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    Monday, July 13, 2020

    Fire Emblem Locked in conflict (Awkward zombie)

    Fire Emblem Locked in conflict (Awkward zombie)

    Locked in conflict (Awkward zombie)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Summer Marianne

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Drew Marianne at the beach!!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Dumb_Rhea02.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Mae Fanart (Fie Emblem Echoes) [OC]

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    I just beat my first ever Maddening NG run last night...What a wild ride! I just wanted to share with some people who would remotely care as my wife doesn’t play video games and none of my close friend play Fire Emblem.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Mekkah and FEtruth

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:23 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Ranting about how some FEtubers handled the Chaz situation

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    I want to vent, since I've been an FE fan for a fairly long time (about 4 years now). I've been watching FEtubers for about the same amount of time.

    Christ, this situation is just awful. I was actually proud of the FEtubers before all of this came out. How they handled the Mangs exposure was quite exemplary. Everyone supported the victims, and the accused was immediately called out on their bullshit. I really thought they bettered the community, and actually wanted to create an environment where victims of abuse could feel safe.

    Then the allegations against Chaz happened, and some FEtubers just did a complete 180. We went from the best way to handle assault allegations to the worst way to handle assault allegations injust a few days. I'm just gonna rant about the three I'm most upset with.

    I find it odd that Chaz just seems to dance around the allegations, letting others fight his battle, especially since he was so vocal about Mangs. Makes him seem far more suspicious in my opinion. His tweet adressing Indie's allegations is also weak as hell. It's just 'she lied lol, I'm tired leave me alone'. He doesn't man up to any and all wrongs he might have committed against Indie and Monica.

    LuckyCrit is far worse in my opinion. He should've just backed out, instead of jumping the gun to save his friend. He's lucky that there is no conclusive evidence against Chaz. Imagine someone jumping to Mangs' side to completely dismiss anything Goose said, while also making cringy oneliners ('crit them into oblivion, really Stevie?). They would've been cancelled right then and there. But no, Stevie gets away with a 'so sorry, won't do it again'.

    Goose's situation just makes me sad. She managed to completely destroy the safe environment she created for victims in a few days just because Chaz is her friend and she doesn't want him to be bad. She went from abused to abuser in the span of a goddamn weekend. Respect to her for coming out against Mangs, but saying things like "they're hijacking my victimhood" is not a great look at all and makes her statement against Mangs actually weaker as a result. Didn't she want to inspire other people into exposing other wrongs any community figures had done to their fans? Or was it just so she could have her special moment? And on top of that she also managed to involve Ryn into this, basically using her as a tool to push her own agenda. She should be supporting her, but apparently she's the only victim that's important here.

    Props to Mekkah, Pavise and Ghast for backing out of this awful situation and mad respect towards Deltre for pointing out how ridiculous this situation actually is.

    This was my rant, thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/RubberBand0709
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    Evidence that TheFETruth is not an impartial source, and on the Mangs accusations

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT


    Recently, a Twitter account called Imposter_FE has posted convincing evidence of several facets of the sexual assault allegations against Chaz Aria LLC, from a Discord conversation with numerous FE youtubers.

    Firstly, the identity of the TheFETruth Twitter account is a Fire Emblem Youtuber named Rybean1, who was collaborating with Chaz Aria LLC and Goosaphone on both signal-boosting the sexual assault allegations against Mangs, and the attempts to discredit Indie's sexual assault allegations against Chaz Aria LLC.

    As such, it is clear that TheFETruth is not an impartial source, and any evidence posted by them should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Similarly, these images show proof that Goosaphone, Rybean1 and likely Chaz Aria LLC, Lucky Crit and other FE Youtubers had collaborated in a response against Mangs, which explains why so many FE Youtubers were so quick to condemn Mangs when Goosaphone's allegations against Mangs were brought to light.

    Edit: Most importantly of all, don't ever forget this. Don't ever forgive them for this either. If we do, then all of this mess will inevitably happen again.

    Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/Imposter_FE/status/1282683051206758400?s=20

    Edit: Can someone please make a summary of the events so that we can crosspost this to other subreddits?

    Edit: Here's another image of Goosaphone and Rybean1 attempting to leak Ryn's private messages with Mangs to discredit her character: https://imgur.com/a/WJLOcF8 (Credit to Aionrahm for finding this). Keep in mind that Ryn is 19 years old.

    Here's is yet another image, where Goosaphone and Rybean1 are saying that Ryn is being controlled by Mangs: https://i.imgur.com/EfPsfP9.jpg (the source wishes to remain anonymous).

