's response to Monica

    Chaz's response to Indie

    Deltre's statement

    Pavise's first statement

    Pavise's second statement

    Ghast's first statement

    Ghast's second statement

    Mekkah's first statement

    Mekkah's second statement

    Dondon151's statement (please note this is a text post, not a video link)

    Goosaphone's final statement

    Rybean (FE_Truth)'s statement

    Pertaining to other figures:

    Mana's account

    The subreddit's statement

    So with that out of the way we can move on to the subreddit's statement. Overall everything with Mangs was pretty much open and shut, but on the other hand everything with Chaz was drawn out in comparison. That's not to say that taking time to build a proper defense against serious allegations is the wrong thing to do, but it's very clear that Chaz and his friends spent a good deal of effort attacking two potential victims despite mere hours beforehand pushing that the community needs to be a safe space for victims to speak up. Even if allegations don't hold up, that's not carte blanche to harass or launch smear campaigns against the people coming forward. As major figures of the wider FE community (maybe not in this subreddit), this was very damaging for them to do and a complete 180 to how everything with Mangs was handled. Without trying to be arbiters of either accusation against Chaz, it's very clear that he and his friends did their best to shut them down through first attacking the alleged victims (especially Indie).

    That being said, there have been some reprehensible comments and actions on this subreddit as well. A few people were openly calling for those involved on both sides to "rot in hell" or to -warning and that's not something we can let slide. It's fine to be angry or confused about poor behavior from those we look up to, but making harmful statements like that only pours gasoline on the fire. Under no circumstances do any of the people involved (victims, allies, even the accused) deserve to feel guilt just for being alive. We have done our best to weed these reprehensible messages out, but we don't have all-seeing eyes. If you see any of this stuff up anywhere no matter the age of the comment, please report it immediately and we will be notified. Additionally, some users have taken to comparing Chaz and his friends to TWSITD from 3H, which come on guys. This is serious stuff and should be treated with the right amount of gravity. These are real people involved and it's not just some funny drama unfolding.

    Moving forward, there are a few things that we would like to see from the community on this subreddit should another situation like this arise in the future.

    • For one, we hope that some semblance of civility will be maintained and that death threats and the like don't get shared here. We will take a hard stance against these and do everything in our power to punish people who cross the line like that.
    • Second, calls for vigilante action to harass, hack, or doxx anyone in the public eye are also unwarranted and will be dealt with should we come across them on the subreddit or in our discord server.
    • Third, it is best to wait for the accused and the victim(s) to speak up when they're ready and base your feelings on what they lay out in their defense. Rumors and gossip about "So and so did this in the past" or "Such and such said this last year", while they may seem important to show someone's character, aren't always relevant to the situation at hand, and don't establish guilt in these specific situations by any means. (For example, while there is plenty of material showing that Mangs may in fact hold bigoted views, there aren't such things for Chaz, and yet he had a credible allegation levied against him.)
    • Lastly, and this one is on us as moderators, we're going to try to be more prepared in the event something like this seemingly comes out of nowhere. We mistakenly thought that this would be settled in the space of a day or two, and so our response was uncoordinated and limited to just making sure that duplicate threads weren't clogging up the subreddit and trying to comb through new comments on the more active threads. Dhose did his best to organize a few pseudo-megathreads in the posts with the most activity as everything wore on, but it was far from a comprehensive collection. If a rapidly developing situation pops up like this again, we're going to make a megathread for it from the start and direct people to that instead of trying to make sense of a dozen different threads for different things that can be missed or overlooked.

    Now as this situation is at a close other than maybe a few people who might put out another statement in the next day or so, we're going to crack down on new threads about it and direct interested people here so that the subreddit can get back on track. That's not to diminish what Goosaphone, Mangs, Indie, Monica, Chaz, or anyone involved went through, but idle gossip, rumors, and conspiracy theories from people not close to the situation aren't healthy for the subreddit. It is paramount that the broader Fire Emblem community is a safe space for victims to come forward about their experiences, and hopefully this is a step in the right direction.

    We'll keep this thread up for as long as necessary, and hopefully everyone can find closure.

    Signed, the /r/fireemblem mod team

    submitted by /u/Shephen
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    I work at a fast food /gas station and i've manage to put this in the tittle screen of the cash register app

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    [OC] Empress of the Adrestian Empire

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Summer Goddess(?) Hilda

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    Time-Skip Lysithea Commission

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:29 PM PDT

    Ferdinand has the most average game across all routes

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    So in 3H the game has an internal system for deciding paired-endings: First Byleth gets to pick. Then your units pick the person they have the highest support with in the order your units are listed. So in AM, first Dimitri pairs with the A-support unit he has the highest support with, then if Dedue wasn't removed by Byleth or Dimitri he picks, then Felix, then Ashe, and so on until the game goes to poor Cyril at the end of the list.

    This means that the higher on the list you are, the more "Game" you have because you're more likely to have a paired ending, and it's based on your preferences. In Silver Snow Ferdinand is just behind Byleth. In Crimson Flower he's just behind Ed and Hubert. Azure Moon and Verdant Wind he is directly behind members of your house. In all routes he's ahead of the other house you didn't pick as well as all church-members. This means he has the highest average position across all routes.