    Similarly, here's another image where Goosaphone is discussing Chaz's statement in her private Discord room: https://i.imgur.com/ChRIDbi.jpg (the source wishes to remain anonymous).

    Edit: Here is a extension on Chrome that allows you to block the aforementioned Fire Emblem Youtubers, so you can be sure that your views (and by extension, ad revenue) aren't going to them: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp?hl=en

    All you need to do is to search up the channel on Youtube (Chaz as an example), pin the extension, then click on the cross symbol to block the channel.

    submitted by /u/RamsaySw
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    Hi, I have finished this drawing of Milk as a jaguar warrior, a representation of a pre-Hispanic warrior from Mexico, I hope you like it !!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: I don’t care about Fire Emblem Youtubers

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Edit: I feel like I'm being downvoted by people who like Fire Emblem YouTube content and I have absolutely nothing against that and totally see why people would like it. I don't think there are any huge celebrities other than maybe some VAs and I don't think we should be discussing crimes is all

    This is not a post advocating forgiveness for sexual crimes. I just really don't care about Fire Emblem youtube and the number of posts I've seen arguing about one guy's guilt is insane. Let the police do their job and address it when we know more. This is a single player game. I love the series like crazy but I really don't see why this sub should be littered with posts about some creepy YouTuber. He does not represent the fanbase and I've watched some of his videos and they were not particularly insightful or witty.

    Can we maybe just have a pinned thread for any talk about this? There may already be one but people clearly aren't paying attention to it.

    I just want to talk about a game and share art. This sub isn't supposed to be about speculating on crimes or, as one very long post I just saw addressed, which sources are credible for speculating on crimes. Sex crimes are bad, cancelling over it is valid, this sub is not a true crime sub.

    submitted by /u/DoDucksEatBugs
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    The FE Board Game Fan Project Box prototypes

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    "A Post-Mortem", dondon151's community post

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Ghast's honest thoughts

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I’m 7% sure that Nowi is a descendant of the divine dragon lineage but idk bc tiki didn’t have any kids til morgan. They litrally transform into the same dragon and use the same dragonstones But Please help my small brain guys

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    ChazAriaLLC’s response to Indie’s Allegations

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Masquerade Marianne (OC)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    More evidence that the response from certain Fire Emblem Youtubers towards both the Chaz and Mangs accusations was an coordinated effort.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    As I've stated before, there is strong evidence that Goosaphone, Rybean1 and likely Chaz Aria LLC, Lucky Crit and other FE Youtubers had collaborated in a response against Mangs with regards to the allegations against him, and Indie_Calls in regards to her allegations against Chaz, which explains why so many FE Youtubers were so quick to condemn Mangs when Goosaphone's allegations against Mangs were brought to light. (https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/hqgvvx/evidence_that_thefetruth_is_not_an_impartial/)

    It has come to my attention that there is even more evidence outside of the previous Reddit thread that indicates that the problematic-at-best response from Goosaphone, Rybean1, Lucky Crit and other FE Youtuers against Indie_Calls' allegations that Chaz raped her was a coordinated effort:

    Here's another image of Goosaphone and Rybean1 attempting to leak Ryn's private messages with Mangs to discredit her character: https://imgur.com/a/WJLOcF8 (Credit to Aionrahm for finding this). Keep in mind that Ryn is 19 years old.

    Here's is yet another image, where Goosaphone and Rybean1 are saying that Ryn is being controlled by Mangs: https://i.imgur.com/EfPsfP9.jpg (the source wishes to remain anonymous).

    Similarly, here's another image where Goosaphone is discussing Chaz's statement in her private Discord room: https://i.imgur.com/ChRIDbi.jpg (the source wishes to remain anonymous).

    According to one of my sources, the source for the images was a poster on a 4chan thread who was in Goose's Discord channel and screenshotted some info before the server was deleted.

    Edit: Most importantly of all, don't ever forget this. Don't ever forgive them for this either. If we do, then all of this mess will inevitably happen again.

    Edit: Here is a extension on Chrome that allows you to block the aforementioned Fire Emblem Youtubers, so you can be sure that your views (and by extension, ad revenue) aren't going to them: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp?hl=en

    All you need to do is to search up the channel on Youtube (Chaz as an example), pin the extension, then click on the cross symbol to block the channel.

    submitted by /u/RamsaySw
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    Moral Superiority vs. Parasocial Relationships

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    It seems that the majority of this sub and Twitter has devolved into two primary categories. On one side of the coin are those who support and attempt to empathize with flawed human beings i.e. Goose, Indie, Stevie, hell even Chaz and Mangs who, despite being questionable in their behavior clearly are attempting to do what they believe to be the right thing. Whether that be covering for and protecting a close and entrusted friend, denouncing what they believe are "false" accusations, or merely attempting to rationalize the emotions they feel through often flawed logic. The people who express this empathy or attempt to justify flawed behavior are often denounced as willfully ignorant idiots who are too invested in the parasocial relationships they've formed with creators to look at them with a critical lens. Unfortunately this group too often will denounce legitimate criticism with accusations of jealousy, self-righteousness, and moral relativism.

    On the other side is a group of people who are often the ones perpetuating this language and dismissal of legitimate empathy and attempts at understanding flawed individuals who just so happen to have a large following. Ironically this group often does not understand that their blind hatred indicates that they also have a form of parasocial relationship with these creators. To spend hours upon hours researching and denouncing people is still a relationship. To act as if you're a detached observer is absolutely ridiculous.

    Of course I'm guilty of being invested into all of this as well. I'm fully willing to admit I have formed a parasocial bond with many of these creators. To act as if any person who actively enjoyed any of this content had no such thing is a blatant lie. Hell before this broke loose I was an active viewer of Mangs' content despite being LGBT myself. To avoid the pain of knowing your idols or even simply the creator of something you enjoy actively hates you for existing is necessary to maintain that bond.

    But watching the moral paragons crusading around this sub is actively harmful to the way we view those who create content for us to enjoy. To probe and hack into DMs never meant for the public eye is the equivalent of wiretapping a celebrity's house. It is beyond fucking creepy and I cannot believe it is being actively praised. You are actively stalking every crucial detail of these people's lives for any dirt you can get on them. Even if it's done in the name of "justice" it still does not make it any less creepy. You don't know these people. They are attempting to preserve their livelihoods, friendships, communities, and sense of justice because all of these things are being brought into question.

    To stalk and harass people is wrong, whether guilty or not. Morally righteous vigilantes are running amock attempting to extract every single sentence that has been uttered on these topics. Of course accountability is important but at what point does this obsession become unhealthy and actively damaging to both those subject to unending scrutiny and those seeking as much information as humanly possible?

    These people aren't monoliths and I'm tired of hearing unending accusations of "scum" and "snake" and "hypocrite". Additionally I'm tired of hearing "brave" and "we stand with you" and dismissal of evidence. Every single person involved in this situation is a human being. That includes creators, moral crusaders, and stans.

    This situation is grey. It is so easy to sit and point fingers at the other side of the coin as pathetic people who won't acknowledge the truth. Ironically while most use completely anonymous accounts they directly denounce when those who contribute to this such as fe_truth and imposter_fe for using anonymous accounts.

    You all act as if you're moral paragons defending innocent victims of abuse or false accusations but we all know that it's so far from the truth. This has devolved into tabloid journalism at best and unhealthy stalking at worst. Hundreds of grieving, anger filled messages, smutty texts, harassing accusations, fierce defenses are being put on air for all of us. And from this we draw moralistic conclusions about people we've never met in our lives.

    It feels the majority of the investment in these issues is people attempting to rationalize their parasocial relationships with creators by putting up a thin veil of some quest for the truth, whatever it may be.

    All of this is beyond creepy and should be absolutely ridiculous to even propose. We are leveraging the power of thousands to pass a moral judgment on individuals. What kind of uphill battle is that? To even attempt to defend Chaz, Mangs, or any other people who have clearly fucked up is met with a mob of morally just crusaders who ironically repeat the same sentiment Chaz had stated before these accusations resurfaced.

    If you want to at least attempt to make a judgement at least substantiate it. To blindly defend someone when real criticism is displayed or to call someone "scum" for attempting to defend a friend they trusted is ridiculous. Get real. You don't know these people as well as you think you do. And to display such passionate emotion one way or another reveals your deep emotional connection to people you've never met. And they're just that, people. They are not monoliths to be destroyed or propped up. Stop treating them as if they are anything beyond human beings. Don't assume malice or benevolence. You don't know them.

    submitted by /u/apogees
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    New FE YouTube channel with a new Let's Play: "Oops! All Amelias", an FE8 run where Amelia replaces every playable character.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    'Ready for War' - [ OC Byleth Fanart ]

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    Happy (late) birthday Flayn!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Hector is one of my favorite designs so I had to give him the polished treatment!! Enjoy :)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    what if... my favorite nerd... attended Garreg Mach... haha jk... unless?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

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