    Ferdie has the most game.

    submitted by /u/Souperplex
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    Dark Deity's New Animations - Inspired by the GBA FE games

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Mila Fanart (Fire Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Flayn sketch

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    [OC] New 3H customization options leaked

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Professional Problem Solver: Hubert von Vestra (OC) Fanart

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:23 PM PDT

    Resplendent Sophia

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I Sketched Marth

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Tail inspector Nayume [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    My sister drew me the summer M!Byleth that never was

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    Lucky Crit Response

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    practice of the best character in the whole fire emblem series Ferdinand Von Aegir (oh yeah and linhardt is there too i guess)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    I translated the FE9 stage drama that was supposed to be performed at the Fire Emblem Expo II, featuring a sweet brother-sister moment with Ike and Mist!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Shadow Dragon is so damn good

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    I just want to gush for a moment because I slept on this game for so long, and feel really bad about it.

    I finally got to it in my retrospective, and... I just don't understand how this game went under the radar for me. I always heard people downplaying it, so I never got to playing it, but now that I am it's like... Holy crap, it's so good. I'm on CH12, but this is how I feel so far

    • Map design is really good for the most part, with some exceptions like occasionally needing to send Marth into a corner of the map to get a village and then needing to wait for him to seize or waste a warp

    • The UI received so many improvements that it's ridiculous. Viewing enemy ranges, enemy stats on the dual screen, attacking by moving your unit on top of an enemy rather than stopping next to them and selecting attack, cycling through weapons with x and y instead of needing to back out into your weapon menu and selecting another. While seeing enemy weapon stats is kinda annoying compared to the 3DS entries, it's still basically the same as the previous games so I won't count it against it

    • Save points are so much better than Mila's Turnwheel and Divine Pulse from at the very least a balance perspective. There is a level of strategy to it because saving is both a limited resource, and an action that a unit actually takes rather than free. If you save early, you might regret it because you might have wanted to save later (saving a good level up) while if you wait too long, you might end up in a situation where the save doesn't help, or where you can't reach the save point because of enemies overwhelming it. It makes you think about the act rather than fix an oopsie, all the while lowering the frustration of low% crits and STRs and just making a mistake near the end of the map.

    • The forging system with effective weaponry is great. It makes the way you play this game entirely different to most of the series. I can't remember the last time that base weapon rank really mattered outside of like, really niche situations in GBA, staff rank in general, and like, genealogy. But here, Cain is much worse than Abel because he can't use javs at base and takes much longer to get forged effective weapons, which is a neat differentiation of units. It's a dynamic that isn't present in a lot of the games.

    • This is probably the most casual friendly non-casual mode game, between reclassing, generic units, and save points to alleviate frustration. At the same time, it's pretty fun on a higher level because of the more unique playstyle that difficulties like H5 force you to take.

    • This needs its own point, but Caeda is so fucking good and I love her so much. She's a fun unit to use. So is Jake.

    • Though the plot isn't much changed from FE1/FE3 Book 1, it didn't really need to be, and the game helped characterize its generic units by giving them talk convos. It's not on the level of 9/10, but Caeda is much more fleshed out with for instance her Ogma talk, and Marth getting to talk to most of your new recruits is great. Linde and Merric, too.

    I love this game so much and I wish I got it on DS back in the day, man.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    r/Fireemblem plays and discusses Hacks & Fangames #1: Introduction.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    Jo, everyone.

    Since it's been a while since we played and discussed a FE game, and almost everything that can be said about official games has been said, how about we play and discuss hacks and fangames instead?

    Honestly the main purpose of this is to try and bring some gaming related discussion into the sub, and to distract a bit from what's going on. Not to mention i wanna discuss i stuff i played, as the only time i talk about hacks is when giving feedbacks.

    This is also a means to promote the hardwork of others, and as a feedback incase they stumble upon this thread!

    Wether it's a 1 chapter hack or a full one, wether available in english or not, all discussions about fan projects are welcome! I would like to ask to NSFW tag any NSFW games though!

    Even self promoting your own hack/fangame is welcome!

    Places where you can get Hacks & Fangames:

    Some Hacks & Fangames i recommend:

    I plan to go in detail on each of these hacks/fangames in their own Thread. You are also welcome to suggest hacks we can discuss, (And share the stuff we enjoyed in general) or ask why i recommended those!

    A small tl of japanese status screens (Picture taken from Yggdrasill i linked above). Might help you a bit in case you want to check japanese exclusive stuff out without speaking japanese (like me). Usually, google tl should get you through gameplay basics and skills.

    How i plan this thread is like this: One Thread we have a general discussion, and the thread after we concentrate on a certain hack/fangame, and then repeat. I will always say in advance which game we will talk about next, so people can try and play it ;)

    I am thinking about making the threads either weekly or biweekly, but i shall see first how this will work out!

    Plans for the next 2 Threads: General Discussion, Siege of Lemond.

    submitted by /u/Shrimperor
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    Yuri fanart

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:20 PM PDT

    Art my sister made of the Crest of Flames

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Hapi Summer

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    Only a spoonful of Ice Cream

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    I drew Byleth today!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Rybean's statement/twitlonger regarding FeTruth

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:15 AM PDT

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